

Another $4,450 in Sports Cards pickups

A couple nice HOF pickups in this one and a bunch of lower value modern cards to review for grading or COMC. https://medfordcollectibles.printify.me/products https://www.medfordcollectibles.com https://www.ebay.com/str/coinscardsandcollectiblesnj https://myslabs.to/MedfordCollectibles https://www.facebook.com/medfordcollectibles https://www.instagram.com/medfordcollectibles/ https://www.whatnot.com/invite/medfordcollectibles hello everyone Med for Collectibles back here doing another video got…

One of the Best Selling Golf Bags in America

Lightweight. Portable. Versatile Explore Orlimar’s original Pitch N’ Putt Sunday Golf Bag. The Pitch N’ Putt allows golfers to navigate their own path and conquer any golf course. Play free, fast, and in style today! Shop Orlimar: Orlimar Website: https://orlimar.com/collections/shop-all/products/orlimar-pitch-n-putt-lightweight-stand-carry-bag…