The Fastest Way To Hit longer and Straighter Golf Shots like the best is to increase Club face control in a simple golf swing using wrists Promo code: AOSG
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In this video, I’m going to show you why most golfers can’t hit straighter golf shots.

Most golfers hit their golf shots with a square club face, which Causes them to hit the ball low and out of the clubface. By understanding how your clubface affects your golf shot, you can improve your accuracy and distance significantly. In this video, I’m going to show you how to square your clubface and hit straighter golf shots. Thanks for watching!

Club face control to hit accuratee irons and drives by using the wrists in golf swing.
Also demo the hack motion device

If you’re struggling to hit the ball straight and with good power, then you need to watch this video! By hinging the wrists in your golf swing, you’ll be able to hit the ball with more accuracy and power, without having to use too much effort.

Wrist Motion during your Golf Swing. This easy technique will help you hit longer golf shots, fast! So what are you waiting for? Start practicing today and see the difference this simple golf swing makes in your game!

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▶ Don’t Turn Your Shoulders In The Golf Swing –


Here’s what we cover in this golf video.

Alex Fortey from the Art of Simple Golf gives you simple tips to improve your golf swing. Enjoy this golf video to help you get closer to having YOUR perfect golf swing.

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Most people don’t know what their hands are doing at impact, but it is crucial in your golf improvement. And I’m gonna show you how we can develop that and it’s easy. What I want you to do to educate yourself is to actually hit some shots with

A closed clubface. Anything. Well, how am I gonna do that? I don’t particularly care. I just want you to try to try and create that awareness and that connection and you’ll realize that the smallest rotation to twist those hands over to

Shut that club face at impact is going to make the ball go right to left. We don’t have to really come from the inside, okay? We don’t have to do any major changes. What I want you to do is just give yourself a little challenge, a little half kind of swing,

But try and shut that club face at impact, okay? And let’s do that and see what happens. The ball goes right to left. Now without changing your swing, all I want you to do is try and have an open club face as you come into impact and you can see, uh, impact here.

All I’m doing is opening up the hand, opening up that club face to move it from left to right for right-handed golfer. Those slight changes creates this awareness and an understanding of just how much the risks affect it. Do that homework. 10 shots hitting with an open club face,

10 shots hitting with a closed club face and see what happens. See what you feel and I promise you’re going to be a lot more confident. You’re gonna create some awareness and if you have a general tendency, and for most of you I wager it is having an open club face.

When you have an open club face, there is an easy fix. The only task that you need to do is to close that club face with your wrists as we come into impact. That is it if you start doing it about here, okay? Almost like ringing a towel.

And you can see with the degrees that we’re trying to get within this range that we’re trying to match at, we can start squaring that club face with the same swing pattern really, but we’re able to rotate the wrists to square at that club face and hit

Straight shots. It’s much simpler to fix. Years and years ago, I read a book by Arnold Palmer. One of the main aspects was talking about the grip and what he would do is ensure that he had it in the fingers on the palm here and he would apply

Pressure so it’d be very tight and compact in the fingers. But where a lot of the magic would happen would be as he’s taking the the right hand grip, he would form a V here but not bunch up the fingers too much

This way there would actually be a little gap, a bit like a trigger. But that v here and that hold was very intentional. So grab a club right now. And make sure that you do have it in the fingers. Make sure that you do have the right part,

Right hand more in the fingers and that V is pointing to your trail shoulder. The V’s going this way and the V’s going this way. But just try and monitor. If you’ve got that trigger finger, it doesn’t mean we’re applying pressure here.

It’s there sort of following along for the ride because we are kind of pulling it this way a little bit throughout the backswing. No matter what I do, all I have to ensure is that I slam the club face back on the ball. It’s all about the grip.

I don’t give a what the rest of the swing is feeling, but I have a positive intent through the ball. And it did wonders. I was hitting it out the middle every single time and I was like, is this magic? No, it’s just obvious and I want you to try the same,

Have that intent. Make sure your grip on every shot has purpose and you stick to it and your consistency will be very noticeable. The next phase is ball position. Sounds boring but it plays such a big factor. A problem is way too many of you have the ball too far back.

It’s more predominant when we’re hitting irons. But in driver, let me explain because if the ball is a little bit too far back, what can happen is the arms tend to sort of get stuck a little bit here and your intent is to throw the hands and hit at the ball because

We’re a little bit stuck, if I’m exaggerating, we’re sort of stuck here. What happens is if you have the ball a bit more opposite your left foot, what it’s doing is actually not just helping your angle of attack, but your center of gravity is moved this way.

So now all of a sudden we are a little bit more behind and we can hit up on the ball. So next time you’re on the tee, put your feet together so the ball is in the middle of your stance and it’s step

To the right and your center of gravity will be behind and you’ll have a lot more freedom to get through. What I’m about to show you from there is not just my ER is one of the most effective moves for consistent contact.

What we’re looking at is trying to actually get the trail hip at the sort of top of the back swing as we are moving back down the trail. Hip, right hip for me is higher than the left. What we’ll see too often with players of all ages and all abilities really,

There’ll be this sort of over rotation this way, but then the lifting up here, so it’s actually the opposite. So what happens is we get a little bit stuck then the hands have to fire through to try and make contact. Now,

Some of this comes from needing a good sort of rotation and getting into that hip. What you need to be wary of is being too flat this way or cheating a little bit. And what I mean is don’t cheat by straightening the leg. Because if you see what I do here,

I can get the right hip higher by straightening the leg this way, right? But. I, I haven’t actually gotten any real rotation. And what can happen is I’m a bit stuck and like I’m still going to go this way.

Most of you’ll have one of these and if you don’t, it doesn’t really matter. But the objective I want you to have make your sort of wind up in your backswing and I want you to feel that the stick here or your lead hip is actually moving a

Little bit more towards the ball, kind of like down and around. So it’s going this way that ensures that we’ve got enough turn to then to be able to fall into the swing fall this way, okay? With that trail hip higher and we’re striking down and through, it’s a very,

Very powerful move. So that’s the way you can train it, okay? You don’t even have to hit shots, just feel like you are winding up with that trail hip higher and then applying the pressure down and then clear out the way. It’s this, it’s a very short, it’s simple move,

But Arnold Palmer did it so beautifully well and so can you. So we can piece all of that together. I’m gonna get a really firm grip, okay? That club is not going anywhere in my hands. I feel a true connection to this club face.

I’m now going to make sure that my set up my ball is a little bit further forward. Alright? I’m gonna do that so I can make sure that I can now sort of wind up, get this trail hip higher and fall into the ball and kind of

Do my own little Arnold Palmer little impression. So I’m feeling a bit closer to the ball, closer to the club head. I’ve got my intention, the ball’s a bit further forward. I’m gonna wind up and move forward that way. Not bad,

But I wager that if you apply even just one of those little tips like Arnold Palmer, you’re gonna be doing pretty well. See you next time.


  1. The reason no-one hits straight shots is that on 99.9%of shots the face will not be perfectly square to the path. Which is the same for everyone, pro or rank amateurs. Trying to hit straight shots is the worst thing any golfer can do, according to every legend starting with Jack Nicklaus, but what would they know

  2. The key here i think most people will miss is when it comes to hand rotation they are way to active with their forward hand. Just bring it along for the ride and let your trail hand and wrist manipulate the club face.

  3. I was wheels off on the course, just one of those days I thought. Then for whatever reason, I decided to try just hitting the ball with the back of my left hand square and I got through the round reasonably. Didn’t fix everything but it gave me confidence I would hit it straight.

  4. Can't wait to try it at a practice range firstly! I have read about this Arnold Palmer grip in Harvey Penick's little red book and saw your grip in a previous video (but here is more clear how could/should feel like)

  5. I got a lesson to help fix my open club face with driver. I was told to have a 2 or 3 knuckle strong left hand (I'm right handed).

    Fixed it. Now i hit a nice draw with driver. Thank you PGA pro instructor (name redacted) and strong grip.

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