Golf Players

Sepp Straka Thursday Flash Interview 2024 Wells Fargo Championship ©️ PGA Tour

Sepp Straka Thursday Flash Interview 2024 Wells Fargo Championship ©️ PGA Tour

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T you pleased with the the round today uh yeah very happy with the result uh I really didn’t feel like I played very well today um kind of drove it really well uh iron shots were not not really good but uh short game kept me in there and um yeah it played pretty tough out there so I’m very happy with a 3 under we talked about this a little the Heritage when you you came in and said the same thing you didn’t play very well but you scored well do you feel like that’s again the maturation of your of your game and and especially in these uh bigger tournaments yeah I think so I definitely think that you know if you can try to improve every part of your game a little bit then it might save you when when one part’s not working so well so uh like I said I drove the ball great which is key on this golf course especially for me I got to hit Fairways uh it’s really long and uh yeah and then didn’t hit my irons very well but my chipping felt really good today so uh yeah you know you’re always kind of trying to balance it out and hopefully uh there’s more good than bad how soft was the golf course other than the greens I know are quite firm yeah the uh the wasn’t get much roll out there it was really really wet but uh like you said the greens are they’re new so they’re they’re going to stay firm all week and uh that’s that’s a pretty good challenge and uh yeah I think I I did pretty well with the game management today me and Dewey did what do you think makes Quail Hollow such a you know great just unique spot on the schedule every year uh yeah I think it’s a very special place it’s uh it’s a beautiful club uh the golf course is outstanding uh you always get the best fields and you know you know you just kind of think back to all the shots that were hit all the uh kind of the history of having a tournament here and uh yeah it’s it’s a very special place to come to appreciate it except just real quick in your native language just assess the round thank you thank you

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