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Rory McIlroy embracing the fun in golf before Wells Fargo Championship | Golf Central | Golf Channel

Ahead of the Wells Fargo Championship, Rory McIlroy is focused on the “fun element” of golf, aided largely by the Zurich Classic and his win in the event, he tells Todd Lewis. #GolfChannel #WellsFargoChampionship #PGATour #RoryMcIlroy
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Rory McIlroy embracing the fun in golf before Wells Fargo Championship | Golf Central | Golf Channel

Rory maoy played a practice route here at Quail Hollow getting used to the conditions of this golf course and this is his first start since the Zurich Classic at New Orleans of course he and his good friend Shane Lowry won that event it was the 25th PGA Tour win for Rory maory he had a lot of fun in his first ever starting New Orleans walking the fairways with his good buddy Shan Lowry and also of course winning and because of that event he arrives here in Charlotte in a very positive frame of mind I I think um you know we’ve got a great run of events coming up with here at the PJ at Valhalla uh and then going to yeah like you know a great stretch of golf with Canada Memorial uh Us open at Pinehurst which I I love as well so I think that the week in New Orleans did me the world of good just in terms of um the fun element you know it was a lot of fun we had a great time regardless of the result uh but then obviously the result was a bonus too and and getting the win with Sheen and I think as well with how I felt like my my game came around especially on the weekend there I played great um you we got off a bit of a slow start Saturday but I think I played the last 10 holes on Saturday and six under and then um you know I played a super solid run to golf on Sunday even though I only hit half of the shots the shots that I did hit I thought were pretty good so and then to win yeah to win with a friend and to you know what that did for both of our Seasons right you know it got Shen into the last few Signature Events it got us both up the FedEx Cup points list quite a bit um and it gave us a lot of confidence going into the into the meat of the season and the summer so uh yeah it was a great week uh I’m obviously so glad that we we were able to do it and play and um yeah it definitely makes me excited about the the rest of the year follow what you said you said it did a lot for you from a fun perspective was fun missing heading into New Orleans uh I think when you’re going through a spell of golf where you’re not getting the results that you want it’s hard to have fun right it’s hard to it’s hard to keep your enthusiasm it’s hard to keep um that sort of positive mindset week in week out and that you know that was my fourth week in a row and I was I was sending to my team um last week you know it’s a great lesson for me that when things aren’t going great sometimes it’s not about going back home and working on your on your game and standing on the Range it’s about trying to play and play through it and understand what your misses are and how to manage and um you know it was a good lesson to me that you know sometimes just to to keep going is is the right thing to do and to keep playing and to to keep um I guess keep working on what you’re working on and having faith that it is all going to come together at some point well it did and U you mentioned expectations um I’d like to know what your expectations are when you Tee It Up here at C Hollow yeah I think it’s hard for me to come here and not have high expectations because of my history here and how well that I’ve played uh but I I love this I love the golf course uh I love the area uh I love the haris family so you know regardless of the expectations that I have coming into this event I always know that I’m going to have a good week because of uh the history that I’ve had here the Rapport I feel like I’ve built up with the the fans and the community and how much support I get so um and I think that all of that together helps me play better golf too so it sort of goes hand in hand but yeah I I love this week and you know for it to be the first PJ Tour event that I ever won and the memories that I’ve had from that and you know the success that I’ve had since um you know I always come here come here with with really good vibes final thing um you shattered expectations on stage with the band uh when you’re saying um don’t stop but leaving is that a learned skill you have or were you just naturally gifted to be a great singer I am not naturally gifted if anyone actually heard my voice they would know that uh I you know as like 8’s rock songs go it’s probably one of the only ones that I know so I’m glad that he that he uh that he sort of give me that one as an option um and if if I were to have a karaoke song that would be it but only like the first two or three verses I don’t think I know the words for the whole song but you know I’m good for like the first minute of that song so I’m glad I’m glad that I’m glad that’s all that people saw maroy not quite hitting the vocal range of Steve car of Journey but he had a memorable weekend in New Orleans now as far as here at Quil Hollow well he might be hitting the right notes as far as setup goes now there’s been a lot of rain here in Charlotte over the last week this golf course is very soft now it’s long when it’s dry but a wet Golf Course here at qu Hollow means it’s very very long that plays in Rory’s hands also brand new greens new grasses on these greens meaning they are very firm so you’ve got to hit the ball very high to land the ball and keep the ball on the greens also fitting into Roy Mary’s game so he is going to be the favorite heading into competition which begins on Thursday now in regards to other competitors here are not here Scotty Sheffer is not in the field this week he is of course awaiting the birth of him and his wife Merida’s first child also not in the field is ludic oberg this was a bit of a surprise on Monday oberg announced that he is not going to play here because of some knee issues well I reached out to his camp today and I found out that he was preparing last week to play in the Wells Fargo Championship but while he was prepping he noticed some swelling on his left knee now if you’re go to have a knee issue a left knee is probably the worst of the two in regards to being a right-handed golfer because that’s where you turn and post up on but his Camp said there is no pain in that left knee just some swelling and after Consulting with doctors everyone decided that oberg should actually not play this week rest up get some ice get some treatment on that left left knee and be ready for the PGA Championship at valhall and right now he plans to compete in his second ever major championship by the way oberg his last four starts on the PGA Tour all top 15 finishes including a second place finish at the Masters

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