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  1. I bought a lightly used set of standard length 2020 Forged Tec irons for $580 about a year-and-a-half ago. I thought it was a great deal, but the seller was a little annoyed that he got less than half of what he paid for the clubs new.

  2. Good vid, love my Cobra Forged Tec…but what they hell are you wearing on your feet mate! Honking!

  3. Great video man. Great points. I actually just sold my 14’ Tour Preferred MC for $100 more than what I bought them for 3 years ago! I wanted something more forgiving as I’m not playing much and my single digit turned into a 2 digit. Went with Nike Vapor Fly.

  4. Cobra might make a great product but their logos are huge behind the face, which is a turn off for me.

  5. My whole bag is used Cobra clubs — F9 irons, One Length Hybrid (cheat stick), LTDx 5w, Rad Speed Driver! I almost feel bad never buying a new club bc I like their stuff 😂

  6. I'm sure you must have answered this before but would you consider the Cobra FlyXL iron set new at £250, better value than a more premium 2nd hand set at a similar price? This would be for a high handicapper who plays very infrequently.

  7. I bought new-in-the-wrapper set of seven RadSpeed One Length irons for US$320 last month on EBay. Love them. No gapping issues and long hitting. I don't think that I will ever use variable irons again.

  8. I got the ltdx 4-pw for £400 and love them. Power bats and I'm off 12. Think people do put certain clubs into certain handicap ranges. I don't think this is always the way. 18 HCP who can't chip n put but great ball striker. 10 HCP with a mustard short game but misses greens for fun, if you get my drift 👍

  9. Ive seen a couple listings for the LTDx irons being lower, but it only further annoys me about how consistently annoyingly high the Radspeed irons have been because I do actually want a set of them, particularly the variable/standard length ones which are much more rare than the One Length (nothing against one length, I just like the look of the other Radspeeds and can blend them with my SpeedZone one lengths). I should also mention I want the Radspeed for a specific reason where if I was just purely looking to upgrade my clubs I would likely have more interest in the LTD or even ForgeTech versions.

  10. I still own cobra F9 I still bomb most guys with callaway paradym and taylormade.
    But my iron are Cleveland Cg16 laser milled with dynamic gold S300 shaft… It also fly like a rocket anda very very long and very forgiving…. I will not get rid of it…..

  11. I truly believe that Cobra will be doing away with their one-length productions. All the other "main" one length providers have already stopped, Now that Cobra is without Bryson to be their staff one length players, they won't be able to sell them.

  12. switched to one-lengths this year and it honestly feels like cheating,, hoping cobra keeps making them for years to come.

  13. Just here to say that the new cobra mb is absolutely phenomenal. I ordered 4-9 just based on looks at address alone and they are the best feeling blades ive ever hit and ive hit em all. Absolutely outstanding set of blades

  14. Ive been using the LTDx 4i and Radspeed 5i to G one length irons for about 1 year now and love them. Also have the blue snake bite one length wedges in 56 and 60. The wedges are so nice. Hoping to pick up a set of forge tec irons in the next few months.

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