How To Transfer Your Weight In The Golf Swing

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so the variation to this would just be as I get into my takeaway I’m just going to lightly pick my foot up replant it okay so now from here I’m on Center my pressure is already moved forward now I’m into a position to where I can use this as a decelerator so that my trail side can accelerate around that does that make sense and so like part of that whole point it sounds like is to be able to shift your pressure weight we’ll use those terms interchangeably for the sake of this video without like a big Mass shifting of your body that a massive and a longer drug out transfer of energy so like this would be a long drug out transfer of energy it’s almost slower in other words yes so this would be a little bit faster earlier quicker Spike and energy and I would say probably more so more efficient all right guys the golf season has started and if you want to have the best season of your life I’d like to help you do that for the first time ever we’re now opening our annual membership we sold out at the end of the last year we’re opening a limited number of spots for you and I’d like to be your golf coach for this year if you’re already out playing things you’re struggling with and I want you to go out and have the same results you had last year if you want to play better this year we got to do something different these videos are super helpful but when we could see your swing and help give you personalized coaching it makes all the difference in the world made all the difference in the world for me over 10,000 golfers we’ve already coached I want to have that for you as well you’re going to get 12 months of coaching for 50% off retail it’s like literally the price of what I charge for 2 hours of in person you’re getting 12 whole months for that 247 access to all the coaches ask any questions we’ll hold your hand and guide you along the way all of our master classes all of our practice plans all of our live seminars over $4,000 worth the training videos all included as a bonus it’s valid from today through May 10th there are limited spots I really hope that I’ll see you there I know be the best investment you’ve ever made in your golf game we can really really help you out gorog we’ll put that in the link in description down below all right guys in today’s video we have Jack Nicholas Sam sne Trevor solsman Eric Gorno Dream Team what a forsome huh are yeah but in person we’ve got just Trevor and Eric no Jack and Sam even though we’re going to look at their golf swings today a little bit and talk about a move that they use in their swing uh that we want you to use in your swing or a variation of it to help you strike the ball better and Trevor this one’s all about the lower body it’s all about weight transfer um and how the feet work and obviously we’ll play some Jack and Sam and we’ll put them on the screen we can see they’re famous obviously for some big back swing turns some lifting the heel up lots of lead knee in two of the best golfers of all time yeah for sure and when it comes to weight shift and weight transfer that’s an area where a lot of players struggle with so I like to run through that today had a shift weight had a shift pressure some easy things they can use in their golf swing but Trevor if we’re talking at the most basic level in terms of like shifting weight and pressure I know you talked I saw you recently about how to do it while staying pretty centered in the swing it’s an easy concept for people for sure so going into the concept the reason why I like this concept like you said is when I stay Centered for me staying centered I think that allows us as the player to strike the golf ball more consistently day in and day out uh when we start looking at weight transfer and I’m going to say back when I was taught and probably when you were taught is was taught to get way back here behind it shift way left then extend and hit and for me that caused a lot of contact issues not saying I’m not not trying to knock on people that helped me out because I’m very appreciative of what they did it’s just how I think we’ve the golf swing has has changed over the days right here more modernized right here so when we look at weight transfer when somebody’s moving this direction and then moving that direction I view that as kind of a slow long drug out transfer energy right there okay so when we look at the simplicities firstly how how easy can we transfer weight well me standing right here if I do this that’s a weight transfer so if I pick my foot up completely off the ground that means all my pressure transferred to here while I’m staying on this axis right here so this right here this could be a weight transfer okay just me picking my feet up right here I’m able to maintain this access and I can transfer energy pretty aggressively but also I can move it faster it’s a faster spike in other words so if you think about this if somebody came in and they chopped me off at the knee right in here I would it would appear that all my Mass is moving forward but initially where does all my pressure go to yeah then I regrab it and I can go now I can regrab it quick and I can go similar things that we’ve seen in baseball Etc stuff like that y guys like we see baseball player pretty pretty aggressive pretty fast pretty fast pickup replants right there we’re not seeing a baseball player going this way but I think that’s what we see more out of golf swings right there so looking at this right in here and what I like about this variation of I would call it a variation of the step drill the step drill that that I’ve seen a lot of other great coaches do as well so the variation to this would just be as I get into my takeaway I’m just going to lightly pick my foot up replant it okay so now from here I’m on Center my pressure is already moved forward now I’m into a position to where I can use this as a decelerator so that my trail side can accelerate around that does that make sense and so like part of that whole point it sounds like is to be able to shift your pressure weight we’ll use those terms interchangeably for the sake of this video without like a big Mass shifting of your body that a massive and a longer drug out transfer of energy so like this would be a long drug out transfer of energy it’s almost slower in other words yes got so this would be a little bit faster earlier quicker Spike and energy and I would say probably more so more efficient more efficient can I can we hit one with that yeah absolutely so when I do this right in here I’m going to feel like I get to my takeaway the foot’s up and I’m replanted almost by P3 right there interesting okay so by P3 I’m already planted so once your hand so take away like shaft parallel or kind of hands hip high you’re that’s when you’re picking the foot up yeah that’s when I’m picking the foot up and then I’m very quickly putting it back down into into the turf so it’s picking it up about here-ish yeah and it’s already down by like left arm parallel yeah and it’s already back down on the ground by by three CU I know this is a this is a harder this is a bigger skill set and it’s harder for a lot of people to be able to distinguish when do I need to get pressure forward right and I think you and I what we see on a lesson te on a weekly daily basis is we see people that get up here everything goes together well now everything’s in a constant acceleration which becomes a balance loss and then we’re trying to save it decelerate late and then we might say the player becomes a little bit handser at the bottom okay okay let’s see let let’s see the drill with the the pick and the foot up I think that’s a nice easy so I’ll do this one slow so you can see it so I’m going to go here SW and when you’re that was a nice hit too when you let me hop in there and try that Trevor when you’re doing this because obviously we’re talking uh weight shift impression we’re going to get to more of the Jack Nicholas Sam sne as we go and how you can turn this in your full swing but first things first like obviously when I’m hitting an iron you know I’m starting relatively even yeah let’s call it neutral just to keep whatever and then as I’m making my back swing as I’m going back here like I might have if I wasn’t doing the step maybe like 70% or so of the pressure in my foot and my right foot by this point without my body having gone way to the right y but it’s at that point when in reality that I would start going from 70 you know 30 kind of back to like almost 50/50 by the top yeah and that’s I’m assuming is part of the point of like feeling this drill to get a sensation of that yeah I think most of us are most of us are very late in getting there I want I want to see it get there earlier get forward sooner right like we see out we see out of a lot of tour players we see there where the commentators on TV will say well look at how early they’re driving their hips forward before they’ve gotten to the top yes okay similar similar concept here so when I’m hitting with this I don’t need to like step forward I’m just putting it back in like the same spot up down okay up down up down from about the take I’ll just try kind of one mellow here first yeah I mean that feels really nice that feels really easy for me uh athletic yeah and maybe maybe slightly forward sooner than I would but I’m a guy who already like goes forward fast yeah you know so for me it’s not going to feel that that different but to your point for someone who’s not used to that uh that might definitely feel up down up down sooner yeah I mean that feels excellent that’s about how from like a timing perspective it should look I think so absolutely and and I think to your point right there what I think this can help a lot of us out here with is this isn’t a crazy technical move but what it adds is it adds an element of Rhythm for us now it adds us an element of Rhythm and it gets sequence moving in the proper order yeah I like that hell I could just play like that those three of the best shots I hit all day I’ve contemplated it so like when you’re doing that Trevor let’s say kind of step two to this and kind of getting into the Sam you can hop in here in the Sam need and Jack because obviously we’ll see you know from them if we watch them on the screen yeah they had these big old heel up knee in moves so let’s say the player obviously if you want to take a little step when you play Let It Rip but if we want to transfer this into a normal swing I know there’s sort of like two variations um you have kind of a unique way to do it why don’t we talk about the heal up option first and maybe some things for them to watch if they go that route and then maybe the the option you prefer even better yep so so I would say so the heel up route I think the heel up route I don’t teach this very often but the heel up route I would say is for the player that maybe struggles with finishing their turn so a little bit more internal rotation of the hip allows this to go here and they have a they have a platform that they can replant the heel on right there so I would say that’s the added benefit to that if there is one yeah and that’s sort of like when you got we’ll show the Jack and the Sam on the screen those were guys especially with the longer clubs right were like huge big old back swing turns lots of power while their body stayed very centered to a point right big old backswing turns so okay so maybe someone’s like getting a little older maybe they’re lacking flexibility want to get a little bit bigger turn with it they can transfer this into the heel up and in theory if they were to do that before we talk about some things to watch for can you demonstrate what that would look like are they feeling like heal up at the same spot heal down right when they start down so I think this is the important piece of this drill right here is where where I see it going wrong heal up for some people is we’ll go here and they just go heal up and leg lock or heal back down and leg lock okay and it actually pulls them away from the ball so it’s like what do I have to hit up against now right here okay so I think it’s important if you are going to be the player if you decide to do this if you decide to do this I think it also needs to be a repr pressure into the ball of your foot if we think about the strength the strength of the foot right here I mean your big toe is a really really strong part of your foot like if we’re going to to vertically jump that’s going to be from there we’re not going to try and vertically jump so from our heels right there so I think it’s important to go pressure into that then it’s pushing or moving moving pressure back the direction of the heel so make sure if you go if you go here it’s not just throwing that straight back into the heel to where it’s a leg lock and it actually moves you off the ball and we don’t have a platform to hit up against that would be what I would caution people of right there can you show us the good version with a with a HP so it kind of up and down but the pressure working towards the lead toes a little bit more be yeah just as like a little bit of a Quee yep so that would be that would be how I would how I would do it that way that might have been your best shot of the if it was pretty good I’m not going to lie okay so that so that like let me let me try one like that TR actually so the heat so if I was taking that step yep if I was taking that step into a normal now I just go heal up heel down but I’m still my heel is on the ground but I still feel the pressure here Bingo okay got it heel goes up heel down and the heels coming up kind of at that same spot huh I would say it’s about the same spot as the previous one we showed yeah okay so starting about here and I’m feeling like that’s replanting pretty early it won’t happen in reality but that’s the feel heel up heel down yeah that feels really solid for me too there dude again it’s a good Rhythm for for players that struggle with rhythm and sequence this is a very good way of practicing yeah great great rhythm with that I know when we’re using that though and then I want to show this second version that you do different version of this the other thing we mentioned when if you guys are going to do this version sometimes when we see the heel come up we would see two big faults right one would be when the heel comes up the lead hip going way in with it yes which can lead to that like early extension on your back swing y so we want to avoid that and also Trevor I know you see sometimes when the heel goes up we might end up getting way too down and forward in the back swing yeah over flexing into the lead side in the in the back swing okay so if we’re getting those if we’re getting those we do want to watch for those too a little bit of heel up and heel down so the heel going back down man that feels nice the heel going back down with the pressure forward okay so now let’s Trevor can you show us your ver your slightly different version you would do yeah so so this is one this is one that was big for me so the to to Eric’s point and what he showed right here is so the over flexing over flexing of the knee hip coming forward going into too much flexion in the spine right here this is back swing y so this back swing so the player that goes goes too much this way this is what I fell into now from here what’s my recovery going to be jump up out yeah I’m going to jump out of it and I’m going to come backwards and I’m going to be throwing Loft at it again so what I like about this version that I’m going to show you is I will actually practice going lead toe up lead toe up so when my lead toe goes up it’s really hard to flex my knee and my hip can’t come forward so now this this can still work this can still work but now where’s my only Direction I’m going to go from here now I have to go back down into the strength of my foot that I can extend off of or I can push off of in other words so this is the one I really I really like for me is I’ll go toe up toe up in the back swing replant yeah that’s nice there too that’s that’s been the one that’s done worlds for me it’s helped a lot of people as well that I’ve coached and obviously like this like a lot of things we always talk about right guys like when you have an issue in your swing to fix it you have to feel the opposite and exaggerate yes so if you’re someone let me hop in there again Trevor to Trevor’s point where you’ve got too much lead knee going down too much body down too much in your toes what’s the opposite of too much in your toes is nothing in your toes yeah right to have the toe up so I love that theory behind that I think if you’re watching you try them try different ones and see like I really like the heel up one like the Sam sne Jack Nicholas piece Trevor because it’s easy for me to get back in my toes anyway and I just kind of use it as a little bit of a feel but to your point if you’re someone who goes that way absolutely love that that sensation as well or even just the quick picking the foot up the points here being we don’t want huge mass shifts back and forth right and we don’t want it to go real slow the better ball sckers do it sooner yep and you can get that just by picking the the feet up picking the feet up that’s what I like about truthfully that’s what I like about version one is it it’s a very simple I we we do this every day we pick our feet up every day it’s like this is just adding a a human nature element to it to swing in a golf club as opposed to big long drun out drug out transfers of energy I think it’s a I think that out of all of them that’s probably my favorite I think it’s simple guys just wanted to add a little bit of detail when to do it like we talked about how to practice it and start with something like an 8 iron or something start slow build your way up all of Trevor’s info is going to be linked down below if you want to go see him for iners online his YouTube channel great videos any questions always leave a comment down below thank you guys for watching


  1. It seems everyone wants to shift back to lead foot earlier. So it seems there is a spectrum from Stack n Tilt to Hideki Matsuyama's pause. Seems impossible to figure out where to shift back is optimal. . . but optimal for what, accuracy or distance??? Hell, just point me to new clubs that will fix my swing. (Sorry for posting this boring comment, but it is just too tempting to be the first comment.)

  2. For whatever reason, I have trouble with this type of motion. It feels like I’m out of sequence. I prefer to feel the weight go into the inside of my right heel, then everything flows. I can see how this would be good for some though. It might have something to do with perception or eye dominance, I don’t know.

  3. Hey guys!

    Would love for you to take advantage of our annual coaching plan sale which is 50% off retail today through May 10th! This plan has been sold out for for months and I'm sure will sell out again. Perfect time to get in now as the season starts if you want to make some real improvements join us at and sign up before 5/10 to get the 50% off! Send me an email to if you have any questions at all I'm happy to help!

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