1. Gabby, great videos. What shot tracer are you using? Is it Premiere or something else, wondering what it is.

  2. Absolutely loved this! Love the power of positivity you bring! Love watching you play! Love your channel!😎

  3. 78 yards to the pin and Gabby suggests putting it? She knows that’s a safe play from a 30 handicapper lol.

  4. I assume you know that in true alternate shot, you alternate tee shots no matter who hit the last shot on the previous hole

  5. Gabby you are the energizer golfer and full of competitiveness and it's so nice to watch. Keep it up..

  6. Another fun video! Thanks Gabby and Tyler πŸŒοΈβ€β™€οΈπŸŒοΈβ€β™‚οΈβ€

  7. Safety tip: When you're on a green you cannot see but the flag, DON'T HOLD THE FLAG UP! Point it down so golfers hitting into green will know the flag is OUT! You don't want to get hit!

  8. Your followers have doubled in no time. Happy for you. You deserve it. Are you wanting to be a pro golfer ?

  9. Is hole 15 a Par 4 ? The caption says par 5..
    397 yards is usually a par 4 but in any event great video, congratulations on your rising success 😊

  10. Love the energy Gabby and you are so natural in front of the camera. Fantastic golfer too making very entertaining viewing.

  11. It's nice to see a young beautiful woman actually dress with class on the golf course unlike some of these other YouTube golfers dressing like there working the corner on a Friday night

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