If you want more pars and a simplified technique that the Pros use around the green, then this tip is for you. The Plan: Let’s stay wide on either side of the fence creating a more shallow approach. We’ll minimize wrist hinge and focus more on a super-connected move where your body does all the work. This eliminates the hinge-factor variable that many struggle with and creates a super simple short game technique for your short chip shots, 30-50 yard wedge shots and bunker play. Jason Day is an excellent example of a touring pro that uses a more shallow technique, including from the bunker. Plus, you’ll get a lot of action on the ball with this technique as well. So, let’s get to it.


Christina Ricci is a PGA Class A, LPGA Class A, Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) Golf Level 3,TPI Power L2 & Fitness L2 and best-selling golf author (four instructional books)

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