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Matt Brown Joins to Share His NFL Draft Bets! | A Numbers Game – 04-25-24

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it’s Gil Alexander it’s Kelly B it’s a
numbers game game plus iHeart
Radio YouTube TV however you’re taking
us in we appreciate it live from bar
Canada at the day NFL draft and boy are
we uh we’re overbooked ladies and
gentlemen but by over booked we mean
we’re happily booked Matt Brown co-host
of the handle he’s got his NFL draft
thoughts coming up as does Tim Murray
who had a mock draft host of vent prime
time uh then we’ll talk some NBA and
some uh some tennis with Zack Cohen uh
Chris Fel the bear he’s got his draft
thoughts as does cleave ta looking
forward to that uh towards the end of
the show um and then we actually have to
give all of our picks at the end of the
show but we can’t forget to leave here
without giving all of our picks yeah
we’ll run through all those we’ll do all
those the uh I I I want to make sure we
lead with the breaking news off the top
uh from from your parking garage cuz the
the crew was just laughing about that
thought that was important to get out
there yeah uh Antonio Pierce was in the
car in front of me yep and uh the valet
came has as an pulled away the valet
came and I said uh do you ask him what’s
going on tonight and he goes hey I was
on the phone I’m thinking to myself I’m
like yeah he was on the phone sure it’s
like don’t bother me you heard it here
first ladies and gentlemen Gil Alexander
reports Antonio Pierce was on the phone
this morning he wanted no part of the
ballet this morning um all right we’ll
get to all of that we got to start with
uh two things first the Guardians update
and then last night in the NBA Guardians
update not a good night for the
Guardians uh they get blasted by the Red
Sox uh they want eight of their last
nine you’re not going to win every night
I’m told uh so they lose and the Yankees
win Yankees beat the A’s as expected the
Braves almost lost to the Marlins but
the Marlins being the Marlins couldn’t
quite get it done so they won two so now
you have all three teams with 17 wins
with five days left uh six days left I
should say but five games left for the
Guardians uh left in the March April bed
Braves are 17- six Guardians are 17- 7
Yankees are 17 and 8 the tiebreaker
again at circuit’s fewest losses
followed by run differential which by
the way the Braves narrowed that Gap as
well in the second tiebreaker uh but
here’s what it comes down to final game
against the Red Sox today for the
Guardians then a three-game set at
Atlanta then at Houston before the month
ends Atlanta also has five games left
New York has six games left so New York
took back the control of the own destiny
last night here’s how it breaks down
Guardians win three out of their next
four easier than done they got a win at
Boston today and then they got to win
two out of three at Atlanta if you can
win three out of the next four we’re
winning this bet but if you can’t and
it’s it is at Atlanta for the three game
set probably not right so but if you
could have taken this bet at the
beginning and said hey if you came into
the last five games and you need to win
three out of the next four because if
you win three out of the next four you
probably don’t need that last game and
the reason for that is you will have if
you take two of three from the Braves
after winning today all ifs they play
this morning against the Red Sox Day
game but if you take two out of three
from the Braves after that you
effectively have boxed out the Braves
clinched um and then the Yankees still
have three at Milwaukee and two at
Baltimore so they ain’t getting through
that on scath so that’s the scenario
that’s your Guardians update it’s it’s
kind of cool 65 to for someone standing
on the sidelines it it’s kind of cool
that it comes down to a brave series
like it kind of just comes down to where
where where where’s at Atlanta Atlanta
you know what would have been Cooler why
are we booking tickets come on let’s do
the show on remote what would have been
cooler is if they had one yesterday and
then one today and then you’d only have
to win one out of three in Atlanta now
you’re now you’re stuck having to win
two out of three that’s where that
stands last night the National
Basketball Association let me just state
in advance that I did not have the Miami
Heat on the money line um but I did kind
of do a microcosm last night of what I
did last year during the playoffs which
was when Miami went up 10 with over 4
minutes left in the third quarter I
texted you you bet him on the money like
and I’m like and I’m like well they’re
up 10 and it’s and it’s a coin flip I’ll
take the heat now thank you very much
which is like last uh last spring last
summer where I didn’t have him beat the
Bucks in the series but I sure as heck
beat had him to beat the Knicks and had
him to beat the Celtics after that
before saying uh they’re not beating yit
she’ll stop right there but the Miami
Heat not up their best of seven first
round series against the Boston Celtics
yesterday with a win that well I mean on
the one hand if you make a franchise
playoff record 23 threes they were 23 of
43 from three
53.5% if you’re making
233s the 86 Celtics aren’t beating you
largely because the 86 Celtics would be
like why are you shooting so many threes
because they didn’t do that back in 1986
but 23 of 43 by the way at halftime the
heat had made 13 threes they were 13 of
24 54.2% and they still trailed by
three and Shaq by the way give Shaq all
the credit before the game he said he’d
buy 10 he’d bu 10 and then at halftime
when they were down three even after
even after having hit 13 threes he said
he are going to come back and win it and
he’s right he was right in the end um
but I just want to say this again no
Jimmy Butler no Terry Rosier even we
should point that out as well and what a
shame this series doesn’t have Butler
because I think now people get that if
the heat did have him they might
actually be able to pull this off cuz
when you when you make 233s you can’t
then say well Miami is going to win this
series I don’t know that you can make
that leap 233s is
233s but I will say this getting back to
my hypothetical prop about the five and
a half total losses on the Celtics I
think people Now understand why you
can’t make that prop any lower than five
and a half because teams can pull a game
out of their behinds like this yeah how
shooting variants like this and the
Celtics themselves I’m sorry as good as
they are in the regular season everybody
wanted to to make them out to be the
2016 17 Warriors you’re not that you’re
not going 15- one in the playoffs you’re
just not and they have the same coaching
deficit that they had last year Missoula
against bolstra that series noted up at
one game a piece now what is it Kelly
that you wanted to say on air that you
texted me last night oh it’s just so
much more fun sitting on the couch
watching a Heat game without any action
so I can actually root for the heat
because uh if I bet on them or against
them Gil you you can crawl over this
table and smack me right across the face
okay because I’m not all the money I
made this regular season I’m not giving
half of it back like I did last
postseason betting against the Miami
Heat I but one thing further about this
game last night I will say it is so easy
to say and we did this a lot last
postseason 2 ofad this they shot lights
out and oh what are you g to do when a
team shoots 53% and that is true I was
getting there but the the bigger issue
is what you kind of brought up right
it’s Missoula in the coaching mismatch
because a team should not be shooting
this many wideopen threes in the NBA
Playoffs 15 for 23 from wide open three
what’s a wide open three you might be
asking out there the NBA statistics
measure that as the nearest Defender was
six feet or more away six feet away so
this let’s give Keith Smith credit for
those who aren’t watching us and are
listening Keith Smith NBA uh the 23 for
43 from three what Kelly was referring
to is 15 of of 23 wide open meaning no
Defender was six plus feet away was
within six plus feet open the next TI
down four to six feet away they were six
of 14 tight 2 to four feet it was only
one of five there’s only five inces of
that and very tight meaning someone was
within two feet of the shooter they were
one of one so basically the very tight
and the tight together two of six and
the open and wide openen 21 of 37 it’s
absurd I mean 37 shots 3 I don’t care
what NBA team you’re playing you you
like 37 W basically wide open
three-point shots so yeah here you go
Tyler hero here you go haime hwz I
really kind of doesn’t matter who’s
shooting the ball at that point if
you’re going to and it is it was a
nightmare you’re watching you know pick
pick uh screens that are just not being
played properly and guys are wide open
and guys getting caught up in trffic and
and there there was no adjustment there
were basically no adjustment throughout
the entire game and it was it was the
it’s it’s easy because I want to I
wanted to make that clear Gil because we
often you and I I think are are more
levelheaded than most when it’s shooting
variance happens and when you get high
you know this ridiculous percentage from
three it’s easy to just say that’s the
only reason they won the game but they
they shot that well for a reason and it
was the coaching mismatch that’s right
it was the coaching mismatch and if the
Celtics have probably I mean we we’ll
keep saying I I think the Celtics team
is ridiculously loaded and it all comes
down to three people at the end Jaylen
Brown Jason Tatum and the head coach
who’s G to screw this up and I I will
say it that way Gil they have to screw
this up to not get the NBA finals I’m
about to say this uh sentence because I
know Steve feic hates it when I say it
and the heat steal homecourt Advantage
away from the Celtics he hates it
because I think he he uh he thinks they
need to consolidate the serve first
before you’re allowed to say that which
I disagree with because when you break
in tennis you break you the
consolidation is the next part this is
like this is I was thinking about this
on the trive to what is the mental like
what’s the mindset of the Boston Celtics
now like you you’ve rolled into game one
and game two with I’m 14-point favorites
we’re so good we’re one of the best
regular season teams in history let’s
blow past this team and all of a sudden
just like that right yo just like that
it’s this series don’t look now yeah
this series is tied one a piece going
back to Miami who now has homecourt
advantage in a best of Five series and
they are living rentree as we keep
saying in the Bucks heads the Celtics
heads and the 76ers heads can you
imagine if I lose that bet with sage
because the Heat beat him and they get
the four games that’s all the Celtics
are going that was the example I kept
bringing up it’ be that’d be the
funniest one yeah that’ be great I’d
love to lose that way uh the other one
most you all you you all got right
meaning you all meeting the uh the NBA
experts which is yeah the Thunder just
had a uh a a trainer game in game one
they crushed the Pelicans last night
take a two to nothing lead in that best
of seven Series tonight I don’t know how
we’re supposed to concentrate on these
during the NFL draft which is going to
be all NFL draft coming up here after
the break but the uh Cavs and magic for
game three Cavs up two nothing magic
favored by two Sixers favored by five
they try to get off the Shide against
the Knicks and then the nuggets are now
onepoint dogs against the Lakers in game
three as the Lakers try to get the first
win of that series for them down two to
nothing any play on any of these yeah
looking forward to talking to Zach more
about these games I don’t have much
going right now if I didn’t if I wasn’t
invested in the Mavericks series price I
probably would be in on that side game
three tonight uh just don’t love it as
much as I as I have in other spots I’ll
probably be playing some Luca alt overs
on his points um now that they are back
home Minnesota Phoenix can’t wait to
watch Phoenix hoping they take one so my
series over uh bet has some life
Mavericks tomorrow night now yes
okay just want to make clear we’ll get
Kelly on board we’re coming back Matt
Brown on the draft
next a numbers game on vent the sports
betting Network it is the NFL draft
tonight and it is a big exclusive night
here at vison V’s exclusive coverage
starts at 6 p.m. Eastern with vent Prime
Time host Tim Murray will’ll be on the
show a little later Jonathan vontobel
special guest Mike Mike gock Senor Mike
gock Jr as they dive deep into the draft
prospects and predictions and then stay
locked in for a special edition of the
GM Shuffle at 8:00 p.m. Eastern we
former NFL exec Michael Lombardi and
feia be bring you real time analysis of
all the first round picks Michael will
give his thoughts on every draft pick
and trade as they happen watch the
special edition of the GM Shuffle on Von
DraftKings Network or on Von’s YouTube
page and then cap off the night we’re
not done yet 11:00 p.m. Eastern with Von
tonight where they will wrap up all the
first round action find all your NFL
Draft betting insights at
SL draft sitting here texting with
druski drein uh before the show largely
because and by the way thanks to
everybody who’s also tweeting about uh
apparently the Washington commodor have
a finally retired Daryl green number 28
a long time coming nobody has worn 28 uh
in that franchise since but they finally
retired at today uh and they surprised
him with it but he was saying the only
thing he’s sure of right now he thinks
he thinks Jaden Daniels 2 is probably
going to happen but it’s probably still
a little misprice that it’s like minus
1,000 it shouldn’t be basically and the
only the real big buzz of the morning
and what he thinks he knows now is New
England seems to be locked in on JJ
whether that’s at three or a trade down
becomes the issue right well one last
thing on the NBA before we get to mat
you wanted to clarify you want to go
through the games quickly that that are
actually happening today uh magic magic
Cavs um nothing for me on that one
unless this total keeps creeping up I
I’m kind of surprised it’s moved a few
points uh towards the over I might come
in on the under if that’s the case s
Sixers Nicks same kind of thing I’m just
riding out my Sixers Futures hopefully
they can pick up a win uh back at home
nuggets Lakers I think I might end up on
the Nuggets side I’m wondering how much
of a mental blow that was to the Lakers
game Cancun yeah uh don’t worry about
messing up the schedule I had Xander
schley’s wife as pregnant yesterday so
we all make mistake yesterday I was a
mess I was a mess yesterday uh ladies
and gentlemen he is the co-host of the
handle here weekends 12:00 noon Eastern
at the Network Vin he’s our old Prime
Time action co-host as well it’s Matt
Brown everybody how you doing mattye
courtesy of the progressive guest line
doing great fellas it’s finally here we
don’t have to speculate anymore on who
may or may not have been rude to
somebody in an Applebees one time and
like now he’s undraftable and all these
things so it’s like yes we can finally
get this done all right well let’s start
at the top uh do you believe Jaden D
well we know Caleb Williams is going one
do you believe Jaden Daniels is going to
Washington at two yeah I mean I it’s if
if we’re going like up stuff I think at
this point it seems like everything is
pointing towards Daniels going number
two and I think that’s the right pick if
you’re Washington right I know you I
know that’s what you want as well it’s
just as as a fan but you look at as far
as the upside goes I mean this is a guy
that really did progress a lot over the
course of a year and he took it really
really seriously he went out he put in
the work he got where he was more
comfortable in the pocket he always had
the legs he always had the big arm was
just making bad decisions and he I I
think that this is a guy that you really
too could be looking at as your as your
quarterback for a decade there Gil and
then oh I can’t I’m pumped about it I
really want it to happen I really do um
but then of course comes the third
pick uh what what happened there what’s
going to happen there like what do you
think I’m just not buying in to anything
other than it being Drake May and I
could be mistaken obviously have been
Mist I’m gonna be mistaken a lot do
tonight whenever this thing goes down
but it just to me you you look and this
was the consensus number two guy for the
vast majority of the season
then you have Daniels play his way into
kind of that number two spot but I don’t
know why you’re going to punish a guy
like Drake May because he just didn’t
have any Talent around him at all right
I mean he was the consensus number two
guy heading into the season because of
the Season he had two years ago which he
had some players around him and then he
didn’t have any players and yeah his
stats fell off just a little bit but the
profile that all of the Scout again we
said this all the time when we talk
about all this but I’m not a talent
evaluator I’m going off of these guys
that are Talent evaluators and there was
no reason to believe that Drake May is
anything other than the guy that you
know came into this year as the
consensus number two pick and so I’m I’m
still standing there that it’s going to
be him but I’m ready to be I’m ready to
be shocked I’ll put it that way okay we
have a bevy of your picks by the way I
think Bevy is the technical term for
this um yes a plethora a plethora a
cornucopia of picks uh I just want to
cherry pick a couple and then I’ll let
you go to whichever ones you want to
sort of drill down on but um under six
and a half wide outs tell me
why I am real big on so this is my
biggest position so guys if uh if seven
white outs go in the first round you
might not hear from me for like 48 hours
or something remember that guy you
remember that guy I got a couch for you
brother yeah this is one of those this
is the pivotal kind of bet for me in
this one it’s mainly because you have
the three no doubters you have the
fourth which is pretty assume Brian
Thomas and then from there it’s just
like a pretty big drop off to that
second tier of guys and that second tier
of guys is just a really big second tier
of guys and so for me if you look and if
it’s a whole bunch of D and honestly I
don’t think guys like puka nakua and all
that have really helped these second
tier of guys where you’ve seen guys that
have been able to contribute early on
that you find in the second round third
round fourth round and stuff like that
and so if you’re not getting one of
these super Elite dudes I think you have
these teams that are going to opt to go
offensive line which is kind of the
correlated bed on which I have which is
the over offensive lineman under wide
receivers and Gil we say this all the
time we’ve been saying this for years
and years and years look Pro Football
Focus is not the end all Beall I I will
say this however if you go and you look
at their offensive lineman grades the
guys that grade out well are all first
rounders and second rounders right and
then you go and you look at the guys
that are grade out poorly and it’s the
guys that they had to use that teams
have had to use as fill-ins and backups
that ended up playing a ton of time and
all that and it’s all these dudes that
go in the fourth and fifth and sixth
round and it’s there’s just not a lot
it’s like the there’s depth at offensive
line but it falls off a cliff once you
get outside of those guys that are Elite
and I think that you just have these
teams that say we can probably get a
wide receiver to contribute in the
second third fourth round we probably
can’t get an offensive lineman that
contributes at a high level whenever we
get into the second third fourth round
stuff like that and so for me and it’s
probably just like it’s probably just
like at the end of the day there’s just
not a lot of whole there’s not a whole
lot of 6’6 330lb dudes that can like
block freaks of nature you know like
Joey Bosa and stuff coming off the
corner like it’s just hard to do and so
um I I think that those teams are going
to look and say I can get a guy that is
pretty similarly rated on my board
pretty easily in the second and third
round and I’m not going to wa I say
waste but I’m not going to use my first
round pick on that I’m going to use my
first round pick on one of these
positions it’s a little bit more scarce
uh I’ll actually let you go to the next
one because you may have more to say
about any one of these than others where
would you like to hone in on here yeah I
mean there’s a couple I made early on
that are just losers already like I I I
bet ter and Arnold would be the first
defensive player I thought maybe a
corner could end up catching a little
bit of steam in this draft that just
ended up not happening so that’s just a
loser right off of the bat the other one
that I’m still kind of standing firm on
is the whole JJ McCarthy over five and a
half yeah it got to a point where
everyone was just assuming this trade
was going to happen assuming this trade
was going to happen it balloons up to
175 that he’s going to go over you know
the fifth pick like over five hour once
it got once it got to that I just took a
stance like I’m like okay we’re we are
literally doing this off of air we’re
doing this off of nothing tangible
nothing but just rumors and assuming
that Minnesota loves JJ McCarthy but we
have heard nothing of the sort right
we’ve heard nothing about Minnesota
loving JJ McCarthy and so with that over
five and a half for me and and look they
very well might make that trade but if I
was them I’d be calling these teams
Bluff right I would just call their
Bluff you know all these you know four
doesn’t need a quarterback you know five
doesn’t need a quarterback you know six
doesn’t need a quarterback seven eight
nine like all these teams don’t need
quarterbacks I I’d call their Bluff and
wait and see if I could do it for less
of an expense and so I like the over
five and a half on JJ McCarthy pretty
good um the other one that I’m I’m
pretty I’m pretty in on is that I think
is fairly interesting so r dun if you
pick him to go exactly eight it’s like
plus 600 plus 650 or something like that
but then you can play the over eight and
a half at plus money as well so if he
goes six to the Giants I’m going to lose
this bet I lose it all but I don’t think
that’s going to be the case I think
neighbors still probably goes to the
Giants at six and so you kind of have a
bet you in my opinion that you can’t
lose because you have him going six to1
six and a half to one to go eight
overall and if he doesn’t then the over
eight and a half cashes for you at Plus
money that’s still available out there
if people want to go that direction as
well and the other one that I think is
just at least interesting for us to talk
through is is is Cincinnati first
position drafted where everyone just
again just assumes that they’re going to
take an offensive lineman but they kind
of have a little bit of a luxury here
and I I put a little bit on them to take
a defensive lineman a little bit of them
to take a wide receiver I think there is
a nonzero chance if Brian Thomas is
still available at eight at 18 whenever
they roll around
that with the T Higgin situation and
knowing he’s going to be out of town you
know at the end of next year because
they just they cannot pay him and Chase
both so like this is this is T Higgins
last year in in Cincinnati and so it
wouldn’t surprise with the much success
as they’ve had with with given burrow
weapons if they didn’t pull the trigger
and do Brian Thomas as well so I I threw
a little bit on defensive lineman and
wide receiver for Cincinnati both of
those are big plus money bets Matt uh if
we distilled it to one sentence and not
to say you can’t overcome this but
you’re largely your success or failure
in this will will come down to will
there be a bevy of trades or none at all
right somewhere in that calculus yeah
yeah yeah pretty pretty much and like
honestly this the wide receiver thing is
is is the Crux of all this right I mean
like if teams at the end get wild and
start taking some of these wide
receivers it’s going to be a very very
bad night for me that’s for sure good
luck man um we’ll keep an eye on the
white out thing because you know we we
we all have couches for you just in case
that’s great I’ll need it thank you Matt
appreci appreciate Matt Brown everybody
at Matt Brown M2 of course co-host of
the handle here at V Tim Murray on the
next a numbers game on vent the sports
betting Network start your morning with
a daily dose of winning strategies
Insider tips and The Latest Buzz with
the free vent daily newsletter in
today’s version oh we’ve got everything
set for tonight for the NFL draft mock
uh drafts ready to go up on the website
everything you need to know in our
special special coverage tonight for the
NFL draft in detail for you well done
it’s almost as if you didn’t actually
look at the newsletter and you just riff
that but I don’t know I got it right in
front of me kill I got it right in front
of me turn your laptop around let me see
I I’m kidding it might have taken 10
seconds for me to find it but yeah get
expert analysis and the latest odds
delivered straight to your inbox
absolutely free visit newsletter
to subscribe Gil Alexander that’s Kelly
bidin we get tweets at beating the book
and we always appreciate it Forest Leman
Missoula by the way he says was the
fourth choice just missing out as a
finalist and Coach of the Year betting
FYI by the way that gives us entree to
say congratulations to everybody who had
Tyrese Maxi hey that’s most improved
player and Nas Reed for six Man of the
Year congratulations to all Jason
wearden hitting a 60 to1 on NAS he
didn’t even remember he had the B he
didn’t have it I think denzik hit on NAS
too I think I think he had an earlier uh
in the season one congratulations
everybody good for you for sticking with
maxi got through for you in the end he
deserved it yeah he did I I think he did
too I I agree with both uh the voting
results so far I know they’ve been tight
I I think it’s uh I I actually I love
the ballots I’ve seen they’ve been very
tight I think that’s fair um but I agree
with both winners so far and I’m mad at
myself especially us on I will not
forget that Friday the last Friday of
the regular season Gil for I don’t know
how long when we sat here talking about
final Awards on and we both looked at
the screen and thought the graphic was
wrong on the Sixth Man of the Year cuz
we’re like how did Nas like go back to
two plus 225 said out loud I said what
happened should have bet it should have
bet it should have bet it Tyrese beats
Kobe white by 14 total votes 319 to
and and Nas wins by 10 total and that
was they were tied third place votes
tied second place votes two vote
difference in first
two first place votes that’s it
unbelievable but I think you’re right I
think the right person got it um by the
way and thanks this is also by the way
people wonder why do you read all these
tweets because they they help us
remember to say stuff we forgot to say
uh already so that we want we appreciate
that from uh from Force Leeman numbers
guys hi Gil semi tennis guy here
consolidating the serve is that holding
serve after breaking someone take me to
tennis school before I head to the draft
in downtown Detroit oh good for you
going to the draft itself yes
consolidating the serve is holding your
serve after breaking the other person’s
serve uh David Stone one offshore book
for to be a top five pick does not have
JJ McCarthy listed interesting Weird
Paul Zang no all angles podcast for the
draft he was wondering for Matt Brown
remember after the football season he
says all angles becomes no angles uh Los
Vegas 514 oh everybody tweeting in about
Daryl green for me I really appreciate
it I went to the only time I’ve ever
been to the Hall of Fame ceremony uh
Kelly 2008 Daryl green and the great art
monk were uh inducted he says yo no
disrespect to the great Daryl green but
can we retire the number 66 for the
great Joe jacobe if he can’t get in the
Hall of Fame we can at least retire his
66 just saying absolutely there’s a DMV
focused tweet there for you Chris
Hartman Gill after quarterbacking the
talentless tar Hills Drake May is the
perfect quarterback for the equally
talentless New England Patriots whatever
happened to taking a 10-year offensive
lineman with a questionable quarterback
prospect not only that but like whoever
I’ve said this now for the last few
weeks it whoever if New England takes
McCarthy they take Dre uh Drake May that
dude is in the worst situation possible
worst situation possible you’re not good
get part like that’s why I think that
that Marvin Harrison scenario at three
is not outlandish I really like if
cooler heads prevail if they didn’t get
an offer they wanted and he was staring
them in the face again what was CJ
Stroud’s line don’t be dumb take him I
I’m not feeling as confident about it
over the past 24 hours but I still think
there’s a possibility I’m not upset we
didn’t that made we made the bets we
don’t know a damn thing Vegas Vice
Daniel Jeremiah oh I’m glad I brought
brought up this too Daniel Jeremiah says
San Diego he means Los Angeles but we
understand yeah we’ve done that before
we’ll take JC leam at five understand
that Harbaugh wants a good offensive
line but if neighbors or adun is
available why would they pass up the
opportunity to get a premier wide
receivers so that they would have some
receivers for Herbert well I’m a guy who
has Joe Al going number five
at plus 475 to the Chargers uh because
Vegas Vice Harbaugh has openly said he
wants to have a Cornerstone of the
franchise from the beginning offensive
lineman Cornerstone and so for me that
was always Joe Al I think for most
people the consensus was that Joe Al was
always the guy from Notre Dame uh just
by the way a monster of a human being
with a baby face joal yeah um but now so
yesterday Daniel Jeremiah did his final
draft and this is I think this is a
point that needs to be made because bets
are made aggressively after this right
so Daniel Jeremiah probably the best
draft Guru over the last four or five
years I think we all agree with that and
I think Daniel Jeremiah and I don’t I
haven’t spoken with Daniel Jeremiah but
I’m just speculating so he has stopped
like instead of remember he would answer
have to ever he would have to answer
everybody’s individual calls for
interviews and so finally he decided
this year he’s going to do like a
conference call kind of thing I don’t
know if he started that last year or
this year so he doesn’t have to answer
everybody individually but the other
thing is he you know he waited last year
till the end too he does his mock draft
and then people see the list of who his
mock draft is so at number five correct
Vegas Vice he had the Chargers taking JC
leam out of Alabama JC leam is now plus
275 the short shot to be the fifth pick
overall shorter than alt but I just want
to make this point about Jeremiah’s
draft he is very clear to say that the
way he does his mock draft is he just is
really matching players to teams and
filling needs in that way he doesn’t
necessarily view it the way that betters
who are locked into specific markets oh
this person is going to be this exact
pick in the draft Jeremiah is very quick
to say that they could very easily trade
down and pick JC leam as well so
everybody racing to bet JC leam as the
as the fifth pick overall I’m not sure
Jeremiah means it quite literally if you
if you listen to his language his
language is not really necessarily in a
predictive manner like we talk about
stuff from other people who like
legitimately like the Mel kypers of the
world right this guy’s going to be the
fifth pick this guy’s going to be the
sixth pick Jeremiah is a little more
vague yeah and so I just think that
point needs to be made because everybody
that immediately piled on the leam picks
yesterday I mean that was part of the
reason I mean kind of that around you
know kind of the same thing is why we
got that dip in price on Jaden Daniels
number too right Jeremiah had he had
Drake May number two but then also came
out right afterward and was very open
about he’s like look I have him as
number two but I’m hearing from enough
League people that it’s going to be D
it’s probably going to be Daniel’s
number two and once he capitulated on
that then the Daniel’s number s started
yeah started started to sore again so I
I think it really is fascinating um at
number five I I forgot who who tweeted
that in I mean look I’m on neighbors I
think that makes a lot of sense too I
texted kill this morning though this is
I we are both aware that a trade could
easily happen at Fifth and we get burned
what I what would really suck for the
two of us considering Gil has Joe Alton
I have Malik neighbors is that if it was
actually JC Lam number five because that
is not really a scenario I saw that
would not be good uh we get more tweets
at be the book disc golfer oh he plays
he plays disc golf you ever seen guys do
that yeah yeah yeah I went out one time
did you really so bad I can’t throw
frisbee can you like
screw playing golf for like trying to
get it into a a basket thing or whatever
like I couldn’t throw it straight to you
from 3 feet away you know what else I
can’t do it’s big admission I’m about to
make can’t blow a bubble with gum can’t
do it I I can do that one dis golfer wow
Daniel got her things yes we do wow
Daniels minus 1,000 to go second now
should have I should have bet him when
shefer said you could pencil him in but
I but it threw me off because the line
didn’t shift at all after he said that
well disc golfer if you had listen
listen to us on Friday morning uh I gave
a pretty passionate speech as to why I
thought all of that was bunk Jaden
Daniels should go number two Master of
Puppets he says the draft is here after
last year of too many losing bets there
is one play and one play only for me and
that is Daniels to your he says
commanders I don’t know who that is I
think he means the commodes minus 250
minus 115 minus 160 so let’s go there
you go and then Forest Leman wants to
say shout out to jvt for recommending ND
for six man back in November and
December nabbed him at 25 to1 Nas that’s
I I I I don’t think me me or jvt is
feeling very smart today CU I think I
don’t I don’t think he had any piece I
don’t know for sure but I don’t think he
had any piece of NS but Manda I think
between the two of us we got a lot of
tweets Thanking us for notet advice I’m
like I never made the bet I wish I did
we I got a tweet thanking me for a
tennis bet the other day and I was like
that wasn’t me I wish it was it’s
probably Zach and then Zach’s like that
wasn’t me either um but the nas Reed
thing was interesting because
I got a lot saying whoever you had on
the show who said Nas 60 to1 back in
November December thank him and I’m like
well Jason had him at 61 but I don’t
think Jason came on the show and talked
about it I don’t think so either because
Jason even admitted two weeks ago he’s
like I forgot I had it right right in
classic Jason fashion it was oh yeah I
found this ticket by the way him and
Preston had beted I think a long time
ago the uh the other thing I wanted to
mention quick just about uh I mean Drew
and Andy Deep dive podcast bring it up
all the time I thought Andy had a great
it said it well to Andy Muller was
talking about just how much of this with
the betting movement that we’re seeing
this year is just kind of betters
betting in betting into markets and
betting against each other and chasing
steam I 100% agree I think it’s a great
Point CU I don’t know about you I don’t
know how many bets I’ve made where it’s
like make a bet and it moves 40 cents
like there’s a lot of movement off a
small and when we go over ours at the
end of the show we’ll just I’ll go into
all my thinking on each of them and yeah
I’m like At first there was conviction
and then it’s just like well you’re
making me bet this now cuz you all
dropped the price uh Zack Cohen NBA
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Cannon everybody I just want to read
this one tweet from Z free he goes great
so now after repeatedly repeatedly
yelling break at my phone when I’m
betting a tennis match I now have to
follow that up repeatedly yelling
consolidate I’m like yes if I had a dime
for every time I’m like now consolidate
surf you have to hold on I wasn’t paying
attention before okay so like
consolidate the break cuz someone was
ask cuz I said like Fez here’s how it
started okay let’s review the show let’s
revie the show let’s review the show
because I know you weren’t present for
part of it so what happened earlier is I
said feic hates it when I say things
like not just me he hates it when
anybody says the Heat beat the Celtics
to steal homec court advantage from the
Celtics and I think he hates that
because he in his brain and you know his
brain he believes you have to then hold
Court hold hold serve if you will I
related to tennis back at your home
court twice before you really stole the
serve and what I said is that’s not how
it is in tennis you can break somebody
you’re not required to consolidate
before someone says you actually broke
it so now because I say consolidate
everybody’s tweeting it like wait what’s
consolidate so that’s how it happened
meaning you have to win the service game
after you after yeah you you have to you
break that’s an actual break and then
when you’re and then when you hold your
serve after that if you hold you’ve
Consolidated the serve and but now I
know I don’t want to say now we know now
know God don’t worry guys we’re going to
review it again in 45 more minutes Bless
America ladies and gentlemen he’s a
senior writer and editor at uh he’s our own Zack Cohen
Everybody betting on X is where you can
find him on Twitter courtesy the
progressive guest line now he joins us
uh Zach great to see you man how you
doing good good to see you it’s funny
you just mentioned the break and
consolidate stuff because when I give my
casual friends you know fans tennis like
picks they’ll go yell at me when someone
gets broken and I’ll be like oh you know
they they get it back pretty easily on
Clay uh let let me start this real quick
because I I was about to hit a season
High anab Bogdan had a match point and I
was about to hit a season high in units
one and then she gacked the match point
I lost that match and now I’ve had a now
I haven’t won I was 0 and two yesterday
and I may be following it up I don’t
know we’ll see if I split today or not
but essentially like right from the peak
where I was like one point away from the
peak now I’ve given a few back um how
are you doing in
Madrid uh I’m doing really well over the
last few weeks in general Madrid
included I’m at my season High uh I’m up
almost about 30 units now just been a
really good really good running form
over the last couple of weeks so yeah
feeling really good about the cayore
season so far what do you got
today I have uh as part of the second
leg of by parlay but the line has now
gotten a little bit lower that to the
point that I think the people can play
it on its own I have Jo Al FCA money
line against Alex mikkelson uh mikkelson
a really good young American someone to
keep an eye on over the next couple
years because American tennis isn’t you
know always the most trustworthy thing
in the world but he is an exciting
player but he’s a power player doesn’t
really move that well kind of has one
speed to his game with you know he’s a
big server big powerful player from the
Baseline fona you know a really natural
player on Clays uh kind of has the raw
power as well to match Mickelson but
this is a kid that was supposed to go to
Virginia uh to play some college tennis
this year but he had such a good clay
Court Season before we got back on
hardcourts earlier in the year in the
golden swing that he decided to pursue a
professional career earlier than
expected but really really good clayt
player really fun to watch I kind of
think there’s some Center to him not he
doesn’t have the upside of Center but
just you kind of like the Raw Talent he
has from the Baseline has the ability to
kind of Hit the Top Spin you need on
clay and I think that his return game is
going to give nichelson some trouble
today yeah we’ve won on fona this year
Xiao fona Kelly’s Brazilian that’s uh j
oao fona f n ca for those who want a
tail what’s the other one uh Roberto
carbas bana money line against Dominic
keer this is carbal bana’s home
tournament uh he’s another one where
it’s a natural clay Court player uh he’s
won twice as many matches on Clay as
kept for his played in his whole whole
career so quite a difference uh in
experience on this surface and carbas
man just a really good defensive player
uh keer is a guy that likes to hit
winners but it’s going to be harder on
these slower courts it is faster for a
clay Court tournament in Madrid uh
because of the altitude but it’s still
going to be a little bit easier for
carbas Bay to play defense and also you
know kept for holds at 80% on hardcourt
it’s kind of one of the bread and
butters of his game only 67% on clay and
carayas bana a really solid returner on
Clay so I do think he gets it done I
think he’s probably the better player
between these two on Clay to begin with
but you add in the fact that he’s
playing at home has a little bit of
momentum and adrenaline I think that’s
going to help him win okay that’s about
a uh on uh I’ll give the prices here you
tell me so it’s about minus 152 on fona
minus 168 on carbas bayana okay uh yeah
I got I got carvas B at minus 145 that’s
where I wrote it up yesterday at Von so
hopefully people got it earlier but I do
think I’d play it still at that number
it’s a little juicy but I do think he’s
gonna win okay you would play it at that
number okay um
NFL draft you only have one bet in the
NFL draft what is it I have the over on
six and a half wide receivers going in
the first round and it’s uh you can get
it at like plus 250 odds it seems like a
really fun bet to follow uh I haven’t
done as much work as like I would like
to for the NFL draft uh but I do think
that from what I’ve seen in mock drafts
you know and everything I do think that
you’re seeing seven eight receivers in
almost every single mock draft you see
in the first round I think that there’s
six guys that are clearly going to go in
the first round but I think that you
know a bucket of like 8 to 10 that have
a chance to go end of the first round it
all it takes is one team to fall in love
with one of those guys and reach on them
you know you hear the smoke of you know
Xavier legett uh from South Carolina
going to Carolina with the first pick in
uh the second round if someone wants him
they’re going to have to jump him to get
him but I do think that there are a few
other receivers that have a chance to go
at the end so that’s you and Kelly
versus Drew and Matt in the wide
receivers prop correct that is correct I
I believe our I believe our next guest
has a B in that market as well to break
the tie to break the tie all right we
look forward to that um okay let’s get
to the NBA obviously uh last night uh
yes the Pelicans took the two to nothing
lead over excuse me pardon me the
Thunder took the two to nothing lead
over the Pelicans in their best of seven
series with a massive 124 to 92 win
which was every bit as big of a victory
as that appears to be on the screen and
then the heat the headliner before that
out of nowhere some would say big double
digit 14 and a half Point dogs against
the Celtics win it outright by 10 on the
strength of 23 made threes out of 43
attempts uh what do you like
today uh I like the magic money line
against the Cavaliers in this game I
think that the Cavaliers are probably
still going to win this series but I do
think it’ll be in six or seven I mean
sorry in seven uh I think that Orlando
is just a much better team at home I
think you know they’re in the regular
season plus 7.8 net rating when playing
at home minus 3.6 on the road uh their
de their their defense is always good
but the defense is special when playing
in Orlando and the offense is about
League average when they do play in
Orlando it’s you know
115.5 offensive rating that’s what would
have been 15th during the regular season
if you looked at all the teams in the
league playing on you know all courts so
I do think that the magic are going to
play a little bit better offensively in
this game uh it’s helpful that Jaylen
sugs his knee injury doesn’t seem like
it’s going to hold him out but I do
think this is Orlando team is really
young uh they’re playing you know two
really tough games and rough uh Road
atmospheres in Cleveland I just think
they’re going to bounce back with you
know kind of knowing what they to expect
from playoff basketball and just playing
uh you know role players play better at
home so I think that’s you hear that all
the time throughout the playoffs but I
do think this is going to be a spot
where you really see it yeah that sugs
injury looked terrible I can’t believe
he’s uh he’s back in playing already
what about the Sixers and the Knicks
what about the nuggets in the Lakers for
nuggets in the Lakers I’m going over 216
and a half on that game I know that the
first two games have been low scoring
the first game uh went under but it did
have 217 points that would have been
good for an over tonight and I do think
that you know a total on game one 227
total on game two 224 this seems like a
serious over correction you know 216 a
half for game three and I do think that
you know you have to kind of play the
over when you see a number like this I
do think that you know they’re looking
at an entire season’s worth of data when
they make those game one lines so to go
to game three with you know a total 10
points higher 10 points lower than game
one I think you have to take the over
all right rapid fire to close here Zack
can I interest you on a Sixers adjusted
series price at north of
$3 uh I do think the Sixers are going to
get these next two at home so I think
this G this series is going to get a lot
closer Clippers Mavericks who wins the
series not it up at one game a piece
I’ll go
Mavericks same question for the bucks
and the
Pacers fcks I think the Giannis is going
to come back and they’re going to win
that series can I interest you in
adjusted series price on the Suns down
two to nothing
Z I wish I could I wish I could say
otherwise I don’t think the suns are
coming back oh that’s your team I didn’t
know that was your team okay yeah and
how and the final series uh tally of the
Celtics Heat series will be who beats
who how many games to how many games
Celtics win at 42 Celtics win it
42 okay they’ll win it on Miami’s home
court in game six all right and then the
NBA Finals is still the Celtics and the
Nuggets to you yes
yeah I think so I think nuggets over
Celtics all right Zack Cohen thank you
Zach appreciate it no problem thanks
guys thanks for letting the dogs out by
the way people could only have heard
those dogs oh see as soon as I said it
dogs barking they’re
back I can’t believe we got through that
courtesy the progressive gas line oh
that’s the think it’s fake dog noise in
the back uh we’ll come back more NFL
draft on the other side wall the wall
numbers game V in the sports betting


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