Golf Babe

PGA Tour DENIES Waivers For First EVER Saudi Backed Rival SERIES..

PGA Tour DENIES Waivers For First EVER Saudi Backed Rival SERIES..

Welcome back to Sports Craze, today on the channel we are going to discuss details as PGA Tour denies waivers for first event of Saudi-backed rival series + other related news. In a surprising decision by the PGA Tour this week, golfers who sought permission to play in the first LIV Golf Invitational Series tournament have been denied their waiver requests. It is unknown at this time whether any PGA Tour players will risk punishment by going ahead with participation in the event at the Centurion Club in London from June 9-11.

“We have notified those who have applied that their request has been declined in accordance with the PGA TOUR Tournament Regulations. As such, TOUR members are not authorized to participate in the Saudi Golf League’s London event under our Regulations,” said PGA Tour senior vice president Tyler Dennis in a memo to players. “As a membership organization, we believe this decision is in the best interest of the PGA TOUR and its players.” The belief was that the PGA Tour, which must grant permission to its members to play in events outside the PGA Tour itself, would approve the waivers for the first of eight LIV Golf events this year before denying them at a later date when the league moved to North American turf. Instead, PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan has laid down the law early, denying his membership the ability to participate in the big-money events from the jump. This decision by the PGA Tour is slightly unusual. Many golfers — including Phil Mickelson, Bubba Watson, Bryson DeChambeau and Dustin Johnson — were granted waivers earlier this year to play in the Saudi International, an event on the Asian Tour. Find out more PGA Tour denies waivers for first event of Saudi-backed rival series and other related news when you finish this video.

#PGATourDebiesWaivers #PGATour #Golf

Related Videos:

Will Zalatoris: Saudi waiver denial was ‘perfect response’ by PGA Tour | Golf Today | Golf Channel

PGA Tour denying players waivers into LIV Golf Invitational Series | Golf Central | Golf Channel

Saudi-backed LIV Golf vs. PGA Tour’s Monopoly- Choices Must Be Made


  1. Good, to heck with the PGA, corporate pig's…Should not have moved the tournament just because you don't like President Trump…How do you like the price of gas now, and back to feeding the war mongering swamp dwellers? My King, the King of King's; Jesus Christ…Enjoy the war…

  2. They say a little competition is a good thing unless you’re the PGA. It’s okay for the West to take Saudi oil and do billions in business with China, but demonizing some golfers for playing in another event, really? Don’t NBA and WNBA players go overseas to make money? Golfers are independent contractors and should be treated as such.

  3. It is all about the money on both sides. The PGA don't want to lose money and the LIV wants to make money.

  4. PGA sanctioned players should NOT be playing in any Saudi backed tournements UNTIL they start treating everyone equal.

  5. How does an entity with nonprofit status did to dictate what independent contractors do? I think players will win in court.

  6. Not sure I understand. Every week there’s seems to be a PGA tournament. Every week players don’t play.

    If the pga was so worried then why don’t players have to play ever week.

    That being said, instead of staying home, why can’t players play where they want?

    I can’t wait till it gets to court, PGA will lose.

  7. The PGA Tour isn't restricting anything. The players can go play LIV. That's their choice, and there will be consequences. But it's their choice nonetheless.

  8. Why does Norman want to have a league that competes against the PGA? It should work with the PGA? It's not going to replace the PGA. It's just like the USFL isn't going to replace the NFL.

  9. 2 billion infused into this new league and it has everyone only caring about money and not politics…. Scary when you look into the treatment of woman and others but hey don’t look over there just look at the billions we will give to players that come play for us …

  10. If it’s broadcasted, I’ll tune in and watch the LIV event. If for no other reason, to spite the PGA.

  11. if they want to play on the liv tour than quit the pga tour? simple. no one is forced to play on the pga tour, or maybe it's because they want to be able to play on both Incase the new tour goes belly up.

  12. The PGA seems full of Biden supporters!
    They better get their heads out of their arses! I can’t wait until the beat players in the world development gains traction and the top players aren’t only on the PGA!

    They just want the control and money!

  13. " Unions" control things for……………………….Union control .

  14. They’re all 1099 employees that are members into the PGA Tour by qualifying. They’re not going allow the quality of the fields leave

  15. The sad part is the United States has killed journalist too, and doesn't have the best record on human rights either. Not to mention the whistleblower that come forward either go to jail or dissappear.

  16. This isn't about civil rights abuses in Saudi Arabia. The PGA has no problem accepting sponsorships that do business in Saudi Arabia, like Pepsi. This just about strong-arming the PGA players, and it means Phil was right about the PGA abusing it's position as a monopoly. A lawsuit is inevitable.

  17. Who cares? These players as well as anyone associated with professional golf makes too much money. As a result we the average golf enjoying public pay too much for equipment and fees.

  18. In a world willing to rewrite history and sell its soul just to make a buck it shouldn't be surprising who jumps ship even for some sex slave dirty oil Saudi money.

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