Golf Players


Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of assisting numerous golfers, and a common theme among them is the remarkable improvement achieved by refining their hip movement. Many of these golfers initially struggled due to misconceptions about how the hips should function in their swing. Transforming their understanding of this aspect proved to be a game-changing moment for them.

In golf, hip rotation plays a crucial role, and executing it incorrectly can lead to inconsistent shot performance. In this video, I’ll present a straightforward visual aid to clarify the proper hip movement, aiming to benefit many of you who may be facing similar challenges.

I’ve always been fascinated by the profound impact that having the right concepts and ideas can have on a golfer’s performance. Sometimes, it’s not just endless drills or months spent at the range that lead to improvement; instead, it’s gaining a deeper understanding of the golf swing and its mechanics.


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✏️Feel free to comment in the box below about this video or any other video you would like Chris to do.

🏌🏻‍♂️Golf lessons available with Chris at HIT Golf Academy, Forest of Arden, contact Chris for further information.



#golftips #golflesson #golfadvice

00:00 Introduction
00:19 Backswing
04:16 Downswing
08:44 Impact


  1. Chris, you do a nice job applying new and fresh ideas to old problems! Question: I seem to be able to shift towards the target or extend up with my legs, but not both in the same downswing. Any suggestions on creating more time to accomplish both?

  2. Different for driver? What happens if you have too much lateral movement towards the target with a driver, guessing would cause the low point to shift past the ball, and cause you to hit down on it?

  3. I think if all golfer s cud strike the ball the scores would come down alot 😊well done Chris 👏

  4. Finally, a nice compound swing feel that gets the hips working in the backswing and downswing! For the backswing, all that I have to think of, is pulling my right side belt loop back and up and finishing with my belt or tum touching an imaginary wall just inside the right foot. For the through swing my left belt loop pulls back and up to trigger a tum to the wall finish. Thanks very much Chris!

  5. Hello Chris, I want to share a update about my swing that has given me that "AH-HA" moment. I have taken all your advice on setup , forward and down, but I found what for me was that change for the good , it was to lower my hands to a hanging natural position , vs straight out, I only topped the ball once on my round today…. I shot a 84

  6. Thank you once again for clear, uncluttered instruction. At times, I struggle with early extension and a bit of a tomahawk swing and this may be a "feel" that will help.

  7. Every once and while you come up with a real classic video that stands the test of time and is so critical for better ball striking. This is one of them and to be treasured for its value. Brilliant.

  8. Great video. Yes, please can you do a similar one showing how that works differently (?) with a driver??

  9. Sweet firing on all cylinders. I love your channel you point things out that others fail to see.

  10. For my backswing, should i load and set the clubhead where it is behind the ball pointing towards the sky and butt end pointing at the ball like a strait line or should i fully load where the clubhead is past my head and past the ball, clubhead pointing more towards the target?

  11. chris, i use the stick in the belt loops often and this kind of refines the action, i'm always working on my pivot action. thnx for the help.

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