Are you looking to boost your thoracic rotation?? Milo Lines Golf fitness coach, Zach Gulley shares some of our best golf stretches, favorites of ours that will surely help your upper body movement and shoulder turn. This is a vital part to train in your golf swing. Many talk about the “spiral”, and these simple golf exercises and stretches, train and work the key muscles and segments in that system. Let’s get after it and we hope you enjoy this last episode in our recent 3-part series covering these movements!

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Learn to Swing Like an Athlete™ with Milo Lines Golf! My channel and coaching team will provide you with lessons and tips to help you play better at this game. Most of our content is filmed at the beautiful Superstition Mountain Golf & Country Club in Gold Canyon, Arizona.

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Everybody back here with Zach Gully in the gym and we’re going to talk about some movements and stretches we can do to make a more powerful windup or turn in the back swing so what are the main movements we’re looking for just in general globally with your body in order

To create a good turn we’re going to create some thoracic rotation okay coupled with some left Bend in the thoracic region we’re going to have some protraction of the lead shoulder and some retraction of the trail shoulder blade okay I would say those are the main things

We’re going to see so walk through that again I’m GNA I’m going to stop you halfway through each time so do the first one so thoracic rotation okay so turning here we got obliques working we’ve got lats that are being influenced so two different muscle groups that are

Important for mobility of this part now keep going this is just talking upper half cuz lower half’s doing some stuff too internal rotation in the hip so now we’ve also got some leftward bending of the the thoracic okay okay okay and then you need to stop me there no give me the

Protraction left shoulder so then we’ve got some protraction left shoulder so we’ve got some muscles on the back side of your shoulder rhomboids mid trap lower trap and then the posterior capsule of the shoulder those are main components of this part and then we’ve got some retraction in the trail

Shoulder blade okay on the retraction part we’ve got activation of tissue on the same part of the shoulder blade mid mid Trap rom boade lower trap but also we’ve got a chest muscle that needs to be loose so there’s some muscles that are important that’s all I’m trying to

Show okay is there’s muscles important that we need to probably warm up and make sure our working okay okay so now we know that those are the components how do we do it where do we go yeah okay so this is the this is more of the fun

Part we got to get some turning happening uh one section at a time rather than trying to blend them all together some turns where maybe you’ve got a stick and you’re creating torso separation so so we can work those obliques and lats creating length uh you could do something like that with

Holding onto a golf cart where you’re trying to create some separation or turn or a stretch on those same tissues uh that’s one that’s good cuz most of us ride when we play so yes we got a golf cart yeah I’ve seen padri actually use that exact exercise many times he

Demonstrated how you can kind of create that torso pelvic separation yeah I like that a lot and another one you might have seen is doing something like this where you got arm up on the golf cart and you’re reaching under and opening up so another great exercise for lats and

Obliques mhm so all those are good for that specific component if we’re going to go to the back side of your shoulder blade one that I like to do is using a golf club let’s say left hand Palm up right hand Palm down where you’re turning this across so it’s yeah and

This is working posterior shoulder of your lead arm which which is what you need for width on the back swing so that that one’s a great one to get arm to have better abduction across the body protraction so the the t-spine has a fair bit of of different movements we

Need to uh one is going to be the flexion of your spine forward one is extension you got side Bend both ways and we already did rotation so we need to hit some components of that to lateral translation it does have a little Lal translation so you can’t

Forget about the lateral that one’s really tough for people so some warmup stuff we can do for that is just creating a motion where you’re going through side Bend where you’re tall and bending one where you’re in golf posture and side bending without turning this one I find to be rather difficult for

People once you start putting them on the incline of the golf swing is that patterning um singling out one pattern at a time becomes really tough so you’re going to see rotation with that so that one could be a good one for you to do at home even though it doesn’t look like

You’re turning into your back swing Y and then that lateral translation one I really like the exercise where you’re sitting on a chair and you’re translating yeah so cuz that actually creates some side bending in itself yes while the the the shoulders Translate There is component of of lateral bend

That happens at the same time so I like to do one that I call the Egyptian you reach in turning and getting the hands to rotate down while you’re going through that uh we like to do it sitting too so in this swing as you turn it up we found that that little

Lateral move really facilitates a bigger turn to the top so one thing I want to make sure everybody understands is when we’re doing these movements this is ribs up movements yeah we’re talking about how things move from here we don’t want to see that side bending happening from

Down lower in the chain we want want to see the the side bending happening from higher up the chain MH a really good exercise we do at our schools we call it rowing or the swim move and so we use a stick and we’re we’re rowing and we’re

Feeling how your ribs are are creating that bending and that’s all happening from well up the chain and that’s a really good one to to train yeah I like this cuz it starts to get your shoulder blades incorporated as well yeah it’s like the whole the whole system is working in that motion

This is funny because I give this to a ton of people and you tell them to swim backwards and you see something something something and then you see over the top all the time and you’re just like where did that heck come from yeah almost everybody reverts right into

That over pattern so when you’re doing this under swim if your pattern is like this at first that’s okay don’t start moving forward just because because you can make a bigger Circle keep swimming backwards and then slowly over time you’ll start seeing this thing get really

Big when it does you’re going to have the right amount of side bending and lateral movement that we need so one thing I do a ton of I use a hockey stick across the chest using these same patterns yeah I like that all these exercises are great so hopefully you

Guys like this video if you did please start using these exercises you’ll find that your movement patterns will improve Fair quickly and come visit us at Milo lines where we can help you learn how to swing like an athlete


  1. A lot of people should start walking instead of carting too. A push cart makes it easy.. Less sitting so you warm up faster..

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