Live BMW CHAMPIONSHIP 2022- Round 4 – Link Watch Live


  1. Why are all you idiots praising his throw. He's literally throwing a golf ball straight into a giant body of water. It's not hard guys unless you have no arms or you're paralyzed

  2. That was bizarre – why did security and golf course workers allow that fan to stand right there on the edge of the green, way in front of the rest of the fans? How can any fan go way beyond the boundary for fans and stand on the edge of the green for at least 30 seconds? What if he had been a mentally disturbed person with bad intentions? Either security was very negligent or this was a planned publicity stunt.

  3. I'm a big Rory fan and the guy shouldn't have done that. Honestly though it did make me laugh😁. Never knew r.c. balls existed.

  4. This kinda shenanigans would fit in nicely at a LIV tour event but it's out of place at a real golf tournament.

  5. "Can you people not see that I'm busy? I'm working. This is my office. Do I come to your office and play with toys? I don't think so."

  6. My Question 🙋‍♂️
    Why is a Spectator allowed to be standing on the green, playing with a toy golf ball ?? If that guy did that on the LIV Tour he would have been beheaded by the Saudi Government 😵

  7. On the LIV TOUR that guy would have been Beheaded by the Saudi’s!! 😵☠️

  8. Well done Rory! How did that fan get that close to playing that nonsense Wow is this where it's going fans are just rude and don't care anymore good for the police to take him out!

  9. Bien joué Rory, c’était la meilleure chose à faire se débarrasser de cette balle et là où elle se trouve maintenant c’est le bon endroit 👍

  10. I would have completely ignored that fool. Rory played right into his game and now that fan has a story to tell for the rest of his life!

  11. Deserves to be heckled non stop for the rest of his career for his "I won't play with trump" comments. Almost as stupid as the spice girls saying Bush wasn't their president. I'm not even a trump fan but as a public figure you have to know your audience… and golf is heavily conservative.

  12. You guys see who the control ball fan guy is right, cant wait for the YT video LMAO

  13. I was there and standing pretty close to the green when it happened. The "fan" was actually a volunteer at the event. Stupid kid looking for attention.

  14. Here's more proof that these actually exist and prob use them on real games to alter the winners.

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