Hey Golfers,

Thanks to the Edwin and SportsBox AI, I’m diving deep into what the system can do for golfers. As I prepare for next season, I wanted to see what my swing looked like in 3D and what changes I could make to improve my ball striking.

There are several big takeaways, but I first wanted to fix my secondary tilt or side bend. You’ll notice a substantial gap if you compare the purple line from my chest to the yellow line down from my pelvis. The app allowed me to track my tilt throughout the swing, and I noticed that my upper body was too far behind my hips, sometimes resulting in poor contact.

Part 2 of the video will show you my after-swing changes, which increased my clubhead speed and significantly improved my ball striking. To have your swing analyzed in 3D, join the Learning Center at Humo.Golf.
Thanks for watching!

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