Golf Babe

Men Posing To Be Women Banned From Women’s Golf Tour NXXT! 🔥 #shorts

#haileydavidson #lpga #womensports

Little by little The Tide is turning but it is time for a much needed tsunami of common sense that only Trump can bring the Democrats need a reckoning to stop their destruction of this country play the clip trans golfer teed off this morning after being banned from the nxxt

The next women’s Pro Tour outraged Haley Davidson posting quote you know what really bugs me is that people think I win just by showing up this is such a slap in the face to all female athletes being told that any male can transition and beat them regardless of the life of

Hard work these women put in you think you’re attacking me but you’re really attacking and putting down all other female athletes now Look pitching and putting is a skill where gender just doesn’t matter however driving the ball off that te and hitting mid-range irons a biological man clearly has an

Advantage when it comes to his strength either way great move LPGA it is about time Common Sense came into play and sir you need to calm down as you can still compete against your peers I.E men


  1. Honestly, his own post betrays him. If he’s saying gender doesn’t matter in golf then why are you upset Hailey!? There should be no issue, go play against the men, you should win just as easily right?? 😂

  2. Female is a sex not a gender. They cant even keep up with their own rhetoric.

    They should be called out more when they do this coz they do it alot.

  3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 how ironic. His comment says “it’s a slap in the face to all female athletes saying a male can show up and beat them” bro that’s exactly what u did.

  4. When i see a guy playing on the women's team…. all it says to me is… hes terrible at the sport and can only win by beating up ppl weaker than him.

    Mommy must be very proud.

  5. Good, it’ll keep going in this direction they realize reality isn’t about choices it’s about what must be done. Men cannot be allowed to simply decide they’re the opposite sex and legitimately be allowed to competitively compete for cash and’s awards in women’s fields. It’s simply biologically unfair to do that to real women, when trans ppl are only ppl paying real life pretend.

  6. They're not attacking all female golfers they're attacking men golfers who act like females so that they can win awards

  7. Amen. Stay in your lane. You can want to be a cat but you are not. A cat can want to be a dog and we can accept that but a cat still won’t have the characteristics nor strength of a Big Dog….

  8. They can grow out their hair and put acrylic nails on but they still come at you with that dude energy and aggression.

  9. It’s the identical psychological mindset of a bully. How often to hear of Bully’s seeking out Alpha males or street gangs to bully ?? They look for the group they know they can dominate

  10. I think it’s because most golfers are conservative in nature. I could be wrong. I shouldn’t put people in one basket, but in my experience, I should say, it seems to be they’re mostly conservative.

  11. The LPGA didn’t just make the decision from the committee. You don’t think a HUGE majority of woman LPGA golfers didn’t complain? Oh they did, that’s why the decision was made!

  12. Women say it's a man's world. Why are they so fast to give up their gender to men?? You would think they would stand up and say hey, you took everything else you can't take our one thing our Gender. as well…

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