This is PERFECT grip hack to use before hitting up the golf course today!! This is an eye opener and definitely never a grip issue that golfers look out for BUT you should. failing to get this correct, you will loose golf club power, loose clubface control. You will find using this 15 second GRIP hack will complete shock you! I know goflers who SLICE the golf ball INSTANTLY stop slicing using this 15 second grip tip

This is one of the best driver tip i use and i think you should use this too! This EYE OPENER grip tip which can be done in 15 seconds will completely shock you. It shocks golfers because of the amazing results! Increase distance, straighter drivers and most importantly get more control of the clubface. This means that you will get more consistency with your driver and get better results from your driver.

Subscribe to the channel for FREE simple golf tips @AlexElliottGolf

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My second channel @back9films

VICE GOLF BALLS ( use the same ball as me)

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  1. Alex, shall I ask my question on the comment of all your videos or do you go back and check previous comments? I've been working on forward shaft-lean, but think I'm sacrificing release. Can you do a video on ball striking where you incorporate both shaft-lean AND release?

  2. How do I stop coming over the top and slicing the ball? I just can’t seem to figure this out. Thanks Brent Murphy

  3. I started watching your videos over the winter. My stance and grip has been not right for the last 40 years. I turned 65 last month and today shot my first ever sub 90. Yep a 88. It was quite enjoyable. Thank you for your advice sharing

  4. Hi Alex, Please help, I kept hitting the ground then the ball which ruined my shot with my irons when I play today.

  5. Once i learned my grip was fundamentally incorrect (life long baseball player…new golfer) I kept my glove with the palm heel hole, to remind me to grip properly…has made a difference..,,thanks

  6. Alex, I have an issue! I address the ball in the middle of my irons, but when I swing, I am pulling the club towards my body and striking it on the toe pretty consistently. I have tried moving closer and away from the ball. That tends to either hit it fat or thin. Any suggestions on how to fix? Thank you very much for your great videos!

  7. Or they are wearing it for the whole round. Put it on. Hit the shot. Take it off. Also check the butt of the club is above the pad of the hand. To many have it on the pad and the rotation wears the palm section out.

  8. Good video Alex as it's something I struggle with on a different note think some is trying to use your telgram messaging to scam people unless it was u

  9. Brilliant! I’ve had issues with the palm wear! I keep the grip in my fingers but do have a problem with the regrip! Thanks Alex!!

  10. I like holding my clubs at the very end that’s why my glove gets like that. If I choke up it just doesn’t feel like I can whip the club

  11. I've been working on my grip this season. It has taken me a while to get it down but now I'm starting to see results. I'm getting better and more consistent hits on the ball. Thanks Alex for your short to the point lessons.

  12. Hi Alex, I often lose balance after contact in my swing at follow through with my driver, do you have a cheat code tip for me please?

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