In this video MARK CROSSFIELD, AskGolfGuru, is giving you his best golf tips to stop moving your club path too far from the inside. Learning skills in your golf game will only help lower your golf scores and reduce your handicap.

AskGolfGuru Mark Crossfield shares over 25 years of experience in golf coaching to answers your golf questions and help you play better golf.

Music by LabelGREY

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  1. Really interesting video!
    I struggle with 7-8 degrees out-to-in and heel strikes with my driver. My coach wants me to feel my hands coming closer to my body and past my right trouser pocket. At the same time, we focus a lot on getting me to rotate so that my chest is against the target. But these things makes me feel that I have exit left and mayby even more out-to-in?
    I will definitely try to think "exit right" next time I am at the range and have a talk with my coach about that idea. I like the idea but am curious as to what it does to my heel strikes.

  2. Well done mark ya could do a drill on thin shots it's just something that has creped into my game mmm

  3. By far the best golf instructor (and the clearest teacher) on YouTube. There are literally millions of golf instruction videos on YouTube and no one else explains things the way you do. Thank you for another amazing video Mr. Crossfield!

  4. that's nothing. I'm 15 in to out. didn't realize until I got fit recently and saw the numbers. had no idea.

  5. Hey Mark. I know you have done video(s) on stack and tilt method in the past but wondering if you have any current thoughts or opinions on it? Thanks a lot.

  6. Amazing that I was just working on this tonight in my home sim (Mevo+ with Pro Package). Got done and saw this little gem. I had gotten 7-11 degrees in to out and was experiencing some nice little hooks. What worked pretty well for me tonight was the feeling his instructor was giving, which I basically came to after working on what Mark was showing. My angle of attack actually shallowed a bit after getting the path more neutral, so while it might feel like you are chopping at it the reality was different. I was back under 2 degrees in to out at the end and hitting straight missiles. Know your numbers people and listen to Parfield 😂

  7. This is so good. Just the little understanding of how to use intention on the follow through… Thanks Mark!

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