CAN WE GAIN MEG SOME YARDS?? – 90mph Swing Speed Driver Custom Fitting

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In this video we take Meg, a first year PGA Assistant, through a full driver custom fitting.

Currently gaming the Taylormade Stealth 2 HD, she struggles with the odd left miss, but mainly a lack of distance.

So one of the big goals of the day was to try and gain Meg some yards!

So we set about testing multilple heads, such as the Titleist TSR2, Cobra AeroJet, Taylormade Stealth 2 and Titleist TSR3, along with a large variety of shafts!

Which driver combo do you think we will end up with??


0:00 – Intro
0:33 – Talking About Megs Driving
1:56 – Baseline with Megs Driver
3:37 – TSR2 9* / HZRDUS RED CB 5.5
8:15 – Paradym 9* / PX Cypher 4.0
9:35 – AeroJet 9* / ACCRA FX 150 M3
10:53 – Aerojet 9* / BGT Brava 50 R
12:18 – Stealth 2 9* / PX VRTX Blue 5.5
14:10 – Stealth 2 9* / C6 Onyx 50 R
15:52 – Back into TSR2 9* / HZRDUS RED CB
19:18 – Testing the TSR3 9* / HZRDUS RED CB
20:56 – Testing TSR3 with NO WEIGHT
23:32 – Final Confirmation
25:38 – Summary & Numbers Comparison

So welcome back to another custom fitting video and today we’ve got megown who’s currently uh PJ assistant at cumberwell Park so very very good golfer consistent golfer really looking to try and optimize her driver today so say good ball Striker generally keeps it somewhat in play but not quite

Optimizing that distance the ball flight maybe not quite where she wants to see it on course and the distance certainly not so really looking to try and optimize that driver ecal every yard that we can get further down there to help reduce those scores so that’s

Exactly what we’re going to be trying to do today so let’s jump into the fit see if we can do it tell me a little bit about your driving anything that uh you think performance- wise is going on or any specific misses that you struggle with anything like that um probably miss

Is a little bit left at the moment um I do have a draw bias driver just because when I did get it my Miss was right yeah so got a little bit of a draw byas driver to help straighten it up but now because of my swing changes I’m getting

A little bit more left um it’s 10 and 1 12° I do get a lot of Spin and a lot of height so probably just kind of look at that maybe and um but yeah other than that I’m pretty straight so okay um consistency isn’t really the issue it’s

Just distance and like obviously my Miss and spin yeah okay do you know sort of apart from the fact that it’s a HD and it’s 10 and a half do you know sort of like specs of that in terms of like length swing weight anything like that

Um standard men’s length driver it’s a light stiff shaft yeah um other than that not really yeah it’s a 45 and a half so it’s is quite long really I think I personally think it’s a little bit too long for a lot of people yeah

We’ll see and swing we is D4 so like what Mary play his driver at Weight Wise so again it certainly be interesting to dabble with length shaft weight swing weight those kind of things and just see how you respond to those and certainly you hit the ball generally reasonably

Straight don’t you yeah yeah just see you know if even we can pick up a bit speed in those kind of things and then yeah optimize numbers and go from there Saying my Miss left that’s going right to it’s okay sounded a bit more solid okay little bit Healy yeah little Healy which we expect to see a bit of spin but that is a lot of Spin and like when I play on the course it just some just kind of go up

And like there’ll be a little bit of a draw but it will just kind of go upward it won’t have like a nice trajectory okay so launch your launch is high and just kind of goes up yeah yeah that’s was better strike again yeah

And a little bit of a draw on that one as well so nice there you go perfect I mean that’s probably all we really need to see isn’t it that’s perfect delivery super neutral nice tiny little draw right out the middle I’m still seeing 18 launch 3600

Back Spin yeah that is just yeah way too much launching spin M cool Right that was a bit better nice I mean terrible result but that’s a really good drive yeah I going to say a little bit high on the face that sounded but actually done really well like launch still nice and high 16 spin at 2000 so that’s come down massively obviously we’d expect that

From a little bit of a high strike yeah great delivery again though and yeah 210 carry rolling out to 230 there a lovely flight it’s definitely a little bit more more like forward rather than kind of just yeah floating yeah yeah and yeah I going to say tiny little bit of high

High on the face again but I mean that’s actually really good like so the efficiency even though it’s still high on the face bit more solid 142 efficiency still great delivery and yeah actually really good launch and spin still launching it nice and high which we want to maximize carry but the Back

Spin way way way down so you know 213 rolling out to 235 compared to with yours we’re at like 93 yeah that that was actually the oh was it did I delete that yeah 195 Max so I mean it’s almost 20 hours up on carry and 25 yards total which is that’s a

That’s a big difference yeah like two clubs in well probably more than two clubs two clubs less into a green that’s really good and that’s definitely a big factor for me is just like decreasing that yardage into greens so 100% I mean like I say you’re a good player St the

Ball pretty well pretty consistent but maybe don’t have as much length as you’d like yeah so yeah just that would make the game so much easier and how does that now you’ve had a few Swings with it like how does that weight feel through you know through the swing feels easy

Yeah it doesn’t feel like a lot of effort um which I like CU I don’t obviously have a fast swing speed I like to feel like I’m not trying to give it a lot yeah um it feels nice and light um but yeah yeah yeah good that that a better

Strike a better strike was it yeah yeah yeah really good really good really like that again 15 launch 22 backspin 143 efficiency nightly Club speed and again that same 213 carry so really I’d say that was a very good first guess to be fair in terms of like the head that’s

Going to give you good numbers we’ll test a few other heads just from looks and feel and maybe there’s something that you really like and really click with but actually straight away they’re striking it quite well numbers are really good like so realistically that’s s 213 carry in here anyway in a

Simulated environment that’s probably not going to be far off your max carry distance swinging at around that sort of 90 mph yeah but you know there those three down there there was one that we pushed a little bit just left that face a little bit open but all the other

Three really good again uh 210 213 213 carry yeah which is pretty good for me solid yes 230 235 229 so it’s again a good 20 to 25 yards up on your current driver which is really really good do you think that’s mostly down to the loft

Of the club or yeah yeah Loft and head design with the HD being generally the mass being further back it’s a higher spinning head so it’s got more L and it’s a higher spinning head yeah whereas tsr2 it’s probably their mid spin head I would call it but at 9° so yeah it’s

It’s all in the head and that’s a good fit in kind of lesson I guess I think so many amateurs just think that launch and spins in the shaft yeah it’s in the head shafts make almost next to no difference to launch and spin mhm but it can make a

Big difference in can you strike it so finding the right right shaft can we strike it and the right head pair up right Performance a little bit Healy uh yeah wasn’t quite the strike just a little bit a bit High okay just yeah doesn’t actually surprise me seeing a little bit of that how does the shaft actually feel through this through the swing initially can you feel like the yeah it feels very different yeah yeah

Um feels like the head’s still behind me when behind you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s okay isn’t it but straight off the bat nowhere near as good as a tie list feels like I have to find the face a lot more like feel where I’m actually like trying to trying to

Time it more yeah yeah yeah and again swing speed’s down efficienc is down Just definitely higher on the face straight away like controlling low point when that’s a bit harder yeah okay interesting again just kind of not not quite clicking is it no just that high strike it was a drop kick but it went straight yeah I think I’m going to change that

One straight away just keep the head the same for a second I’m going change the Sha it’s to just High you see the comments on the video now why don’t you just loose use a lower te I don’t like that though to be honest because I actually think if you te it lower nine times out of 10 all I’d see

Is people start to hit less up on it yeah which actually for you like I think you want to hit you want to be hitting up on it you want to throw maximized distance it’s definitely a shallow of face isn’t it it’s not as like deep with

The Cobra yeah um I’m quite used to obviously a deeper head yeah yeah it’s still just High isn’t it yeah interested really I mean I tried to hit that left but I don’t know how that came off the face then you did hit it left was Good similar it’s not a bad result didn’t sound like the best of strikes yeah High come out a little bit lower that one didn’t It Strike feel on that one better interesting exactly the same apparently better launch and spin it’s actually similar to the launch and spin

That we saw earlier from the tight list isn’t it yeah just down on the club speed and ball speed for efficiency for strike okay it’s definitely better than any of the coverra setup straight away isn’t it but mean I love the fact that it’s consistent it’s just slightly

Consistently in the wrong place isn’t it how does it feel initially to swing like Weight Wise Comfort wise yeah sh wise feels comfortable yeah fine okay can’t it’s a really good drive it’s just that strike isn’t it just need to find wonder where trying to get that strike

Down in the face just a smidge really good Delivery sounded like a little bit more solid slightly closer to the middle slightly edging our way there good again mecky it’s a great miss but not what we want to see no can you feel any difference initially in kind of like shaft and how it feels or not

Really um not too much no okay they all feel kind of the same weight there’s not really been one that feels apart from the Paradigm one yeah they haven’t really felt massively light or heavy yeah okay square up yeah yes just a heel strike isn’t it just a heel Strike I mean again it’s great result isn’t it straight back to like 230 I want say it sounded still a little high yeah just sound a little bit high it’s crazy how that’s to jump back up again like in in terms of distance not quite as far as we

Had earlier but still 230 12 yards offline so I mean it’s a fantastic result dead straight ball flight yeah really good that felt probably one of the better strikes yeah sounded nice again close that 230 yeah good really bad really good strike 15 28 tiny tiny bit more than I might like of

Spin than I might like to see but still I mean it literally took you one swing to like find in the middle of that yeah we haven’t found the Middle with like any of the anything else for like a while so that’s pretty impressive and again really good delivery good

Efficiency swing speeds back up a little bit so again if if you can play if you’re someone who does hit it pretty straight and you can get away with playing a sha that is a little bit longer but is a bit lighter again a little bit lighter head weight so

Overall the balance will still be quite nice but it’s long it’s light it’s comfortable to get a little bit more swing speed and then if you can find the middle that’s obviously going to translate to a little bit more distance which seems like you can which is good

Definitely it’s a bit mad really isn’t it yeah like I haven’t changed anything in my swing I’m not feeling anything different and yeah missed the strike but it’s probably slightly high in the face again I would I would say just a bit because the launch came up a fraction

But again a lovely ball flight carries back up to 213 like we were seeing earlier and nothing’s even come close to to those sort of numbers and and dispersion and yeah really really good how’s it feel going back into that like looking down it picking it up just

Feeling the weight of it yeah I definitely prefer this weight yeah um but the head doesn’t feel much different to like looking down at the other ones yeah I think it’s a lot down to the feel in the swing yeah yeah and the timing really yeah I can feel that

Timing a little bit better just getting that right balance yeah I think this what fitting comes down to half the time just finding the setup that gels the best for the player just got to go through loads test loads of different things and see what works actually

Really like that shaft I think it’s a really nice feeling sha it’s like stable-ish but not really stiff and it’s light but not too light it just feels just really nice and kind of easy to swing yeah just you trying got that one a little bit

More did it was really good carry St it a little bit again the strike sounded like so good like yeah so be jumped up because you went at it a little bit but even when you’re going at it you can still find strike so much better with this this combo again really good

Numbers 250 carry just to try uh the three because slightly lower spins I haven’t turned this one down I got it playing a little bit flat it’s 9° just set at 9° obviously you’ve got the heel and toe weight as well which can give you maybe that little bit more Miss protection um

Protection against your Miss if you’re really worried about that sort of left miss getting that weight in that toe sometimes help a little bit on that front and I like having the adjustment as well like you’ve got the option then as well if if the numbers work and the

Head Works you’ve always got that ability to change it down the line r with two you don’t have that yeah it’s pretty nice that felt lovely that’s very nice definitely tell that result great strike and again like really good numbers really good numbers really like that good strike again nice high launch

Decent Back Spin really good delivery 143 efficiency good okay felt a good strike obviously just just turned it a little bit yeah yeah yeah really good strike probably two of the best strikes of the day that was really nice yeah that felt good really nice go get out

There I mean if I’m getting that kind of distance I’d be pretty happy really good really good so swing speed just came up a little bit more don’t know if you probably noticed what I did to be fair no took the weight out the head completely oh yeah cuz I looked at it

And I was looking for where the weight was and I was like am I going mad or yeah no still really good though again absolutely middled it again if anything hit up a tiny bit more on it so borderline getting close to maybe hitting up a smidge too much but I don’t

Hate that if we’re really trying to maximize distance 17 launch 23 Back Spin lovely middle strike really good delivery and up that carry another few yards so yeah that’s it’s pretty good yeah slightly open face but it didn’t feel terrible no it’s a great Drive came really good how how did that

Feel to swing just purely from like a comfort perspective like yeah I I I do like it yeah doesn’t feel like I’m going to miss it massively short right or massively left either okay nice guess like we said a minute ago in theory maybe having a lighter head a lot of

People might associate with turning it over more but if it just is is a nicer way to swing you can be a bit more relaxed I feel a lot of the left Mist come from either hanging back or getting a bit bit tight on it so if you can just

Be nice and nice and relaxed exactly helps so much that sounded good I’m really liking this combo yeah really liking it really good yeah you look that strike pattern it’s just really good 16 launch 22 Back Spin perfect numbers 1 143 efficiency swing speed still around that 90

Mph and yeah we had three down the Fairway well missed a little bit right but distance now I mean again the longest drive of the day at 216 carry 213 carry 209 carry a little bit of the right one a little bit shorter of course but the max distance is there the strike

Is there like that’s really really Good yeah it’s a lovely Drive look tin tiny bit forwards i’ say tiny bit high in the face little bit low spin but yeah yep little high in the face little bit low spin but again as far as a drive goes you’re not going to be upset with that tool are you

No really good drive really nice really good yeah really good really nice 144 efficiency really good 21 carry so mean see how like minutely that strike has to be different to make like a really big difference to spin yeah so that there you go 1,800 oh

That’s a bit low all of a sudden you hit a smack bang at the middle it’s 25 you go Jesus 700 revs of spin just because it’s great delivery again face basically Square really good efficiency so yeah it’s really really good numbers I really like that it looks very comfortable

Straightway pipe two down the middle like yeah I think that’s great do you feel confident with it yeah yeah feel like the Miss isn’t as wide as the others yeah like I can really kind of turn the other ones over whereas this one if I get a slightly close Club face

It’s not massively like massively gone yeah yeah yeah it’s a great drive to end on is it really good so good love it yeah really really nice awesome great stuff happy with that yeah good good it was good good thanks so there we have it really happy with those results again

Tsr3 with no weight in the head coming up trumps again goes to show maybe someone with a slightly slower swing speed who needs a little bit of spin reduction try and pick up a little bit of speed still very stable in the head somebody strikes it quite consistently

Of course but does really really well so if we jump into kind of comparing the numbers and the results that we actually saw throughout that fit in so me’s initial driver we knew it was just spinning way way too much so see 18.4 3600 spin on average bull speed down a

Little bit which with both of these combos bull speed up 4 mph launch down a little bit both times it’s two separate sets so we hit it the first time around and then the second time around as well for confirmation again launch still nice and high which is great if we trying to

Maximize carry spin down a shed low so 2393 first time around then 21 78 Second Time Around Again both really happy with those numbers 209 carry sat up 20 yards and you know probably 25 yards total because it’s going to be coming in shallower and running out more as well

So summer going to get even more roll out as well so 20 25 yards up comfortably dispersion there not showing as good but the reality I think there was only one shot in the first set it was just a little bit of a high right so

If we actually did take that one out yes there you go so with that one taken out again bull speed great launch great spin great carry up a little bit cuz obviously that was a bit of a short right push that that she hit but with that really really good numbers and

Again dispersion slightly down the left but that difference in Bull flight just absolutely amazing you see the difference there just way more penetrating just way more forward increasing that carry distance and yeah really really happy with that setup so yeah another a great fit in the bag

Thank you so much for watching any comments poping below and we’ll get back to you and we’ll see you in the next one


  1. That’s how far I hit my 5 iron. I don’t understand why she doesn’t swing faster? Most women should get at least 230 yards. She looks young and fit. Or is this normal?

  2. Great video, 90 mph swing speed is also my swing speed, although not with that level of accuracy lol. Pity there aren’t more fitters around like you. Most just push you into what’s on the shelf. Best video yet!

  3. You are good at your job, it must make you happy when clients get a good result, i have been to few fittings. Never came away feeling good – so i didn't buy anything, seemed so-so in their approach and very little feedback and explanations,, guess they pump everyone through as fast as possible.

  4. How is she reaching these distances with her slow swing speed? I should be able to get 300yards on my 100mph swing speed on my tsr2 but i don't 😅

  5. Is there any way you can film someone between 100-105 club head speed🙏🏾… would love to see the different combo you have that golf swing with

  6. For her club head speed, 90ish, below 2500rpm spin is trouble. She needs spin to keep the ball in the air. My daughter is 12, swings her driver 90-92, it seems optimal for her is around 3000 spin at around 12-13 degree launch angle

  7. 9 degrees is way too low, it’ll make her good ones better, but her misses will be erratic. Less than 1% of lpga pros will use a driver with that low loft

  8. Great fitting, Ross! Meg has unbelievable consistency in path. I don't think she was more than a degree and a half away from zero the whole fitting!

  9. Being a fitter, I feel he should have put the Hrdz red in the other heads, especialy the Stealth 2 because the customer prefered the look and feel of the head.

  10. Thanks. I’ll be watching. Interesting how lie seems to impact driver performance. I’m short 5’8” and have my lie on Ping 430 flat. Going to try upright. Also have auto flex shaft…May look for options.

  11. I've been playing Just over 6 months and this is about how well I hit driver with slightly less consistency as I'm still trying to turn my fade into a draw.( it was a slice but I managed to cure that with a few setup tweaks) I currently play an old Mizuno MP630 fast track 10.5 mainly as I've only just started and it was about £35 off eBay.
    I just bought a Taylormade Jetspeed 10.5 as, my 3 wood is already a Jetspeed 17HL and I can hit that as far as my Mizuno driver and I quite like how it feels.. Shockingly (or not if you know about these things) It made no difference. I feels different to the Mizuno but gave me similar numbers at the range.( I actually like the Mizuno and prefer the feel over the Jet speed although the Jetspeed feels a bit heavier I feel I swing slower but the ball goes the same)
    I would love a fitting but don't think my game warrants it just yet as £600+ for a driver is about 3x what I spent on my Callaway X12 irons RBZ 5wood Jetspeed 3hl and Driver and my Mizuno and a bag, shoes brolly (you get the idea) For all I know I could be playing totally unsuitable clubs but I can't see a club fitter having a session unless my intention was to buy something from them?
    Although I might be tempted to take the weight out of the Jet speed and give that a go.

  12. Moral of the story. She went from a heavy 10.5-degree driver to a stock lighter 9-degree driver and picked up distance. She needs a shorter shaft as well.

  13. Always learning lots from your videos. This video reminded me of a question that's been nagging at me.
    After adjusting a driver hosel away from the standard setting, how should one line the club up to keep the hosel adjustment "in use". Callaway and Titleist have a 2 cog system which I believe retains the grip's original orientation so we can grip as per normal and the head should be oriented as adjusted,

    but for single cog hosels, I dont know what to do.
    Have a cobra 9deg head and turned it up to 10.5 to get some height/spin and close the face, but the grip is now oriented clockwise close to 90deg (not sure how exact).

    For each hosel adjustment do we square the face and grip it? Or grip it based on the supposed new orientation of the grip – thus allowing the face to move?

  14. Great fitting. Very interesting to watch the process.

    How much in your experience do the gains depend on the head? If you copied everything about the set up as close as possible on another model would the performance drop off?

  15. Great video. Didn’t see any comments concerning the counter balanced shaft. How much did this play into the more centered strike? Was this shaft the only CB?

  16. Great fitting and video. I’m not sure some people realise how correctly fitted can have such a positive impact on their game, especially from the ‘mental’ aspects, before you even swing the club. Why do Ping not feature in your range?

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