Golf Players

Episode 33 – Colt Knost Live From Augusta: A Tradition Unlike Any Other

A new episode with Jordan Schmaltz and Gage Ausmus.

This week the fellas get into:
– Weekend Recap
– Caitlin Clark
– Augusta Action
– Who Wins The Hobby Baker?
– Frozen Four
– One Hitters with Auzzo
– Nailgun/Celly Of The Week
– 88th Edition of the Masters
– Picks for the Week
– Liv Talk
– Favorite Hole at Augusta
– Snack Bar Special
– Broadcasting
– Playing Days
– Best Spot for a Golf Trip with the Boys
– Tiger Stories
&& much more !!

Presented by:





all right listen to this while we were
coming out of commercial
yes Colt no hole in one we haven’t had
one since J those burning RS are wearing
down his
body the diesel
goldap alrighty folks welcome back to
episode number 33 your boy Jay swished
right off the tips of the couch just had
a hockey night in Scottdale we recorded
a little bit of that game we did the
whole game we did a live stream a
Tuesday night til featuring the
Washington Capitals and the Detroit Red
Wings my God Azo that game so boring
it’s like watching [ __ ] paint dry I
mean the capitals just kind of lured the
Red Wings to sleep and they ended up
winning that game Obie tucked the late
one in the second period and and kind of
put the nail in the cough and the third
period was just more or less the same it
was it wasn’t perfect my friend that
game I mean watching the Capitals play
just I don’t know how this team is gonna
make the playoffs I even watching
Detroit play like Obie and that team
they they won that game but they’re so
goddamn slow like when they play their
first round matchup of whoever they get
if it’s the Rangers if it’s Carolina
like they’re going to get whacked for
cob they’re not going to win a game that
team is the slowest team I’ve ever seen
play we’ve watched them back-to-back
weeks now in terms of on hockey night
Scottdale it’s like holy [ __ ] I mean how
are they gonna make the playoffs it’s
crazy yeah it’s just it’s just I don’t
know so I don’t understand it either
like Dro I’ve watched them every game
I’ve watched them I can’t believe they
have a winning record they look terrible
oh they it’s horrible like I mean I’m
not saying I’m a a big Washington
Capitals fan or I watch him a lot but
the last two weeks I’ve watched him and
for a team eyeing down a playoff spot
I’m like holy [ __ ] it’s just it’s so
boring they’re so slow Detroit obviously
plays that 131 style Derek lone newsy
lone who coached me in Green Bay plays
that similar style of neutral zone to
his boy John Cooper who he coached years
with in Tampa Bay so they kind of sit
back as is but Washington not the
fleetest of foot team I mean they’re not
dicing it up out there they’re kind of
clunking around stro is able to get one
in the second and then Obie late in the
dying seconds gets that game to two cob
and then it was pretty much over but
before we get to any other hockey talk
and NHL talk as we always do over here
at live and five we plug our YouTube
page folks please go check out our
YouTube page that is at live and 5 2024
again every like every subscription all
you tuning in to our shorts on there
everything you can find on our social
media pages is all on the YouTube page
so please go over to live and5 2020 2 4
this is episode number 33 the Larry Bird
Special talk about a white boy that just
made hooping cool again the pride of
French Lick Indiana played his college
ball at Indiana State obviously made his
way to the association to the Boston
Celtics but Larry Bird one of my
all-time favorites another number 33 of
my all-time favorites speaking of the
man the myth the legend himself The
Godfather folks that don’t know that is
Clark Saunders Clark Dale Saunders good
friend of ours a golf trip guy North
Dakota goalie came over from Alabama
Huntsville back when that well that
program almost folded like a we Fest
tent back in the day he came over to UND
he transferred man was he awesome fit
right in got a suit tat two right on his
heart like the second day he got there I
mean just talk about a guy that was
bleeding green even down south in a nice
state of Alabama but came North joined
the boys so shout out to Dale a true
friend of the show
folks as always we’re brought to you by
butter Golf and mini movers butter golf
the official lifestyle and apparel brand
over here at live and five many movers
the official moving company of live and
five speaking of a guy you moved Azo
just tucked his 40th goal of the Season
Brock besser up in Vancouver so shout
out to Bess shout out to mini movers and
shout out to butter Gulf AO before we
get going into the greatest week
arguably in all of sports over in
Augusta I see see you putting your mid
on right now my friend God does it feel
good going into the iconic week of the
Masters a week you sit on the couch the
whole goddamn time you watch the Masters
the coverage is unbelievable their app
is so good before we get to that and
before we get to our awesome interview
today with Colt no who will be boots on
the ground at Augusta calling the entire
tournament for CBS alongside the great
Jim Nance those two guys are probably
the best in golf right now as far as I’m
concerned so Noy was awesome he stopped
by to talk to us for about 45 minutes
regarding everything Masters
unbelievable dude so fired up for that
conversation we’re [ __ ] hot on the
interviews lately but that is
long-winded Azo what’s up man how you
doing how’s the weekend snap let’s get
to that first what’s shaking baby how
you doing you had a late day in the
office today man you’re a [ __ ]
grinder you put the work boots on from
5:00 am to 10 pm and then you get right
on the Airways with your boy Swiss we
talk it all but how you doing man what’s
up on a Tuesday doing well man it’s uh
it’s always fun being on here you know
this is easy you get to sit down I got a
nice comfortable chair I’m sitting back
just talking with my buddy um but yeah
the weekend was good jordo actually went
and saw Cat Williams at the uh the old
Target Center and no way to see he’s one
of my faor cat’s a legend man he’s a
legend but boy was
that he brings a dark crowd I mean I
think I was like one of maybe 30 you
know caucasians in there but God damn it
I was laughing Mo most of the time he
was making fun of me so it was kind of
funny like everyone’s looking at us like
laughing at us and I was like it’s funny
this is great you know I was making fun
of white people but it was great it was
awesome man I was it’s always great to
see a legend I mean cat’s where’s cat
rank man he’s he’s up there like he’s an
all-timer yeah he’s unbelievable I mean
I mean just remember back in the day
like my back to my junior days and a guy
you know Caleb Herbert who played at the
University of Minnesota duth he was a
roommate of mine in Sous City and we’d
always put on that Cat Williams bit late
at night after crushing a couple four
Loos down in the basement and we put on
that every day I’m hustling bit and
still to this day that is one of the
best bits of all time when he’s talking
about he’s in the grocery store he’s
like you know you ain’t got the $499 to
buy that [ __ ] but you in there
every day I’m hustling he’s like doing a
dance it’s the clip is all time the
whole bit is amazing but what was his
current bit on you mentioned he was
making fun of white boys was there
anything else funny was he shooting off
about Hollywood how he kind of did in
that sit down with Shannon sharp or was
it mostly just making fun of you know
the the old white folk over here come on
baby you know you’re their support let’s
go we we won we won a ball it was it was
great he it it was a lot of you know
making font of white people doing dumb
stuff I wish I could remember um exactly
what he said I can’t but yeah he
definitely went into the Hollywood thing
um and he called all that [ __ ] he called
Diddy on on Club sh Shay with shanam
sharp so yeah I mean it was it was
awesome like he I think he had like
[ __ ] five or six openers um some were
pretty funny some of them I didn’t
really listen to just kind of talked um
we actually had a I was sitting in a
suite so I you know whenever you’re in a
suite you kind of just you go back and
forth from conversation in the back
maybe around the island table um to
actually watching the show so uh it was
it was great though and then obviously
we went out and had a night cap after
and um kind of got after it but then
Saturday jordo Saturday crazy I I had to
go put up this I had to go I agreed to
go put up this guy’s jungle gym in his
backyard and oh God he’s got this old
jungle gym that he brings out I mean it
was bigger than my [ __ ] Elementary
School Jungle Gym it was insane I I
can’t I can’t believe I agreed to it but
anyways you know I find myself digging
holes I got I got a big blister on my
hand if you can see that I I got a
blister from you know going zero mode on
holes dang up I gonna say you went full
zerone yes there it is there it is um
but yeah I did that for about eight
hours on Saturday hung to the gills but
God damn it I was no longer hung after
the day felt great after oh just done
out in the out in the open you know
Sunshine clean air um yeah it was fine
you know there was just a bunch of guys
grabbing tools and getting to work but
godd damn it it went way longer than I
thought it was going to go yeah a
project like that is always not perfect
but did you have a set of mitts on I
know you got your glove mitt on right
now but did you have a pair of Franklin
when you were doing that you bare
knuckling it be backing it and not
having any protection on those hands
because a job like that my friend you
need a little something between the skin
and the you know laying down that Lumber
yeah no I I made a huge mistake I didn’t
think I’d be digging holes I honestly
went over there thinking I’d be twisting
wrenches maybe holding up some wood um
but I found myself shovel in hand
[ __ ] digging trenches there’s nothing
worse in the world jordo than digging
holes I mean it’s terrible it’s it’s it
destroys your back your hands your
wrists I mean it is awful I can’t
believe this guy made me dig a hole in
his yard is it it’s it’s insane you know
shout out to you know my uncle Mark
right the nerd you know he’s just an
absolute buzzsaw absolute Beauty you
know him very well Azo and we got to
give nerd a shout out on this show right
now because this guy back in his day and
he could still probably [ __ ] do it
but he was he would install sprinkler
systems at an alarming rate so he
learned this trick of the trade when he
was doing it in college he was working
with a local guy actually in gr Forks
one of his good buddies who ran a
company doing sprinklers in the summer
and think different odd jobs as well but
nerd like I just remember vividly
remember him every house we moved into
when we were younger whether it was
their house or you know our folks and
our family moved a couple times the
sprinkler system would always be put in
and you know that job very well too just
seeing guys do it in around homes I mean
you’re digging a bunch of holes you’re
gutting it out and this guy would be
absolutely buzzing there’d be mud all
over his face he’d have blisters all the
way up up to his elbows I mean he’d be
[ __ ] red all over dirt everywhere
there’d be [ __ ] all over the place but
God damn it he’d get that job done at a
pace I’ve never seen anyone play it and
if you know how he talks and you know
how much Hardy buzzes can’t you just
picture him just absolutely buzzing
putting in the spr syst I was just gonna
say that just knowing him that is the
least surprising thing I’ve ever heard I
mean that is just like to a te like that
does not surprise me one bit and I wish
I had game film of it I would [ __ ]
watch that oh man and I still can just
picture like it was yesterday I mean
he’d be direct in traffic he’d usually
have like my uncle Monty out there my
dad would be inside doing nothing
because he’s too smart to even go out
there and just try to get in the way
like he’s not gonna be doing that job so
he’s just like sitting inside he puts
his best man on it as they say in cadd
sha Carl spackler and he goes out there
and just starts having an absolute field
day and he God damn it he’d have that
thing installed he’d have all the
buttons and everything ready connected
through the electrical system into the
box into the garage in like a day’s work
I mean this guy holy [ __ ] what he buzz
and he still buzzes so shout out to the
nerd the best and OG so oo I feel your
paint over there that is just some good
oldfashioned Blue Collar work my weekend
over here OZO folks were in town Kylie
Schmaltz legend of the game came into
town but you know who I got to see
actually we mentioned a little bit in
that pre-show uh was Brock besser our
good boy best had him on for yeah just
just quickly after the game on Wednesday
played against nick uh the Vancouver
Canuck skated away with a win but yeah
it was good to see best they were on
their way to LA but you know just always
good seeing one of your own a golf trip
guy hang out with him for 5 10 minutes
you know what the fella he’s looking
skinny right now he’s looking lean like
he he’s maybe like 7% body fed I’ve
never seen him like this normally you
know best is carrying a little bit of
the love handle man a little bit on he
looks good yeah nothing on him his Jaws
chiseled and he’s looking really good I
mean there’s no reason I mean there’s no
secret why the guy’s had his best year
of his career like he he looks in really
good shape man about time he’s [ __ ]
taking it seriously yeah yeah only year
seven so that was cool and then on
Friday Alo Nikki played his 500th game
so the the folks didn’t even know that I
I had you know had wind of it or
whatever but my parents came in just
just to see us and hang out and they’re
like oh W it’s Nick’s 500th game so
after the game on Friday that game they
beat Vegas with six unanswered goals we
went over to stake 44 great little spot
probably the most national league spot
in the desert had a table of probably 15
guys uh family included but you know
three to six seven guys stopped over was
pretty cool just hanging out Nick they
had a great game he had a couple apples
obviously you know the dogs have been
out for a while but anytime you can beat
Vegas especially rallying like that in
the third over at the iconic mullet
Arena it was cool man it was it was
awesome to see and you know just the
support he has from his teammates uh you
know obviously he’s a good dude but uh
it’s just cool what that means to to the
whole family and you know to Nick and
here’s the 500 more
foua Azo but Sunday my friend I mean
were you not tuned in to the Caitlyn
Clark and the Gamecock show this to me
was the first time I’ve ever really
watched women’s ball I’m saying in the
tournament wise I watched probably I
mean I’m not gonna lie I probably
watched a sweet 16 game half of it then
I watched the Elite 8 game and then I
watched the you know up into the final
four but man what a game I mean for the
first time ever the women’s final four
outdrew the men’s it was 18.9 million
versus like 14.6 million and I was in
that category like I only watched the
women’s yesterday I found myself
watching maybe five to 10 minutes of
that men’s game I was watching hockey
more so but did you watch that game and
you just feel for a girl like clarky
leaving her chin out there leaving
everything she had in the game obviously
G to go down as probably the best
college women’s basketball player of all
time but you got to touch on how good
that South Carolina team me those girls
were so athletic I was [ __ ] it was
wild like I I how do you go 30 how do
you go what do they go 38 39 and how do
you do that how do you not lose a game
like how do you not I I know I know you
can be that much better than everyone
else but how do you not just drop one
like you show up like a we don’t really
feel like playing this game we’re gonna
play like [ __ ] I don’t know that’s
impressive but yeah Caitlyn Clark is an
alltime great did you see jordo she’s uh
I did watch that game I wanted her to
win so bad but you’re not gonna beat
that South Carolina team did you see
jordo they’re already selling tickets in
the WNBA for when they play the the team
who has
um the first overall pick so Caitlyn
Clark like they’re already selling out
tickets for Caitlyn Clark to come to
town the rookie yeah insane they’re some
of the some of the women’s teams are
going to bigger stadiums for their first
game when they play this team because
caylin Clark’s coming to town I mean
that’s how big of a name she is it’s
insane it’s so sick and I I mean I’m a
big Jersey guy as is like I need to find
me a clarky 22 car on Iowa the Hawkeye a
jersey or maybe even a WNBA Jersey
because she was that nasty I mean she
was getting she had the Iron Curtain on
her man that was a Joseph Stalin like
trap I mean she couldn’t get away from
anyone that you see that girl on South
Carolina the defender had her hand
literally in her eyes the whole time
like every time she was dribbling you
know like when you’re playing on the
pavement out at recess or you’re on the
wood in a pickup game and the guy’s just
got a hand in your face like it
literally makes you want to fight them
like to the point where like buddy you
better get that hand out of my face I’m
gonna SWAT that away I’m going take a
technical Rasheed Wallace style and
punch you in the face or maybe I’ll even
go Au Hill style metal World Peak and
[ __ ] just start brawling right now
because that is so goddamn annoying and
she was all over like white on rice yeah
you actually when someone has it you’re
right like I actually can’t last more
than probably 10 15 seconds with a hand
in my face before I’m like all right
buddy I’m [ __ ] playing basketball in
a [ __ ] driveway like let’s let up
like you want to go like are we going
right now like do we need to do this I’d
be it’s so annoying that’s so
funny yeah it’s the worst the whole game
she was like that and you could just
tell the just the athleticism versus the
two teams I mean South Carolina the way
they can move the ball their big girls
were unbelievable Good Feet Iowa kind of
clunky farmer girls they relied a lot on
their passing a lot on their Cuts where
you know South Carolina was up and down
the floor move the rock get up and down
Iowa was kind of like milk the shot
clock try to find the perfect little
play and or pass or cut so I just
thought that game was great and you know
what for a team like South Carolina you
got to give a shout out to this guy and
I don’t know if you’re aware of this guy
OZO his name was game Co Jesus and
actually my sister was telling me about
him because he used to go to her
volleyball games when they go play South
Carolina so this gamec Jesus this guy he
was a super fan of over 50 years in
South Carolina you look him up online he
legit looks like Jesus I mean I I’ll
pull up a couple pictures here for the
folks right now but anyways Gamecock
Jesus died in December I’m not sure from
what but he had never missed a women’s
game or a men’s game in I think close to
50 years like it it was crazy so it was
cool that they won for him and just what
a name I mean you’re talking about
Gamecock Jesus like this guy an absolute
Legend you just live for those fans you
know that are just of the game right
like you know you got Gamecock Jesus
here so I wanted to give him a quick
shout out they did it for him you know
one of the true super fans of college
sports and uh a guy that just you know
with a stiff chin and we lost him this
year so anyways moving over to well the
felt my friend staying South with it but
a little bit into Georgia we’re talking
about the greatest week of all of sports
and we were lucky enough to have on a
guy covering this event OZO and Colt no
who you’ll hear from later covers the
Masters literally be boots on the ground
on the course providing insight and
Analysis from the felt of Augusta but if
you’re thinking about the three best
weeks of the year I’m thinking Christmas
I’m thinking the Masters and I’m
thinking the week your wife takes her
annual girls trip and gets out of town I
mean we’re talking about the three one
of the Triple Crown best you know weeks
of the Year arguably if not the best
maybe the your when your wife leaves
that might be the best who knows I don’t
know what you got going on at home but
there’s nothing better than Augusta I
mean we’re talking about just the mecca
of all of golf all of sports Azo I just
wanted to touch on just a couple of my
favorite holes Noy obviously I won’t
give too much away but he had mentioned
number 12 the Golden Bell I mean it’s
tough to top that tucked into Amen
Corner the par three a silky little
cheeky par three everything bleeds
towards the water another hole I love is
number 16 that creates a lot of late
drama in terms of another par three
there’s water in play that hole I
believe is called Red Bud playing about
170 yards over the water so just touch
on Augusta in terms of just what it
means I mean you’re going to be glued on
your couch all weekend no watching this
this is an absolute dirtfest I mean the
Master’s app is unbelievable coverage
just just talk about it head to
toe yeah no it’s the best it really is
it’s my favorite golf tournament I know
the majors are all awesome so it’s
they’re they’re real close together but
the Masters it doesn’t get beat I just
love that they play at the same course
every time and it’s like the mecca of
gulf and grass um but everything about
it so sick driving in the Master’s
dinner the Champions dinner that they
have um the concession stands the rules
no phones just everything about it is is
unbelievable and you know what I’m just
so fired up to have these Liv guys and
PGA guys the same tournament and I just
saw Brookie doing Brookie things he had
an interview in an uh a reporter asked
him like do you think it’s possible for
you to shoot 59 at this tournament and
Brookie’s response was have you ever
played this course uh no I haven’t yeah
I could tell by that question that’s
what he said yeah I could tell by that
question Brookie is the best can’t shoot
a 59 no you can’t Dart 59 here pal but
thanks for the question thank you for
your time and thank you for being a part
of Masters week speaking of live guys o
oo I’m just looking at the big board I
want to get into some of picks maybe you
had a chance to look at some different
guys obviously we asked Noy later in the
show about his picks the experts opinion
but I’m looking at a couple different
things right here and I want to get your
opinion on I got John Ram to win that’s
plus 1100 I really like him for a top 10
finish at plus 115 I think that’s a good
sprinkle there in terms of value he’s a
guy I think is going to be in the mix
come Sunday and at plus not you know
crazy odds but definitely sprinkle some
cash there with being on the the plus
side of things another guy a sneaky one
I think is a decent pick OZO is Sam
Burns Sam Burns to finish top 20 now
that is plus 190 he has four top 10 in
2024 he’s been playing really well this
year obviously looking to stay on that
heater yes Augusta is a different animal
but if you’re looking at a top 20 like
finish at some pretty good odds plus 190
is pretty good now another one I wanted
to ask you about is your boy and our boy
the hotel chain himself Mr hotel tonight
Windom never hung Clark he’s never
played at the Masters he has played
Augusta four times but not at the
Masters a top 10 finish for the hotel
chain hotel tonight is plus 3 do you
like that or you can you not even
sprinkle that just knowing his name yeah
plus 330 for a top 10
that’s yeah that’s pretty good that’s
pretty good I that’s a good bet right
there are they are they just having to
try to take the bait in because he’s
playing well good you know stretch and
he’s never played austa though this is a
different animal I don’t know uhuh yeah
I’d be scared they they might be baiting
us there because I haven’t heard
windom’s name or you know rison’s name
um to a often recently so I don’t know
you know how I feel about Windom [ __ ]
yeah I
do yeah the hotel Mr hotel tonight
that’s one I’m iffy on again just the
odds stand out to me another guy good
bet though I I think so there’s another
guy that stands out to me is a
20-year-old just turned Pro this is Nick
Dunlop top ranked Junior golfer in the
class of 2022 and he’s now the number
one he was the number one amateur he won
the AMX Championship back in January he
is the first amateur to win a PJ event
in 33 years the last guy to do it was
Philly fera Mickelson so Nick Dunlop
obviously has never played this
tournament but a top 20 finish is plus
650 so if you’re looking for like a long
shot A Cinderella Story something cool
to bet on I wouldn’t necessarily throw
the goddamn Farm on that one but maybe
sprinkle it I think that’s a decent bet
but some of the ones I really like here
OZO Tiger Woods to make the cut at plus
120 I think that you know eldri I think
if he’s going to be in the mix he’s
going to be in the mix top 30 finish for
eldri is plus 170 now someone was
tweeting out earlier in the week that he
shot like 31 on the back on a Monday
it’s like okay that’s great and that’s
unbelievable but
boys we talking about practice I mean
it’s the old alen Iverson we we talking
about practice not not not the game not
the game that I give it
my we talking about practice man like
come on we are we really throwing out
tiger fire to 31 I mean he could do that
in his sleep in any practice round think
about how hard it is when you get inside
the ropes the pins are tucked the people
the patrons are around it’s Jim Nance on
the call I mean it’s a whole different
animal I don’t care if you’re the
greatest golfer of all time it’s still
the stakes are high and The Chins are
more tuck so I I don’t know if eldri can
put it together one final time I’m
hoping he can but I’m going to take that
bet that’s a billy guarantee just being
a tiger guy I got to go plug plus 120 on
that DJ top 20 oo is plus 140 Dustin
snow Johnson I mean you got to think a
guy like that who’s won there a George a
peach himself could compete and at least
be a top 20 like guy no for sure that’s
a good bet too DJ’s gonna show
up yeah so I got that DJ and then you
know Noy he had mentioned one of the
guys as a sleeper Xander Schley at plus
1600 to win
I like that one I think you know just
talking to him it’s only a matter of
time before he breaks through Colin
marawa top 10 finish plus
375 I would sprinkle some action on that
one I think the California kid can get
it done at least inside the top 10 one
bet I think is hilarious that I I hate
rooting against guys but it just St it
kind of just stuck out to me in terms of
like I might take this one Jason you had
a bad day to miss the cut at plus 245
yeah I like that one
Jason missing the cut yeah I might one
guy that could miss I feel like there’s
like one like guy that’s just kind of
all over the place the last few years
like you know I think like I’m I’m maybe
looking at that did you have like
anything you on your own a yeah yeah I
mean I I like I don’t know if you watch
the Valero open I watched the Finish um
this this AE baa guy he’s a lefty
lefties do well lefties do well at
Augusta um he was firing man he was
firing he won the he he won the playoff
he was I think he finished Dash 21 I
think third place was Dash 11 so he he
absolutely crumbled the field pretty
much and he’s playing well he’s a young
kid first he had to win that tournament
to get in the Masters I like his I like
his odds at least making the top 20 I
think he’s going to play well and then
jordo another another bet I always do at
the Masters it’s a lock I don’t know
what the odds are probably not great but
it’s an absolute lock Freddy Couples
making the cut the guy always does well
the first two days he fires on that
course he’s got a green jacket um Freddy
Couples make the cut okay I I think
Freddy’s playing he might have been hurt
but if he is in I love that bet is he
hurt he he withdrew from a Champions
Tour event like two weeks ago so I’m not
sure if he’s in the field I’m hoping
he’s playing I haven’t got word on if he
is honestly I hope he is because you’re
so right how smooth is that guy swing
Freddy fura unbelievable you know he’s
had like he’s almost been married like I
don’t want to like start rumors about
the guy but it’s kind of well known
especially in the Gulf circuit and just
through the gra Vine I think he’s been
almost married two or three times and I
think I mean I’m pretty well confirmed
on this I don’t want to break the shoot
right yeah he he packs up in the middle
of the night and leaves like even if he
owns the house like he just he packs up
in the middle of the night and heads out
and like sends him a note like yeah I
got feet you know yeah just Freddy has
commitment issues who doesn’t over here
[ __ ] Freddy you’re all right buddy stay
with it stay with it so I think that’s
just a little funny bit on Freddy I mean
he’s the ultimate guy in and around the
clubhouse a guy that’s always around
Ridder cups the Tiger Woods you know
kind ofur just always around him so
hopefully Freddy’s in I have’t got word
on that OZO going to be a great week
again we chatted with the man the myth
the legend Colt nost over here he’s
going to be on the course boots on the
ground at Augusta starting I believe
today he flew in so great chat with him
Azo let’s send it over to the Frozen 4
special we had Denver’s Coach man we’ve
been buzzing these interviews we had DC
on that dropped on Monday so folks if
you haven’t checked that out please go
over to our YouTube page watch that we
had Denver’s head coach stop by talk
everything Frozen for coaching the
modern-day athlete and just the state of
college hockey and a few different
things AO I known DC for a little bit
not well in any terms but he was a guy
that was in the Green Bay system and he
had coached my brother a little bit and
obviously you know had played against
him at Denver as a student coach and
then the assistant I was just very
impressed with his level-headedness his
approach and how he was just able to get
across message in very simple words but
so effective like he was I was very
impressed I was too yeah I knew I would
be too you know going in and you have
known him a little bit I’ve never really
talked with him but you can just tell
just the way he carries himself um you
don’t even have to listen to him talk
the way he carries himself and walks
around that’s kind of who he is you can
already tell just by looking at him and
yeah he was just unbelievable and I
loved that you know we were able to ask
him some of those questions um I thought
I thought it was cool he’s like yeah I
mean I cheer for the nchc you know like
yeah because you asked him that that
question I mean you got to be kind of
Pumped he’s like yeah there’s a little
bit of that but you want the ncha to win
and then just talking you know relating
to younger players he’s like I mean it’s
pretty easy it doesn’t matter how old
you are if you’re an older coach a
younger coach you just got to talk to
the guys there’s got to be a good stream
of communication and that’s what boils
down to you know you you gota get you
gotta get to know the players and then
you just gotta have an open line of
communication where everyone’s on the
same page and he made it sound pretty
simple man but it’s it is really simple
you know when you when you say it out
loud it’s just another thing to actually
do it in real life and he actually you
can tell he does it in real life yeah
and as you mentioned just rooting for
the NCH and talking about that of how
you’re you’re kind of a band of brothers
and I thought it was really cool that
Jim Montgomery had kind of started that
in the nchc in terms of when you guys
beat him out in Tampa Bay he was the
first guy to tweet out hey I hope North
Dakota wins I mean that is yeah that is
a very classy fella and that’s no secret
why he is where he is and Jimmy fer
Montgomery and if you’re learning from a
guy like that and you’re able to take in
little things that you notice in terms
of even going back to when they lost to
UMass slamer oo he the first thing he
did was share his notes with duth I
thought that was such a classy move too
in terms of hey here’s our presc Scout
here’s what they do here’s our
Tendencies I’m not sure if it’s going to
help you but I hopefully it does and
hopefully you’re able to game plan a
little bit off of what we had in terms
of going into our pres Scout so I just
thought DC was such a mature guy I mean
only 34 years old he’ been coaching
since he was 18 so thanks again for DC
stopping on and good luck to him oo I’m
cheering for those guys in the Frozen
Four I obviously had picked BC but [ __ ]
those guys I’m all in on DC Johnny Chan
style but speaking of winning Azo we
want to talk a little bit about the
Hobie Baker that’ll be awarded on Friday
obviously a UND product and Jackson
Blake is up for it in the Hobie hatrick
who do you see winning this obviously
there’s always East Coast biased there’s
obviously a little bit of that coming
into play with two of the East Coast
players but they deserve it rightfully
so who do you have winning your Hobie
taking it home on Friday uh if you were
a betting man yeah I mean I’ll I’ll
mention Blaker I think he does deserve
to be on the on this list the top three
um he had an incredible season and he he
was one of the top three players in in
college hockey unfortunately he’s not
going to win it um it comes down to
Cutter go he’s got the most goals in the
NCAA so and then and then you got this
mcklin celebrini this kid who’s going to
get drafted first overall who do you
pick you know you got go who just backed
out on Philly um gets traded to Anaheim
I believe you know he’s got that going
on and then you got this Macklin
celebrini who’s gonna go one
overall um I feel like you got to give
it to mlin celebrini if you’re College
hockey you need that number one overall
pick um to be the Hobie Baker winner so
I feel like he is gonna win
it yeah I think that’s a safe call I am
going to go on the other side of Boston
over to Chestnut Hill I’m going to go
turd cutter gotier I think it plays into
the theatrics of what he did this year
in terms of saying hey I fell ain’t
going to torts I’m good you know you can
trade me or I ain’t gonna sign so I am
gonna go over to Cutter GOI I think he’s
gonna win it now I do think that it’s
it’s a tight race and normally AO it’s
you know you have an idea got a clear
cut yeah they award it right exactly you
have an idea you think you you’re going
to know who wins it now the one year I
just remember that I thought Matt
fratton was going to win it back in the
day and they gave it to Andy mey now was
it because fratton threw a lawnmower in
the middle of the street and had a
couple you know citations we’ll leave it
at that I’m not sure but this year more
than ever it feels like it’s a two-head
race now Blaker I think he’s right there
but I think it’s 1 a 1B and then there’s
two so I just think the two Boston kids
it’s a flip of the coin now who’s had
the more impressive year obviously the
gotier a lot more goals I don’t know how
the point total is it’s crazy a guy like
Will Smith is left off the list he leads
the nation in points I mean that’s it’s
just wild to think that weird I don’t
know we we’ll see who it is I think you
can’t go wrong either way but as you
know I don’t know we we’ll see it’s it’s
going to be interesting on Friday and
I’m have to try to maybe find a line on
that maybe have to text a bookie
offshore and see if we can get that
because I can’t find a line on that but
AO I know I picked BC but I’m rooting
for our boy DC with d you wanted to ask
you what what are we thinking for this
week in terms of Frozen Four Thursday
Saturday obviously we got two games
going off the Box in St Paul on Thursday
and then sliding over to Saturday like
are we going to get some decent crowds I
mean we joked with DC like fella the
only people that travel from Denver is
the goddamn ban I mean Michigan like
they don’t historically travel all that
well I mean I’ve been to Frozen fors
even back in the day when I think
college hockey was a little bit more
prevalent and still Michigan okay crowds
I think it’ll be decent because it’s in
Minnesota but are teams like BC and bu
really bringing a solid fan base to St
Paul like is this going to be sold out
or are there going to be empty seats at
the XL Energy Center because you hate to
see the barn not full fella no the the
barn will for sure be full just from
Frozen Four fans I don’t think any of
these teams are bringing in a fan base
that’s going to like overtake the crowd
I think most of the fans in there most
of the people in the seats will just be
hockey fans that just enjoy watching the
um and they’ll probably pick a side to
cheer for but yeah that’s kind of
unfortunate there won’t be like a real
fan base there I mean I’ve seen you know
I’ve been in Frozen fours with be and BC
in them and they don’t bring a ton and
I’ve been in Frozen fours with Denver
they don’t they don’t bring a ton I I’ve
never been in a frozen forth Michigan
but I I remember we played in Cincinnati
I think against them and that was like
not that far away from Ann Arbor not a
ton of Michigan fans there so I just
don’t see a lot of them bringing too
fans yeah it was funny after we got out
the call remember I was tripping DC
about their their fan base not bringing
a whole lot of action and he’s like he
was telling us like well we sold out
Coors Field and we had you know 30,000
other people I forget at uh the other
Stadium outdoor when they played CC and
he sent me a picture on his wall of
those games sold out I said fella let’s
see this weekend hey you know like oh
yeah oh yeah he’s like G wish we get
fans so we’ll see DC we’ll see but you
got to wonder oo I mean you’re speaking
on just College hockey fans and you know
the state of hockey does well there’s
always people in and around watching
college hockey they’ll be a soldout
crowd there you know that but you got to
wonder there’s got to be some trim
walking over there across the bridge
from the University of Minnesota into
dinky town maybe looking to get a
one-way deal from a guy like celebrini
or Hudson or maybe even goate there’s
gonna be some ladies and some Honeys
coming over from the Golden Gophers
somehow finding their way in and around
St Paul because you know as you know
it’s the state of hockey and the women
there you know they some of them or most
of them they appreciate a decent looking
Puck player you know how many girls are
getting DMS right now hey what are you
doing Wednesday night you know like what
are you doing Wednesday you know you
want you want to check out the wind you
want to check out the
Radison saying at the Radison blue do
you have a car on campus or can I get
you the Uber you know can I get you the
Comfort I’m not get black yeah a lot of
those guys that are coming here to play
on both on all these teams come to
Minnesota some of them to train some of
them to hang out with their buddies go
on Lake minetonka they’re here in the
summer they know some of these girls
that are going the U ofm 100% they’re
getting DMS yeah there’s going to be a
good flock of them in St Paul this
weekend I think you gotta love the
beauties that used to post and still do
it where all you do is you you get off
the plane you’re right on the tarmac or
you maybe get to the rink or the hotel
and you just take a picture like a
random picture a totally just Burger of
a pitcher and you just throw the Geo St
Paul Minnesota
just letting them know letting them know
oh man and all of a sudden it’s like a
slot machine it just starts filing in
you know it’s just like oh my God just
letting the Honeys know boys hey it’s a
tale’s oldest time so that’ll be funny
to see the crowd there we wish the boys
the best of luck on and off the ice but
hey focus on the game Boys As We Know
over here you know you only get one or
two cracks at that maybe one if you’re
lucky so leave it all on the line out
there on the sheet and hey whatever
happens after that happens but AO going
over to my favorite part of the show we
got a couple one hitters with the
captain I got my first question is
related if you were a betting man which
you are are you taking live or the PGA
field to come out as the winner of this
year’s 88th edition of the
Masters I’m going live I think they pull
it off love that I just I just like
where Liv’s at right now and I think
they got some steam and this is just
gonna it’ll it’ll kind of break the golf
world if a live guy wins because Rambo
was a PGA guy last year so he was a PGA
guy until it financially didn’t make
sense to be a PGA guy so you gotta love
that you gotta love that I I’m with you
there I hope rbo I’m honestly hoping a
guy like DJ snow can come out of the
wickets and just somehow win I think
that would piss a lot of people off or
brooka so that would be nails if that
was done number two OZO if Denver wins
at all that’s the Natty chip they secure
their 10th championship in school
history is a guy like David Carl in the
National Hockey League next year 100% I
was just I forget who I was talking to
about this um it might have been on
Twitter but I’m like yeah this guy is
he’s gone next year or the year after
and I don’t know I there’s got to be
teams calling after this year for sure
you’d think we talked about a little bit
last episode yeah I I’m fully with you
very impressed by DC and if he wants to
it he’s there number three as a single
guy AO which you were you know three
four years
ago what’s [ __ ] worse man laundry or
dishes I mean I just had a three-day
bout with laundry like I I literally
wore everything in my closet for
probably a month I mean I was working
out in Lululemon chino pants at one
point because I just didn’t want to do
the laundry like it was just absurd like
I’m pulling out [ __ ] that I would never
wear I’m wearing [ __ ] shorts as
boxers yeah yeah like what am I doing
I’m wearing turtleneck and I’m going out
at 75 degrees oh yeah it looks pretty
good how about you just do your [ __ ]
[ __ ] laundry laundry’s way I mean
laundry is terrible I have a it’s it’s
just like Dro like I I have too many
clothes in my closet so I can go through
them I can I can go weeks without doing
my laundry and then once I’m out I’m
like holy [ __ ] I got an absolute
mountain of laundry to do and I gotta I
gotta switch it over the dryer and then
as soon as it gets out of the dryer I
got to fold it or hang it up so it
doesn’t get wrinkled I mean holy Christ
I’ve thought about J this is a Kind of a
Funny Story but we had a guy at mini
movers on uh work comper he was just
injured so we had to have him doing some
things and I’m like hey buddy I got a
fuckload of laundry you got to take this
little laundromat and do my laundry you
know so I got I got a mountain of
laundry done by one of my employees at
mini movers because he was on the he was
on the bench injured and we didn’t have
much for him to do so I’m like hey this
is a [ __ ] great thing for you to do
just sit at the laundry man and watch
this go through the w that’s so that’s
so huge he’s on the IR and you just put
him to work I love that oo I was telling
my parents my folks down here when they
were down here this past weekend I was
like I would literally if if I’m single
past I don’t know a couple more years
like I I think I would seriously
consider having just like a livein
Russian chick or a nice Mexican chick
some sort of cleaner just to follow me
around man clean up after me yeah be a
house manager and I’ll pay you we’ll
give you a decent salary we’ll put you
on a meal plan you can live in the spare
bedroom we don’t have to sleep together
just stay in the spare bedroom we’ll put
you on salary all you have to do is do
my laundry make my bed do my sheets like
I am so bad at that [ __ ] man it’s crazy
how bad it’s actually embarrassing like
yesterday I legitimately did laundry for
five hours after I got it was like a i
it was a shift from like 800 pm to 1:00
am and I’m sitting there like this
[ __ ] sucks so and then you get you
know you’re doing dishes you cook a
couple nights and all of a sudden it’s
stacked up like Denny’s at 3:00 am after
a Saturday prom it’s like holy [ __ ] so
that is uh as a dude single I just those
things I just I don’t do well so I’m
with you there I think laundry Takes the
Cake oo fourth question last one man I
got a bone to pick with you it’s just
hilarious it’s speaking of just you know
being pathetic around the house M
Christmas tree is still up so I’ve been
letting this bad boy ride since December
it’s been a Martin Luther furat tree
it’s been a swish tin a Valentine’s tree
it’s been a St Patty’s Day tree an
Easter tree Mother’s Day tree it’s going
to be a 4th of July tree who [ __ ]
knows so why what I wanted to ask you is
do I let this thing ride baby ride or do
I take this thing down I mean it’s it’s
border line embarrassing at this point
but you know what we’re almost at the
halfway point like this respectively
could go back up in November so really I
mean we’re almost halfway there do I
just ride this thing out or do I take it
down I mean I had my sister in town I
was like Kylie can you just take this
thing down I’m like wait actually I
don’t know I kind of like it it’s like I
don’t know if I want it down oh yeah
it’s [ __ ] it’s not to love yeah no
it’s I I think it I mean at this point
it’s it’s hilarious I think you write it
out I mean I’ve I’ve been in that spot
too before I’ve I’ve been like holy [ __ ]
this thing’s still up but it’s kind of
sick you know turn the lights on it’s
like it’s pretty good feel like why why
would I take this thing down I mean who
doesn’t want a tree with lights in their
[ __ ] living room I mean it’s great it
feels like when you’re in a college
house you know when you have all the the
the Christmas tree lighting like up
along the edges like it literally feels
like I’m in it’s kind of a nice little
mood set better too and I I think just
if you have a you know overnight guest
over or even a buddy come over they’re
like Jesus Christ swish like the the
tree is still up I’m like fella put a
[ __ ] present under because you know
you’re Inna blink of an eye and all a
sudden it’s gonna be Christmas I’m gonna
be asking you for something so just put
it there right now while you can is you
know pretty soon this thing’s G be a bad
of an eye so yeah it’s just it’s
pathetic and hilarious at the same time
but I don’t know I’m still on the fence
with it I just don’t know if I want to
take it down but folks that was one
hitters with the captain as always we
are moving over to nail gun of the week
Azo what did you have for that my friend
I had uh I don’t know if you saw this
jordo but John ROM and Tyrell Hatton
they caddies did you see
this did not their their caddies
couldn’t their caddies could they had to
they had to find replacement caddies for
the last day of their last tournament
because their caddies uh apparently in
interview um got injured from falling
over after dinner both of them no
couldn’t caddy the next day and and
they’re both laughing when they’re
answering so like clearly these caddies
on Friday night or whatever because Liv
plays their final the final round on
Saturday I think or maybe it’s Sunday
maybe it was Saturday night they were
boozing but yeah they must have been so
cut they injured themselves and couldn’t
caddy the next day and God damn it
that’s nail gun
baby that’s so sick and we were talking
to Noy about last last call Lance the
former caddy like imagine getting so
cockeyed you just faint or you fall down
and your chin hits the ground and you
can’t caddy for the only guy you have to
like it’s your only job is to carry
wrenches and you can’t do it because you
got so banged up it’s like fella come on
that is all time I love that I uh my
nail gun of the week I had Gamecock
Jesus who we had mentioned previously
just an absolute gun I mean South
Carolina getting it done for Gamecock
Jesus have to give him a little FaceTime
even Six Feet Under so Gamecock fella if
you’re listening from somewhere in a
grave in South Carolina just know the
boys at live and five are giving you
love and deserve everything because you
are a legend and I don’t know how I’m
just learning about you but thank you
for crossing over my chin and seeing
that because what a legend Gamecock
Jesus one time baby AO my S of the week
I had Dave poroi with the Yukon future
he put 600k on the huskys to win believe
in December he cashed out at $2.6
million that is 2.1 Millie right in the
pocket how are you no spit no lube that
is a nice overall tug with a little bit
of Lube on it honestly so Dave Portnoy
is my S of the week he was watching the
game literally Stones throw away from my
place over at DraftKings in North
Scottdale so good to see pre is doing
well a degenerate Gambler and that is my
Sul of the week fella would you have
I had uh I was just wa I was watching
oie’s goal today’s 30th and I had to
pick him just because one of one part
I’ve Loved about oie his whole career as
how fired up he gets when he scores a
goal he’s got 852 goals now and he gets
just as fired up for his next one as he
did his first one or you know whenever
and it was just a classic OV goes down
to a knee double fist pump comes back up
another double fist pump just screaming
so fired up to score his [ __ ] 8502
goal in the National Hockey League I
mean it’s insane this guy’s almost most
guys don’t even play that many games
he’s got this many goals it’s just
insane and I had to shout oie out for a
s he just he still gets so fired up when
he scores a goal it’s so sick yeah I
mean he’s he’s a kid in the candy store
that’s what you love him I mean he’s
still excited that Tucky had was so sick
I mean we were doing the game here on
Tuesday Hockey Night Scottdale and the
way you just tucked that all the way
down the felt just a stick side seeing
eyes shot almost posted in on the short
side beat Alex lion former Yale product
and Lake of the Woods Minnesota so love
that Azo Azo that was the pre-show tape
to tape as always with you my friend
episode number 33 again we’re going to
send it over to Colt no right now and
we’re going to get a Augusta breakdown
the master special over here at live and
five cap always good snapping it tape to
tape with you have a good good night my
friend and folks we hope you enjoyed
this one
fella now
introducing from the rodeo grounds of
Pilot Point
Texas this Lone Star State native
graduated from Southern money University
in 2007 where he earned all conference
and all regional honors he then took his
bag of wrenches along with a 12pack of
Bud Heavies to the PGA earning his card
in 2009 Noy is famously known to shape
the ball both ways and can make a putt
from the parking lot traded in his Texas
wedge in 2020 for a mic and has been
crushing it ever since you can now catch
him talking four iron Stingers on his
podcast subpar as well as on the course
commentator for CBS alongside the great
jym n the official m
Whisperer of the live and five podcast
an avid hockey fan folks without further
Ado please welcome Colt no to the live
and five podcast how we doing brother
thank you for taking the time to join
the boys over here thank you so much
that was definitely the most unique
intro I’ve ever had so well done on that
that was awesome yeah you know no I like
I like to tell our guests that come on
they don’t really know I do it it’s it’s
my radio voice it’s my ultra ego I call
myself the fella over over here at 93.1
so definitely hitting the Airways it’s
like a strip club DJ you know what I
mean you got the announcer as caramel or
Mercedes is coming on stage I like to
think I could give that intro for her
you know making her way to the poll so
now thanks again for coming on and you
know I ran into last week at over at
DraftKings sports book we were over
there for the ice con spit and chicklets
kind of bar stool shindig and you were
sitting there with uh you know former
UND Sue grad Mike Commodore obviously
Gage and I we play North Dakota and
you’re sitting there with Kami but that
table you were sitting there with Noy I
mean you were in you you could talk all
the [ __ ] you wanted sitting there I mean
you had some big boys there you had
commi Jared bu jod Shelly so you can get
away with goddamn murder sit with those
boys but just talk about your kind of
relationship with those guys obviously
being an avid hockey fan and you like to
tip it out down here at Whisper rock
with uh Mike Commodore as well oh yeah
so I’ve I’ve for some reason I mean it’s
not a shock I guess I’ve always hit it
off with the hockey guys they like to
have some cocktails play some golf and
talk some [ __ ] which is pretty much all
I do so I I get along with those guys
very well I met Mike Commodore I
remember before I actually lived out
here in Scottdale myself and Graham DEET
went and played TPC Scottsdale one
morning he said hey my buddy this ex-
hockey player is going to join us do you
care and I was like absolutely not so
Mike Commodore and I i’ had heard the
name didn’t know much about him come out
didn’t he didn’t talk for 18 holes and
I’m like dude this guy’s kind of kind of
boring who the hell is this well then
you get to know commi and you realize uh
he was just being a little shy that day
because now he doesn’t shut up but he is
one of my favorite humans you know I I
do you mentioned the podcast subpar it’s
a golf podcast and by far the person we
get asked to have back on more than
anyone is Mike commodor incredible
Storyteller he’s hilarious and like you
said a rather big dude so I feel
comfortable when we’re out in public
with him if I if I happen to talk some
[ __ ] to the wrong person yeah Kam was
probably you just caught him on a day
maybe he was at the Dirty Dog Saloon
late night he was probably just you know
a little hunger a little stung because
once those stories get rolling he is all
time he’s one of my favorite UND guys to
hang out with like when we were kind of
coming up my freshman year uh Kami was
still playing so you come into Pro camp
or you’d even you know after the season
would come up and kind of show the boys
the the ropes so to say I mean I always
tell the story on this podcast but he
was a guy that actually brought a
sociology Professor to a party my
freshman year his name was Frank White
AKA Francis White and the whole party
was chanting Frank the Tank Frank the
Tank like straight out of old school so
that was my introduction to Mike
Commodore just a full-on legend but Noy
while we have you here obviously next
week going into the Holy Grail of Gulf
we have the 88th edition of the Masters
straight out of Augusta Georgia you’re
going to be working that with Jim Nance
The Legend and obviously uh you know
you’re doing great things with CBS and I
love listening to you but just touch on
Augusta I mean how the mecca is it as
good as it looks in on TV I mean it just
looks crispy brother it’s just like not
even a pine you know like a pine cone or
just it’s not out of place it’s just
crazy there’s nothing out of place you
will find nothing out of place it’s it’s
the greatest golf course in the world um
it is such a you know an honor to be
there every year covering it I I believe
my first year was 2021 so this will be
my my fourth Masters going there and
covering it with CBS but it is truly
special to the first year I ever stepped
foot on the grounds was in 2021 and it
was limited patrons that year because of
Co and everything so I it was so great
to go out there and be able to walk
every single hole like I went out there
Monday by myself walked all 18 holes and
just took it all in but even then like
when I wasn’t working I could go out
there and watch buddies and you didn’t
have to worry about missing shots or
anything like that it was it was a
really cool first experience for me but
it’s one man we get we get hyped up for
every year it’s the first major it’s
obviously been a while since we’ve had a
major and this year I think it’s going
to be as exciting as anything I think
the buildup coming in with everything
that’s going on between PGA Tour and Liv
um you know how Liv you know they keep
getting better better players they’ve
got a lot of great players over there
and so therefore we don’t get to see the
best of the best play each other as
often as we would like so this is going
to be the first time in 2024 for the
most part and I’m ready for it man it’s
going to be a hell of a masters yeah it
was it was Unreal last year I think it
was when that tree fell down like in the
middle of the Fairway or right around
the tea box and then like four hours
later whatever was it it looked like
nothing even happened it’s like how does
this ground screw just get everything
cleaned up they make it look so crispy
crispy rice as I like to call it but if
you’re looking at the master you’re
looking at the field oh see like who do
you have for your favorite is it hard to
go against a guy like the scoot Scotty
shuffler I mean if he can Putt and he
can play the way he can it’s pretty hard
to bet against him no you know I’ve I’ve
been off the last six or seven weeks and
it’s getting closer to the Masters and
every time I’m out at a bar or whatever
hanging out people always be like who do
you like and I’m like I mean it’s it’s
obvious isn’t it the guy is a massive
favorite he was a two and a half to one
favorite at Houston last week ended up
missing that short putt to get into a
playoff you know depending on where you
look at it he’s four four and a half to
one to win The Masters which is just
insane I mean that’s tiger like numbers
he’s he’s a huge favorite and it’s
honestly he deserves to be I mean that’s
how well he’s been playing and in these
big events you look back to the Arnold
Palmer Invitational Bay Hill where he
cruised the Victory and then the players
he shoots that insane 64 on Sunday to to
run those boys down and win another one
like I mean he’s the best player in the
world and it’s really not close right
now Noy do you think those guys coming
from Liv they’re used to playing three
rounds instead of the full four does
that have any like does that set them
back a little bit when they come into a
major is that just not as big of a deal
you know I think last year we kind of
thought it might a little bit but then
you go out there and you you see the way
they played I mean Brooks was leading
the entire week at the Masters last year
before John ROM took over Phil Mixon
finished second Brooks went on to to win
the PGA Championship so no I’m not
worried about those guys at all I mean
what what Brooks kepa does in Majors is
just phenomenal his record is ridiculous
and for some reason I mean when that
Bell goes off in the big ones Brooks
brings the brings his best to the table
and I mean he’s got five of them already
and even though like most of us over
here in America like we haven’t seen
these guys play much this year but I can
promise you him John ROM who I played
with just I played with twice the week
before last up at Whisper rock those
boys Dustin Johnson uh cam Smith they’re
they’re going to be ready to go it
wouldn’t be surpris surprised me one bit
if one of those guys contended yeah
that’s what I was going to ask you Noy
in terms of just if you were a betting
man are are you taking a PGA guy or a
live guy or is it kind of just you know
whoever’s buzzing that week and really
has it going are these live guys they’re
up to the you know the challenge and
especially a major especially going into
Augusta like they’re they’re all in on
this no oh of course they are I mean
this is what they do for a living you
know they’ve been criticized a lot for
for going to live but it’s generational
money it’s hard to turn down but they’re
still competitors this is what they’ve
trained their whole life to do and if
you can’t get up for the Masters I don’t
know what you’re doing because I mean
the second you step foot on the grounds
it’s a special feeling it just feels
bigger um you’re probably more nervous
than you are at any other tournament and
you know that your name will be in
Forever associated with Augusta National
Golf Club the Masters and that’s that’s
incredible I mean that for us as golfers
I mean as a kid you’re on the putting
green at 10 years old saying you know
this putts to win The Masters it’s just
youve every single person in the world
can probably tell you what every hole at
Augusta National is if you watch golf at
all like it’s the most just because they
go there every single year so every time
they go to some camera shot you’re like
oh that’s six oh that’s eight like
everyone knows and it’s so special and I
can’t wait for it to get started that’s
what I wanted to ask you do you have a
favorite hole at Augusta if you’re
looking at just one pinpointing it yeah
so obviously there’s so many just
gorgeous holes but I remember when I
went out and I walked the first n I made
my way to number 10 and walked down the
hill and just gorgeous looking at that
green down the hill but then you go to
the T box on 11 and it’s it’s kind of a
little uphill and then right before you
get to the top of the hill it it Peaks
down to where you drive the golf ball
and you see 11 green and 12 green it’s
like one of the most gorgeous things
I’ve ever seen and I got to the 12th T
box the iconic part 3 and it was about
as amazing I it was better than I could
even imagine I just sat there for like
10 minutes by myself and just and looked
around and I mean it almost looks fake
it’s that beautiful and and it’s and
it’s also genius part three the way it
is designed the really small green the
way it angles with Ray Creek it’s it’s
by far my favorite hole but there’s I
mean there’s there’s a lot of them I
love 13 the part five I love 15 the part
five um but yeah 12 just it’s something
special I think it’s just when I walked
over that hill on 11 and you could look
down a in corner it just it hit me and I
was like man this is really cool yeah
that’s cool and I wanted to ask you no
you know you’re walking there you’re
walking the course you’re comment but do
you have like a a go-to snack at the
Masters at the pimo cheese like what
what are you going with you know pregame
to get you dialed in before you step on
the course to work that day or maybe
after treat yourself with a you know a
nice beer going down what are you
washing that down with so I actually do
like pamino cheese and this might rub
some people the wrong way but theirs it
just doesn’t blow me away where I grew
up in Dallas this place called royal up
Country Club theirs was phenomenal um so
at Augusta actually I think my favorite
sandwich there is theg salad which I
never thought I would like but somebody
told me to try it and I love it it is
fantastic but there’s so many good ones
I mean it’s hard to go wrong with a
fried chicken you know I need to watch
what I eat a little bit so I try not to
eat too many of those yeah but U it’s
it’s pretty cool I mean you go down
there and you get a sandwich and a beer
and they tell you it’s like three bucks
if you’re like this is this place this
place is just the best yeah no that’s
cool and I wanted to ask you like when
you’re on the air and you’re working
with Jim Nance and some of the hockey
guys that the commentators and espe a
guy that I spent a little bit with time
with in St Louis who’s a good buddy of
mine now working with the Chicago
Blackhawks and Darren Pang with they
would always have like a a big board of
like buzzwords to kind of work into a
broadcast is that something you do in
terms of like play games with your
buddies or like they’d have like one of
their buddies calling and be like you
got to use a squirts like in hockey be
like you got to throw in the word
squirts like the puck squirts out to the
slot or is it like you know the goalies
as sticky as they come or something like
that like there’s nothing better than
coming from behind like is there
different words or phrases that you’re
kind of working into a broadcast you
know in terms of you know trying to play
with your buddies or is that just uh
natural whatever comes out comes out no
for the most part obviously we take it
pretty serious especially at the Masters
but there are like when I’m when I’m on
the road you know we have this big group
text with a bunch of buddies and they’ll
text and be like hey get this word in or
something like that if it’s if it’s
nothing crazy I’ll do it and it’s and
it’s fun and some of them bet me that I
can’t so it’s obviously a challenge and
obviously what I’m going to win because
I can get it in there right but uh but
yeah that’s a a fun little game that can
also get you in trouble if you’re not
careful yeah 100% I just remember like
paying her like one of his calls were
maybe even been someone else that I know
just in in commentating was like that is
a thick defenseman who is powerful from
the waist down you know just like
different things and even like Al
Michaels has worked in different things
over the years were like you know it’s
going to be a wet and likely wild day
you know just in terms of like the field
conditions so I I was just like that’s
like the game within the game like I’m
sure your buddies are always texting you
different things to to kind of get
different terms in but as hockey guys
know see like even golf I feel like they
go hand inand in terms of just golf
terminology and hockey I mean I don’t
really speak English myself and
especially in a locker room you’re
always trying to use different words or
different creative ways to explain or
articulate a shot or just you know
what’s going on so are there different
words I I always hear you say like
smashing seeds what what does that
exactly mean is a guy that pretty much
knows every term in hockey like what are
you meaning by Smashing seeds well smash
is just obviously you absolutely
murdered it
something that golfers have just always
said it’s like that was a seed and it’s
just P pure strike out there that
doesn’t really move um you know I like
to throw in melted a lot because Kami
always says says that when we play golf
he’s like oh that was melted so I’ll
throw that in on on the broadcast for
him but the hockey guys by far have the
best terminology I mean every time we’ve
had one on our pod s is always just like
dying laughing he’s like this
terminology is great I remember the
first time we had biz on he said
something about one of the fights he got
in he’s like oh I just got Bambi and
obviously like you think you just think
of and you’re like oh my God that’s like
that’s just it’s so simple yet it’s
genius and you just picture this little
baby deer wobble and you’re like oh
there’s Biz just got his ass whipped and
he’s over there Bambi it’s it’s great I
love y’all’s terminology 100% I mean I
was even texting you yesterday like I’m
gonna go tea it up and then we can go on
at 5:30 I’m like low and slow Noy choke
and poke too right choke down on that
you know it’s just like we’re always
yeah all you hockey guys are the ones
that call me Noy no one calls me by by
last name ex the hockey guys yeah 100%
And I always like to say maybe hey just
a little Bob Seeker you got to hold that
thing off Against the Wind you know just
just little terminology you know low and
slow I like to call a ball a nugget you
know hooded Stinger trap draw all of
that stock you know it’s like all these
terms that you can kind of just work in
but I think that’s uh something you do
really well and you bring a lot of color
to the game but I wanted to ask you Noy
just in terms of you know you’re really
connected with the players I think it’s
really cool how you have a relationship
with a lot of guys on tour I think in
terms of just you know being that bridge
between the older guys the the older
generation and the players you’re kind
of that mid you know that bridge in
between and there’s some guys you
probably have really good relationships
on tour with and I just wanted to ask
you like if a guy misses a cut say on a
a Friday are they texting you it’s like
hey you know let’s go to the local chili
let’s go have a couple beers I gotta
wash this one away meet me here at five
o’clock is that something you know just
to blow off some steam and even when you
played missing a cut is that something
guys do just in terms of uh you know
just kind of getting away from the game
oh 100% um and yeah it still happens it
happened when I played I mean my I
always laugh you know Friday afternoon I
feel like people were looking to see
what I was shooting because I’ve always
been a very social guy I know a lot of
people in every city we go to I know all
the good spots to go to so Friday
afternoon if I wasn’t playing well my
phone started going a little crazy but
even for me when when I knew like say I
played Friday morning and I was going to
have the weekend off it was let’s start
scrolling to the bottom see who the boys
are going to miss the cut who’s a good
time to go out with yeah so definitely
yeah they still message me all the time
when because they know I’m going to be
down to have a good time most evenings
but yeah there’s there’s so many great
guys out there and yeah I have a great
relationship with I mean I just my last
tournament was just four years ago so I
still consider these guys really good
friends of me I mean we still go to
dinner and stuff when I’m on the road um
a lot of the guys nowadays rent houses
and have chefs because they’re fancy and
Rich and they’re nice enough to invite
me over which is which is great and
that’s one of the things though that’s
always the toughest for me about being
on the broadcast and then being friends
with these guys is you know they’re
going to tell me things that they
probably don’t want to go on the air and
and I always am very careful to cross
that line like hey if they say something
I think’s interesting that might be good
for the broadcast I’ll always ask first
because I never want to you know have a
private conversation and say something
the next day to be like dude what the
hell like that was not meant for for
public and I’m like I get it and that’s
one of the biggest things that always I
get a little nervous about have they do
you notice have players treated you
differently since you started TV rather
than when you were a player on the tour
or is it kind of just the same
relationship and you’re just kind of one
of the boys still for the most part it’s
been 100% the same just still one of the
boys like they know I got their back I’m
never going to say anything unfair like
if you hit a shitty shot though I’m I’m
gonna give my honest opinion and if I
think you made the wrong decision you
know that’s what I get paid to do is to
give my opinion um for the most part
they’ve all been great and maybe even
nicer now because they know I can bury
them on air so they need to
a little bit but yeah there’s been a few
that have been a little different I’m
not going to use any names when it comes
to that which has been honestly probably
really disappointing for me because like
they were friends of mine and not to say
we’re not friends but it’s definitely
the relationship has changed which I
don’t think it ever should because for
sure I know like I know how to keep them
separate right yeah Noy I want let’s get
into your career you graduated from
Southern money in 2007 holy trim there
mind you I I’ve spent a couple nights on
that campus just in and around the
Dallas area but you had a great college
career you were all conference and then
you transitioned two wins on the
Nationwide tour that was the fort Smitty
classic and I believe the Price Cutter
Championship T3 at the Players one year
I believe in 2016 so making that
transition and getting into media I
guess what was the transition like there
was it just some injuries did you have
just enough of the playing days or you
kind of grinding up and down talk to us
about that yeah so my career was kind of
up and down to start you know I like you
said I won what is now the corn fairy
tour twice right out of way right out of
college got my PGA Tour card and it’s
probably the worst thing that could have
happened because golf was just so easy
for me for two years I feel like I won I
mean I did I won a lot of I won a lot of
tournaments played really well and I
thought I was just going to cruise into
the PJ tour and have this massive career
and I got slapped around a little bit I
didn’t probably take it as serious as I
needed to um but still had some very
solid years and I was just really
starting to feel comfortable out there
in 15 16 and then I got a hand injury um
that actually first got diagnosed wrong
and I ended up having surgery on my
wrist which wasn’t a problem the pain
was always in my thumb um so I I had RIS
surgery was out nine months came back
hit a shot in Dallas I think my second
or third week back something felt wrong
again in the thumb had it looked at and
they’re like dude your UCL on your
thumb’s like 95% torn like you have to
have this thing operated onut
immediately so I was out another nine
months the game had changed a lot
obviously being out that much is really
hard um being away from competition for
that that long is very difficult and I
just I never got my game back um to be
fair and I was offered a serus XM job
kind of as I was still playing um doing
a show with my man Drew stz on their
Channel and then the podcast came about
I’d done a few events for Golf Channel
Through CBS with with the TV and when I
played my last event in 2020 at the
Phoenix Open I had a decision to make
like did I want to go back and Chase it
on the corn fairy tour against all these
young hungry college kids that are very
excited be there and I wasn’t going to
be or I could kind of gamble on myself a
little bit and take this media route and
see what happens and honestly it’s
probably the best thing I’ve ever done
um it it has changed my life I’ve never
been happier I’ve never been less
stressed I’m just having so much fun
being out there and it’s seriously it’s
it’s been a GameChanger for me I never
thought in my life I would be on this
side carrying a microphone following
these guys around but damn I’m glad I’m
doing it yeah that’s cool yeah that’s
crazy that’s kind of like where I was at
in terms of just even my playing career
Noy and you know I played eight years I
played Seven Years over here and then
couple years in Europe and I was just
like you know I’m 30 years old and do I
really want to get into the grind of
things or I kind of want to just roll
the dice and get into this media thing
and kind of see where it goes so it’s
it’s really inspiring to hear you know
you’re you’re doing well you’re loving
what you do and you know obviously
you’re in a great spot but I we got to
touch on that last tournament in terms
of that wasted Management in 2020 you
had Ray Whitney aka the wizard on the
bag and you got to tell the folks just
that little story about six when the
whiz was just you know showboating a
little bit well I have to take you back
to Thursday where he was [ __ ] his
pants going into 16 um I mean this is
Ray Whitney right 23 years in NHL he’s
won a Stanley Cup he’s been under the
lights no big deal uh but we get out
there and I was like you know what this
is gonna be my last tournament unless I
think I finish like top two I was like
I’m gonna enjoy this I want one of my
best buddies on the bag Ray lives right
here in Scottdale I was like would you
want a cat and he CAD for Grand blette
in the Olympics actually over in Brazil
so I was like would you want a cad he’s
like absolutely so we go out there
having a nice first round shoot like one
or two under par but we got to 16 that
first day and it’s packed house
weather’s beautiful I mean it’s loud I
get in there and I was like you like n
iron here and he just looked at me and
kind of shook his head and like didn’t
really talk and I was like you all right
he’s like I don’t understand how you do
this he goes I’m so damn nervous right
now I don’t even have to get a shot so
he was so happy for 16 to get over
Thursday then we go through there Friday
and once again place is packed and I hit
the ball in the green I go mark my ball
and I look over to toss it to Ray to
clean it I’m like where the is he oh I
look over and he’s in front of the
stands of the ga section over there
where all the Rowdy people are flexing
his calves and flirting with the crowd
and everything and I’m like look at this
[ __ ] over here I was like hey Ray you
mind cleaning this ball so we can like
maybe try to make Birdie on this hole
he’s like oh my bad he goes I’m having a
great time out here I was like yeah I
can tell Bud flexing your Cals to the
crowd the best though man yeah we had so
much fun he’s great that is so good yeah
I’ve only met him a few times but like
you said I mean almost 1300 games if not
1300 games cup champ and he’s over there
flexing not the Cavs baby those are cows
because those are pretty big you know
he’s a he’s a smaller fella but yeah
he’s he’s definitely those Cavs those
are national league Cavs you know Steve
he is a he is a smaller fellow but he is
rather fit he he has kept it together
even retirement life it’s it’s pretty
impressive but yeah those Cavs are
pretty damn big get Phil run for his
money yeah 100% what like what is one
track maybe that people wouldn’t know
obviously other than Augusta maybe it’s
overseas like where one spot where it’s
like the fa your most favorite place you
ever played other than austa you know
one of those tracks that just you know
you just can’t wait to get back and play
so Iowa was in one because I played well
there as far as of course on the PGA
tour but harbort toown where they play
the RBC Heritage which will be the week
after the Masters okay it’s just such a
unique golf course um they don’t make
them like that anymore it’s extremely
narrow it’s crazy claustrophobic with
those Tall Pines and it’s just it’s it’s
unlike anything else we playing
professional golf so I always just loved
getting there um like I said I played
well but I think the golf course is
absolutely incredible and I wish they
designed more like that as far as
overseas we played The Walker cup at a
place called royal County down in
Northern Ireland which has always been
at the top of my list as far as
favorites I got the chance to go to
Australia um La late last year to cover
an event for Augusta National and got to
play a place called Kingston Heath which
is where the President’s Cup will be in
a couple years ago and my God this place
is unbelievable and I caught it on like
a perfect way weather day too it was
like 65 and hardly any wind it blew me
away I think the guys when when it the
President’s Cup gets there and people
see it on TV that’s going to be one when
you go to to Melbourne Australia you’re
like I have to play that place it was it
incredible yeah that would be awesome to
play golf in
Australia I’ve been very lucky this game
has t took me some rather nice places no
see when you’re playing when you’re
playing golf now like is it the same for
a hockey player like I you retire from
hockey and then you go play beer league
and it’s just not the same you know it’s
not fun anymore it’s just like is this
not the same like do you miss
competition or golf do you are you still
able to keep it competitive out there
yeah so I think you always will miss the
competition that’s just what you train
for your whole life and and being in the
mix is there’s nothing like it I mean
that feeling of thinking you might puke
over every single shot you hit coming
down the stretch on a Sunday with a
chance to win it’s hard to replicate
that um it sucks at the time but at the
end you’re like damn that was so much
fun so I think you’ll always miss that
but I don’t know my life now is just
there’s so much less stress not having
to worry about going out there and
grinding like I was one of those guys I
didn’t I was one of the shorter guys on
the PJ tour I didn’t hit it very far and
with the way the game’s changed where
everybody bombs it it’s just hard for
for guys like me to compete out there um
there I mean obviously you can still do
it but like I said my life I’m not
worried about making Cuts U I’m just
worried about trying to be entertaining
not say something stupid and get
canceled um but other than that man life
so much fun and and I I still love to
play like I play three or four days a
week when I’m home I I keep a a handicap
now because when I play these PGA Tour
guys or other professional golfers like
I got to get some Strokes from them
because my game is definitely not as
sharp as it used to be because I never
practice but I still have so much fun
playing right now it’s like I don’t care
if I shoot 67 or 77 it’s did I win money
at the end of the day all that matters
but yeah man it’s fun I don’t I rarely
get mad anymore when I play bad but like
early on it was it was tough because you
still expect to hit those certain shots
that you always knew you could and now
it’s like like little straightforward
chips that I just never practice like I
suck at them and it drives me nuts but
then I just laugh at off and say you
know what I I should never get mad I
don’t practice and yeah yeah we we still
have a blast and the guys are nice and
they give me you know anywhere from one
aside to two aside depending on how good
they are and we go out there and we
battle I like it still pretty good no I
wanted to ask you like what is one of
the sneakier tournaments maybe off the
beaten path cities you know is it the
John Deere classic is it one of these
smaller tournaments where you got a bar
lined up like I always remember just
like going into Buffalo Buffalo was a
spot that just had it was a sneaky City
Bar time was 4 in the morning you kind
of have a a good time at a dive bar it
was low-key good people like is there
any of these tournaments that you’re
going into that are kind of just you
know not circled or household name
tournaments you’re like wow I got my
spot picked out in this city I got my
bar stool dialed in you know it’s a it’s
a good spot to be
yeah there’s a few um but you mentioned
John Deere classic and I think that’s
one that would surprise you it’s one
that I have so much fun at every single
year we stay at this awesome hotel and
right across the streets a restaurant
called Duck City phenomenal food and
Chef Jeremy there is a big golf fan and
he does it right and I have the same
table 7 PM every single night and the
the people that work there are so much
fun uh the waiters and waitresses are
fantastic and then up they have like a
cigar bar so after dinner you go up
there and they’ll let me DJ whatever the
cocktails get flowing and it is
seriously a little hidden gym on the PGA
tour but yeah that’s one if you ever
need me John Deere week I’m pretty easy
to find the other one I mean I know
y’all spent some time in Columbus Ohio
Memorial Tournament that I mean it’s a
big time tournament but that is a hell
of a week um the crowds are incredible
there’s a place called the bogey in
right down the street that everybody
goes after golf um it’s it’s a really
fun one that you can definitely get in
some trouble at where is the John Deere
is that Quad City Iowa Quad City yeah oh
my God that is unbelievable I mean
there’s a couple Midwest self-proclaimed
Beauties over here North Dakota and
Wisconsin I mean that’s right up my
alley brother Duck City you’re on the DJ
you’re playing the tunes you’re drinking
tequila like that’s that’s as good as it
gets as far as I’m concerned drinks are
like $4 dollar probably you know that’s
that’s red up my alley man Davenport
Iowa yeah I always joke as like I just
after my bill at Duck City for the week
I just hope I break even with CBS yeah
100% I wanted to ask you like what are
some of the better nicknames on tour I
mean as hockey guys big nickname guys
over here you know my nickname is Swiss
we got Azo like Tommy fleetwoods one
name I kind of Pops in my head I call
him Tommy Fleet butter but I think his
nickname on tour is Fairway Jesus
because that guy he don’t miss a fairway
is there any other like just low-key
names or nicknames that the folks
wouldn’t really know about or is it kind
of just uh pretty stock I would say most
of the best nicknames are with Cades the
Cades have great nicknames um you know
rest in peace there was this guy cadd
out there forever actually played and
one on the PGA tour um but his name was
last call Lance because obviously you
can figure it out I mean he was he got
last every single time he was a legend
though his name is Lance timbrook uh I
actually was paired with his boss yeser
parovi and very early on in my career
and got to know him but last call Lance
was always one of my we actually have a
new one now that we’re trying to get
going and actually Aaron Rogers played
with him at the 18t Pebble Beach this
year and I told Aaron to start calling
this and that kind of gain some traction
but Bo Hustler and God I just Austin
ekro okay they’re both members up here
at Wiis Brock Austin won on tour early
this year but they’re both sponsored by
Michael Kors so obviously says Kors on
their shirt well Austin’s the little
skinny guy Bo’s a little bigger guy so
we got Austin we call C’s light and we
call Bo banquet banquet b b we’re
working on banquet a little bit and Bo
actually likes it and he’s like dude you
told Aaron Rogers to call me banquet he
did it all week it was amazing I’m like
well damn it I was really hoping you
wouldn’t like it um but but he did it
but yeah Banquets banquet’s a good one
we’re trying to get to stick right now I
like that I think Bo Hoster might even
actually live in the same building as me
but yeah banquet Bo that’s a nice name
but the greatest the greatest out on the
PGA tour and it’s not even close but he
Embraces now and I have made this I did
not come up with it I will not take
credit for that but I did take it to the
golf world and to television but it’s
Charlie Hoffman and we call him the
seagull because he just flies around and
shits on everyone because it’s and now
everyone in the gallery yells it every
time I see him like down the fairways I
do the bird bir W he he just had his
foundation event a couple months ago and
they had these socks with seagull all
over it so now he loves the nickname
which sucks I was hoping he wouldn’t
like but it’s a it’s one of my favorites
that’s awesome and and speaking of
Loopers no we were talking a little bit
pre-show and I was telling you how I CAD
for my brother was on the bag for Nick
Schmaltz this year at the Madison City
open just one of the first tournaments
you’ve ever played you played with him
he’s a pretty good stick uh the four
days he was under par but Noy I gotta
tell you man I had everything dialed in
in the caddy bib I mean I had cigarettes
right just in case you need a rally DT I
had the Red Man chew well fellas
sometimes you got to chew on one condoms
sometimes you got to play it safe I had
the GR roof cleaner three sets of teas
so what I’m saying is how do we get Nick
schmalz over to the tournament in Tahoe
and I give the people what they really
need is the caddy over here over in
switch because I’m dialed in man I got
everything how does Nikki get a chance
at that does he got to get on a
different team than the desert dogs do
he gotta go win a cup like how do we get
him in that tournament because I think
he can play that’s a great question um I
have no idea last year was actually my
first year ever to that tournament
because normally my schedule doesn’t
work out and damn that is
you got to go it is so much fun I
actually ended up caddying for a hockey
player we were there to do this MC deal
for Corbell with our podcast and I met
Alex color several years ago became
friends with him and he was there and
he’s like I got a couple buddies coming
out to help me caddy they don’t really
know what they’re doing would you want
to do it and I’m like sure I mean I have
I it’s it’s July I have no interest in
going back to Scottdale it’s 110 degrees
I’ll stay up here in Tahoe and have some
fun and man we had the best time I made
sure the bag was loaded little Tito
Gatorade keep you
hydrated and then the little airplane
Fireball bottles in case it’s a little
panic situation and we need to really
relax but he went out there played great
the first day playing alongside TJ Oshi
went out there he was in third place
after the first day he’s in the final
group on Saturday with Steph Curry and
and pavs pavelski yep and yeah and
killer had never played a golf
tournament before and this it’s there’s
10,000 people down the first toll like
it’s lined five6 deep and and my man I
didn’t know if he was going to be able
to talk that day it was it was a great
learning experience and Steph ended up
making a whole in one on eight which was
unbelievable but one of the most fun
weeks I’ve ever had and I hope killer
gets back in again because we said we’re
going to run it back but you’ve got to
go if you ever get a chance 100% it
looks like just an absolute party like
you said that that par three is
unbelievable you get the basketball shot
but like for people that have never
played in an environment like that like
killer going into that even TJ ooshi
he’s done a few tournaments now I’ve
even talked to him about it just like
how nervous he was the first time like
you don’t want to hle one and just kill
somebody like that’s going to be such a
different animal playing inside the
ropes like
that yeah the first day like there’s a
few people following but it was nothing
like when we got to that first T last
group first hole and it’s just lined and
it and you have to hit like a three or
four round off this first hole so it’s
not like you’re sending driver down
there but these people I I don’t know if
they just think they’re like as good as
professional golfers or what but they
stand in the dumbest places I’m like one
of y’all is just going to take one to
the Dome this is just I don’t understand
why you were standing there like this is
not what these guys do for a living and
um yeah there’s definitely a lot of
nerves going on it’s cool to talk to the
to the guys and just get their like
thoughts on it because they’re not used
to I remember Jason kid here yeah I mean
shot free throws made shots in front of
the I mean from the whole world won an
NBA championship and the first time he
stepped foot on 16 here at Phoenix he’s
like dude I I just I I can’t do this I
have no idea how I’m like you’ve shot in
a free throw in front of this many
people he’s like man it’s not even close
to the thing it really isn’t because
it’s just something about that little
that little sweet spot on a wrench that
you have to hit even like it doesn’t
even compare to hockey because at least
hockey you got your boys out there with
you you know you got the boys on the
bench you got the guys you know five or
six on the ice it’s just nothing
compares to it but one spot we do a golf
trip every year Noy and it’s we change
up the cities we’ve done Nashville we’ve
done Vegas some years we don’t even
bring our golf sticks we’re just like
we’re just going on a bender it’s all of
our North Dakota buddies there’s
probably like eight or nine guys still
playing in the NHL probably one or two
playing overseas and then a few in the
miners and then guys that are done
playing like me and Gage but if you’re
sending the boys one spot and probably
parting might still be the number one
objective but if we want to get in some
good golf we did Charleston South
Carolina last year it was pretty decent
where’s like one spot or one place that
you would send the fellas is it abandon
Dunes is it you know Pine Valley or pay
Valley like where you where you sending
the fellas so this is the easiest
question you’ve asked me and I I give
this answer to everyone I mean if I have
one day left to play golf in my life I’m
going here because now Bandon Dunes all
those places they’re great I have no
interest in playing 36 holes like I want
to I want to go have a great time at
night you know dinner out have a few not
get up crazy early play 18 holes have a
few and do it all back it’s Shadow freak
in Las Vegas I mean it’s just it’s
heaven for me I was just out there just
spent three three days there playing
golf and I was exhausted come the end
because there wasn’t much sleep involved
but for me I got to have something to do
after Golf and definitely like I I I’ve
said it if I have one round of golf left
to play my life I’m I’m going to Shadow
Creek between the golf course is great
the staff is even better and just the
experience it’s you you cannot have more
fun so we’re headed back to Vegas looks
like we’re going back to Nevada folk
pack your [ __ ] twist my arm looks like
we’re heading back to Nevada fellas no
steeve before we let you go and we got a
te up here soon but you probably were
giving me about one shot a hole in terms
of cuz I carry two big sticks in my bag
I call it the double dog system yes I
can make a putt from Tucson but I just
can’t hit a drive brother I got good
hands I just off the box is just not
perfect but before we get to the Dirty
Dog Saloon I wanted to ask you one
sleeper pick going into the Masters we
talked about Scotty sheffler we talked
about some of the live guys but what’s
like one guy that you would put some
maybe a little bit of act action on and
sprinkle in as a guy would have pretty
good odds but you know maybe he’s a
little bit of a sleeper going into this
week at Augusta I don’t think he’s a
sleeper but I do like the odds I mean
depending on obviously where you look 25
to 30ish to one range he’s probably like
the sixth or seventh betting favorite
which is definitely not a sleeper we can
go a little more down the list if you
want for that but I have just thought
for five years he is going to win Around
Augusta National at some point his golf
course is Taylor Made for I continue I
think he continues to get better even
though he hasn’t won as much lately as
as we all think he should but Xander
chafl man he is just a badass um he’s
hitting it so far right now doing some
work with this guy named Chris KO I I
get I get to walk with him a lot out
there I his game just blows me away
every time he’s a great putter um he’s
got a really good record for not winning
at Augusta National I just think Xander
chafl is gonna get it done at some point
does that do anything to his me
mentality coming into these tournaments
just not closing at the players this
year like is that like a or does he just
move past that I mean I suppose it just
depends on the player you know I know it
eats at him because he wants to close
obviously more than the media wants him
to or anything like that so then he can
stop answering those questions there’s a
lot of people that say you know he can’t
get it done in those big events he was
right there at TPC Saw Grass the players
I mean Scotty shot
64 he you know he he probably let that
one get away a little bit but man he’s
he’s a big time player he’s 30 years old
I just I think once he gets one big one
I expect it to turn into you know
multiple I’m not saying he’s G 10 Majors
or anything like that but I just there’s
something about Augustin naal and the
way he plays golf that I just think
really sets up well and I would be
shocked if before his career is over he
doesn’t put on the Green
Jacket my last question for you Noy is
you got any just good tiger stories
whether it was coming up on the tour
maybe even just working now with CBS you
know getting to maybe know him a little
bit better like what’s one good eldri
story you have for the people yeah
obviously I’ve gotten to know him a lot
more over the last few years I actually
got to walk with him for the first time
at La the year before last and three of
the four days and he was great um
actually chatted some going down the
fairways and I got to catch up with him
during the
PR but my first year as a pro was at the
Arnold Palmer Invitational and I got a
spot as being the reigning us Amer
Champion I was in the group behind him
with Dustin Johnson and Jason day on
Thursday and he lived down at Alworth at
the time he would warm up at his house
on the Range there and then drive 10
minutes over to Bay Hill basically walk
onto the putting green hit some pucks
and then go to the tea so we all I knew
we were like a group or two behind him
so I was going to see him but I walk out
of the the locker room at at Bay Hill
turned right to go to the putting green
it’s kind of like a 20 30 yard like kind
of hallway that’s covered all the media
people were kind of lined up against the
wall there and I come out of the door
and you hear these metal spikes on the
concrete just and I turn around and it’s
tiger and I jumped up against the wall
with the media people and let him walk
by because I was just absolutely [ __ ]
terrified I was like holy [ __ ] there he
is I mean I just let him go by and it
was it was so cool man it’s he’s just
he’s just so different um when he’s at a
tournament there’s just a different feel
and it makes it so much better I
remember the one year he played Tampa
which he hadn’t played forever he
finished second at it but they like had
to add three extra entrances for all the
people that were coming and I tell the
story all the time Roy maroy was the
number one player in the world at the
time he was on the Range and tiger tiger
was on the Range first the place was
packed there was thousands of people and
this range is small they were just
packed deep as all could be just trying
to see tiger hit some range balls he
leaves here comes the world number one
Rory maroy and there might have been 10
people on the Range watching the hit
balls and I was like that just shows you
how different this guy is yeah it’s not
even close to the same no it’s it’s so
cool man I hope somehow some way we can
see him play you know five six
tournaments at least all the majors this
year and and just somehow get in the mix
I mean if he’s going to get in the mix
it’s probably going to be at Augusta
just because of the knowledge he has of
that place but man when he’s there it
just it just feels so much bigger and
and I love it man he’s the best man I
mean that he’s he’s the goat he’s
obviously like there even your age no
Ste even the younger generation I mean
that’s that’s who we grew up watching
and that’s who we just grew up idolizing
I mean whether he was you know Wheeling
a chick at Perkins or he was winning
major like this is my guy you know this
is the guy that I love he’s he’s the
goat it’s eldrick Woods baby every time
yeah he is he is special I remember this
year at Rivier I was out walking the
proamp um just to because they didn’t
allow the gallery out there on Wednesday
and um I just wanted to see see how his
game looked and we get to the fourth all
this par three and I was kind of just
like looking in his bag and we were just
chatting back and forth and he’s like
yeah I had to go to this like kind of
cheater three iron I just can’t I just
can’t hit it as high as I used to I
don’t have the speed I used to and I’m
like okay whatever he pulls out four
iron just normal blade one and hits this
thing to the moon and it comes down just
so beautifully it goes to like four feet
I was like oh really you can’t quite
hoist it like you used to huh I mean
just it’s so different man he is he’s
awesome he’s he’s jacked now too he’s
huge his upper body is just massive so
it’s cool man I’m excited I hope he can
just at least you know I think he’ll
make the cut at Augusta just because
like I said how well he knows the place
I don’t know if he can get in contention
just tournament golf is so much
different than being at home with your
boys playing and getting ready but if he
could somehow just get in that mix the
buzz that would be around that place man
it’d be magical yeah it’s going to be
unbelievable and we’ll obviously be
listening to you on the call Noy and you
know it’s you’re one of the best in the
game I love listening to you just the
Insight you have on the game the way you
articulate things and we just want to
thank you for coming on and stopping by
live and five the Masters Edition with
you and uh look forward to watching that
in Augusta and seeing you out there baby
so thanks again for stopping by we
appreciate it you got it thanks for
having me on guys awesome thanks again
he just takes the tractor another round
and pulls a plow across the

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