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  1. Love me some Sir Matthew Fryer. Great tuber and teacher. Learned a lot from his style. Would like to see you, Matt and finchy playing a round of 18.

  2. Rick, Love your content. I love your conversation with Matt about the Masters. It would be great fun to also see Pete and Andy there in a round table about the Major's during the year. You could go three hours easy and it would all be great fun.

  3. Great to have Matt on the show! Needs to be on more often, maybe have him on the show after major Sundays?

  4. My local club had a good juvenile section which I played in for most of the summer but we had a competition every Monday morning but the attitude at the time from older players was we should only have been out on the Monday and we were in the way for the rest of the week. That feeling stayed with a lot of us so when we moved out of juvenile many of my friends and myself included moved to the next local club further away to become adult members but thankfully the attitude has more recently improved as the club realise juveniles are the future members they will need

  5. Junior organiser when I was a junior was amazing Jim Donaldson, Jamie's dad, used to bring clubs and shoes for us and drive us all over the place to play, many of us still play now at different clubs. Jim's a legend

  6. I watched the podcast yesterday and was thinking about what you were saying Rick about what you had experienced and I am staying away at Telford golf and spa hotel and I come out the next morning to see the head pro with about 15 kids doing a group lesson and they were all loving it

  7. Not just clubs – GOLFERS forget that there's a need for the next generation to take up golf.. That doesn't mean taking your own kids to play – that means welcoming non-golfers kids when they want to play too.

    I took up golf a couple of years ago – in my late 30s. I HATE the elitism that surrounds the sport. There's some who think they own the course because they play every day or whatever.

    Noobs don't like those attitudes. It put me off for years. I just ignore it now.

    Golf clubs don't help either. Rules for what shirt you must wear, another rule for shoes, another rule for where you are on the course (clubhouse) etc.. You see some in America rocking up in flip-flops, board shorts and t-shirts then go on to break par! Yes having people wear proper golf clothing is nice, but it shouldn't be mandatory. Get people in the door, paying money to play golf. Stop turning them away!

  8. What about the people in the UK who are disabled and not working, who simply cannot afford to play golf, but would love nothing more than playing the game ? Why do they NEVER get a mention ? Why is there NOTHING in the UK to help these people play a great game. Golf really is an elitist club and it's sickening.

  9. Rick, thanks for spending some time with the Bury GC youngsters. It's a shame that you weren't able to meet Sue Warrington, as she has been a huge cheerleader and motivator for the juniors at Bury. Hopefully you get to meet her next time you and your daughter come and share in the fun. 🙂⛳

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