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  1. Dricus trains in South Africa and speaks fluent Afrikaans. He's definitely African. Did Adesanya go too far?
    EDIT: Afrikaans is a European originated language, thanks for pointing that out. My bad.
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  2. Izzy shouldn't say anything I like him, but you've said yourself. Your Chinese buddy. You can't play it all sides of the field What are you, Chinese New Zealander African? You gotta make up your mind fam.

  3. Heā€™s not African my goodness just born there his parents are white stop the nonsense he was born in Africa doesnā€™t make him African like Izzy said your genes where your parents genially roots are from thatā€™s your nationality Simple people still donā€™t understand the difference

  4. Nothing new. Those whites believing that they can tell us what we are and what we are not, what we should do and what we shouldn't, that they can be from wherever they want and we can't even be from our land if they say so. A fucking product of the genocide in Africa comes to say such shit

  5. Izzy need to make up his mind where hes from , being from a place and being raised in a place are completely different

  6. Yā€™all are so confusedā€¦being African is not just about your nationality. Itā€™s an ethnicity and by heritage you can be from any of the 54 countries in the continent no matter where you live in the world. Africans live everywhere. For the record Izzy and generations before him were all born in Nigeria before they migrated to New Zealand. The ignorance in these comments are unsurprising. A white African saying they are more African because they ā€œbreathe African airā€ when they have NO ā€œAfrican bloodā€ is the funniest of jokes. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s weird to make it a competition because there is noneā€¦.Colonizer šŸ˜Š

  7. Wtf is izzy doing? Wtf. Wich country he must represent instead of the counrty where hes from?

  8. very cheaply by Adesanya to attack du Plessis on a racist level. If the opposite had happened, there would be much outcry in the mainstream media. hypocritical society. Actually, for me, both fighters are relatively the same. But after that unworthy action, I'm definitely on du Plessis' side when it comes to this fight.

  9. "pick your words wisely" like Adessanya did after Du Plesis beat Whittaker?
    that was a embarrassment for the last gender bender. gyno boy. he'll definitely beat Du plesis, but I think it's Adessanya that needs to pick his words more carefully….clown.

  10. Welp i think KOing the Great Robert Whittaker in the 2nd round was definitely showing him something. Adesanya V Du Plessis is going to be fire. Lets go Dricus.

  11. Im from Mexico, Canelo doesnt look like the typical mexican, yet he trains, lives and is proud of his country, and thats something i respect.

    Same thing with Dricus, i hope he becomes Champion one day.

  12. Isreal youā€™d get shot in South Africa by people that look like him and Iā€™m beginning to see why. You simply hate white people.

  13. Izzy is confused.
    First he was a New Zealander, then an African, then the Stylebender, and now he's the Transgender.

    With his nails done and his pearl necklace.

  14. Well hes not champ yet and also adesanya is an african champ. But either way does it matter if both are african like

  15. DDP just beat my boy Bobby Knuckles, devoed! But i support this man 100% against this deadbeat izzy, I cant wait until he takes the belt to Africa šŸ‘

  16. Just to point out, Afrikaans has influence from European languages (among others like Malay, etc.), it is still only natively spoken in South Africa (which is in Africa), making it an African language plainly speaking.

  17. I kinda admire Dricus' ruthlessness in picking this "I'm the real African" argument with Izzy. He knows it's offensive to black Africans, he knows it's skirting the line of racism given south Africa's history of apartheid BUT it's a great way to drum up the fight and to get into Izzy's head. Just like Colby he's doing what needs to be done. And he's playing Izzy beautifully so far, which shows he's intelligent. He looks awkward on his feet but he's massive at the weight, he's a big puncher, he's got a surprisingly decent defence, he's cool under fire and he works a game plan well – if Izzy gets angry and reckless it could cost him.

  18. Also you don't have to bring race into everything have people support you on their own and not because you brought up race for pity

  19. Only Westernized Black people are mad at DDP, most BLACK born and raised AFRICANS are with DDP.

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