1. I just use my range finder to make sure the group in front of me is at LEAST 215 yards out so I can rip my driver without hitting them😎

  2. My next door neighbor who shoots mediocre golf like in the 90's, told me one day that he was hoping his package comes today so I have for the round of golf. I asked him what he was getting. He says, a range finder, it's much more accurate than guessing. I thought to myself, dude, you couldn't get 10 yards closer with or without it the way you play.

  3. This drive was so relatable. Had a few of them on my first time playing golf 😂 still trying to learn more before I go for a 2nd time 😂😂😂

  4. Recently played a round. 336 yd part 4 all four golfers waited till the green cleared only one came close… and by close I mean a power fade with at least 90 years to spare.

  5. If anyone needs a case for their rangefinder I’ve got about half of them on the market… don’t ask what happened to the actual laser

  6. Yeah I’m not gonna spend hundreds on a rangefinder just to use it and then inevitably shank it. I wouldn’t recover

  7. "Screw you, driver off the deck, watch this" is never something you want to say before a shot hahahah

  8. You’re gonna need to snort a magic 8 ball if you think you’re gonna get it on the green from this far away 😅

  9. Every time you get worried about hitting it too far or you need to hit it far to avoid a hazard. That’s when you shank it.

  10. In reality I suppose it would be helpful for lining up the next shot. Maybe there’s a club you really confident with or for me more likely there’s a range you want to avoid as you are less confident.

    Skit itself, hilarious.

  11. “You going to need to snort a manic 8 ball if you think you are going to get on the green from this far away”💀😂

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