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  1. Simon I’m that guy I flush my driver and my three wood and my 9wood absolutely no control on irons whatsoever lol I’m the king of thinning all irons lol to got so bad I’ve become an eBay king on irons buying and selling never giving me self a chance to get used to a set I know the simple answer is go and get some lessons 😂

  2. So lovely listening to you give your evaluation for the driver with such a varied swing speed. Love it Simon.

  3. Cheap driver,pah.I got a Confidence HQ7 in Lidl for £20.Now that's a cheap driver 😂😂😂😂

  4. I had the blue Amp Cell driver up until a couple of years ago. I used it with a prolaunch red shaft to bring the spin and launch down some, and it was a fairway finder for me. It was still in mint condition, so I reinstalled the stock shaft and sold it on eBay for $125 during the COVID hysteria.

  5. Plain and simple. The very truth. Why spend hundred of $$$ when we can afford stg a lot cheaper that fits our very swing?

  6. Disappointed to see no more return of the ‘trade up’ series and giveaway but pleased to see you’re going well

  7. The cheapest driver I’ve purchased was a Taylormade R1 black edition. Picked it up for $25 with head cover in really good condition. I’ve since upgraded to a mizuno St190 that I bought second hand for $190. I kind of wish I had kept the R1 until I got used to the new mizuno because I’m still not quite confident with it.

  8. Wish you were closer to me, love all the stats and how you would know someones swing from the stats without even seeing them, very clever.
    Something else, i tried numerous 3 woods and whittled it down to 2, 2nd hand old Rogue £99 and a new Wilson d9 £119, seemed to hit Rogue better but D9 further, but the Wilson was heavily tapped up as they had no demos. What would you go for?

  9. Clubs that look like that cosmetically really grind my gears. People Need to take care of their shit.

  10. This head seems like a good contender for a refinishing video. Maybe see if you can refinish it in a different colour?

  11. Sigh… just so so depressing. And I though the only thing holding me back from the PGA Tour was splashing out on a new driver.
    Top video (as are your others around this subject) that makes the mechanics and the numbers all very clear.

  12. Evening Simon, which Callaway Epic driver would you recommend for a 16 HPI, do you have one and would you be interested in selling it to me, i would also be looking to offload my Callaway XR used 2 year old driver at the same time?

  13. I'm that odd person Simon, can hit driver consistent and decent yardage for age but7/8 irons horrendous for handicap!! Great informative video again.

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