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Gab and Juls MOCK DRAFT! Our experts pick the best players born in 2002 | ESPN FC

If football did drafts… ESPN FC’s Gab Marcotti and Julien Laurens are joined by Tor-Kristian Karlsen and Ryan O’Hanlon to select their top picks of players born in 2002.

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I’m gab he’s jwes welcome to the gab and
Je the third annual gab and jws draft uh
Jules I’m excited you excited I’m so
good man I miss this I’m hyped and I’m
amped My Heroes don’t appear on stamps
but they will appear soon because we’re
gonna be joined by Tor Christian Carlson
and Ryan oh Hanson ohanlan even uh Ryan
ohanlan of course is uh one of our our
data guys he’s much more than that he’s
our talented journalist but he going to
bring an analytics perspective to it
yeah whereas to Christian Carlson as you
know farmer monac Byer leusen Watford
Scout um he is going to bring the Scout
side the itest so um they’re gonna be
competing with us this time around and
here they are welcome Ryan welcome Tor
now before we get into it and as a
reminder uh we will be we’re only
allowed to pick players born in two th02
players who are younger than that are
not eligible so you know sorry your
luminium M thing ain’t G to work time
will come just not it’s time will come
and if you yeah when we do what the 2006
version of this who knows if we’ll still
be around then um when he becomes old
enough to get eligible to be drafted
um there’s gonna be four rounds we so we
were going to make five picks each we
will will employ the snake method uh but
before we get to that because of course
you and I have done this yeah uh before
yeah and you know we do the draft people
say Jules you’re a gab you’re an
idiot hahaa but how do we actually
evaluate who did better in our past
drafts so I’ve asked Ryan and Tor to do
this for us now I’m gonna take us back
to the uh and it’s right here on my
phone to the 2000 draft where uh you had
the first pick and your picks were
erling Holland that’s right Alonso
Davies thank you or Oren schwam manyi of
course Anthony uh oh and uh svan Bartman
a uh my picks and you can see them here
up on the screen Phil foden venicius
Jonathan David Duan vavic and tonali of
course Tali I don’t know if he was
betting at the time but he was certainly
eligible to play at the time uh now we
might both have our thoughts on who did
better but let’s get Ryan’s quick sum up
Ryan who won the gabin Jews 2000 draft
was it me or was it Jules and why well
it’s leaning toward Jules after the
first three picks Holland Davies too
many superstars uh and then he just
drafted Anthony which I I don’t know if
this draft was 15 rounds I’m not sure
Anthony would have been a good pick and
it was good at the time Ryan it was good
he was okay at the time I don’t think he
was good at stretching it so I think gab
just simply by having a sort of
unspectacular final three picks even
though you have a guy who uh is
currently suspended from playing
football I give you the edge thank you
well by the way we’re taking a long-term
view of this it doesn’t matter what
they’ve achieved thus far it matters
what they might achieve in the future
what what they’ve achieved since in
tali’s case doesn’t look good for your
draft that’s what I’m saying when Italy
win the 2030 World Cup and tonali lifs
it as Captain you will thank me your
homework properly um Tor we need to get
the your view on uh on this draft is it
team gab 2000 or team juwels 2000 yeah I
um I think G Gabriella wins by quite a
quite a margin
because yeah because I think Anthony is
a well it’s such a disaster that uh you
know at least according to my score
system he kind of brought Jules average
down massively and obviously that might
have been affected by Jules uh Gabriella
just having four players to to be
countable I think they were they were
good very very good choices folden
Vinnie Jr Johnson David and laich are
all you know none
of earing highand though to I thought
You’ be on my team on this one we move
we move we move okay
let’s move on to 2001 now now uh this
time we we we picked more players uh you
can see them up on the street I’m not
going to read out all their names but my
graft from uh 2000 included bukai Osaka
Enzo Fernandez uh and others now I know
when it gets into the second half I’m
sure you don’t want yes you’re gonna
have people are gonna take issues with
Nikki beans niaa joli maybe it would
have been really good if you had started
betting and got himself suspended and
there might be a pattern there with
tonali uh Armando broa I still not
everybody’s cup of tea and of course Mr
Miko mudri I know people will bring this
up jwes let’s look at uh let’s look at
yours a quality uh you did very well
there with Qui Scalia Moises kaiso
yurian Timber we haven’t quite seen
that um I really lik Michael Alis I
should have picked Michael ois quickly
do we need to warn whoever you pick in
this this year’s draft about someone
getting suspended for gambling because I
think if I pick them and they’re an
Italian Central midfielder it’s highly
exactly um I I think this draft it’s
actually the reverse of the of the
previous one I think gab you have a
really high ceiling with a lot of your
picks who started off so well and then
Modric who you picked I want to point
out you picked him after after like his
first season in the Premier League this
wasn’t when he was at shakar and he had
all the hypee around him and then also
I feel like we’re trying to make brya
happen and it’s just just not happening
well Jules his picks don’t have maybe
the the same potential I guess overall
is yours but none of the picks are a
complete disaster like those are picks
Bas no but he loves mri’s hair and
Tattoos that’s why he picked oh yeah
yeah because yurian Timber’s been great
hasn’t he he got injured it’s not got
injured his AC you’re GNA blame him uh
you’ve been unlucky with defenders in AC
botman as well there is a pan there
uh Tor are you do you share Ryan’s view
that Jules might have just edged this
after my mudric and brosia P picks yeah
I think so
um well I follow Ryan on on his
reasoning there I think what excited me
a bit about this draw obviously you got
seven players in each so you can perhaps
turn a bit more left field in your picks
but I thought it was cool that you had
ruin in Gabriel that was an extra
mark up for me and I also like that um
Jules got ois ois and Onana which I
think are you know pretty um pretty nice
kind of scout he’s done his scouting
homework there but I think toal from the
best I think Jules just Ed it there come
on all right okay all right so it’s so
it’s a draw so now we go to the Oracle
ultimately right it’s all about the
bottom line right transfer valuations
now there is no Oracle transfer Val
evaluations the closest that we get is
transfer Mark now transfer Mark has all
its foibles it’s a bunch of German guys
sitting in a basement putting up numbers
valuations uh it can be in a basement it
might be in a nice open yeah one of
those glass buildings I’m sure they’re
wearing sandals with socks as they speak
might be as well actually for all we
know um so but anyway let’s just see
what transfer Mark says yeah and can
tell you that the value of Team gab
2000s today is
435 million euros at the time of the
draft it was 370 million euros that’s an
increase of
17.6% yeah and that means the value of
Team jwes 2000 was
43 million which means I win although
you have a higher increase that’s the
most important um so you are trending in
the right direction with that one
2001 yeah right the one where everybody
laughed at me ha bro whatever laughed at
you guess what I win that one too
because my transfer mark value is
583 million I know because I’m thinking
I’m thinking but that’s not the idea
that’s a change of 0.5 know which one
was the most expensive Squad well
that’s that that is that is one of the
criteria here right we need a tiebreaker
uh Jules can I can tell you about your
2001 draft your transfer mark value
today is 57 million right at the time of
the draft it was 530 million which means
the value of many of these players has
actually gone down among those whove
gone down in value according to transfer
Mark which of course take it with a
grain of salt people like Moises kaiso
like karat Scalia I don’t blame benile
your boy Manu K so all right anyway this
is the past now it’s time to turn to the
present the future because the gabin
2002 year of birth draft is about to
commence now you may be wondering
gentlemen draft order how are we going
to determine it yeah well producer
Freddy has a
solution oh
extremely extremely high
tech reminds me of Chat Roulette somehow
um so do I just say spin in the wheel
start spinning should I try doing that
first pick or you let’s do a try Jews
jws this will be for the first pick and
when you say spin that wheel will start
amazing oh the
suspense come come
on there we go Jules you get the first
pick in my first the draft now for the
second pick why don’t I say spin next
time because I have a feel like whoever
says spin ends up being chosen so
spin go on ah
to yes to
okay go you you picking
fourth all right Ryan it’s me and you it
didn’t work last time do you want to say
spin come on
Ryan Ryan likes the pick
three go
last so so unfair you doesn’t matter
because it’s all about the brains and
it’s all about the Snake Here
all right gentlemen so the way it’s
going to work I am simp we’re simply
going to go through this and I’m going
to I’m going to call it out yeah and you
will have you’ll be on the clock tell us
who your pick is and in a couple
sentences why like I said I only have
one player on here who’s worthy by gab
standards of my number as of being a
first round pick okay I’m pretty sure
you will pick him but I am really
curious about this so juls with the
number one pick in h the gabin Jules
draft you select I select Eduardo
kaminga do you want more explanation he
that’s all you’re gonna give me ah just
an amazing talent he can play everywhere
I think I think there’s so much more to
come even he’s already so mature for his
Edge the energy the everything there’s
not there’s just nothing I don’t like
about it all right to Christian Carlson
you are on the clock with the second
pick in the Gavin juwels 2002
draft okay we’re going to play safeer so
I’m going to go pedri yeah of course
that’s the obvious number one of course
well is already one of the best
midfielders in the world no matter the
age and you know he’s he’s going to be
with us as a absolute world star for the
next 15 years so you it’s not going to
he not going to fail me he not going to
let me
down all right
saw his medical file though oh yeah as
part of your research I’m just saying
I’m just saying you bought his medical
file on the dark web as we do which I’m
sure is what Ryan did too uh and to
inform his next pick third pick in the
gabin jewels uh 2002 draft all right
before I pick I want to point out
putting my money where my mouth is in
that I think data for the most part can
do a better job of projecting
performance than my eyes so I contracted
off my picking ability to 21st group a
consulting firm they sent me their uh
top 50 rated players born in 200 and
that will mostly be driving my picks
here a little bit of Ryan sauce on top
of it but this will you’re giving you’re
giving these guys a free plug here right
he if you look out the window right and
you see that brand new Escalade in
Ryan’s driveway we know where that’s
coming from all right go for it Ryan I’m
driving a Kia just wanted to point that
out uh third pick I’m going with josco
gardial um I think
he uh obviously has played a ton of
minutes at a position where young
players typically don’t play that much I
think he’s maybe struggled a little bit
in his first season at City compared to
what we might have expected but I think
most center backs or fullbacks Center
back fullback hybrids as a play for Pep
struggle a little bit at the beginning
and he’s sort of become a First Choice
player now and I think going forward a
center back that’s playing a ton at this
age it’s a lot more rare than a Winger
or midfielder playing at this age so I
think going forward there’s just a ton
um ton of production to come from
guardal nice I appreciate top three
really strong with my pick the number
four pick in the gabin Jules 2002
draft I’m going to go I’m not I was
going to go for a value pick and I’m I’m
really on I’m really on the edge but I
am scared to do it also I think this
guy’s going to be around later so I’m
going to go for the man who I believe is
currently the Premier League’s top goal
scorer and you’re all ignored him that’s
right Stone Co Palmer uh I am not a CLE
Palmer guy at all but I’ve become one um
I’m going against a conventional wisdom
that oh look man city let him go they
didn’t think he was good he goes into
what I think is a pretty poor team
despite whatever portino says about
analytics say that they should be top
four or whatever
uh he scores goals he’s pretty he’s very
very easy on the eye and um I think he’s
got a good future him how many penalties
oh yeah yeah yeah okay he’s a penalty
guy right he just scored a hattick this
weekend or sorry on Monday or four goals
whatever it was stop it stop it I get to
go again I get to make my value pick and
I’m gonna pick a player in the Premier
League from Brion and HOV albian and
it’s not anuti it is Simon ad dingra
like silence in the room but I think
he’s been tremendous this year I don’t
think this is a great draft at all
relative to the ones that we’ve had in
in previous years I think there’s a
really big upside and I just wanted to
annoy Ryan because I know that the
analytics nerds are all very big on
Simon aninga a dingra
even you’re up now Ryan you can’t pick a
dingra like you wanted yeah you who you
got we know you wanted him uh we’re just
going to stick with the pattern that I’m
currently on of taking Manchester City
players we’re going to go with Jeremy
doku um a player who’s already on the
best team in the world unlike Simon ad
dingra and getting playing time for that
team he also has the most expected
assists and Progressive carries of any
player on this list um at this point in
his career despite not really being a
full-time starter in most of the seasons
in his career so far so dku I think you
watch him play it’s pretty OB vious the
physical tools are all there and the end
product is coming along so I like I like
doku as a as a high ceiling and he’s
also already on Manchester City so the
floor I mean I you know what happened
and I will show you this afterwards so
I’m racing letu so I had doku on my
second list right and he was he was
basically right next to kaminga when I
erase kaminga because doku is a stupid
short name he can’t have a nice long
name I did I could show I can prove it
missed you missed whatever whatever hey
like you like those big volume uh stat
plays go for it enjoy um Tor you’re up
SP right um I kind of went with the the
obvious choice now we got to be a little
bit more creative um I’m going niik
Williams from athletic the one I was
going to go
Pho I think uh you know the reasoning is
a bit similar to Ryan with doku I think
there’s so much potential you know the
end product might still be lacking a
little bit but there’s so much um you
know pure talent physicality Pace power
one against one capabilities and you
know at the player who is 21 I think is
it and is obviously going to get a move
at some point and his valueable increase
Jules you’re up with the eighth pick
yeah and you know where we are
here bradle bar is my second pick I just
after Tuesday night I love him so much
the guy can’t do no wrong in my eyes can
do no wrong in my eyes he’s still qu and
he need to learn there’s a lot of things
that will teach him me and Lis Enrique
but I think really I really think that
he’s got an incredible potential and I
think for first season in Paris with all
the pressure the expectations he’s done
really well at times the games were he
hasn’t been on and and that’s fine he’s
still very young let’s not forget he
only had six month really Al before
making the move to Paris but he will go
to the Euros I think if Kings lean is
injured and not
back and I can see why desan would pick
him because I think he’s that kind of
player that is so unpredictable can go
both ways right left on his right foot
on his left foot we saw the cross for
dembele uh in Barcelona on Tuesday night
I just love Brad Baka and also he’s a
PSD player so you know you have to do
that I wonder if there’s any other PSG
players for you to pick maybe Portuguese
ones my next one my third pick I select
Nuno mench there you
go boy okay I’m a little bit worried
about his injury um history but I think
if if he stays fit and I you know if he
if he develop physically like he should
I think there is an incredible left back
there uh I again I think defensively at
times and we saw against lamin against
Barcelona on Tuesday in the Champions
League that there’s still some work to
do I just think in terms of pace
physicality technical ability he’s got
everything so for me nun man she there
all right so this brings us to the
number 10 pick in the gabin jewels
2002 draft uh Tor you’re
up oh it’s starting to get
tricky um but I think the obvious ones
are picked up now but I’m going to go a
little bit left field now and I’m going
to annoy Gabriela because I know he
doesn’t like German players and I know
he doesn’t like the Bundesliga
particularly much at least he pretends
not to so I’m going to pick maximilan
Bay from
hoffenheim well I think this uh I have
some time for you know the grafter
hardworking pressing player he’s kind of
you know rectify the one thing in this
game that he was lacking the goal
scoring and he’s he’s coming up you know
is is coming on the Leaps and Bounds now
so I think again might see him move away
from hoffenheim and that might help my
my stats then eventually but you know
might not be the most talented player
from a technical viewpoint but you know
I have a soft spot for a proper
hardworking forward Ryan I I I I was
looking for your fa or is it this 21
Century Fox whatever name of that
company that actually is working with
him good point good who’s speaking I’m
not I’m a bit confused that’s all like
yeah machine just no what do your
overlords tell you that you should pick
sorry I have to plug myself back in
before I continue to talk um we’re gonna
stay in the Bundesliga we’re going with
Pierro in capier uh the Ecuadorian
Center back from luse and the one thing
that scares me I think I always get a
little scared by center backs that play
in a back three where they’re a little
more protected by the sort of formation
and the structure of the team and you
would think probably if he when he moves
on for lusen he’ll probably play in a
back four but he basically plays every
minute of every game for one of the
greatest Bundesliga teams of all time
they’re a absolutely fantastic defensive
team he’s very good on the ball very
smooth on the ball um and also we go
back to my criteria of center backs have
a lot more lung longevity when they play
at this age compared to Wingers and
midfielders and given that this is a
forward-looking exercise I think center
backs are are particularly
valuable I can’t argue with that I’m up
um and I’m not GNA pick uh a center back
no someone from the Bundesliga uh no not
from the Bundesliga either I’m gonna go
for guys who we thought were really
really good a year ago and then kind of
had a bit of a HRA moment thinking that
they’re gonna come back and be good
again it’s like we see that the NFL
draft right I mean as you obviously know
we’re doing this in April because the
NFL draft is coming up you always see
that you get the guy who was you know
all everything their junior year then
they do their ACL and so they fall in
the draft okay take a pence you take a
pence basically right exactly so I am
going to pick with a 12 pick in the
draft Ryan
Grabbers from Lio he doesn’t play at
Liverpool but you still you still he
doesn’t play at Liverpool because
there’s mallister and there’s soas no no
no but look now that this manager is
leaving there’ll be a different manager
next year and I’m taking a Long View on
on Ryan
Grabbers um and with my 13th pick I’m
doubling down on the future whoa his
name has been mentioned already nobody’s
at the coones to pick him okay but I am
going to pick despite the fact that he’s
had a horrendous injury record and he’s
had a horrendous time at Brighton and
HOV albian that’s right I’m gonna pick
my second Brighton player because I am
team Tony that’s right anuti because you
guys are gonna get him and at some point
he’s got to come back and be good
because we saw him be good we saw him be
better than all these guys at one point
and I think that’s when when
again around four years ago yes okay
yeah yeah I mean that’s a hell of now
he’s older and wiser yeah okay there’s
no reason he can’t be fit again he’s a
young strong
boy right um Ryan no yeah it’s Ryan
again you’re up are you gonna laugh at
my an pick yeah Beyond laughing
we’re we’re going with Destiny udogie
here um udogie only kaminga played more
minutes in the big five leagues among
all the players that are eligible for
this draft playing a lot of minutes at a
young age pends future success also
playing the position he plays which is
sort of kind of the modern fullback role
where you pinch in rather than kind of
overlap I think is pretty tricky for a
young player and I think he’s done
fantastic in Sera he’s been one of the
better players for Tottenham this season
and just has just played a ton and all
of the coaches who have coached him
think he’s good enough despite being
super young to help their team win games
so I like udogie for similar reasons um
with why I’ve picked all the other
Defenders um I think playing at a young
AG that position a going on to you’re up
with the number 15
pick right um I’ve already established
my position as the kind of elitist
hipster guy here
so I may as well just you know come May
and and go for it look I’m picking L
Samar from
Udin see such a quality player you know
magnificent left foot set pieces take
care complain different roles in
Midfield like his energy as well can hit
uh you know strikes the ball so well you
know he’s going to leave with at some
point and um you know I think it’s
potential big player
there I I can argue with that I love
twoa guys pick back to back pretty
special and when anati goes there on
loan next year then it’ll be three in a
row juules you’re up with a number 16
and number 17 picks in the draft so I
won’t lie to you all but I was going to
go in an all French or at least players
who play in
France uh draft just because you know
that’s the way God wanted it to be but
I’m not I’m not because there’s a player
in Italy that I’ve been really impressed
with Gaba bolognia and that’s caori and
I think caori is gonna have a hell of a
future he’s gonna get a big move in the
summer I know to likes him too and and
so do you obviously and Ryan too uh I
just there’s everything I like about him
the way the way he
plays I don’t know the personality that
he has I think the future is great for
him and because also my my club is a you
know is a selling Club I can make a lot
of money on caur uh when I sell him
after getting him in the draft so caur
is my next pick all right you have the
pick after that with number 17 I I still
can’t believe Two Italian Guys going in
the top 16 hey whatever whatever floats
your boat none neither of them picked by
me with number getting uh suspended from
from if you pick them they’d be at risk
of that but we’re protecting exactly I
am a bad luck charm when it comes to
this uh number 17 Joel so this is my
last one yeah this is your final pick so
I’m going a little bit left like the
boys have and I’m going to go to the
buliga as well because again he’s a
player that has really impressed me also
with the French under 21 team and that’s
Enzo Mio from stutgart I just I just
love the left foot I love the Elegance I
love the swag the flare that he has the
creativity and I think he can he will
even develop more in an allaround player
because I think he’s got such a great
engine as well that he can play deeper
he can run a lot he can do everything
there’s I don’t think there’s something
that he can do yet he’s not the tallest
and the strongest physically but I think
he is very intelligent so for me moo
who’s been a key player in this
incredible truear season deserves to be
in my draft at my number
five all right this is the 18th pick in
the draft uh in the fifth round T you’re
up right uh decision time I’m going to
go with
um yeah okay I’ll just go
full full monty now uh
Gori sudakov from Shak
donet and no point going for the safe
choices big Club players apart from
Pedro I picked from the small little you
know like cult Club so why not we’ll
I’ll go with sudakov very impressed with
what I’ve seen from him um of course
there is the mudri uh you know the mudri
um precedent parallels which are kind of
maybe making a few clubs worried right
now but um
yeah no I like him number 10 extremely
good on the ball again um very creative
good one against one just kind of a
modern wonderful footballer I enjoy
watching him
play nice shov I that is a bit of a roll
of dice it is high upside I think uh
Ryan number
19 this is your final pick in the
draft I I feel like I haven’t had a real
hip pick yet so I wanted to save it for
my last pick we’re going with Amar dich
the Bosnian right back for salsburg in
Austria he seems kind of like the next
um super Prospect to come out of
salsburg also by picking a salsburg
player I’m sort of tapping into the hive
mind of probably the the best scouting
apparatus in the world and yeah I I
think he’s a pretty explosive kind of
interestingly lanky fullback pretty good
with both feet and yeah he he’s seems
like he’s going to be linked with pretty
much every big team either this summer
or next winter or the summer after that
has played a ton at a young age which if
we’re sensing a theme here that’s pretty
much the main thing that I look for in
these players plus again he’s a Defender
so playing a lot as a Defender at a
young age portends a lot more playing
time going forward yeah work great for
Harry M loves the defender he certainly
does so I’m in I’m in a difficult spot
now I have the final pick in the draft
and I’m looking at this and there are
literally four guys that I could have
seen as third round picks that are still
available okay and I have a couple guys
who had his fourth round picks which
tells me that I obviously see football
very differently probably much worse
than you guys do um I don’t know who to
pick I generally don’t know who to pick
between these four guys because there’s
a big upside to all of them I will go on
the basis the transfer Mark valuations
are one aspect of this yeah I will go
and if obviously it helps when you’re
English big build up so you better be
good it’s Gerard bran weight oh my God
are we finishing this on Brun weight
from Everton hey I can keep going I got
more names should we do one more round
wow you guys up for it can we take you
to six rounds that is fine have you run
out of French players because then I
don’t know who you where you can go
after Bron way to be fair oh there’s
many places I could go but I’m gonna go
I’m I’m gonna I’m gonna take a page out
of the Ryan ohanlan Playbook because I
know based on all his criteria he’s
going to go for the young player who
plays a lot of minutes for a big six
Club in the Premier League and that
player and who I by the way I also know
that Tor likes him because Tor put him
in his list of uh however many players
under the age of of 23 or 21 whatever it
was so I’m gonna go for Mr
popsar there you go um basically but
that disappoint to explain to explain
branway um I think there’s always a
premium on English Defenders who are
athletic and who are good leaders and
he’s played a lot at a young age again
as has papar um you know last season bit
up and down and obviously he’s got some
baggage from the past but I think he’s
established himself on a team that could
be in the Champions League next season
uh so
there right um who goes after me some
Ryan you’re up again bonus round bonus
round or or sorry did did did did your
did your Masters not give you any more
players to pick yeah they they uh I only
paid for the limited
package uh no we’re good we’re good uh
we’re just gonna keep going down the
same uh same theme also I really wanted
to take a French player from uh jwes so
I’m happy to be able to do that here
we’ll do Castello Luca from I knew that
was coming you know I’m just gonna be
who I am leig another another sort of
Team where if if you’re a young player
playing for leig you probably have a
good career ahead of you plus again he
is a center back so you know why not
load up on another Center back since we
don’t have positional designations here
I think he’s you know he has the Leon
and leig sort of seal of approval I also
think just if you just blindly picked
all French center backs for this
exercise it probably wouldn’t be a bad
approach so yeah because M’s working out
so great at buying a is not in this
draft why you mentioning no no no no no
but it’s the whole French thing and like
yeah all right whatever you know my
thoughts on on this whole Red Bull
approach but uh good luck to you Ryan um
Tor you’re
up right um I think
um Ryan strategy is very interesting we
see if it if he has got some kind of
hack here or whether he’s just kind of
um cracked the whole thing by actually
finding a formula here with left footed
um Center back and
um whether that’s kind of a way to go
but uh and F enough I had deadit on my
uh long list there which is an
interesting call I go a little bit more
conventional this time around to
everyone’s disappointment I I am a
little bit wary of putting you know
picking injury prone players but
yino if he can get back anywhere near
where he was like year year and a half
ago I think it’s you know top La Liga
player might get back in the Spanish you
know national team just a great talent
again excited to watch him great left
foot strikes the ball so well plays nice
combinations dribbles you know just want
to see him back on the pitch soon as
possible so now with the final pick
final pick in
I’ve gone really really Lefty because
the boys have they’ve inspired me and
like so I’m gonna go for otavio from
Porto um the Brazilian Center back
because every time I’ve watched him this
season I’ve been impressed he played
only two games in the Champions League
so he played more in the league but he
doesn’t just doesn’t make any mistake
there’s not a mistake that led to a goal
there’s no mistake there’s just he
rarely fouls anybody he’s just so he’s
so strong he’s so good he look he looks
composed I think there’s some
improvement needed certainly on the ball
but if you’re looking for his kind of
profile I think otavio at that age is
already very very promising so it’s
another one what’s interesting is a lot
of the pics not so much yours gab sorry
thank you but that you could see the big
move coming very quickly either in the
summer or or in January same for you gab
as well for some of them like Bron R
or um so and for me otavio could be the
next one to be sold for a lot of money
by Porto so it just makes my bonus pick
all right well this brings the draft to
an end I’m just going to quickly run
through this is a list of names that I
have who were draft eligible who I
thought were going to pick and you can
all laugh at me who were not picked if
you have other names that you’re
surprised aren’t pick so do you want me
to tell you who I’m surprised you didn’t
pick someone you love and you mention
all the time left back oh Ian Matson
yeah yes I I’m surprised you didn’t go
get get into your draft I had Ian Matson
on there uh I had Maro from uh
Nottingham Forest as well I think he’s
really good I would have saw all you all
you German uh self- lovers there oh
Kareem adami oh because he’s down but
now he’s back up again no but it’s funny
we don’t hear about kareim adami with
his salsburg pedig pedigree right oh no
oh no we all forgot you forget about the
guys that don’t work out for you this is
the problem with you Red Bull people um
non mad a lot of minutes for big team in
the Premier League um Ahad Dio Let’s
Travel back time look how much money
they spent they spent on him you don’t
think he can come good again I don’t
know a player I really like camel Dean
sulana who I don’t know what’s happened
to him now and because his team were
relegated I don’t follow the lower
divisions in this country but maybe I
should just to watch him Tino lomento a
guy battling back after a bad injury but
I think there’s a lot of T Talent there
Aaron hickey nobody mentions maybe
because he didn’t exactly pull up tree
at trees at brenford but he was good
before Ilia zarne what two ukra for you
and um are no K Mendo there’s another
one no have he would have made it just
because he’s from Paris but I thought
that was not enough thought rout almost
made it who did Geor routa from from
Leeds almost made it onto my draft but
he plays in the championship so I
wouldn’t know who he
is and gabri Vega he would have been the
only Saudi proleague player on here um
speaking of people that like haven’t uh
that were if we did this exercise a
couple years ago Gio Raina um if we did
it a couple years ago he would have been
one of the first picks have to point him
out as American and also Unice Musa Joe
scall weren’t mentioned so just to
expand our audience wanted to throw
their names in there Unice Musa of
course draft
eligible nobody nobody picked them but
um there you go this is the draft now
you can go and criticize all of us and
tell us uh how foolish we are I I do
feel especially foolish for for missing
out on Jeremy doku that is the one thing
I love Simon ad dingra I would have
taken even you feel a little dirty
taking two City guys back to back in
Palmer and do but I guess Palmer’s no
longer the city guy so that would have
been that would have been allowed right
and by the way not taking pedri first
rules no come on please the guy’s
injured half of the season it’s not for
me all right I need I need a strong I
need a strong Cinder there you have it
uh these were our choices you may well
disagree um but hopefully we’ll be back
uh any year’s time to do this all over
again uh thank you Ryan uh ohanlan thank
you to Christian Carlson


  1. Some of my lists were included on my comments which are really capable.

    It is highly recommended and a MUST for Real Madrid management, board of directors, coaching staff, people working in their club who are involved on the transfer-market to permanently sell who are currently out on loan to play for another football club, do not offer a loan with buy back clause or with a number or percentage rights, recall or return players that are currently on-loan by another football club to play for Real Madrid, ageing ((28) years old and above), inconsistent (due to limited playing time, never have played and always on the bench, poor defensively, not performing well) regardless of age, injury prone, those who are not comfortable playing in different position, that MUST happen on or before July 2027. We are referring to Modric, Kroos, José Ignacio Fernández Iglesias "Nacho", José Luis Mato Sanmartín "Joselu", Vasquez, Daniel Carvajal Ramos "Dani Carvajal", Courtois, Alaba, Rudiger, Arrizabalaga, Mendy, Daniel Ceballos Fernández "Dani Ceballos" Jesús Vallejo Lázaro "Jesus Vallejo", Francisco José García Torres "Fran Garcia", Diaz, Juan Miguel Latasa Fernández "Juanmi Latasa", Reinier Jesus Carvalho "Reinier", Rafael Marín Zamora "Rafa Marin", Nicolás "Nico" Paz Martínez, & Guler.

    Once they get sold these are the players should be sign based on their positions on or before July 2027.

    Right Back: Jesus Fortea, Malo Gusto

    Left Back: Alphonso Davies, Miguel Gutierrez

    Centre Back: William Saliba, Leny Yoro, Dean Huijsen

    Main Striker: Kylian Mbappe

    Lastly Real Madrid must never offer a contract to these players for a RIGHT BACK position, that are inconsistent regardless of age, poor defensively, has disadvantage of height and strength (lacks muscles), proven already that unable to stop wingers/strikers in different leagues, injury-prone, has beyond 60 million euro's transfer-market value, and ageing 27 years old and above, and turning 27 years old and above on year 2027. We are referring to Walker (33), Trippier (33), Di Lorenzo (30), Cancelo (29), Dumfries (27), White (26), Mazraoui (26), Wan-Bissaka (26), Alexander-Arnold (25), Hakimi (25), Tomiyasu (25), Royal (25), Dalot (25), Porro (24), James (24), Frimpong (23), Couto (21), Livramento (21), Bradley (20), Sanchez (20), Lewis (19) and Fresneda (19).

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