What Do YOU Hate That Everybody Seems to Love? | COVINO & RICH

COVINO & RICH ask everybody including the listeners what they can’t stand yet everybody else seems like as they celebrate Humbug Day.

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It’s also National humbug day and we figured we could also talk about things that everybody likes but for whatever reason you’re one of the only people that hate it now we have a pretty large audience here on FOX Sports radio so you’re not going to be

The only guy but you feel like you’re the only guy sometimes and I’ll start that off Rich because I’m definitely one of those guys and I promise you it’s in my actual core and ktoon I don’t do these things to be a contrar and I just

Have a feeling inside that makes me feel icky when it comes to certain things and a lot of times it’s corny or cheesy things Rich you’ll see heartfelt but a lot of times that heartfelt stuff feels forced to me and there’s like an allergy inside where I’m like I don’t like it

And I and I don’t like it and I can think of a few things ready yeah one of them is the holiday one the show Friends beat it with that show I never watched it never liked it no but you you can’t say you didn’t like it if you never

Watched it I I I would see Parts you think I didn’t date girls and and live in that time of course and they would watch it I’m like this is the corniest thing I’d ever seen the forced laugh track anything of forced laugh track he’s just like get out of here with this

Cornball nonsense rest in peace Matthew Perry I’m not saying the guys and the people on that show weren’t talented I like what they did for the industry where they teamed together and they made their money and and props and their longevity and everything but they weren’t my friends it’s funny cuz you

Guys are like Joey and Ross I don’t even know what that means I feel cooler for not knowing so friends I would to feel cooler for that uh you know what I don’t care didn’t like it and that’s what this discussion is about you can’t debate my truth right things that everybody likes

Danny G write that down you can’t debate my truth are we not discussing that’s the title of this hour on podcast you can’t debate my truth yo we’re discussing a national H I’m saying I’m the humbug everybody loves friends I did not not even the fin I

Remember the final episode was like a big deal didn’t you like the Latino version Amigos I watched Amigos on tundo it was way better than a stupid show what you here I got another one a more current one what do you not like one of Rich’s favorite alltime shows and so

Many people loved it but this is us get out of here get out of here with this misery puke you want to be sad think about your own life I don’t want to think about these these fake people in their crappy lives get out of here

Another great Line This Is Us want to be sad think about your own this is not us no thanks in fact I like the Greek version called This is Gus it was way better this is I want to see blubbering I’m going to turn on the golden Bachelor

Yeah yeah you know what i’ I’d prefer trash TV like that over This Is Us in that miserable soundtrack get out of here and that forced attempt to try to make you cry barf so I don’t like that and then this is a a a holiday one because it’s Christmas time things that

Everybody seems to like and you hate this one is my favorite thing to hate because I love it so much that’s why he because Rich loves it so much and everybody seems to love it the quote unquote Christmas movie that’s not a Christmas movie Beat It Love Actually

What a pile of steamy turd that is what a steamy pile of hot trash that movie is it sucks love that movie I went with all all great intent to watch this movie sat down grabbed some popcorn corn I had a hot chocolate I was trying to get in

Christmas spirit I’m like this is the movie that everybody thinks is so great give me a break I fell asleep watching that trash garbage things that everybody likes that you hate I turn it over to you and you FOX Sports radio Nation 87799 on Fox Danny G you ever see Love Actually you

Tell me how a porn storyl anything to lot of eight stories and their standard doesn’t matter how does that have anything to do with Christmas and how does I’ve I’ve seen parts of it I’ve never watched it all the way the movie starts out with 6 weeks till Christmas

How is it a Christmas movie it’s a countdown Christmas movie you can’t even watch it with your family cuz there’s porn scenes involved porn scenes you talking about yeah you think did you see Jimmy Stewart doing porn scenes and It’s a Wonderful Life there is nipple get out

Of here with that you’re offended by nipp all of a sudden it’s Christmas what does that have to do with Christmas movies get out of here no way that that movie is garbagio as Tommy Deo would say what do you hate that everyone else loves on National humbug day I’ll give

You a couple now granted I would probably change my mind if they uh decided to send me somewhere for Fox Sports Radio oh yeah let hear it but my stance until of course as a sponsor involved and they want to uh pay me I can’t understand how people like the

Olympics I I’d love to go don’t care about the Olympics at all when people talk about the Olympics I’m going to make sure that’s a category for last one standing Olympics I’m like get out of here I it’s Case by case but I’m with you I don’t go again I’m painting in

Broad Strokes right now but it usually seems that the people that get the most excited are people that aren’t into the four major sports as much as other people uh football baseball and hot dog eating basketball and hot dog eating of course yeah um things that people love

That I don’t the Olympics okay number two on my list and again I know I’m the weird one here but you can’t tell me my truth what was it I don’t know you can’t you can’t one can’t debate my truth you can’t debate my truth number two on my list of

Things that I don’t like that other people love anything Star Wars related I think it’s nerdy I like Ramos is listening somewh heartbroken Ramos just turned the FSR app off yeah he he finally clocked out he just grabbed his heart in pain I get listen I like the I

Watch Mandalorian and I liked it but I it was never in my family as a kid we weren’t a Star Wars family so as an adult try to watch those from the 70s and ‘ 80s I no Star Wars nope wow Olympics Star Wars and the third one

Your passion about how much you hate Love Actually and I love it I I think I passionately dislike something that other people love uhoh how anyone could care about this is beyond me uh oh I feel like you’re going to offend a lot of people right about I

Don’t I don’t I don’t know why anyone cares even a little bit anytime people talk about the royal family I’m with you on that one we don’t live there it’s archaic and a king and an old lady queen BR family or you no no no not not the royal family like Brett

Saberhagen I’m not uh you know Johnny Damon back in the day or beltron I’m talking shame on you anytime there’s royal family banter I’m like who effing cares we don’t have a king or a queen it’s nonsense we live in the United States why do you care care about Prince

Harry or Henry or the Megan Markle what she’s doing and the mom and the dad and the the lady that died the queen if you really want to see Rich at his most disinterested is definitely when you’re talking when they said coronation day I’m like i’ rather watch Coronation Day

On Frozen with my daughter watching Elsa coronation day the king you mean that old goofy looking dude that just locked out that was born into a family yeah Rich doesn’t even know like who Prince Charles was that’s the I think like just a guy yeah he he didn’t

Even know he hates it he thinks the royal family is the Kardashian the only thing cool about the late Queen Elizabeth was the curveball she threw to Reggie Jackson and they gun that was great that was a great great pitch I’ll never forget I know I know um so now we

Turn it over to you FOX Sports radio and see rich I didn’t debate you um I’ll give you oh now in this category you know what I thought you were gonna say superhero movies I wrote down superhero stuff but I know I’m the weirdo and I bet you I’d get really into

It and my son’s three and I could promise you that if my son starts getting into all the Marvel stuff and everything I know that like anytime I’ve watched a Iron Man movie or uh what’s onong Chris Pratt The Avengers no let him figure it out all let’s kill time on our 2our

Radio show he’s such he’s such a fan Guardians of the Galaxy Guardians that’s it Guardians guard like I like Guardian I watched two of them I went what are there three of them right right there there’s three Guardians I’ve watched two of them I like them you say humbug to

Those but I I like him but I don’t I don’t hate him that’s the thing I just don’t understand why the world loves them but sometimes I feel like I’m listening to my wife when it comes to this topic she’s exactly the same way likes those movies hates every other

Super uh hero movie there is hates Star Wars also really which I can’t understand that’s why your wife and I get I like I know you guys are some weird people all right so I like both of you but yeah see Danny do you have have

One mind one that came to mind um soup soup yeah it’s not a meal soup my mom and yeah and I’ve argued with my wife over this cuz she’s like soup’s a meal it’s a meal it’s a meal and it’s perfect on a cold day no that’s not a

Meal soup is a meal Danny G on a day like today where it’s like rainy and crappy out if I told you if I told you let’s get some tomato soup or grilled cheese no okay the grilled cheese is fine but but you just want like some

Some some substance and maybe this is because my mom she would serve tomato soup and she’d be like dinner’s on the table I’m like that’s not dinner that’s an appetizer soup is a meal no it’s not that’s so funny but you know what it hits perfectly cuz everybody loves soup

You don’t anything else Danny Lena Dan V is there something you hate that everyone else seems to love I hate dog hair turn your M I can’t hear you sorry I hate dog hair on my clothes every just just cuz Rich has a ton of it

Doesn’t mean he likes I was going to say people who have animals I assume they love it cuz they’re always smothered in it and I just cannot stand it I will carry a lint roller for you I think she just said she hates dogs I love when that person that owns the

Dog says oh my dog doesn’t shed yeah I know hear that all the time my dog doesn’t shed a lot it’s a little French b ball it doesn’t shed a lot unless you’re rolling around with it Dan Byer do you have one hold on I my Lena’s having M

Problems okay there you go there you go I there is something that I thought of two weeks ago that I completely have forgotten and so I’m trying to Rack my brain of like I didn’t understand how everybody liked certain things we were all excited about something and you were

Like why are they all excited oh no I’m now mad at myself that I didn’t write this down to think about like what it was but going to haunt you now I like Star Wars as a kid I never got into it you know yeah yeah when but stuff like

That all right well if you think of it definitely bust with bust in with the Dan by breaking news exact I hate how people like the Raiders no I’m kidding he’s scarred because of that long Bo Jackson run down the sideline yes still yeah all right so it’s

National humbug day old school when 50 hits we throw it back on a Thursday and now we go to the phones Brett and Iowa you’re on with CNR what’s up Brett what’s up man oh I got a B ba humbug um I’m gonna have to say Taylor Swift I listen he’s everywhere you

Charge him a dollar yeah you ow you owe the punish jar I’ll tell you this I could see where people if you’re like yo I don’t like your music at all I understand that I get aggravated when people are like like uh she stinks it’s like you can’t she

Can’t yeah I just don’t like her music but I I I respect her talent and I think she’s you know wholesome and cute and I like the relation are I’m not hating on it if you’re connecting with tens of millions of people around the globe and you make billions of dollars phen you’re

Not you’re not you’re not bad you don’t stink but he hates her I actually like her newer music and think her early on music was corny so I agree with you Danny I think some of her current stuff the country stuff but you could see how the overboard

Storyline if you were on the fence that storyline could really have pushed you over so thanks thank you very much and it does seem like everybody loves it you know what could I I could I reverse this a little bit sure no it’s it’s something that I don’t understand why everyone

Else hates but I like oh boy I like Joe Buck oh that’s everyone loves to make fun of Joe Buck Joe Buck too why does everyone hate Joe Buck I like Joe Buck I like Joe Buck I am yeah but you’re right though the reversal that’s a good one

Because why does everybody hate on that guy so much I’m like what what I I’m like sometimes he could be a homer maybe for that’s a lot of the criticism but I don’t I like I does a great job I think that’s a good reversal question as well

James in La you’re with cavino Rich ba humbug it’s National humbug day four days before Christmas what’s up man James sorry Danny’s answering all the phones what’s up buddy literally gonna take Soup say it say it again soup I was gonna take Soup hear you agrees yeah you’re on James yeah and

I I am I am I am married to a Latina so I get to I have to go through this all the time when it’s 95 degrees in La she want hot soup B wow I didn’t think anybody was going to share thatal sou or something like that abos

Is a meal AB bundus I would give you because there’s meatballs in there that’s that’s a meal substance I don’t it’s still not a meal though I love Danny’s hatred for soup uh Dave and Boise you’re always K on Rich humbug day what’s up bud dude you guys have me

Rolling number one is always Star Wars Star Trek Star whatever ner Star Trek I love it yo you’re the man thank you can I throw in thank you Dave I mean Dave Dave I think all the trash TV that the people you three watch is disgusting yeah Bachelor

The Love is Blind the ultimatum all that’s trash I don’t know how anyone could like that stuff because it’s it’s brainless you get to turn your brain off and just rely quality I have such I have such little time in my day and I’m going to give it to some programming it’s

Going to be quality here’s how I feel about it like there’s room for it right like hey there’s Colin coward and then there’s cavino and Rich you know we’re not doing what he does but guess what there’s room for what we do but you guys

Consume you absorb it I I I agree all watch it’s it’s mindless brainless and it’s trash but like sometimes you need that fun that that that you so so much stuff is serious that you just could unline with that nonsense you know I’m not supposed to like it because I’m a

Grown man but I’m I’m fascinated because again I I’m not ashamed to admit it I gravitate sometimes towards stuff that would be women programming I like reality shows I like dumb stuff I like a sappy movie here and there but I can’t understand anyone’s anyone’s fascination with Vander pump

Anything yeah my girlfriend’s way into it and so is Dan berer yeah Dan Dan likes Vander pump your step wives yeah yeah I just I can’t get into it but I get it I get where people do but to me I’m like I don’t they just it’s like fun drama with

Hot people you don’t remember the Scandal how big that was that was that was huge and that’s a little younger like with the housewives they’re older so I feel that’s more my deal I wasn’t all into Vander pump but that Scandal my wife was totally into and so then I

Ended up watching I did feel like rich in a lot of ways but then when watching my girlfriend watch this stuff you do get sucked in a little bit so you could see how people like it there’s some drama there DB it’s interesting because I know you you do watch some of that

Stuff when I do all my prep for looking up stuff for sports and pop culture when I’m doing my daily like going around the internet I see a name pop up so much and I’m like who is this person Kim zolak oh yeah she was on Real Housewives of

Atlanta but dude that woman is everywhere like she is in my algorithm like get her out of my house and well cuz she married a former Falcons player and now they’re getting divorced so that’s why that’s why it’s you know hitting all points of your Al I was

Going to say if I’m looking up sports stuff and I’m looking up pop culture stuff Tommy DeVito’s agent Sean stiletto and Kim ziac I you know what I don’t like good TV and it may not be every Network that does this but there’s like Chicago fire police like like 3 hour a

Night like uh imagine that like one like an hour a week is a good but they have like a three-hour block with everything tied into each other way too much for me lot a lot uh let’s go to Amber in Dallas you’re with Caven on Rich it’s ba humbug

Day what is the one thing that everyone seems to love that you can’t get with what’s up oh my gosh you guys I’m gonna offend a lot of people saying this but Disney adults okay oh the worst the worst if you are planning on going on a

Vacation to drop that type of money and you say hey I’m going to go without my kids and I’m going to go to Disney you are weird and flat out dumb Disney adults are weird agreed no Walt Disney made that park for the entire family he even said in his

Opening speech it was for everyone so why is it just for a kid all of a sudden for one there there are rides that kids can’t get on so take your take your nephew or of would be empty years as an adult come on Amber I

Got here’s the thing I got two little kids so I’m not going to Disney without them but if I didn’t have kids we live in California so it’s easier to say I go drive down to Anaheim but I think what she’s saying is if you’re an adult and

You get vacation time from work if you’re choosing hey honey let’s go to Disney World instead of the Bahamas Aruba Mexico Hawaii Europe like re really as a grownup with no kids you’re choosing Disney I think yeah when you put it that way I’m going to go wait

Line for my vacation but if you happen to be there like Lena I know you go maybe with your girlfriends every once in a while well I’m a passholder so I I don’t see it to be that big of an issue I I can’t say I haven’t gone with my

Girlfriend uh it’s a major her and I it’s not a red flag spot for one Disney days as adults are the best ever okay you should leave your kids at home more often and go and do Disney as an adult cuz you don’t have screaming children

Trust me every time I’m there with them I’m like I don’t want them here exactly a it’s a good answer though really is it’s a good also depends how you were raised and where you were raised some of us have ties and family ties to that Park yeah if you’re from Southern

California you you like my mom took me there when I was a little kid oh yeah no listen I’m tell I would love to go with my wife for a little day at Disney but I’m saying that’s we also live in Southern California if if I had you know

A week off and my week off and I was deciding oh babe do you want to go to Hawaii oh you want to go to Paris you want to go to Italy you want to go here Mexico Disney World that would be an odd

Truck I think yep I agree with you I do yeah I do as much as I love it I think it’s great cool for you Dan Danny you live here it’s okay for you to drive down to Anaheim no you guys are you you can’t judge judge truth to

That extreme like an adult wearing the air the ears okay I understand you arguing about that but actually going to the park there’s nothing wrong with that as an adult I make my wife wear those ears in the bedroom I’m kidding all right let’s go to Ron in Missouri only

The ears and only the ears Rob uh Ron you’re on CNR what’s up buddy I I have to say peanut butter as a kid my Grandpa bought 255 gallon drums of peanut butter and we ate on that all the time so it’s peanut butter for me you know Rich

Hadn’t experienced peanut butter until he’s 27 years old do you know that fun fact on the show we made him we’ve been working together a long time Dan it’s probably the weirdest thing about me yeah no it’s not but still we just heard about your uh Musketeers well that guy

Probably doesn’t like peanut butter cuz it’s 40 years old if you have that much of it same 55 gon drum I’m telling you I was uh I was in my 20s and I remember spot brought a peanut butter jelly sandwich to work and I remember making fun of him

Like you we were in New York City I’m like you work in New York City we’re going out for lunch what are you bringing a what are you a school boy bringing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich yeah he had PBJ and dunkaroo salary didn’t kick in yet and I said

Spot he goes you don’t like peanut butter and jelly and I’m like you know what I’ve never had one my parents must have made me think I was allergic and I’m like well I’m not allergic my parents just didn’t like peanut butter so I was robbed of peanut butter my

Whole childhood I love it now yeah I love it too man uh let’s take two more phone calls again it’s National humbug day and we’re talking about things that everyone seems to like but you hate for whatever reason let’s take Orlando’s call in Miami and then we’ll take the

Rest on the flip all right uh ba humbug what’s up Orlando ba humbug my uh my thing is that there’s a day for everything there’s a fried shrimp day there’s a a bubblegum day day yeah that is annoying so he hates the national day yeah I’m with you I

Don’t know who makes him Orlando I look at it every day just to see if there’s a talking part or something to bring up but you’re right who the hell makes it up this is good for our business though that’s about it yeah than you otherwise

Yeah if we didn’t do this I like who cares thank you man I appreciate it


  1. Taylor Swift is the equivalent of a football team that has won 20 superbowls in a row. She never has a scandal, or even a downward blip on her stock, it's just an unrelenting upward trajectory of stardom. She climbed the Hollywood pyramid without even a scratch. Innocent girls next door don't manage that, something was signed in blood.

  2. My American friend who was raised in Texas hates Disney stuff. Disney parks must be popular and well accepted only by the people in California and Florida.

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