Setting The Wrists Like This Creates an Effortless Downswing!

You could have the perfect backswing and downswing, but without setting the wrists like this, you won’t be able to create an effortless downswing. We’ll discuss how to set the wrists correctly and stop this cupped position and good wrist position being neutral to bowed and how to implement this into your golf swing to see results instantly!
0:00 Intro
0:54 Tendencies & Causes
3:55 The Drill
9:03 Using A Club
12:01 The Key To This
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Setting the wrist like this creates an effortless downswing a couple of days ago I had one of my students come and see me down here at the golf projects and he was really suffering with getting into this what we call cups lead wrist position at the top of the Swing so what

That was causing was as he was swinging down he was leaving the club face massively open with the odd one strangely going way too far to the left so he had this two-way Miss in his golf game so he felt like he was having to

Conjure up a lot of things in the down swing to be able to get this CL face working in his favor and we’re going to be simplifying this and making this so much easier for you to do in this video so welcome if you’re new my name is Harry PJ goldl professional

Transforming golfers worldwide down here at the golf projects and if you’d like to get involved make sure you hit the Subscribe button and drop a comment down below of a tips with drills video topic You’ like me to cover in a future video I’m here to help you so drop those

Comments down below so what we were noticing my student the other day do was that when he was swinging up to the top it looked like he was was getting in term in terms of positioning in this swing it looked like he was getting them in some really nice positions on the way

Back P1 position looked good P2 look good all the way up to the top of the Swing there was only one problem though one problem in particular I had to point out straight away as soon as we had a look and analyzed his golf swing was

That as he was getting to the top of his swing we were setting the wrist like this and when we set the rist like this just to keep things simple for you if we have a look at the lead arm here then the wrist and the Hand this is set in

What we call a very much extended wrist position lead wrist being the left hand for me right-handed player lead wrist is very extended so if I was just to bring this down now just to show you okay so this is neutral Club face is pointing

Towards the target but if I was going to open that club face what do I have to do without moving my arm I have to move my wrist in this direction where my foot Joy logo on the golf glove is pointing more towards the sky so this is what we

Were noticing taking place during the back swing stage of his golf swing so though he was getting in some really nice positions for P1 P2 P3 and as soon as he gets the top we notice the fort jooy logo facing this way with his right

Palm facing this way as well and if you watch from here rather than being in a nice and neutral position here we were set in this position so if you can imagine this now as soon as we get to the top of our swing with this lead wrist very extended very extended in

This position here what can we do to hit the golf ball because as soon as we start to rotate now the Foot jooy logo obviously from the club being paralleled to ground is pointed towards the sky but look how open my club face was and this

Is a little bit of an exaggeration to what we noticed my student do the other day but he was certainly I would say around this position here so if I was to move the ball here now and just make that swing again up to the top and then coming

Down what can we do because we continue turning look at that club face is left massively open especially as well if we’re promoting some shaan into the golf ball because shaing is a promoter of an open Club face watch this so if I fold my hands I’m going to automatically open

The club face so this along with the extension leaves to a very open Club face so what’s winning the race the golf ball there if we extend and then if we transition the down swing correctly and get forward definitely like this here the huzzle the toe end of the golf club

We open the face but this also increases the Loft presented at impact so what will happen is when you do this and jump out like so look at my wrist here as I do this fort Joy logo is still pointing pretty much upwards so I try and release it like

So and it goes too high like that one there so in order for us to be able to set the club in a more what we call bowed position at the top of the Swing because we want to be getting rid of this lead wrist position here being but

Too extended we’ve got to really try and exaggerate the opposite feeling to take place so to begin with what we want to be doing is we’re going to take something as simple as a book and you’re going to leave the club on the ground for now you’re going to place it right

In the middle of your palms like this here of your hands either side so that when you set up as if you were to make a golf swing the buck is pretty much pointing at the golf ball as you take the club back the tendency that will’ll

Notice a lot of you that get this extended wrist Position will roll the wrists like this on the back swing so as I mentioned that for jooy logo will Point Towards the Sky as that club reaches parallel to the ground in this position here so if the club reaches

Parallel to the ground in this position here for Jo logo points towards the sky that means we’re getting very extended because the club face is now open so you want to be careful when doing this but this is a great indicator to help you

Get a feel of what it should be like to take the club head back how to keep the club face stable but also how to control the wrists on the back swing so you’re going to take the book pointing at the golf ball and rather than getting this

Rolling into this position here where the foot Joy logo is pointing Towards the Sky you’re going to feel like that foot Joy logo itself or your right palm is going to be facing the golf B so and I’m not doing a lot of wrist movement here I’m not forcing my wrist into this

Position here all I’m doing is I’m just ensuring that that foot Joy logo is pointing to the golf ball it’s facing to the golf ball and my right palm facing towards that golf ball as well just that first part of the golf swing so we’re just getting to this point here you’re

Just going to take it back and forth and get a good feel for what this is like taking this club back so number one we’re setting the club number two now we want to be ensuring that our arm the wrist and the hand are nice and straight

At the top of the Swing if not we can allow for a little bit more of this action here and what’s that that is the bow position so we want to be neutral to Bod anywhere in the middle so anywhere in the middle of neutral to Bod

So I’m going to make the swing now feel it here now I’m just going to swing up to the top feel feeling like my foot Jo logo now is going to be pointing almost towards the sky and my right palm is going to be pointing Towards the Sky as

Well if you find that when you make a couple of practice Swings with the book doing this that one of the other suits you so does the foot Joy logo the feeling of the foot Joy logo suit you pointing at the golf ball first and then

Pointing towards the sky or is it the opposite does your right palm or your Trail Palm feel better pointing at the golf ball and then towards the sky give both of them a go and see what you think so I’m setting the book in position here forj logo pointing towards the golf ball

Or right palm at the golf ball then I’m moving my way up to ensure that that forj logo and my right palm are pointing Towards the Sky almost directly towards the sky like this here you can see that’s quite exaggerated it’s going maybe a little bit too much the opposite

Way but if you do this I won’t worry I’d encourage more exaggeration so encouraging more of this bow position here because if we’re very much extended here we’ve got to feel the opposite to neutralize things when you hit some golf shots to go from one extreme to the

Other that’s going to help you find the middle it’s all to do with that feel versus real concept I talk about in a few of my videos if we take the book back and we only set it into this position here the likelihood is when we

Take the golf club and do this and make a few shots we’re going to go back to this extended position here so when you’re doing this with the book have it pointing towards the golf ball up to the top pointing toward towards the sky and

The the the initial move there for me to get that pointing Towards the Sky I can just feel because I’m using the book ra and the club for now I can just feel my wrist setting in this direction here very different to the one previously because we’re controlling the takeaway

Now with our palms so the Foot logo pointing towards the golf ball as opposed to getting this rolling motion here because when I take the club back now well the book back look at that Fort Joy logo pointing in that direction there extended position if we control it

Here have the right palm foot D logo pointing at the golf ball and then we work our way up it’s much easier for us to set it in this position here where we can get those hands well the hand here facing towards the sky and the for Dra

Logo facing towards the sky as well so once you’ve done this a couple of times bring this all into one movement and then you can start to work your way into practicing this with a golf club so to start off with you don’t want anything

Too long I’ve got an A Time here just to keep things easier for me I won’t go as low as pitching wge because you won’t be able to feel the difference and I would recommend before even giving any of this a try hit a few shots so you can get a

Good understanding of where the Flight of the golf ball is traveling is it going very high is it very far to the right is it very far to the left and then he can judge the difference and compare the difference between before and afterwards after you’ve given this a

Try on the Range so I’ve got the club now and I’m just going to set up as normal and I’m still wanting to try and visualize that book being there in between my hands so I can get this club working in my favor on the takeaway so

When I set the club now a good indication with the golf club would be well we’re still feeling that right palm pointing at the golf ball the foot Joy logo but because we’re gripping the club now it won’t look quite the same so a good indication for us is is the club

Face itself pointing more towards the golf ball so I’ll get the club now I’ll take the club back is that club face now pointing more towards the golf ball doesn’t have to be directly towards the golf ball because that’s going back to what we spoke about with the book we

Don’t really doing the opposite and setting the RIS this way because that gets too uncontrollable again we’re just getting that club face to point more towards the golf ball or towards the ground and we can see that my foot Joy logo is facing more towards the ground

And the golf ball and my right palm is pointing more of the golf ball facing more of the golf ball as well so as we set the club in this position here where the club goes be just before parallel to the ground and we don’t want to go

Anymore really because it’s this move here that causes us to get this wrist movement quite a lot and we exaggerate this so we’re setting the club here just taking the club back to here we want the foot Joy logo or my right palm to face towards the sky and you can see

There now of a golf club it doesn’t look quite as exaggerated does it but you can certainly see from that club face position there that’s facing more towards the sky so that’s a great indication for us that the wrists in more of a bowed and flexed position at

The top of the Swing rather than getting this extension so we going to do this all in one motion now so we’re going to go one to here and two working up to the top this is the feeling you want you want to be exaggerating this get that

Right palm facing toward towards the sky or the foot draw logo facing towards the sky you can think about both as well if you want to I find that what works for me is the right palm I find my right palm I find it easy with my right palm

To face towards the golf ball and then to face towards the sky you can even do this drill as well if you want to of your right palm you’re taking it back like so and you’re trying to set the hand up to the top of the Swing as if

You’re carrying a plate like a waiter then we should notice and you should feel as you’re doing this that it’s much easier to allow the body the lower body to initiate that down swing to fire in through the golf ball if we’ve got this position here and we fire we can’t

Eventually we’re going to slow down and try and recover from it whereas if we’re set here and we rotate look at that club face is fairly closed so what we’re going to do we’re going to higher even more to keep that club face Square much easier especially if we’re creating the

Shing so watch this here shaffle as I mentioned at the start of the video is a promoter of an open Club face if we get this extension and then we do the shaffle it’s no good however if we get this bow position first look what happens with the club face it closes it

Off a little bit so when we get this shaan taking place from natural initiating that downswing move starting from the lower body if you’re not too sure what this is I would highly recommend after this video taking a look at this one over here but watch this

Here it’s closed and then I push my hands forward for that shling look how square that club face is now so this is what we’re after if you’re someone out there right now that’s really struggling with getting the club to fall in the down swing very naturally and trying to

Rotate through and you’re doing this very well but you’re noticing very Wayward shots the shanks at worst then this is the drill you want to be doing so we’re getting the club but working up we’re feeling that Palm or the logo pointing at the golf ball palm and Logo

To the sky then we’re just going to rotate through as normal so it’s one two three and look at that nice little draw there starting slightly right on my target working its way back to the Target and that is something right there that you should be going and giving a

Try don’t forget you can contact me by commenting down below to let me know how you get on from watching this video and by all means you can have a look on my online coaching platform skillist if you want one toone tuition on there if you’d

Like to see more tips that will suit your needs on this channel subscribe and comment down below that tips or drills video you’d like me to cover in a future video and also the video that I mentioned earlier the one where we want to be looking at initiating that

Downwing how we can do this face because these two link quite nicely this one for controlling that club face and this one right here is for controlling how we initiate that down swing phase it’s all to do with how we set impulses in our gol swing very easy very simple make

Sure you check out the video over there thanks for watching and we’ll see you in the next video


  1. Excellent video Harry on the proper way to set the wrists in the backswing! I have used your book drill in the past when working on properly setting my wrists! After doing this drill, I found it a lot easier on how to accomplish this wrist set position! It definitely has given my golf swing more consistency and I fell more assurance of shot results! Well Done Harry! Looking forward to the New Year and more valuable, helpful tips from you!!!

  2. Great video, I have been working on this for a while now and feel is definitely not real, so I really need to exaggerate it as you stated. Question though…I have noticed that it is MUCH easier for me to get my left wrist flatter (or even bowed slightly) when at the top of my backswing (in the waiter position) I supinate my right hand so that the fingers are pointed away from the target rather than behind you or even slightly towards the target as you demonstrate at the 11:52 mark. Since my hand is pointed almost 180 degrees opposite of yours, would you not recommend supinating my right hand so much?? This also appears to make it easier to shallow the club on the downswing. I've never seen a video on this subject so I would love to see that if you are looking for ideas. Thanks!

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