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Most STACKED Card!!! UFC 299 Breakdown (Sean O’Malley vs Chito Vera 2)

An insanely stacked card was announced, UFC 299 headlined by Sean O’Malley vs Marlon Vera 2. Let’s break this down.

0:00 – Fight Card

3:45 – Sean O’Malley vs Chito Vera

7:52 – Gilbert Burns vs Jack Della Maddalena

11:07 – Kevin Holland vs Michael Venom Page

13:35 – Curtis Blaydes vs Jailton Almeida

15:38 – Petr Yan vs Song Yadong

19:14 – Mateusz Gamrot vs Rafael Dos Anjos

20:17 – Geoff Neal vs Ian Garry

23:48 – Katlyn Chookagian vs Maycee Barber


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UFC 299 is looking like it might be complete there’s 11 fights on the card there’s a championship fight they took away that TBD versus TBA quote unquote Main Event it’s looking like this might be the card but maybe something gets added on later as it stands right now I

Don’t know how even UFC 300 is going to beat this card it’s so insanely stacked eight of those 11 fights you cannot miss which is very rare to have that many great fights on a single card we have Shao versus Cho 2 which is an interesting fight a few welterweight

Fights that just got announced last weekend Gilbert Burns is back after the shoulder injury and he’s taking a big step down in the rankings here fighting Jack DEA Melena very interesting fight right there Kevin Holland is going up against the long awaited newcomer Michael Venom pagee this is going to be

A banger man someone’s getting knocked out between two guys who are roughly the same size same build same reach knockout power coming from both that’s going to be a very exciting fight and we finally get to see where Michael vapage Stacks up as a UFC calber fighter then we got a

Rebook of a heavyweight fight Curtis Blaze versus jelton Almeida excellent to determine in my opinion who’s the next number one Contender to fight Tom aspal because it looks like Jones and Stipe might retire after their fight making aspal the Undisputed champ the fact that gelona is getting booked with Curtis

Blades kind of Corners Tom Aspen to fight Cil Gan but we’ll see what he does there this heavyweight fight is excellent wrestler versus Grappler matchup and we get to see more of Almeida striking if Curtis blades decides to keep the fight standing then we got a bantay fight a quick turnaround

From s Yong who just fought a couple weeks ago that’s a 3mon turnaround to go up against pure Yan that is pretty brave man I know he fought Chris Gutierrez he did go five rounds he looked pretty good in the fight but to turn around 3 months

Later and take on someone like Pon he’s trying to make a statement if sodong succeeds in this the guy can not be overlooked anymore then we go to the lightweight division mat gamrat versus RDA this is a good fight I like this but the only thing that leaves a sour taste

In a lot of people’s mouth is gamrat was the backup Fighter for the lightweight title fight and now he’s fighting RDA he didn’t get the step in when one of those Fighters pulled out of the title fight and now he’s going against RDA who is way lower in the rankings compared to

Charles aliver and Islam makev but it is a pretty good fight nonetheless another rebooking of a fight and this time at welterweight Jeff Neil versus Ian Gary it’s getting put together again Jeff Neil may now be able to shut the mouth of Ian Gary for all the trash that he

Was talking bringing up the mug shot and all that stuff and Jeff Neil definitely has a lot of ammo at this point he’s not known to be a trash talker but he could play into the mental game with Ian Gary at the moment who seems to be somewhat vulnerable there but stylistically this

Is an excellent fight could absolutely be your fight of the night and then finally we have Caitlyn chukan versus Macy Barber is a step of a competition for Macy Barber if she gets by on like Caitlyn chukan who’s been like top three top five she’s like one fight away from

A Tuttle shot in any other world she probably would get a Tuttle shot but after probably one fight away due to the fact that you do have men and furat and Aaron blanchfield still out there without getting their shot so looking at the card as it is I think the

Pay-per-view buys could be pretty high Ali versus cheito is the biggest fight at bant weight you can have right now they have like the biggest star power it’s a rematch that a lot of people want to see when the promos start hitting is going to make people even more

Interested in this I’m guessing anywhere from 3 to 500,000 buys I’m more leading toward like the high 400s low 500s which is a very good number by the way especially for a bantamweight title fight and let’s start with that so I talked about it before when the fight

Got announced I do like Shaun Ali as an early prediction in this but I am not counting out Chito for the fact that the guy has insane knockout power in fact he has so much power that in the first fight with om Ali he showed that he

Could knock him out with just a couple good shots as soon as the fight hit the ground cheito didn’t hit him with a load of ground aound he didn’t put down a hail storm of ground and pound to finish him several big strikes put Ali out and

There was really no damage to the head while there were standing up all the damage came from the ground pound and there wasn’t that much of it that’s how powerful Chito is and it shows to everybody he can knock Ali out if he hits him clean enough especially if he

Is able to take the fight to the ground land some good elbows land some good Hammer fist even while on the full guard and put him away but taking down Elli at this point where elain Sterling failed makes it very doubtful that Cho can do it but Cho has taken down opponents in

The past he has gone that direction before I wonder if he’s going to mix it up on om Ali because I do expect him have a difficult time Landing his hands on him the kicks can be there ell switches stances a lot better now he

Moves a lot better than before he does a very good job at resetting in parallel to confuse the opponent make them question their technique and in that laps of moment he’s taking off an angle that you don’t expect Landing some straight Landing some quick jab to the

Face tep to the body which is something he does very well and the more of those land the more he’s going to square up Cheo for across the land to his face right the more Ts he throw at someone’s body especially at Southpaw throwing that left tee to the body is going to

Cause cheito going to want to rotate himself to his own left side to deflect the kick which is going to square him up for a potential cross from Shao Mali but cheito is one of the trickier fighters to land clean like that and he has an iron chin behind the impeccable defense

So I could definitely see him taking some really good shots from Sha Ali just like he did in the first fight actually he he took some pretty big shots early on didn’t look too disturbed by them and kept pressing forward if cheito wants to win this fight he has to increase that

Output he’s got to walk him down put the pressure and honestly take a bit of a Shan Strickland kind of game plan here he doesn’t do that we haven’t seen him do that before but that is the game plan he should be wanting to take against

Someone like sha Elli when it comes to pressure keeping himself in boxing range at all times stick behind the jab and look for the counter shot whenever om Ali wants to commit for his power punches which he will do very often and because of how often he throws his power

Hand Chito is going to have a lot of opportunities to counter him it’s going to depend on which stance that Elli wants to take I think if they’re on the same stance ell’s obviously going to start everything off the jab and that’s going to give a bit of a tell for Chito

Who has an excellent Parry great at catching the jab encountering with his own slapping left hook and it’s a very weird form how he throws that left hook but it does have a lot of power on it I don’t understand that when I see him throw a left hook like that the power

Just has to be natural it’s not even off the form itself the guy is just that powerful look at the damage he inflicted on ra font with those left hooks it really boggles your mind how he’s able to generate that much power and one of those left hooks on Shan ell will wake

Him up and he would not be able to take too many Big Shots like that now if ell wants take the Southpaw stand he’s going to line up his left hand with outside foot try to fire it down and I think he’ll have more success doing that and

It also takes away the outside leg kick but it could open him up for body kicks and potentially even high kicks as well so there is a bit of a danger there and we know that cheito could throw a head kick at you with both legs right he

Knocked out Dominic Cruz with the left high kick which is not his dominant leg so if cheo’s able to stick on him at boxing range pressure him at all times and work behind the jab keep more output only really behind that jab so he can

Line up the one two he could line up the check left hook he could measure distance constantly I think he could potentially get to Ali after taking some big punches himself but Ali maybe not able to take the same kind of damage and return but ultimately as an early

Prediction I am going to go sha Elli I think he should be able to pot shot good Southpaw left straights land some good TS to the body here and there some good head kicks here and there and I think he would ultimately win this through a decision very hard to ever see anybody

Knock Chito out then we go to the supposed coeman event Gilbert Burns versus jagella Melena Gilbert Burns is a well-rounded fighter ja de Melena likes to think that he is sometimes and it got into some trouble when he fought Basel hes what does gble Burns want to stand

With this guy I wouldn’t think so man Jack is a crafty Striker this guy is not only possesses knockout power not only is precise with his counters and interceptions but he has fantastic offensive and defensive technique even while plotting sometimes opponents cannot get away from him he cuts off the

Cage fairly well and burns doesn’t necessarily have great footwork he could be quite obvious on which direction he wants to take when he’s trying to get away from the opponent in the cage if he does get pressure that is but Burns could be the one that pressures Jack Del

Back which would be the worst case scenario for Jack in my opinion because it allows gilber Burns to start attacking with more kicks from long range keeping himself away from Jack’s danger zone and the further Against the Cage Burns puts Jack the more reinforced double legs are open for burns so it

Gives him a grappling range weapon and a long range weapon that Jack really doesn’t want him to have Jack’s got to do his best effort on pushing Burns away in establish his own pressure which will take away a lot of those kicks if Burns is throwing kicks on the back foot he is

Going to be very open to punches from Jack Jack will be able to block counter with the right or even extend the right hand if it’s a low kick coming at him and if Burns wants to exchange a bit his punches could really get him into some

Trouble there’s a big window on the center for Jack to not really worry about attacks coming through there’s not going to be returned fire from that center line from Gilbert Burns because most of his attacks are looping even his own jab has a weird Arc to it Jack

Should have complete domination of that Center Line that’s where the Jabs are going to be effective just like they were just like how they were for Kamar Usman and as long as it stays as that kind of exchange Jack delis should get the better of Gilbert Burns but he did

Make a lot of questionable grappling decisions when he fought Bassel Hoff who by the way was a short notice replacement he probably didn’t know too much about Bassel he probably didn’t know he’s a black belt Brazilian Jitsu he probably didn’t know that he’s a pretty good wrestler so he pulled those

Guillotines when Bassel tried to take him to the ground pulling those Guillotines were a disastrous move for Jack and if he starts pulling Guillotines on Gilbert Burns I’m just going to go take a walk that should not be happening if he pulls a Ghillie that would be like

One of the worst fight IQ moments so hopefully spraw and brawl man sometimes he has a pretty good eye on takedowns that come from distance he’s able to counter those pretty well he’s able to stuff them he actually has a very high Tak down defensive rate and most of that

Comes from the Bassel Hoff fight later in that fight especially in the third round ja’s takedown defense was a lot better more on point he knew not to go for the guillotine so much and instead try to force the fight standing up if Gilbert Burns cannot take him down

Gilbert could be in some trouble but if he can take Jack down he probably should win the fight as soon as it hits the ground but then again burns doesn’t submit too many guys these days so that’s going to be an interesting fight and there’s the whole X Factor about the

Shoulder injury we don’t even know if Burns is going to be the same guy in there so with all that together could it be the change of the Guard Burns is older he’s been in the UFC for a long time Jack is the new upand comer rising

Up this could be his moment especially if he’s finding a compromised Gilbert Burns or a Burns that’s not in his optimal form as an early prediction I do like Jack Dela then we go to Kevin Holland versus Michael Venom pagee both these guys have tremendous confidence in their right hands Michael Pig will

Switch stances often times he will move around a lot more than Kevin Holland that and the fact that they’re both 63 with like a 80in reach and possessing tremendous power are the biggest similarities between these two they move completely different they strike quite differently Michael pagee will establish

A jab a lot better he has a better utilization of his kicks he moves around a lot better Kevin Holland is a plotter who doesn’t apply as much pressure unless it’s against someone like Michael kasso who just was terrified of his striking Kevin Holland has an iron chin

Whereas Michael Pig’s chin seems quite average or maybe below average so I could definitely see if Kevin Holland lands that right hand Michael paage will probably not even take one of those whereas the other way around I can see Kevin Holland probably taking one or two big right hands from Michael Venom page

But the way that he throws it he blitzes on you from so far away it’s actually absurd how fast he covers distance like that and he will fly at you full body weight behind the punch and if that lands most guys are getting put down he

Is so incredibly fast man even at his age and he has a bit of a a similarity to a Robert Whitaker where they both like to Blitz their opponent from range and they’re both incredibly fast at doing so but that opening is still going to be there from the opposite stance jab

So if Kevin Holland wants to take the Southpaw stce and Michael paig is trying to line up his big right hand from Orthodox Kevin Holland could use that power jab to intercept that Blitz but he’s going to have that little bit of an arc to it because Michael pige is going

To try to step off on the outside so a bit of an arc on that jab could be enough to intercept that angle and be powerful enough because Michael pig is flying his head into the punch to get him knocked out but ultimately as an early prediction for this I do like

Michael pige I think he has a lot more to work with here I think he’s a lot more versatile his jab alone is going to be a big predicator on how this fight is going to play out he’s going to have a better understanding of range because he’s going to be fainting constantly

Because he’s going to be using that jab he has that linear back and forth movement and it might be able to throw off Kevin Holland’s right hands causing him to overextend and as soon as he overextends Michael pige could just snipe him from there so there’s a lot

More trickery and control on Michael Pig’s part and we do know that Kevin Holland does not like to shoot takedowns that would be a major path to Victory here but he didn’t do it against Wonderboy I don’t expect him to do it against Michael pagee either as this

Fight has a similar kind of striking interest for not only himself but also for the fans and he wants to put on that kind of show then we go to the heavyweight fight Curtis Blades versus jelton Almeida wrestling versus Brazen Jiu-Jitsu there’s probably like 30 to 40

Pounds of a difference between them and the think about Curtis blazes that makes him different than some of the guys that Almeida has fought so far he is quite athletic for his size right he’s able to move around he is fast for that size he likes to try his hand at the Striking

And it’s up to him mostly if the fight hits the ground or not he has the wrestling to determine that he’s the owner of the bridge if we cross over to the grappling Department if Almeida takes down Curtis blades that is a statement in itself because if he could

Take this guy down he could take down pretty much anybody and that is a very scary thought especially for a guy at like 230 something pounds but I’m very interested to see the extent of Almeida striking we’ve seen Curtis Blaze test himself in the standup and it’s gone

Good sometimes it’s gone pretty bad sometimes right he was able to light up Derrick Lewis a bit before he got knocked out going for the takedown actually so he does have something to his strike in himself he has a decent jab a good onew he was able to put that

Onew on JDS constantly and that’s really the extent of what his striking does for the most part right there’s some different specifics here and there but that’s generally what he likes to work off of good back and forth movement lining up the jab throwing a lot of

Faints forward and firing that one two out there Elida on the other hand we haven’t seen too much from a striking because he shoots on opponents a minute into each round apart from the front kick or flying punches crazy attacks like that most of what Almeida is

Showing out there is a front kick and a double leg and some athleticism for other strikes if the fight hits the ground and Almeida can keep blades on the ground he should be able to win this but even if he gets blades down I think

Blades should be able to get up to his feet but then again it is heavyweight div Vision some of these guys take a lot longer to stand up again and Alida is incredibly fast in every aspect of fighting compared to these heavyweights my early prediction I am going to go

With Curtis blades but it could be a very close fight the winner of this fight could get a Tuttle shot it’s possible depends what happens with Jones and Stipe then we go to patreon versus S Yong this is a fight that was supposed to happen this is a fight that got a lot

Of fans excited and now we hopefully get to see it man hopefully they’re both able to make it healthy and show up on Fight Night as it can be a very good fight two well-rounded Fighters mostly Strikers but song is attacking with the wrestling a lot more these days and the

Fact that he can mix it up on Pon and try to follow some kind of game plan similar to elain Sterling morab deal overwhelming with a little bit more output and the fact that he has Dangerous Power could even increase the effectiveness of that game plan for sya

Dong here but the thing about s is when he’s throwing punches especially that right hand he doesn’t necessarily faint as much as some other Fighters sometimes he’ll throw a naked right and we know that Pon is very good at catching those encountering he is very hard to catch

With a naked punch like that if you’re not mix up takedowns if you’re not taking off angles if you’re not throwing faints if you’re not hiding it behind something like even sha Elli for an example did right which is a recent example to point out when omali landed

That right hand that stunned Petron momentarily he switched into solid paaw which actually forced Petron to switch and because omell saw the shift he faked that he was going to throw a jab to the body a bit of a mid shoulder faint and at the same time he stepped far in

Enough to line up that left straight over petan’s shoulder so that faint for Ali caused Yan to drop drop his lead hand just enough to create this open window for Elli to attack with the left hand this is the kind of stuff that you have to do against Yan because if you’re

Throwing out naked Power hands he’s going to catch those with his defense and counter with his hooks he tried to do this against om Ali but that guy’s very long and is able to back away fight from a distance that Yan can’t really attack him from with his hands song is a

Different story they’re about the same size they’re about the same height they’re about the same reach song would not be able to get away from this if song throws out a right hand and Yan catches it and looks for a counter he’s going to most likely catch s Yong and

Also when song throws the right hand he generally only likes to go directly to the Target he doesn’t usually retract and evade after throwing that power punch so he will definitely be there for the counter shots the big thing for song though he is fast he’s very powerful and

He has the wrestling if he can keep the output high enough mix up with takedowns and present power threats with his right hand while also kicking out Yan’s legs High faints into low kicks is a very good tactic against Yan because when you faint up high he likes to cover up

Heavily all of his focus is on defending his head which is going to expose his legs for those powerful leg kicks from s Yong and if you can mix up the takedowns that could be great as well there too so I do think it’s a very competitive fight

I do think there are a lot of things that song Yong can do but as an early prediction I am going to go with Pon for the fact that song does leave himself a bit of open he will throw out those power hands and Yan could catch him with

A counter off those if he times it correct if he doesn’t he could get knocked out if he does time it he could definitely hurt song The reads against s Yong are not necessarily going to be too difficult when it comes to the Striking for peton I think he’ll get a hang of

That pretty quickly it’s just a mixup of takedowns that might be a bit of a problem for Yan especially in a three round fight because Yan is a kind of fighter who likes to download data often before he starts attacking three rounds may not be enough for Jan man so that’s

Why this fight is very competitive it can go back and forth as the early prediction I am going to go with Yan though I do expect him to stuff some of those takedowns I do expect them to counter song in the feet and the longer the fight goes the more it’s going to

Favor Pon but I will say if song starts taking Yan to the ground and wins the fight like that Jan’s going to make some drastic changes in his game because that should not be happening to him then we go to matou gamrat versus RDA if we’re going to be completely honest here this

Is a fight for gamrat to do well in I mean he’s going up against a much older opponent one of the oldest lightweights in the roster an absolute Legend a true BMF this guy has experience like no one else man he’s fought the best of two

Divisions and very few guys can say that but he has been declining and has been a slow gradual decline at this point he is nowhere near his prime anymore at lightweight he does perform better because he doesn’t have to worry about these bigger bodies grabbing a hold of

Him but gamra is absolutely going to attack him with takedowns constantly RDA might actually be the better striker of the two even still today his body kicks could be devastating against gamad if he doesn’t get those caught his life straight should be pretty precise here

But I think gam is going to keep himself far away enough where he’s going to want to welcome some of those kicks try to catch those take RDA to the ground and dominate on top which I think potentially what could happen in this fight so I do like gamra as an early

Prediction and that’s generally how I can see the fight playing out then we go to Jeff Neil versus Ian Gary but now there’s a new Dynamic and it’s a mental addition to this fight Ian Gary does not seem like he’s in the best mental state at least like confidence wise and all

That stuff you know and that can hurt him in a fight with Jeff Neil Jeff Neil did pretty well against Shot Rock manov right that was his last fight I mean look what shaa just did a Wonder Boy look what he does to everybody Jeff Neil

Is the only guy to test that monster yes he did get finished but he rocked him right if he can rock a big long powerful guy like that he could potentially get the Ian gar as well the thing about this fight is southp versus Orthodox I think

Is going to favor Jeff Neil as he usually does for south paw we did see Ian Gary get dropped by a left hook before it was an orthodox lead left to so was a bit different than what Jeff Neil is going to present but I think Neil’s speed could gray out the

Differences of that his hands are so insanely fast he could rival the hand speed of Ian Gary while also possessing more knockout power of course Ian moves his head sometimes but most of the time he’s moving his head backwards using that reach as an advantage and we did

See Jeff Neil able to get to shavkat he was attacking with that right hook around the guard while shavkat was try to intercept him with the jab to keep himself at range but Jeff Neil is so fast to get in there the r can get around the shoulder and literally just

Shoves in his left straight straight from the shoulder to the Target very little space he needs for that but he often does overextend so if Gary can evade this there is a clear counter opportunity for him and he could do something very similar to Ian Gary as

Well or he can counter him the thing about Ian Gary though is he’s fast on the feet he’s very quick to move in and out he’s a bit of a sniper when it comes to his back foot counters and he will faint at you constantly to the point

Where you extend that left hand which jeffo will do sometimes Jeff Neil will sometimes just reach out to touch you with the left and then he’ll extend his combo off of that if he reaches out with his left there and Ian Gary back steps for the right cross it could cause a bit

Of a collision here and it’s going to be interesting to see who gets the better of who Ian Gary should get the better of Jeff Neil in that moment but if Jeff Neil evades that punch that one big sniping counterright he is going to barrage Ian Gary and not let up at all

And I don’t think Ian Gary has the chin to take too many shots from Jeff NE he has to be perfect he has good high kicks he’s good at intercepting the opponent when he has some pressure up against the fence Jeff Neil will give you different

Kind of looks due to his footwork and body position he’ll constantly move on these left and right angles and reset into a center position in front of you but from long range so he’s moving diagonally to the left constantly giving you faints reaching out with his hands

Showing a bit of shoulder and then reposition back into his Center he will do this constantly to kind of lull you a bit before he explodes he has that minor Ling ability not the level of Yu Romero of course but it’s a little bit more technical than what yell used to do and

This could cause the opponent to try to time him with a slow tempo and as soon as he suddenly picks up the tempo the opponent’s timing gets thrown off completely and we know about Ian Gary a lot of his work does come off of timing that usually is a thing for most snipers

So the long range could be very dangerous for Jeff Neil he has to make the right movements he has to understand at what range Ian Gary starts pulling the trigger early on jeffel might get tagged bit but the closer he gets to Ian Gary the more success he’s going to have

If he has Ian Gary up against the fence and he’s in the pocket Ian Gary’s getting koed most likely so I do think this fight is very close it can go either way but given the mental aspect of this I am going to go with Jeff Neil

And do it funny enough Ian Gary’s like a two to1 favorite which is insane by itself and then finally we go to Caitlyn chukan versus Macy Barber the long range mobile veteran versus The Angry Berserker who wants to get right at you and punch your face in these two fight

In completely opposite kind of styles Caitlyn is constantly moving around jabbing at you throwing light kicks just picking at you constantly with not too much power with anything she does she’s a point fighter but she’s very good at it and it could be a bit frustrating for

Someone like Macy Barber who wants to make her way in she wants to get in your face and just throw hands she’s getting a lot better with using her movement on finding those angles to get in on opponents but Caitlin chukin has active enough footwork constantly keep that frustration president throughout the

Fight I can see where Macy Barber thinks she can make her way in she gets popped in the face by a jab low kicked and Caitlyn’s already out of the way then Macy Barber tries to take off the other angle gets hit by a left hook right

Straight leg kick Caitlyn is moving out again this could be a repeated thing throughout the fight I ultimately do go with Caitlyn chukan but it will be interesting to see if Macy Barbara could find her way in as soon as she does Caitlyn could be in some trouble but

Caitlyn will tie up with you push you up against the fence she’s a very big Fighter for this weight class and she will stall the fight out a bit I think Caitlyn wins through fight IQ range and movement and that’s UFC 299 so far we’ll see if there’s any addition we’ll see if

There is another title fight slapped on top of this and man this is like the most stacked card announced so far and I don’t even know how 300 is going to beat this and leave in the comments below what do you guys think about this card which fights are you most looking

Forward to make sure to give the video a like subscribe hit the bell for notifications and I’ll see you guys in the next video


  1. Yan fighting so far down the card is crazy when he literally took the ā€œchampionā€ to hell and back

  2. People act like "odds" determine who wins a fight…mark my words Neil vs Garry will look exactly like Neil vs. Wonderboy only difference Garry is much faster with his hands..if he doesn't finish Neil it will be a 30-27 šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø

  3. I can see Gilbert getting Jack down and just out grappling the shit out of him and getting a sub. The only thing that worries me is Gilberts chin

  4. The only fight that I want to see less that O'Malley vs Chito is any fight with Colby in it. It is hard to consider the UFC a serious sport when it is just a popularity contest. Vera is not even in the top 5 and this is O'Malley's first title defense. It is shameful…

  5. I'm still trying to understand how O'malley said CHITO was ugly lol. AZ native here. Go CHITO! Knock him out.

  6. Why do people call MVP chinny? He took the best mike perry had without gloves. I donā€™t think one KO loss makes you a glass chin

  7. I think Chito can KO Sean but I donā€™t think he really did in their first fight he probably rocked him but Sean immediately grabbed his leg after the fight was called off I dk though

  8. I think CKB has another champ in JDM. He looked really good against Holland. Barely got hit.

  9. Letā€™s be real the main event isnā€™t that good or appealing considering Chito doesnā€™t deserve the shot. Merab/Cory shouldā€™ve been up but whatever I get what the UFC is doing. Thatā€™s the only weakness of this card tbh.

  10. so many potential main events on this card man. from a business perspective, it almost feels like they're blowing their load. especially when one of the next Fight Night main events is Hermansson vs Pyfer. Which is a fine fight, but if you shifted one of these fights to that position, it would boost that Fight Night tremendously while hardly affecting UFC 299 at all

  11. I feel like you are reading a little to much into Chitos power, I know there is a frame that is wierd where Sean looks rocked but to say he knocked him out is a reach IMO..

  12. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Chito is so powerfulā€¦ that Suga was winning on one foot til Suga tripped over his own dead foot. Suga show 19-0

  13. In Yan vs. Song, it's Yan who is the better wrestler/grappler. There's this misconception that Yan can't wrestle bc Merab spammed TDs on him & Aljo nicknamed 'Human Backpack' took his back & rode out rounds 2 & 3 in their 2nd fight. However in R4 & 5 of that fight he had adjusted, stopped the TDs & won those rounds. People also forget that Yan got double digit TDs on Aljo in their 1st fight & stopped almost all of Aljo's TD attempts. Merab shot almost 50 times & Yan stopped twice the amount that Merab got & he popped right back up from those TDs, he wasn't controlled. Hell, Yan took down O'Malley several times with control time, something that even Aljo couldn't do. Song outwrestled Chris bc Chris is a worse wrestler/grappler than Song. He isn't going to do that to Yan, but it might be done to him.

  14. I'm definitely done sleeping on O'Malley, and Chito is so ridiculously overrated, if people even rate him high I can't tell some times. O'Malley is going to cook him

  15. UFC putting a lot of their eggs in one basket is interestingā€¦Iā€™m curious about 300 lineup now.

  16. ā€œVenomā€ Page moving from Bellator to UFC Iā€™m keeping an eye on. New opponents mean new victories.

  17. Michael Venom Paige lost to UFC washout and much smaller Mike Perry in a boxing match when venom is supposed to be such a scary striker.
    Sorry. Not interested in him at all. He can make some highlights, but his ceiling is so low. Basic entertainment? Ig. Going anywhere real? No.

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