Ernie, Chuck & TK Talk Christmas Karaoke + Chuck Shares His New Years Eve Plans | The Steam Room

To get the guys in the holiday spirit, TK plays the Steam Room version of White Elephant, encourages Christmas karaoke, and get Chuckster’s review of eggnog. Chuck takes calls with questions about New Years Eve plans, generous donations, and the last two slices of Ray’s Pizza.

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The last steam room of 2023 has just begun shout out to all kids out there getting ready for Santa Claus yeah shout out to everybody out there getting ready for love for the Kia Santa Claus yeah exactly uh welcome everybody to the steam room Ernie Johnson Charles Barkley um I see that

You have your freshly uh creased jeans on apparently this is what old people do for not all old people and I’m older than you um how are you man I’m doing great I told you last one of the year last one of the year not of the

Season the steam room season just of the calendar year yes we’ll be back on uh I guess January 4th somewhere around there yeah somewhere around it’ll be 2024 it will be so uh you pumped up today sometimes you say I’m in a really good mood sometimes I am in a really good

Mood CU you know what it’s for the kids you know with my two grandkids mhm Henry’s old enough now shout out to my people at Nike who sent me some little shoes uh you know I did a commercial for them they coming out with a line of

Small shoes so my girl glattus at Nike hooked me up and my kids look so cute and they little Nikes get just little shoes you know what I still have a pair of tiny ones that Eric my oldest son wore when he was you know two three years old yeah yeah

Little tiny baby Jordans Michael signed them did he yeah yeah and that was back when I was working at WSB wow and the Bulls were in town so I was just down there at their shoot around and took those down there and said you know I’m

Just going to see if Michael would be game to sign these bad boys and he did it they could be worth for pretty penny yeah they’re they’re nice they are um what’s on your mind man what what’s your first of all my first of all is Draymond Green and John Mor yes

Two terrific players who got to get this thing under control John Morant by the way is play returning on TNT yeah can’t wait on this Tuesday night yes and uh so both guys I want to tell them I like both guys but they got to stop like everybody say I

Did stupid stuff yeah I did do stupid stuff but at some point I stopped I didn’t continue to keep doing stupid stuff because it’s not just about you it’s about your team I mean the griz’s probably out of it for the year debatable uh well they would have to go

On a huge huge win yeah we’ll see what they do because uh with the expanded with the playing now you know if you can get to 10 yeah and right now tied for 13 if you can get to 10 then you put yourself in the playin we’ll see but

It’s going to take yeah it’s going to take a uh a heck of a run from this from this point out so I want to just tell Draymond we like you we both like Draymond yeah but yo at some point we can’t keep saying he’s a good dude you

Know if you like if you good dude you don’t keep doing stupid stuff yeah indefinite suspension from the league after the uh the other night what he said was an accident when he U when he hit Yousef nurkic but um sham shirani saying that he he thought it would be

Three to four weeks um and you know that he’s already begun his counseling good for him yeah but we won’t trade mine back he’s good for the league and you know the Warriors they can’t they’re not the same obviously they need him so just want to wish both guys the best welcome

Back J Draymond I hope you’re getting the help that you need cuz man you I think you’re a good dude but at some point if you keep doing stupid stuff you ain’t a good dude yeah you just think for as long as he has been around and

For as long as he has played the way he does that you when you’re a veteran like that you here’s the line here’s how close I can come and it surprises me that he continues to cross over and um you know the thing is he’s not the same

Player but he’s going to be around for at least four more years he gonna have they probably GNA have zero tolerance right way worse than zero tolerance so he’s going to have to really get his act together uh but same thing with J I can’t wait to see him play tonight yeah

Me too yes um what else you got uh that’s it brother those two guys because I think that you know in our job people think we want to talk bad about people which is totally 100% wrong nobody goes to work saying hey I’m on trash yeah exactly nobody does that but

Part of our job are you sure nobody does that yeah right yeah some people yes they do might do that yes but you know we want these guys to be great basketball players and you know how many millions of dollars they giving up millions of dollars that you could put

That towards your family your kids grandkids each one of them probably going to lose $5 to10 million that’s crazy that they’ll never see again so I wish both of them luck and I can’t wait to see J tonight very good that’s a that’s a shorten to the point yeah cuz we didn’t

Get a chance to talk about drayvon last week CU we weren’t on and um obviously he works with us for us whatever how you want to phrase it and it just happened to be jobs coming back tonight so I wanted to address it because oh Kino

Last week we got get to do one of the coolest things that we ever got to do so y’all we were in New York last week for Ernie going into the broadcasting Hall of Fame it was really a cool event I mean Ernie we’re we’re so proud to work

With you going into Hall of Fame is a big deal and dealing with three knitwits that can’t be easy it was awesome to have you three walk out there but TNT TNT they a bunch of dummies why cuz no don’t don’t don’t trash anybody here somebody okay who are you going to

Trash whoever put us at the same Hotel what are the chances of you Maggie Eric cheryan walking around New York for two days and not seeing big ass Shaq big ass Chuck and Kenny you’re the only one we saw well cuz you know CU you know

Shaq was at the hookah bar and Kenny was acting like he was big time in New York but when you when you walked in the bar and said Chuck what are you doing here I couldn’t know what to say no you didn’t and then you said you said you’re going

In the Hall of Fame tomorrow night so I got to be here yeah and then Ernie says read right off the bat who’s doing the show that’s how professional he is y’all the first thing he says Chuck what are you doing here ER you going in the Hall

Of Fame tomorrow I wouldn’t miss it then the second thing he says who’s doing the show I said turned out it was Adam leco shout out to Adam and the new baby and it yeah for sure uh Jamal Crawford was on there Grant Hill was on there and and

Vince Carter half man half amazing was on there did a great job I saw saw some of it after all the festivities last week but thank you appreciate you guys being there oh man to see you with your grandkids it’s had the whole family up

There man I mean it was that was so special and you know what I need to say something because I felt bad when I got done you know the worst thing about those is when you’re start naming people yeah and then you leave somebody out so Ben spalik was up there uh Victoria

McBride was up there I like her T was there there and and and I wanted to shout them out and I did not so this nobody cares about this is a way this is a way of saying thank you to those guys too for for being there and and helping

Us helping the whole family get up there teria set up a pelaton ride for for me and Eric and mag a live live pelaton ride with Alex Tu I’m never toic any credit no I’m always going he’s a nobody he why would you why why would

You say that about Ben uh that’s called spew facts he walks around here and don’t do anything no he does a lot no he doesn’t and Ben I appreciate you man thank try to talk about how tall he is I’m not talking about how tall he is

He’s trying like I’m not talking about how tall he is but I’m saying he’s a big man he’s a big he’s a big man well Weight Watches are happen with that no that not that kind of a big man okay sorry and on that note let’s take a

Break here on the steam room when we come back legendary long time Producer Mike PE here Inside the NBA here Timothy Kylie’s here yes indeed TK Next we are back on the steam room yes sir and uh joined by the legendary longtime producer of Inside the NBA the recently retired Tim Kylie a little Christmas spirit CH wait if you’re retired why are you here looking for that’s right I’m doing doing nice things

For you guys here’s your hat I want to see if that actually can fit on your head there is not a chance there’s not a chance there is not a chance and one side says naughty and one side say nice you know what the white elephant game is

Oh I’ve been yeah I’ve done white elephants before what’s a white elephant game all right uh it’s a white elephant gift exchange have you not done a white elephant gift white elephant no it’s when everybody gets together and you pick a a present and if you don’t like

It you can steal other people’s presents you can go back into the bag and never heard a white elephant before yeah well you’re about to about to experience it don’t open it yet I will not open mine thank you Chuck you open yours and if

You don’t like it you can ask to get back into the bag okay yeah I hope this is some good stuff oh we’ll see you in a minute you know you know the crew cap and abs Abington and and and Audrey and everybody came up hey let me tell you something

Cap is like B ponic here we go vital to the vital to the operation what a grinch you are okay what you got oh my God what is it a bird feeder oh nice you want it to go back hold it open it up let me see let me let see

Because Ernie could use this I know I probably already have one window bird feeder oh that’s the kind with the suction cups you can put on a big picture window and the birds fly right up to the window and you actually know that yes window bird feeder so you’re so the

First gift was a failure I guess yeah it was definitely a failure so you’re not going to go with that okay normally on the white elephant you’re limited to one to one exchange but our own rules since it’s just us yeah no peeking no peeking that’s what it says on the wrapping

Paper a male organizer who who got new needs a male organizer um as I recall you don’t have any male that comes to your house I do not you want so we don’t even need to open it I want know look at the picture look at the

Picture it’s a mail organizer okay all you can put all of your mail in that organizer oh are you going to pass on the mail organizer since you have no mail good sooner or later one of these has got to hit this better not be

Draws I hate when my like I hate when people in my family give me draws and does it feel like draws they know I don’t even wear of draws hold your family knows that too yeah I guess if they listen to the steam room come on chuckster what is it

Coffee H well you old for three you know I’ve never had coffee start didn’t you try start trying coffee a couple years ago it’s the worst three days of my life they said it was good for health and things like that yeah but you said the heck with health the heck with

Health two more to go Chuck hopefully we hit one of them but yeah I tried it three days come on man we can’t eat guacamole you know how I feel about guacamole guacamole oh my this this is like all of the things chuckster that you despise all happen to be in the

White elephant I’ll take that home that’s why I think y’all should just give me cash yeah that’s it and then I can buy my own stuff H some guac guacamole is just a a bottle of mus nice man guacamole and salsa Chuck I’ll correct you on that kind of a medium

Thing working here oh yeah like it like TK this last one is this the last one this last she I hope [Laughter] not what you got what is this champagne champagne in Miami what is this this is a uh what I can’t what is that it look

Like a brush oh it’s a hairbrush well all consistent man every gifts gifts Hut man alive well ER needs time for you no I hope I I hope I have a better one than than you did Chuck I think they probably gave you something good why cuz you

Ernie John because you think that’s the way this podcast Works where let’s do this to Chuck but let’s give let’s give Ernie some really good stuff I like the birds on the on the uh wrapping paper very nice a and ab’s chickies those are chickes you uh called Birds aren’t

Chickes called Birds when you put this when put this thing on your window and the chickes come right up there you’ll be able to see I’d like to see put that you’re you’re up high at the Four Seasons you have a nice window out to

The world I’m not put a bird out there man see what kind of birds go up that high that would be nice cuz they can fly you know oh see I like this way to go Captain obious bir can fly love this The Godfather t-shirt I do like Granda why

Could I get the grandfather the grandfather I like it a lot why could I get a gift like that huh you got a nice hat the hat looks good on you I look like a doofus and and I got I’ll keep that and there’s also this is

This is a little bonus little bonus little bonus you are you are the grandfather man look at that what is that that’s apparently it’s two tickets to G Brooks since you didn’t come through with any G Brooks tickets when we were in Vegas well I didn’t I wasn’t there I

Know but remember we on a podcast yeah and I said hey make a call going to hook it up make a call could make a call cuz I didn’t get there till the day of that game oh I guess you can’t call Vegas so you know I really want to meet G Brook

Yeah he wow that’s awesome right there you know you know come on so did you ever see Bill O’Reilly say play it out ear yeah yeah play it out what does that mean play it out I want a little Christmas music so we’re going to play

It out and you’re going to sing because you’re the greatest karaoke man of all time no this was and this you spe in fate straight facts homie was going so well now you’re going to bring karaoke into it yes let her rip guys let’s hear it we got to hear music right

Yep Frosty the Snowman was a want to go with the music I was doing it wait no start over over wait till it you know the music will will CU you as to Wi Toc no I saw it I know you saw it but you were way ahead of it

He I’m I’m trying to help you out I’m trying you were brown eyes I’m old brown eyes they’re ready to try again now wa listen to the music I’ll Point At You Frosty the Snowman was a jolly happy soul with a corn pipe and butt nose two

Eyes made cold Frost the the Snowman is a fairy tale they say he was made of snow but what the children know he came to life one day there must have been some magic in that old sip hat they found for when they plac it on his head

He he he began to dance around old Frost D this no man was alive as he could be and the children say he can laugh and play just the same as you and me oh dpy St St over the hills of snow Frosty the Snowman knew what knew the sun was hot that day so he said let’s run and we’ll have some fun now before I Melt Away down to the village with a broomstick in his hand running here and there’s all around the square this is the rap

Version hey man leave me go go go wa traffic cop he only paused a moment when he heard him holler stop Frosty snowman had to hurry on his way but he weighed goodbye said don’t you cry I’ll be back again someday by J Rollins s Nelson Chapel company last

Thing eggnog oh come on come on Chuck you ever had any no no you’re not going to try it it’s Christmas come on man just be making up stuff try some eggnog try some eggnog there it is oh this is there’s eggnog in here there is eggnog in

There yeah you know yeah it’s not some a year once yeah once a year you spike it with whiskey now now you got my attention you got Chuck’s attention Merry Christmas they do or they did Merry Christmas brother Merry Christmas TK merry brother producer Tim Kylie joining us here thanks Audrey

Thanks thanks for guys for making me look like a damn idiot with this Happ yeah we got a uh we got a bunch of calls coming up the Chuck’s answering machine is next on the steam room I don’t want to see you regifting that bird feeder to Sarah

Land Chuck and Ernie in the room come and join us in the steam room tuck and Ernie in the steam room leave your tow on in the steam room tuck and Ernie in the steam room CH Ernie in the team room leave your toone in the steam room

We are back yes we are um before we go any further chuckster a special message for you from an Auburn Legend hey Chuck what’s good with it uh listen from one person who went to the greatest University in the land who’s the best athlete to come through alra listen to the question great

Question now before you answer that question Chuck let’s just keep it a bu reason why we went to school you had the honor to go to school and be in school at the same time with PR Thomas Big Hurt B Jackson yourself but I went to school to win

Championships uh so with that being said answer that question well uh it’s between me and Bo Jackson cam I love cam but cam we disqualify cam because he was only at Auburn for one year it was a great year right but me and Frank Thomas were all

There for three years yeah um so much as I love you Cam thanks for the championship you can’t move up the food chain after one year that’s that’s just my rule so who so if it’s between you and Bo it’s between me and Bo who is

It well I hate saying this be honest with you watching that dude play football and baseball is one of the greatest joys of my life M you know that dude was so big and so strong and so fast and every time he touch the ball you’re like this dude gonna score so I

Would never say this publicly especially when Bulls around oh this is publicly trust me Bo Jackson is not L listening to the podcast yeah but a lot of people are will say hey you know what I heard Charles say on the steam room I guarantee you right now both somewhere

Two of my really good friends Bo and car Malone I’m willing to bet that they’re somewhere in a blind somewhere shooting something MH those guys hunt more than any two people they’re doing something that involves big trucks too yeah but I’m telling you though them dudes go hunting

So much like Carl always hates golf he says just a waste of pasture land cuz he goes to like Africa and do like those but Bo likes to Bo likes to play golf he does but he loves to hunt more yeah so so so what’s the answer oh Jackson

If that’s true it’s just by this much man I I I say it’s a dead heat I I’ll give it it’s a dead heat um and Frank Thomas you see Frank much anymore as Frank is in Atlanta we were together last night were you and was it you and

Frank and Doug fluty talking about those pills you can take no so Frank was in town uh he was in town for the day and he called me when I was actually driving back from Alabama he says Chuck where you at I says I’m in Alabama but I’m

Heading back to Atlanta he says I’m in town for business and we got together last night cuz anytime I see those guys Bo Frank Rowdy games yeah you know Rowdy’s the one guy who got screwed because of the Olympic boycott he was the best in the world

He’s a great swimmer yes great swimmer great dude too but he got screwed by the boycott of the Olympics I I should say uh he also worked with us Rowdy Gaines worked with us on uh TBS back in the uh back in the US Olympic gold days and and

That kind of thing so he’s such a good dude and he we try to make sure he gets his shine because because of the Olympic bcot he didn’t get his shine back in college he’s a really good dude and one of the great Albert men um so I think uh

I think it’s time to to jump into the answering machine I think we’ve got a bunch of calls on this this final episode of 2023 brother um the number uh 404 mhm 995 nope 404 9987 3 3 let’s let me try this 404 9870 33 Z very nice all right first

Call hello world this is Charles Barkley leave me a message hey what’s up P Pals this is Teddy again from Chicago Illinois original longtime loyal steamer Ernie I am honored that you guys used my uh idea a couple weeks ago as the end of the

Podcast from now on EJ is good for the soul that is amazing I have a lot of friends here in Chicago that gave me some Street credit for that I know Charles said he was going to hire me I’m I’m I’m ready whenever you want Charles

I’ll move out there let me know what I can do my question is I saw a clip the other day of the infamous episode of the one two back to one and I just have to hear what happened when the camera’s cut what happened after that scene was

Charles poking at Shaq was Shaq still as fired up as it seemed like he was on the air Ernie you seem to have lost it I mean so I just got to hear the story of that love you guys thank you so much and uh cheers to everyone cheers one of the

Great stories in inside history Shaq was so mad he didn’t speak to to us the rest of the night or the next day and he was really mad he was he was really mad and I had to let it go cuz once I realize cuz once he flips the switch to Mad

Anything can happen so Ken’s like yo man let it go because this dude is so hot right now and Shaq is I will tell you this about Shaq Shaq is very sensitive yes he is he’s very sensitive he makes us laugh because he can give you

But when you give him he gets all sensitive but man that was one of the funniest things this dude was so bad he didn’t speak to us for like three days yeah that was one of the few that was one of the few things that for all the laps we

Had on the air and and as funny as that thing was that was one of those few episodes that did have carryover yeah uh because then when we did the show the next night he was still he wasn’t volunteering anything it was like I had

To ask him a question you know that okay so who do you like in this series whoever rebounds better okay let’s go back on this side it was yeah it it was hilarious it was it was great you know it’s so funny shout out to Audie and everybody who did

That oh the the uh documentary yes yeah the Inside Story which you can watch on Max by the way yes okay man we’ve been here so long I can’t believe like I when did we do that yeah some of that old stuff is like whoa I yeah but that one

Was relatively recent yeah and I will never but forget I’m tell you something man you we do so much stuff especially doing the playoffs we own every day for like six weeks and you forget all the funny stupid stuff and when you go back and look at it man everybody should go

And watch that documentary cuz it was fabulous cuz you forget I mean I’m on year 24 I didn’t remember half the stuff I did like the first three or four years and see it again and and Kenny said to Zach same thing he said man I don’t even

Remember doing that I remember the night you you referred to the Titanic as a ball smoting accident said something about he’s jumping off the Titanic I looked at you he said the Titanic Ernie you know it’s a small it’s a ball smoting accident I got a little some boating accident next

Call hey fellas loyal steamer three time Black Masters champion calling to wish a couple Hall of Famers a merry Christmas and a happy New Year it was uh such a cool time up in New York uh celebrating with you guys at the sports broadcasting Hall of Fame induction and uh I love you

Even if Charles uh you took the last two slices from famous rays and uh left me and my sister the public school teacher hungry and alone at 2 A.M good raised Pizza in New York that’s Eric Johnson by the way ra Pizza in New York it’s one of

My favorite things late night yeah it’s what uh it’s one of my favorite things late night just one slab with well huh apparently you you you got two well cuz you know I hadn’t eaten uh-huh because we they had us sitting at the hotel all night so you missed the the

Food at the they brought they’re like we going over around 9:30 well you had time to eat before 9:30 yeah but we just were in how much time do you need to eat I don’t need time I know but they were like we got to go and U so I got my two

Slices of raised pizza and they were delicious well I’m sure that Eric and Maggie are happy to hear that and Nate smeltz was also there why do you keep naming these nobodies Ben Nate why do you keep nameing there’s no such thing as nobody’s in our in this group there’s

No such thing as nobody see that’s why you’re the Godfather you got to say something POS about everybody try to I just tell you but B and and Nate next call hey Charles and EJ long time loyal steamer and I love to bake and so with Christmas coming up comes Christmas

Baking um and I wanted to know what are your favorite Christmas cookies or Christmas treats happy holidays guys bye it’s it’s it’s funny that she brings that up because I have in my possession today the stacks the stuff that Cheryl Anne always makes oh man for the last

Show before Christmas for uh the crew um so we got cookies we got we got all kind of cookies and goodies but the stacks it’s the uh the hay stacks yeah so which is like a which is like those a bunch of little th pretzels no no it’s not

Pretzels it’s not no it’s those what do you call them what do you those crinkly what are those things called it’s like the uh Chinese noodles uh the the crunchy ones anyway you you know when you see them and and peanuts and butterscotch to answer your question

Young lady hey stack I only eat lemon dessert I love lemon dessert it’s just my thing like I’m not big on any other type of cake or anything oh how about the red velvet cake well I do make exceptions for that yes because I like you know Sher land

Put her time and effort in but but and I only eat vanilla ice cream mhm uh you don’t have to put flavors on ice cream you do like those Hast Stacks I love those Hy Stacks you know you got to be so you do make a few exceptions well

Just the Hast stacks and red velvet cake yeah well listen your wife she going to slave over the stove I’m not going to leave there just that’s why next call hey Charles and Ernie this is Steve from downtown Auburn whenever I’m at Hamilton’s I check to see if Charles is

At the bar I really enjoy your podcast and I would like to ask y’all a question my wife and I disagree about whether it’s better to go out or stay in on New Year’s Eve so in the opinion of Charles Barkley what is the best way to spend

New Year’s Eve happy New Year and War Eagle War Eagle brother every time I go down to Auburn I go to Hamilton shout out to the ladies at what is Hamil it’s just like a bar and we just hang out and it’s just like me and Bruce Pearl were

There when I was down for the IR bowl and we raised a lot of money is it near the stadium probably three blocks away okay that’s near yeah so you have to really be careful on New Year’s Eve no doubt cuz you cannot go out with a bunch

Of drunk fols amateur night amateur night so my advice is uh get a small group of friends and y’all either y’all stay at somebody’s house where everybody’s safe because number one you want to drive as little as possible cuz every everybody’s on the highway drunk probably but you can’t be around fools

When they’re drinking and that’s one of the days you just start drinking early and you go all night so my my some some people do it’s not like you this say your instruction well you’re not going to bed at 10:00 no but it’s not like I get up and start drinking until midnight

Get up you already should have been out you should have already been out like and I’m a stay in guy New Year’s Eve that I’m sure that comes as a real stunner to you you probably in the bed by 10:30 no I usually make it but everybody else is you know asleep and

And especially if you have the grandkids with you it’s like hey let’s pretend or when the kids were young yeah hey 5 4 3 2 1 you did it hey go to bed yeah and and and the really cool thing about living in Arizona you get to do it like four times

Wow you know you start like everybody starts looking at e East Coast we’re watching Anderson Cooper on CNN then you get the central time zone then you get the Mountain Time Zone and then you get the Pacific time zone so so that’s why it’s such a big deals that’s

The way it works but we celebrate all of them we don’t wait to our time zone we celebrate when Anderson Co Cooper drops that ball I’m good wow next hey there a longtime listener firsttime caller here from Buford Georgia I just wanted to say Merry Christmas to you both and to everybody

In the steam room and all the folks that Inside the NBA Chuck enjoy those sweet grand babies this Christmas and Poppy start building that bedroom Fort because we’re sending all the grand kids over Merry Christmas to all and to all the last two slices of Famous rayed Pizza

Love you too Merry Christmas you got to be quick my oldest daughter Maggie the Buford High School teacher oh man especially deprived yeah deprived of uh of the the pizza there on last night I didn’t want them eating that late they wanted they wanted they did but man thank you Maggie for that

Call proud of your daughter cuz you know how I feel about teachers yes and to be a special ed teacher is a whole another level because you had to have the patience of Job uh because those kids are so special and I can’t imagine I can’t imagine what

Type of discipline it takes to deal with a bunch of those kids and she flat out loves it she’s got a great group and and and just and she’s so creative and comes up with different ways to to make the days special for them and and uh that

Unified softball game she does every year where where you got the The Varsity players helping out the Special Olympics kid in a softball game off the charts off the charts I do special ed event down in Lakeland Florida with Publix yeah um we play we have an LPGA player a

PGA player and a Senior Tour player and we play nine hoes with a special needs kid and Ernie D get so excited to be out there uh you know I I’ve been doing it for like 13 years and going down there and playing with some of those kids they

Are so happy and have so much joy just to hear a stupid golf ball and I’m like man this is really cool shout out to my boy Barney Barnett who runs Publix and uh but man I that thing was the first thing I tried to put on my schedule

Because the joy those kids have and it’s a weird thing because I’m talking to the parents they’re like for some reason golf is the thing yeah yeah they can’t it’s like he can’t play basketball he can’t play baseball but they get so excited to hit that little ball it’s

It’s really special put a smile on your face for sure that’s for that’s for sure all right next call hi I’m Cody from Miamisburg Ohio longtime listener first on caller a longtime steamer I had a question prepared for each of you but something I heard on a recent episode just blew

Those questions out of the water Ernie I have to know why do you hate Star Trek it’s not often that you hear you use the word hate in something someone who is seemly as optimistic as you are all the time so I got to know like why

Do you hate Star Trek I want to know that too I just you know what I and I I I don’t want to use if I use the word hate I don’t it’s not like I hate it’s just like I’m it does nothing for me and

I just for some reason I don’t like that uh that kind of stuff I’m not a Star Wars guy I’m not a Star Trek guy just being Blasphemous no it’s just it’s just never it’s one of those things that just I’ve never got gotten into I’m not going

To apologize for it it’s just that’s like that’s that’s I met met William Shatner yeah was like what was he in uh I’m just kidding I met him one time in Vegas and I was like we’re never going to be together again I just walked up to

Him thank you for all you have done he’s had an amazing career after Star Trek right and um I like Star Trek I don’t know if I like the new ones like I like the old one my man shout out to my man Spock rest in peace Leonard Nemo yeah so

Yeah what what what he say about my question he he said he had to ask me about Star Trek but he said he said he had a question for both of us he said but when he heard me talking about Star Trek oh in less than glowing terms he he

Changed his question to mine so there you go you you have nothing to answer next hello everyone in the entire theme room podcast team my name is Dwayne Portis growing up I was glue to my screen watching The Inside the NBA show on TNT with Ernie Shaq Kenny and Chuck

And so when I was blessed with the opportunity to be a talent Ambassador for the NCAA March maners tournament I couldn’t turn it down being able to work with people I look up to and had only seen on the TV for so long allowed me to

Have one of the best weeks of my life it got even better when during a meeting I met Charles Barkley for the first time and he asked me who I was even though I feel like I kept my cool the whole time I was obviously a little nervous to meet

Him I introduced myself and we started talking about where I went to go to college where I came from and the type of person I am my dream school is Howard University and historically black college and university in Washington DC even though I told all my friends and

Family that’s where I was going the financial aspect of the school was hard to come to terms to and almost made it certain that I would not go because of the type of person Chuck is he offered to pay for my tuition as long as I perform my job for the tournament even

Though I was cool in the moment there were no other thoughts that entire time I had so many questions I wanted to ask him why don’t you like the woman in San Antonio do you still have on a man’s bracelet from the steam room and so much

More my mind always stand on the prize and because he is a man who keeps his word Chuck paid for me to go to school I am thriving now because of your generosity and the only words I can really say to you are thank you thank you for giving me this opportunity I

Know Ernie has been doing a segment about things that are good for the soul and I just wanted to spotl something Charles is doing that I think qualifies as good for the soul that is wow chuckster yeah you know he was a great he was he was a great kid

And he’s like well I want to go here but my mom’s a single mom and I can’t afford to go I says if you want to go I’ll get you in I said if you get in I’ll pay for it and if he keeps his grade up I’m GNA

Pay for the whole thing because man a lot of these kids just need an opportunity and obviously Howard is a amazing school but when he said he says my my mom can’t afford I said dude we not going to worry about Mom I got you

And uh I’m glad he reminded me cuz I probably got to get him some more of your money going too that’s awesome it’s awesome Ernie you can do that to somebody that just speaks volumes about uh about you chucker that’s a and that is that’s good it’s good for the soul

And it’s good to hear from him yes that uh that the the interaction itself was probably enough just hey I met Charles Barkley and talked to him and now you’re uh you’re paying for him to go to Howard yeah that’s awesome good dude proud of

Him yeah so that’s um that’s it for the calls correct Abby Abby is doing the uh is doing the producing finally got rid of cap that’s Cap’s doing our show tonight on TNT by the way oh God so that’s why ABS is in the chair oh you

Serious he gonna they come in are you serious now he gonna ruin the show no come on he’s gonna be great um so that means you only have one thing left to do right that’s uh good for the soul correct all right EJ’s good for the soul

I think that would be a great way to end the show love that idea good idea Ernie a toast to my big brother George the richest man in town watch that again the other day man uh It’s a Wonderful Life it was just tremendous got choked up at that final

Scene like I always do meantime good for the soul this time is a is a commercial from Germany it’s about two minutes worth chuckster uh doc Morris of Germany is an online pharmacy and um they have this holiday commercial that reminds you to to stay in shape and take care of yourself so

You’ll love It You [Applause] What’s good that is good yeah for those folks I I know that doesn’t translate well to a podcast when there’s no dialogue or anything in the commercial but check it out uh doc Morris what is it DOC Morris and I mean if you just Google doc Morris commercial um but yeah

It’s two minutes of a of an what appears to be a grandfather who is working out and working out and working out and trying to working with the kettle bell and all in preparation for going to Christmas and being able to lift his grandchild up and put the star on the

That’s so special on the good job arest no I love that man and I’ve I’ve seen that before and then when I saw it again this week uh I was like that’s special that’s got to be shared yeah I understand what my man’s feeling yeah no

Doubt yeah and like you know Henry he’s probably old enough to understand right now um and I’m not big on getting kids gift to be honest with you they they get more than am with the paper do the actual gift so I’m looking forward to seeing Charlie she’s about seven months

But I think I might have to give Ann to get Henry a gift yeah we hope you all have a wonderful wonderful Christmas uh we appreciate you all hanging out with us on the steam room uh our last one of 2023 back ready to go in 2024 y um on

Thursday January 4th because we’re going to be doing Thursday games so we’ll be doing the steam room on Thursday been avoiding the NFL we’ been avoid in the NFL we’re all about truth telling that’s right that’s all that’s all we do here let’s room um Merry Christmas Happy New Year love you All


  1. Chuck singing is the best thing that happened this year!!!

    Yes, it is bad…it is so bad that it actually sounded great 😅😅😅😅😂😂😂

  2. When you consider suicide rates among young men, particularly in the US, there doesn’t need to be any negative connotations around the idea of a male athlete seeking counselling to help get himself together. It should be praised and welcomed. I am referring to Shaq’s comments on the topic.

  3. Chuck paying for that kid's college education is something, man. Oh, to be financially blessed and help other people, that's the dream. Sir Charles, you have a very good soul indeed.

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