Stop Struggling! Master the Art of Shallowing the Golf Club!

Do you struggle to shallow your downswing?

Charley Hull is the 8th ranked player in the LPGA Rolex World Rankings. She is known to have a very powerful golf swing and creates a ton of power! However, she also makes one SIMPLE move in her golf swing that will help any player shallow the golf club EVERY single swing!

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In this video today I’m going to show you the simplest move that you can make to help you shallow out the golf club just like Charlie Hull does and stop spinning your shoulders and steepening that shaft in the downswing what’s up everyone this is Jim Labuda here once

Again and like I said we’re going to take a look at the golf swing today of Charlie hall now Charlie is ranked eighth in the LPGA Rolex world rankings she’s known as a tremendously powerful golfer creates a lot of Club head speed let’s go ahead and take a look at her

Golf swing we’re going to take a look at the back swing here first as she starts taking the golf club away first thing I want you to notice here is we’ve talked a lot about wrist set and balancing the club out properly and Swinging that Center of mass you can see here Club

Head is just outside of her hands she’s already starting to set her wrists there but really I want you to notice what her upper body is doing there’s not a lot of of upper body move there so this is really a move that’s made a lot with the

Arms as she starts getting to the top of the Swing here we’re going to focus on the lower body not much lower body rotation here at all so she’s really separating that upper and lower body she’s got a really really full back swing there but you can see that that

Right hip is not really rotated very far behind her this is what she does right now to to shallow out the golf club and it’s not going to steepen the shaft what I want you to focus on really again we’re going to focus on the lower body

Movement but I want to focus on this lead shoulder more importantly as she starts to downswing you see the downswing starts with a lower body but look how that lead shoulder is not spinning out and it’s not opening up you can see what’s happening here is the

Lower body is the first thing that’s opening and then the Torso is the next next thing that’s opening so she’s moving her torso independently of those shoulders too many times what we see is the first move that’s made is going to be the back shoulder here for Charlie

Her right shoulder that starts spinning in this direction once that shoulder starts spinning when you get to this point the shaft gets very steep because you’re spinning that right shoulder and everything’s out of sequence so what Charlie does a really great job of here is moves the down swing with her lower

Body but then she controls the next movement with her torso by not spinning out her shoulders you can see that the golf club shallows out um really really amazingly here now the shoulders start moving but again she’s moving the Torso and the shoulders independently of each

Other as she gets in an impact position we’re going to notice how the hips are going to be open relative to the shoulders the exact position we want to be in so if you guys are struggling to shallow out the golf club properly or you could really steep in your downswing

By spinning your shoulders let’s focus again on starting the downswing with a lower body but then let’s let that torso move the golf club and shallow that out let’s not spin the shoulders but again focus more on the Torso moving the club in the downswing and that’s what’s going

To help you shallow out the golf club just like Charlie Hall

1 Comment

  1. All well and good when you are here age, the game of golf in the masses is played by older people with lack of flexibility that these bl3ssed young people own.
    If you want to attract the masses for click bait, you've got to sell a swing that achievable to the majority

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