I Worked On a New Golf Swing For 30 Days. You Won't Believe What Happened

I tried to work on a new swing for 30 minutes a day for 30 days. I recorded every video and documented my change from before the changes and after.

I was definitely surprised by the outcome.

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  1. I travel for work quite a bit (42 nights out of the last 90). So I don't get as much practice time. I think the video everything is the first big step. Have been home for two weeks on the trot now and played 3 rounds of golf in a week.

    After videoing myself I noted a similar swing pattern to you. My first step was to stand taller in the legs and len over a bit more making sure my arms are under my shoulders. Stops the standing up and the ball flight is much straighter. The club is still a bit steep but as you say it takes a while to change the old habits.
    Keep working

  2. Kenny, thanks for sharing. Good luck with the changes. As we all should know, swing changes take a lot of time. Videotaping yourself is always best, because we all know that feel and real are not the same. I’ve made a significant swing change and it took 1,000 of swings over a few months to get it ingrained into my muscle memory, many videos of myself from down the line and face on, serious self-criticism, and learning what it feels like to move in the way that was correct for me. What really helped me was developing a “trigger move” for the start of my swing. Once this “trigger move” was developed and I could do it constantly, I no longer thought of my swing or the swing mechanics of it. I just made sure I started the “trigger move, and the rest just happens. Once I got it down practicing at home; I moved to the driving range, which brought in other variables that will destroy your swing, like thinking too much about the ball, wanting to “hit” the ball. These are very real swing obstacles, which are purely mental. I had to focus hard on just “swinging the club” and NOT “hitting the ball.” This took a few weeks to accomplish. Next up was doing it on the course, which brings in other variables, especially the one that says “this counts and you can’t reload like you do on the driving range.” This was and, still is, the most challenging of them all. You have to be hyper-focused on your swing, target and shot shape. Less than 100% confidence will kill you. My 2cents of advice: “stand behind the ball, make your decision, stick to it, make a real practice swing or two, walk up to the ball, make your “trigger move” and let it rip. Accept all of the consequences and move on. I heard one of the top PGA players say: “10 steps before I get to the ball I decide on target and shot shape based upon wind and terrain. I then walk up to the ball and commits to my decision. I then takes 10 steps after the shot and think about how I did. After the 10 steps I no longer thinks about the previous shot. My mind is now only on the next shot. Best of luck to you.

  3. I was very under the plane and been working on getting more on it for months now.
    Looks like you might be getting under with the new move

  4. Thanks for sharing. I'm working on shortening my backswing, getting depth in the backswing, sequence of my downswing, and hand position through the ball. I've been working for about a month. I've shortened the backswing so

  5. Appears to me Day 24 is when it all started coming together when you finally hung the fitted sheet as a backstop!!!!

  6. Notice you added link to recommended reading, any chance you have a WITL video in the works to go over all of the recommended reading you have mentioned in the past or are those three about it?

  7. Love the video! Literally just changed my swing a few days ago. Had a draw swing that would often turn into a hook if I didn't swing in to out enough, which lead to me not rotating my hips properly all the time and really made my strike poor. I'm very fortunate to still be in school so I have summers off. Get to go to the range for 4 hours a day so a swing change for me can be implemented in less than a week. Already seeing more consistency with the new swing. Keep up the great content, love seeing others improving! That's what makes golf so special!

  8. I’m going thru a similar swing change and wow, great difference now, hitting longer about 1 club up, so i have to adjust my game. Doing the same thing practicing everyday in my house. Well done!!

  9. Kenny, awesome!! The thing that has helped me the most is playing irons only. I played from my home course off the senior tees. The "ladies" tee was a little too close but it has helped me with iron ball striking overall. Since doing this periodically I have scored 3 rounds under par and I have never done that before. I have never had a lesson but am happy with the results. FYI my longest iron in the bag is a 5 iron which makes the par 5s challenging but doable.

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