Which golf swing training aid should you buy and which ones should you avoid?
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  1. I just watched your forward tee box episode, why are you hitting driver off a short par 4? You could hit a 220 club and have fairway shot about 160 in? You teach. Us all course management but you did not practice it on that round. Instead you said you tried to steer the ball. I think you should do forward again and play smarter, not a driver off every par 4. Manage the course, this will keep you from steering the ball, I would assume.

  2. Ideas. How about you go to what some of us consider cheap courses, like Trident Lakes in St Mary Georgia, priced like 30 for 18? It’s a well kept course. Or Deer Creek in Indiana another below $50.00. Again very well kept course. Or right here in my hometown of Fort Meyers, Eastwood golf course. Not everyone has $120.00 to $300.00 as is charged on the Ocean course that I have played in Palm Coast. Just a thought.

  3. As a long time golf nerd, I have many of these and some old school ones as well … The Dave Pelz Putting Track and Teacher Clips, the Medicus (hinged shaft), the Momentus (heavy shaft), and the forerunner to the AutoFlex … the legendary Whippy Tempomaster. Fun stuff, but do any of them really help? Probably not.

  4. I love these types of videos and it’s amazing that you went through the effort of collecting them all, testing each one, and providing your feedback. The challenge with these videos however is that most people that “test” them, similar to you, well, they have a great swing. I don’t feel you can test a fix for something you don’t have broken. You can’t test a slice fixer tool if you don’t have a slice. And trying to replicate a slice is no where near to a person that has a slice that is trying their @$$ off to not slice. These product reviews would be better if you brought in people with issues and have them see if it really “fixes” them. Just a thought.

  5. This reminds me of Tin Cup with Costner looking like a fool wearing all the training aids at once. Lmao
    Weighted club with a grip trainer is a good start. Most newbs swing over the top. A weighted club makes that virtually impossible.

  6. Maximum club head speed (CHS) should be AFTER impact! Why? Because you want the club head ACCELERATING during impact. This increases ball compression (the club face is moving faster than the ball can recoil off of it) resulting in higher smash factor (SF). Eg. 100 mph CHS with a SF of 1.1 equals about 220 yds. 90 mph CHS with a SF of 1.5 equals about 235 yds. Moe Norman said: "I make the shaft "sing" AFTER impact, not before." And just listen to the sound of his impact to realize the effect.

  7. OMG. Almost choked on my cornflakes this morning watching this. The golf swing shirt………😂😂😂.

  8. Training aids are helpful, but you should only look at the one's you see pros using. They play for money and are trying to gain any possible advantage they can. I use the hangar and the DST Compressor. You can score the hanger for a lot cheaper than he showed. I did. It's also useful for a bit more than advertised,it'sgreat for working on wrist conditions. I like it for short game practice too. One not listed is the tour striker ball. I use one of my kids play balls. Great concept for feeling proper right arm motion and staying connected. The DST is a game changer. It can be had second hand for quite a bit less too.

  9. Dude.. it’s retailing for $99 and you can give it one sentence? You have no idea what it’s supposed to do to help improve a golf swing! Stop hurting the game of golf. If you cannot explain what the training aid is supposed to help then you have no business giving it a review.

  10. Golf has intrigued me for 30 years or so, tried many of those but you have left out the most simple and effective , a 7 foot marine rope as used by Dr. Kwon and others.
    As an average golfer it has improved my timing and understanding of plane considerably.
    Love ya from the other side of the pond.

  11. I was super impressed with this video until you pushed the straight stick and even provide a link. Makes one wonder if there is a relationship there because it does literally nothing imo and it’s in that too expensive group to begin with. Any product where the thing clicks at the bottom is dumb imo.

  12. A good service for all of us hackers. One device not mentioned is the Pro Swing Training System by Dan Martin. It's a rope with a golf grip and a weighted soft cylinder. Purports to teach a non-leveraged swing, essentially keeping the cylinder in an orbit, rather like David's sling. I like the concept but the devil is in the details. If you haven't guessed, I've ordered one and will try it out.

  13. This is basically a showing of how golf companies view their buyers. Like a lot of other people view golf. When i grew up, it was only rich kids and country club parents who golfed. Unlike other sports, it wasnt a leasure game for bros. It was a members only sport. Clubs have always been far too expensive and cheaply made teaining tools are stupid expensive. I didnt start golfing til my 30s because i found its fun and ebay has cheap used clubs. Golf as a whole would benefit greatly by making things more affordable. People wanna play, people enjoy the sport but its just not rational for them. And ive been to country clubs and been treated like garbage by older club members.

  14. I agree about the grip on training aids. I didn't dial my grip in until I used a weighted, little club, with a grip trainer on it. Golden.

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