Golf Players

Scottie Scheffler talks VALIDATION after winning second Masters 🏆 🏆 | SportsCenter

On SportsCenter, Scottie Scheffler joins after winning his second-career Masters title, his wife’s due date “concerns,” how this win compares to his first at Augusta and where his competitive drive originates from.

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we are happy to be joined by two-time
Masters champion Scotty Sheffer Scotty
congrats on winning your second Green
Jacket now I know you and your wife are
expecting your first child any day now
any moment any second now so if you have
to end this interview early and just Bol
out of here let me know we will all
cool sounds good all right you said
during the tournament that you would
leave Augusta National if your wife went
into labor even while you were in the
lead how much did that cross your mind
while you were out there on the course
yeah for fortunately we we still have I
think two weeks until the due date the
due dat’s the end of this month um and
Meredith hadn’t really been showing any
any signs of early labor or anything
like that and so you know I would I
would talk to her each night when I got
home and she hadn’t been feeling any of
the signs so I wasn’t too concerned but
yeah I was I was definitely ready to
leave if needed but um fortunately I was
able to put
us how did those thoughts of an
impending baby come affect your play at
all oh not really I think when you’re
out there competing uh it didn’t really
cross my mind very much I think I try to
do my best to stay in the moment as much
as I could and play and compete and kind
of do my thing out there and then it was
definitely a bit different when I got
home and it was my first tournament in
quite some time where Meredith hadn’t
been there um you know with me every
step of the way so that was a bit
different I try to talk to her as much
as I could and I got Le night but that
was that was definitely an adjustment
I’m really excited to see Meredith you
know you know be a mom it’s been really
cool to see already what she what she
has to go through you know just being
pregnant um you know the sacrifices
she’s already making for our child is
really special and you know I’m just
excited to to get that baby out and meet
him or her for the first time oh him or
you you guys don’t know nope no we don’t
know very cool why did you make that
decision uh Meredith made that
decision rather know yeah it was idea
but I’m I got on board I’m excited about
it yeah you got on board you had no
choice I know how you feel it’s okay
it’s okay um let’s let’s go back to golf
I said at the top two-time Masters champ
how does this win compared to winning
your first Green Jacket two years
ago yeah I’m not sure if validation is
the right word but I guess there’s a
little bit of that in there you know I
think winning one is special and winning
two puts you in a slightly different
category there at the uh at the Augusta
National Golf Club um so I’m I’m
extremely pleased I’m excited uh you
know it was it was really great getting
to bring that bring that jacket home
again it was it was it was very
special uh after a when you won you
waited for your Caddy Ted Scott and you
walked off the course together and you
said afterward that this win was for you
and Teddy how would you describe you
relationship I would say you know
Teddy’s one of my best friends in the
whole world you know he’s we’re out
there on the course together we’re
competing and doing our best but off the
off such a fantastic guy and he’s a huge
part of my life on and off the course
and so um I wanted Teddy to be able to
walk up and St in all the patience with
me I actually wanted him to walk the
whole way but he kind of like sprinted
away from me as the you can see him
there kind of trying to get out in front
of me um but yeah I felt like you know
at the time I just wanted him to be able
to experience that with me you know
usually I’m I’m walking out there with
Meredith and uh I didn’t want to walk
out by myself either I wanted my buddy
by my side so uh yeah was I guess a
little bit selfish in selfish in the
tone right no it was it was pretty cool
but your buddy decided he wanted to
sprint on that that’s that’s what
buddies do that that’s that’s okay uh in
the opening Montage we ran before we
started talking we heard you say you
love winning and hate losing where did
that Fierce competitiveness come
from uh maybe my dad my dad’s pretty
competitive but I’ve been like that
since I was since I was a kid you know
as long as I could remember I I really
have felt like that and that’s been
something I’ve had to battle over time
is learning how to win and learning how
to lose and U learning how to handle my
emotions I think especially growing up
playing golf that was something that was
always extremely difficult for me was
was handling my emotions on the golf
course um and so now I think you see a
bit of a different version of me than
you would have seen you know 101 15
years ago if I was out there if you
watched me compete as a junior golfer it
would look a lot
different off of that in your career
which win did you love the most and
which loss did you hate the
most which win did I love the most um I
think it’s always tough to beat the
first win I think you know my first win
in Phoenix was really special um and
then probably first Masters I mean there
it’s really hard to rate those I mean
winning golf terms is so special and so
much fun for for not only me but the
entire team around me is it’s it’s it’s
a great feeling um toughest loss I mean
that’s tough I mean maybe maybe Ryder
Cup that’s probably the most fresh in my
mind would be the Ridder Cup last year
but outside of that not really sure all
right one of the perks of winning the
Masters is the Champions dinner is
served in honor in your honor the
following year now here’s the menu that
you went with after your first Masters
win you had the cheeseburger sliders the
firecracker shrimp good choice by the
way uh the tortilla soup a Texas rii
steak or black and red fish also good
choices and the warm chocolate chip
cookie uh how much thought have you
given to next year’s
menu some of my friends asked me about
that this week when we were at home and
I’m not really sure that was one of my
favorite meals I may just run it back I
may try something completely different
I’m not really sure but uh it’ll be fun
getting to plan that dinner again with
Meredith and we’ll come with some good
ideas D if you run that back it’ll still
be good because I’m getting hungry just
talking about it and looking at the menu
was over here uh Scotty Sheffer bro
thank you so much for joining us on
Sports Center congrats again and
congrats to you and Meredith on the uh
on the new baby thanks so much
appreciate you’all having me on talk to
youall soon


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