How well you drive the golf ball pretty much determines how good a player you can be and how low you can get your handicap, so it is so important you know how to drive the ball straight and far.

So what can you do in your swing to stop slicing the ball and hit a draw with the driver? PGA Professional Jack Backhouse has some ideas that might help.

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  1. So, laying the club off is the answer? There are plenty of hood drivers who are in the slot

  2. Set up is 90%, I still struggle with angled tee boxes. Ive started using the ball alignment on the tee to make sure Im square for the angle and not have the ball too far forward causing a hook. I also double check as it messes with my brain..

  3. Just wondering if someone has mobility issues and can’t turn like that due to hip replacements what is best way to swing so don’t too the ball

  4. Very easy to get the right elbow stuck behind the hip from this position, even Rory has stated that he doesn't want the club getting too far behind him.

  5. Thanks for your Tipps and insights! The feeling/idea of pushing the Club away from me definately helps me a lot. Actually I am working on this for some time now and it is promising and I will stick to it.

  6. Absolutely love this drill! Great tips, but it isn't easy, we all mistakes while trying to learn new techniques, glad you kept the bad shots in! Keeping it real

  7. Excellet, both of you. Yet more to think about in those few seconds of setting up and addresssing the ball. I have found that if a I slow my back swing, it feels better, and remember to cock my wrists. That helps me a lot more. Seeing the club head over my left shoulder before release is another helper. I'm 9 and have struggled with the biggest club for "years". I have to rely on my short game to recover.
    Thanks for wonderful videos, and keeping all the sshots in. You're both human!!

  8. Just tried that trick with a towel and honestly made a huge difference and hit a few draws which never hit started right and came back to the middle brilliant thank you

  9. Needed this today. I was annoyed as my swing seemed very flat with driver. I was actively playing and trying to steepen it during rounds. When I didn't steepen it, I hit some good shots. I would rather just make sure I am shallow which is easier with it being flatter and a better turn. Should help me relax this video. I did the 72 hole challenge on Monday and hit an 85 on my fourth round of the day which to me is insane good as I generally hit that score anyway lol. One thing that helped was my swing was flatter and I was tired and couldn't be bothered thinking. Now I know why.

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