What Really Happens When You Set Your Body Closed!

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yep when you get closed you don’t just
give yourself this directional advantage
to be able to swing inside out when you
get closed you give yourself an
anatomical Advantage you see when I set
cloes what I’m really doing is I’m
positioning my lead shoulder socket so
it can have the greatest range of motion
now the lead shoulder naturally works on
a shallow circular and descending swing
path so it’s kind of this beautiful
thing where not only you get this
directional advantage of obviously just
setting your body closed which is going
to influence more of an inside out swing
path you’re actually gaining access to
your lead arm and that’s what makes it
great you know all great golfers use
their lead side in a dominant way
throughout the swing that’s just how it
works that’s why the gloves on the lead
hand so you set
closed as much as you’re gaining this
directional swing path
Advantage you’re also turning on your
lead side so your lead side can do what
your lead side does which is Swing on a
shallow circular and descending swing
path that creates stock shots of solid
tight draws that creates efficient power
smash Factor type stuff now there’s even
something cooler about it when you set
clothes your you’re also weakening your
Trail arm you’re positioning your Trail
arm so it has the least range of motion
I’m basically when I set you closed I’m
tying your Trail arm behind your back
and that’s something that people have
always tried to do in golf they’re
always trying to get their Trail arm out
of the Swing but then they’re always
trying to use their Trail arm when you
position it like this you take it out of
the Swing when you take it out of the
Swing you get your lead side you put
your weight on your lead foot you have a
shallow circular and descending swing
path resulting shot solid tight draws so
when you look at me in this closed
position don’t just think of it as I’m
aiming off to the right I’m actually
just gaining access to my lead arm and
my lead arm doesn’t swing out this way
swings like this this is how the
shoulder socket works this is all
geometry of the anatomy here well what
does that produce a draw that starts
slightly right of 12:00 for a
right-handed golfer so as you view the
setup position recognize that it’s doing
more for you than you might realize
commit to it stay still and let it show
you what it can do


  1. I'm a former 3 hdcp, so I've known how to play a little. Over a few years time I started aiming left for a fade that turned in to weak wipes. I adopted Jim's swing setup on the range one day and went out and played. I've used his setup for 6 rounds now and guess what? I'm hitting solid tight draws. There is GOLD in those desert hills!
    Thank you Jim!!

  2. How come this swing works nicely up until about the 6 iron and then it doesn't work anymore? Over and over and over again my long irons go about 10 ft off the ground total of about 150 yd.

  3. I think Jim has very sound advice in his videos and he can help many players who struggle with the golf swing. But I don't think it's best for everyone. My ball striking has improved greatly since going to an open stance setup. Everyone has different body types and physical abilities. Find what works best for you.

  4. Such a great point about neutralizing the trail arm. This is the Jim Venetos Golf Academy version of holding a headcover in your trail armpit, and bonus, it looks a lot less ridiculous! lol

  5. Hey Jim,

    I totally buy into your swing but I find it really hard to know how closed to be as I don't have a point of reference,
    For instance, if your mat is pointed to the flag, what would your setup look like from behind? How closed would you be?

    Thanks for your posts!

  6. Jim, using your method I smoked my brother last week. He’s been playing 8 years, I’ve been playing 2 years. I hit the greens with consistency.

  7. No one else in the golf world teaches anything like this because on the surface it seems so contradictory to golfs fundamental teachings. But if you really study it, it is as fundamental as it gets, ie, most great ball strikers use their lead arm to lead the swing and at impact their shoulders are somewhat closed. Jim 's genius is to reduce the variables of the swing movement so that one does'nt have to be concerned with a gillion different swing thoughts about what the body is doing during the swing. instead you use his set up, swing and stay still through impact, very simple idea, like most genius ideas are. For me the most difficult thing was taming the right arm, because as a right handed person who has played golf for 30 years it does not like being subdued, however once it was the results were amazing. Thank you Jim

  8. I used to play a lot of frisbee golf when I was younger. looking back on it all, I wish I’d became a “left-handed golfer“ to make my right arm the power/swivel source. Do you ever think about that Jim… Wishing you had learned to be a left-handed golfer instead?

  9. I have one question for you Jim. Where is the club face aimed at address? towards the intended target or through 7 o'clock.

  10. Get a tracer cam Jim! It’ll work wonders for helping people see your ball flight style.

  11. I am 77 years old and a 24 handicap, I started using Jims swing about 2 months ago and am now averaging 12 – 14 handicap. I am playing 9 holes 7 days a week because my house is on the 11th fairway of my local course.

  12. What I see in your setup your moving your core of you to support the internal/external torque muscles that are necessary to perform of swinging a golf club. Your spine is also neutral and stays that way through the entire motion creating a very effortless motion. That’s what I see!!

  13. No tracer
    No idea what target he’s hitting at but people are supposed to just trust this “revolutionary” swing concept? 😂

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