In todays video I am comparing a 1974 DUNLOP 65 GOLF BALL with a 2024 TITLEIST PRO V1 GOLF BALL, how much have golf balls really improved in 50 years?…

Join us at WORKSOP INDOOR GOLF CENTRE, for a golf ball experimental video! TaylorMade Stealth 2 Plus Driver used for testing.

#golfball #dunlop65 #prov1




Welcome to Gary Martin Golf, I am a PGA Professional based at Huddersfield Golf Club, West Yorkshire. I started my YouTube channel during lockdown whilst being Furloughed and unable to work.

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Gary Martin

If in the 1970s golf pros had the Pro V1 how much could they have gained in distance that’s what we’re going to test today is how much further does the Pro V1 go in comparison to what was one of the best balls on the market the Dunlop

65 welcome back to the channel guys if you’re new to the channel make sure you hit the Subscribe button first things first how do we actually get into this thing I’m guessing you take this off yeah you do so it’s an absolute brand new peer straight out the rapper Dunlop

65 number eight tell you what I like that why don’t we have ey numbers right shall I hit this first or should we start with a pro uh I think with Prov Prov I agree CU then we know what we’re up against right we’re fully warmed up let’s see if we can get

Five good drives out there as a comparison we just had 18 o that went with in two and a half hours and kept his feet dry cut that’s not too bad not too bad sunay B how far’s it gone 302 on two it’s about right this it goes about 290 to to 310

Is it going to cut he’s trying I think that would have been a left shot with my old driver it’s just hung on there nicely go on then Dan what you guessing distance-wise difference between Prov and Dunlop 65 how many yards I’m going to carry or what we doing carry we only

Really bothered about carry aren’t we well we can have a look at both can’t we but Carr I’m going to say I’m going to go with 30 yards different 30 wow I mean yeah I might go 25 I will thinking 20 but actually when you think about it if you look at both

Balls side by side yeah I’m 30 is good what I’m hoping is this this video kind of probably makes us appreciate how good a golf is used to be yeah cuz we’ve got an oldfashioned 1970s Drive reator which we’re going to have a little bit

Of fun with at the end I’ve got a six and a 15 anaa Withers and it just looks almost impossible to it you’ve seen it a’t you D I have I’ll show you it it’s not the best looking thing so we’ve brought this down just have a little play with we’re going to

Make a video with this and compare it against you know modern day driver with the Pro V1 though I want to see how far that would go with a Pro V1 against that with a Pro V1 I mean our 15 handicapper that we’ve got today might not even hit the

Club how many drives in four is this shot four so got two more yep oh that didn’t feel very good we might have to take that one out I think that went very good a little bit to off center but we’ll leave it in there it’s pretty centered I think

That’s what Sam would have wanted that to do want to miss it so we have a look at them we’ll we’ll use them five there in the middle we’ll take that one out at the end right Dunlop 65 tell you what he’s gleaming straight out packet going a shine do it look any

Smaller it does a little bit yeah it does look a little bit smaller this driver or this ball I don’t know if anyone will have done this you know hit new the must have I’ve never seen that could explode didn’t sound much different from here tell you what I

Mean I tell you what this could actually get out there you know cuz I don’t think that would my best strike in World everyone keeps saying how much golf balls are improving and coming on so you don’t think that were a very good strike I don’t think it my best it’s about 8

Mph ball speed down no but if you didn’t St it very well yeah just 150 that that were a good strike but pulled it a little bit I mean if I had pulled it it’d go a long way yeah it’s going a lot further than I expected this Dan

That was brilliant that’s my that’s my best right this will be interesting then I’ll tell you what that’s ridiculous there’s no wonder they can play back in there that’s ridiculous I W expecting that I don’t know what to say that 157 there’s no way I would have

Thought that this would get up to 300 yards it’s not that much there’s not that much difference and I’ve believed all these years that it m it ball that’s got better just shows you don’t it that we do listen to a lot of marketing but I bet you know obviously back in

There didn’t have launch monitors there were no evidence the the average goal for like us couldn’t prove anything we you just go off what people are telling you don’t you we’ve sused them out after all these years so what’s improved don’t it’s some more F you

Never know no I’m sorry but I was expecting that to go 300 are you telling me that that would have gone 330 with that hit no chance probably would wouldn’t be going more than 310 without it that were high out the face but it’s not gone any less than I

Would have expected you know I wouldn’t have expected the prov1 to go like any less than that God so we’re just looking at these numbers guys are absolutely flabbergasted I mean starting with ball speed we we would have expected a big difference in ball speed w we I would

Have yeah I thought they were going to be like five eight m hour and we’ve got like literally 1 M hour Y and actually I mean I think I think the D Lop 65 is a better ball for me it’s it’s launching a little bit higher and it’s spinning a

Bit more yeah it’s bizarre I just cannot believe it I mean total carry distance prob w six yards further total distance six yards further I mean dispersion better it does win it does win actually on all points but I we expecting a lot more yeah I think that that will have

Surprise you guys at home as much as us because I thought the ball would come on a lot more than equipment over years and I thought people were like marketing equipment quite a lot um oh sorry marketing yeah marketing Improvement in equipment so much but you know when it

Were more just the ball getting better but actually having seen that I’m surprised yeah me as well it’s that’s a 30 yards yeah s maybe I’m not so worried about the ball roll back anymore well is that what we’re going to be going back to probably not that far

Back but wow that’s a that’s a surprise yeah I mean we D just before we conclude I mean Dan just had a quick look at Club data and as you can see Club speeds within one miles per hour so just to make sure that it were just to make sure

They were’re nothing in there yeah you know to make sure it were fair I mean efficiencies just the same is it really there’s absolutely nothing to talk about apart from just to prove that you know obvious we swinging at the same speed it’s quite surprising isn’t it

Yeah so 53 years of ball Innovation Dan and that’s where we are we got six yards for it surpris us guys what we’re going to do I’m enjoying this actually yeah I think we need to we could do a try that of course well what I’d love to do now

We’ve got a 1965 golf club and a 1970s ball and we’ve also got a 223 goal club and a 2023 ball I want to put them head to-head I want to see what the guys had in 1970s compared to 2020 see what kind of Advantage we’ve got what advantage we’ve got so it’s

With with test the old ball and old Club against the new Club and new ball to really see what the difference is I it’s more than we’ve just seen before we finish does anyone anybody want to see Dan’s Brother off 15 have a go with this

What we this drive next video shall we get him involved I think we should I’d love to see what it would be like for a mid handicap to actually try one of these old fashion clubs I think it probably it has helped go people get into golf you know the modern the modern

Clubs aren’t there let’s get stuck in with that guys I hope you’re enjoying the videos make sure you hit the Subscribe button we got plenty more to come we’ll be seeing you in two days time bye


  1. Great show again mate, if the stats on people who drive a ball further than 300 yards are correct, 4%, it seems a bit unfair on everyone, don't shorten , add more hazards that are actually hazards at desired point, keep them coming guys.

  2. Makes a mockery of the USGA / R&A ball “rollback”…..a solution looking for a problem that does not exist to “protect” a hand full of golf courses played by 0.001% of golfers! 😂

  3. The thing to remember is that the launch monitor is only considering ball speed and spin into its calculated ball flight. I think you’d see a bigger difference when testing on the course due to dimples and drag. The improvements in ball technology are greatly due to precision in manufacturing and dimple design since the speed performance is regulated.

  4. Gary, testing an old ball on a launch monitor may not be the best test. The software still thinks you are using a ProV1, so some of the data is calculated based on that fact.

  5. How do you get into this thing………………Never eaten a Terry's Chocolate Orange then ?
    There is NO surprise to me for the results. I grew up hitting those balls and clubs and one of my best drives on a flat calm day went into the rough over the back of a 310 yard hole that was dead flat. The small UK ball flew much further than the introduced bigger American ball.

  6. A ball is a ball. And a metal wood is a metal wood. We get sold into the hype. 3 yards difference in and shaft flex. Everything we play is within 5 to 8 yards of each other Get the cheaper products and roll on

  7. Is this 65 really an ball produced 50 years ago, or is it more recently made with original formula? Can imagine, just as an assumption, a real new 65 would perform even better.

  8. Gaz's first drive with the Pro V goes 302yds. "Not bad", he says. Not bad, Gaz?? I don't go that far on my holidays!! 😂 Enjoyed the vid, mate. Happy New Year.

  9. You are frightening Mr Robinson as ALL of a sudden he is checking out different shafts… Your Taylormade driver shaft fitting must have got to him😂😂😂

  10. The dunlop 65 maybe a 1 62 ball… Cant remember exactly whether it was late seventies or early eighties. The size of the ball (i think it was diameter in inches) increased from 1.62 to 1.68.

  11. I’m a senior golfer who played the Dunlop 65 back in the day as a teenager and when you asked the question “how much shorter would it go”, I said straight away, before you hit the first shot, “10 yards”. But back then we were hitting it with small headed wooden drivers, with steel shafts, and screws to hold the face and sole plates in. I suspect modern technology has made mass production easier, as there’s not yards of rubber bands wrapped around a goop filled rubber core any longer. Club technology has cranked the distance and more importantly the accuracy of off centre hits. If you missed hitting it out of the screws with a wooden club you were often in the lap of the Gods, so rather than rolling back the ball, the rule makers should be addressing driver lofts, sizes, spin characteristics and shaft lengths in my view.

  12. It appears to be down to the technician off what you have found out today.
    It will be very interesting to see how 1970’s driver works against your driver. Here you would hope to see some changes.

  13. I the So called rule makers want to curb the distances the pros are hitting off the tee , make the loft on all drivers 10*5 then it won’t go so far .. easy to do but they won’t want to upset the big boys 🤣🤣🤣

  14. Doesn't the launch monitor calculate ball flight based on the paramaters of a modern, legal ball and not the dunlop which size-wise is smaller?

  15. The biggest difference will be in the driver itself I think……more than the ball that's for sure. I'm old enough that I've played persimmon and the early introduction of metal woods and upto now the modern rocket launchers……im longer now than I've ever been and I'm getting old, fat and very slow handed ✋️ it has to be clubs because its certainly not me.

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