One objective when fitting a player for a putter is typically to match the torque in a player’s stroke with torque in a putter.

Both face balanced and toe balanced putters create varying degrees of torque when put into motion. Torque causes a clubface to open on the backstroke and open further during transition. A player must use grip pressure to prevent a clubface from opening due to torque created when a putter is in motion.

Putting strokes that :”release” a putter, and straight-back straight-through strokes both create twisting torque-like motion in the hands that directly effects clubface alignment.

It sounds reasonable to balance one source of torque with another but there is a further choice where torque is all but eliminated from both player and putter.

Axis1 putters do not create torque, and are patented to have their center of gravity located in the center of the striking face and inline with the axis of the shaft. A putting stroke is made less complicated by this type of putter that does not try to open during the backswing.

The best match for a putter with no torque, is a putting stroke with no torque. The DynAlign dynamic pre-shot alignment technique uses soft end-range motion to minimize any rotation in the hands and arms during a stroke.

A player can have a more reliable, repeatable, and accurate putting stroke by eliminating twisting of both a putter and connections to a putter.

DynAlign links:
#Axis1putters #endrangemotion #puttingalignment