The hands in the golf swing and how they control the club face are huge factors in ball striking and accuracy. Most golfers have little control and power Promo code for 30 off: AOSG

If you’re looking to improve your straght golf swing or control ball flight. By following the simple steps in this video, you’ll be able to hit more accurate golf shots in no time!

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✅ Watch me next
▶ Don’t Turn Your Shoulders In The Golf Swing –
▶ What nobody tells you about wrists in the golf swing



Here’s what we cover in this golf video.
Which hand do you think controls the angle of the club face?
Did you know that 75 to 90% of your shot direction depends on what the club face is doing at impact the hands they do a heck of a lot more than just grip the club and stop it flying away. Which hand do you think controls the angle of the club face?

Alex Fortey from the Art of Simple Golf gives you simple tips to improve your golf swing. Enjoy this golf video to help you get closer to having YOUR perfect golf swing.

The only thing that really controls the club face are your wrists. And we need to start learning what it is to control that club face so we can get it square more often while the body, the torso, the shoulders, hips, all have an effect on how we deliver the club.

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Let us know what you think in the comments below! 👇

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  1. I have noticed that people that try to control the club face hit before the ball and ruin the shots often(myself included). I bought a golf mat(40cm x 20cm as the carpet has suffered enough already) for 20 pound and try the L2L drill with the front edge of the mat about 2-3 inches back from the imaginary ball position where I usually enter the ground. When I hit the edge of the mat(a lot in the beginning) then I hit the ground but after just a couple of days of practice I can see that now I can hit behind the ball while watching the mat the whole drill(head down which is another issue with me). I move my head after the club is on the second L position just to confirm that it is. Since I watch the mat the whole drill I can see that the club face is actually square without thinking about it.

  2. I remember a Pro watching me hit balls about 15 years ago. He said "You hit a closed club face fade". I said yes. To hit a fade the face is closed to the target but open to the swing path. He couldn't work that out. You surely must know cause and effect to be able to teach not to mention get out of trouble and the trees!

  3. Which hand do you think controls the club face? Too many golfers let their dominant side of the body over take club face control on the golf swing. Let me know what you think below👇🏌️‍♂️

  4. Love your stuff. For your title I'm assuming you mean "Hands do THIS" rather than "Hands to THIS"?

  5. For lefties who play right handed, does this drill work as effectively. I guess I try to both control club face and provide power with same hand. Known to create some unattractive ball flights on frequent occasions.

  6. Great drill, thanks for this. My right hand is too dominate. My path is inside-out, but my face is consistently closed 5-7 degrees.

  7. This is a great drill to show club face control. Thank you very much for that. I am going to practice this drill when go to the driving range.

  8. Thanks so much for this video! It really cleared things up for me with that aspect of my game on club face control! Can't wait to practice this on Friday.

  9. This is indeed gold and I'm hopeful it'll correct my swing fault. Hitting the green is inconsistent for me and I am aware how the clubface is contacting the ball is a big part of the problem. I can't wait to practice that drill to see how my aim consistency improves.

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