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Do you need a simple yet powerful way to trigger the start of the golf swing? Do you struggle with sequencing the swing in the right order? Do you not feel any power or fluidity in your golf swing? This is how to get all that and much more.

#tigerwoods #golfinstruction #golfswing #startswing #golftips

By simply pushing the lead foot into the ground and rebounding quickly to the trail foot, you create the natural loading in the swing that will help you stop trying to swing the golf club with just your arms and hands.

This sequencing of the golf swing is so important that you can easily pick up 10 mph of club head speed the first time you do it, so make sure you stretch and warm up properly as you will be loaded like never before.

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  1. My trigger is pressure loading the trail leg and I basically feel like I keep it there until I start my downswing 🤦🏻‍♂️
    Definitely does not feel dynamic.

    Great video and explanation, I’ll try this this week.

    Loving this series 🙌🏻

  2. Interesting. I had the opportunity to watch Rory up close in Dubai last week and noticed his left heel becomes slightly raised during his backswing, in a way that's much harder to see on TV, though nowhere near the extent that the old timers used to do that. If I'd seen this video earlier I'd have played much closer attention to the left hip coiling, though the full turn of the left butt to impact is noticeable in just about all top level players. Also watched a lot of Rahm, Hovland and a few others that week. Just been practicing what Rory does with his left foot and combining it with the coiling and uncoiling of the left hip. It definitely can work together

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