The Wrist Move That Makes Nelly Korda So Good

This video is all about the golf swing. I hope you find it useful.

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guys so in today’s video we’re going to take uh inspiration from Nelly cord and I’ll be honest with you my wife has recently got into golf and some of you may have watched some of the videos on her other channel marage go if you haven’t definitely consider heading over there and subscribing because watching her journey and her progression is really I think relatable for lots of people and it’s also very enjoyable for myself seeing her progress but she’ll often site Del cord so Anna will quite often sort of talk about Nelly cord’s golf swing and she’ll show me glimpses and obviously she’s doing something really well because she can’t stop winning and one of the things that I thought we would talk about because it’s something I haven’t really spoken about quite recently on the channel is the risk move coming in towards the impact phase so just to clarify a couple of positions here let’s say let’s say your impact phase is from sort of parallel through to parallel here right so we’ve got the sort of early downswing which is left arm horizontal and then from here to here is that sort of impact phase in terms of when we’re going to start to you know really get a sensation of the club hitting the ball and what we can really notice with with Nelly Cordo is the wrist positions so she has a a decent amount of right wrist hinge which means this type of angle here we can also see the way that the left wrist is flexed and the club face looks should we say more parallel towards um oh sorry perpendicular towards uh her plane line so this means as she comes down into this hit the club face stays much more stable and then she has a sort of what we class is a bit more of a sort of slap release to square the face and it means there’s not too much rolling happening at the bottom part of the swing now is this important yes I think it is because there’s a handful of students that I know and that I work with online that in the downswing position they come down and the wrist is slightly cued and the problem is is when your left wrist is cued one it’s going to have a tendency to open the club face but two it’s going to make you come down a little bit too steep like so so you can see if I now change this wrist positioned into a more flexed what we can see is the way the club head goes more behind me okay like so and then if we kind of move the wrist and help it with a little bit of wrist extension to get the club on playe you can start to see the way that club face looks much much squarer now the other side of this is that you know I wouldn’t necessarily try and force a huge contortion right to the point where I see this a lot from students as well where they end up sort of letting go of the club right we don’t necessarily want to do that but I think what you do want to do to get a nice solid contact on the back of the golf ball is you want to make sure as you’re coming into this downswing position that you feel like you’re left wrist is nice and flat and I think the best way to ensure that you do that is to try and be a little bit more aware of retaining that wrist hinge in that down swing position so what I do with all my students is we go through a bit of a swing sequence where we get set up to the golf ball in the early part of the back swing position we create an element of wrist hinge so you can see the way the club head travels back in the first part of the swing through a wrist hinge not through like a massive amount of body rotation and then we hold on to this wrist hinge as I come into the downswing the wrist hinge angle similar to what we saw in Nelly helps you keep the club nicely on plane my left wrist will be nice and flat at this stage as well and then you can hold on to that sensation of that wrist hinge until you come into this impact phase and then once the club shaft is parallel then you want to start to be more aware of allowing that club to release allowing that right wrist to flatten out so that you can keep that face nice and square coming in towards that through swing so get rid of that Cup’s left wrist The 100 % you can play around with that release make sure that wrist is nice and hinged from that early back swing position and you’ll notice much much better contact see you soon


  1. Thx for this video and lesson Russ. I been trying to hold the trail wrist hinge too long b4 impact and need to start letting it release more at the bottom.

  2. Nelly definitely does not have a slap release. Her body rotation coupled with her forearm rotation is what provides the face stability. Slap releases with a flex left wrist can lead to wrist injuries, especially with neutral to weak grips. I really hope my comment helps people to not potentially injure themselves chasing this. Everything you spoke about is correct other than the slap release. Nice video overall Russel 👍

  3. I love the simplicity and clarity of your lessons. I'm a little puzzled by the wrist flattening in this one: how do you change your wrist position consistently without adding inconsistency and instability in the downswing?

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