Did Tiger Woods “COPY” Bobby Jones’ Golf Swing?

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I bet you never looked at Bobby Jones’ swing and thought to yourself, man, he swung just like Tiger Woods.

How about now? You see, the greats of golf actually have more similarities than dissimilarities when you get down to what really matters in the golf swing.

That’s part of what makes them great! Jack Nicklaus, Bobby Jones and Tiger Woods actually swung the club in a very similar way when it comes to how they produced power in the golf swing.

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  1. I thought Rotary Swing teaches to stop turning the hips and shoulders to let the club release on its own. Tiger keeps rotating his hips almost facing the target at impact.

  2. I’ve recently started studying the swings of Jones, Snead, Hogan, and Nelson. I figure why try to reinvent the wheel. I grew up watching Palmer, Nicklaus, Trevino, Watson and Miller and just love that era of golf. But I never got to see the early pioneers play so lately I decided to study up on those guys and I’ve been amazed at the smoothness and fluidity of their swings so unlike the jerky, try to kill it, swing out of your shoes swings of todays players. Golf has become a game of strength and power and that’s ruining the game. The old school style of golf is more aligned to way the game was meant to be played imo.

  3. My answer to your question is what you have been teaching since I started with Rotatory Swing back in 2014: Effortless power with as little stress as possible on the body. The swing that Tiger has now is so efficient and stress free. Of course I love Bobby Jones’ swing especially when you broke down how he looks at the left arm parallel point in the downswing.

  4. The Biggest difference is because of the clubs, Bobby had the hickory shafts. Golf Digest made a similar comparison between Jones and Payne Stewart a few decades ago.

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