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Chorley ROADMAN Burnsy returns to the pig pen !!!!!
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Hello all you oses out there how you doing it’s Russ from porus corner the biggest Goblin sport we say the things on here that nobody dare say I’m just waiting for Chris Burns from charie to uh log in uh he be late for his own funeral Chris would

He now lad’s just rushed down from work can he so it shouldn’t be too long uh it’s all good stuff in it well there’s a lot going on today I’ve heard Billy Nelson’s piping up about Martin moli so feel sorry for uh Martin moli to

Be honest because he’s like a bit of an after is he really he’s treated like uh like a Louis ores type figure in he so yeah so it is what it is in it but uh I hope that Martin moli gets his uh gets gets his just

Rewards and here we go it’s the sexiest man alive burnsy from Charley how you doing burnsy lad you all right lad how we doing all right is that your new look Ross hey oh my well according to titon he did get voted seest athlete alive so you know

Yeah he’s the man is he might as well own it he’s a picture of Elf him man the the the disappearing man well he’s gone quite on it oh Tyson yeah he’s gone dead quiet AR he wa he’s either training like a Trojan or is that

Busy he can’t do any interviews CU he keeps changing his nappy every 30 minutes pop po bang well might be changing he’s nappy well I think he is well B are not going for him are they for oh one are they I mean can you can you blame him not

Really like he don’t cover himself in glory does he at times Tyson well def defensive Mastermind been dropped seven times yeah he funny actually I was talking to somebody yesterday up at factory and they were going on about uh it were my friend Scott and we were going on about

Uh but Tyson’s career that I said look he’s had 35 fights and he’s been down seven times that’s one every five but in his last 10 fights he’s been down five times so that’s one every two and that’s the point I want to make and these fanatical people like because he’s

Like a cult in and out he’s like a cult leader but these fanatics they don’t understand that as you get older you have to change your style even our leaded now Tyson can’t get out of the way of punches and he can’t get in position to set his feet to plant them

Yes he can against Dylan white and chisora but he struggled a bit Wango but how do they think he’s going to be able to plant his feet against usk and get out of the way of punches he don’t throw as many faints I mean he’s throwing now

75% less faints right than what he did against Vladimir so he’s a different type of fighter now is he people don’t understand that that’s why he’s picking and choosing who he fights he blows up in weights and it’s all pointing towards a disaster but you’ve got people running

Around these Fanatics they all buy into it look time waits for no man you’ve just seen what that Russian’s done to to our our best light everywh and you so what do they think uset is going to do to this fat blob oh Jesus don’t get me started on

BET I thought thought Callum Smith was a monster and he goingon to go through all the weights well it’s like Eddie Hills who just keeps spinning narratives because they’ve got the platforms aren’t they and everybody buys into it Chris and I just sit there I look at them and I

Don’t believe any I think the opposite whatever comes out the pyes pyes I think the opposite a bit like Big Joe Eagan trying to get a fight with Big John Fury two Walter M types who’ve got Big John fury one0 on hard Ro iing Irish champion

In 1992 for 100 bags but forgot his name and then we’ve got Big Joe Eagan the man that’s saying he sparred Mike Tyson listen Steve lot says he don’t even know who he is and he’s not on any footage of any sparring so what sort of yarn is Big Joe

Spinning just a thingy he’s that I remember a few years ago B this is way before I came on the channel I went to one of these me it was after it were after Tyson fought Wilder the first time I went to one of these Mee and greets

And Joe Eagan with there pre pre-show before Big John and Tyson got on Joe Eagan with her you know chatting off saying you know you know it was the Mike Tyson said I’m the hardest white man he’s ever seen in this and that I just

Me m sat there just just laugh just f a load of rubbish it is a load of rubbish Joe Eagan you can come on this Zoom anytime you want Joe and I will put you to the sword you’ve been spinning that story for that long now even Mike

Believes it cuz his head’s that messed up we weedy smokes stop it Joe stop you’re embarrassing you’re on the sick because you’ve got mental health now stop it go and get help go and speak to a shrink you did not Spar Mike Tyson at all if you did there’d be footage stop

It you’re embarrassing us you’re embarrassing the fighting people of Ireland I mean not even not even just footage just a photo just a photo of Mike in the ring with some gloves on an ed that that’ be enough would it listen mate you might get a fotter like that we

Can all stand next to somebody in a gym I’ve got pictures various world champions next to gym you don’t mean say SP them does it well yeah there’s that every time I got up to Clinton Wood’s house for a cup of tea is Shadow Boxing Around Me and popping Jabs into me pop

Pop pop bang he don’t mean to say that we had a proper spiring session me and Clinton does it just having a mess about you know what I mean it’s people carried away in the St it’s Stolen Valor Joe Eagan Big Joe Eagan you didn’t Spar Mike

Tyson if you did Mike could have spoke about it it’s a load of rubbish that you’ve spun load of crap y Ja Jack and joyan wants it on the soft sound Ross listen I’ll tell you what they want he wants to make a spectacle of himself with a big bag of

Cash inside it but Over My Dead Body all right it is what it is if they want to do that they can do that if I mean if Big John’s behind that well where were Big John at the presser yesterday gone quiet now on it I mean what happened to

Big John saying he would he would die in a fight and he would’t be denied well now was his chance he’s had somebody call him out let’s have it he had the opportunity to fight Mickey F mate his [ __ ] fell out mate we know what happened with mck don’t we listen I

Couldn’t do any more for that Chris you know that don’t you open and down yeah yeah we’ve spoke about it behind scenes yeah we know we know we know don’t we kid Yeah well yeah messes messes right can I just say uh I’m not it’s not I

Don’t know how to word this Tony Warrior Dodson from Liverpool his son’s been stabbed in art in Liverpool and I I hope he’s all right I know he’s in hospital and that and they’ve had to operate and all that I hope he’s all right and my uh

Uh condolences all he’s not died or anything but I think I don’t think it’s very nice what’s happened so I hope that they’re all okay Tony yeah condolences to Tony Dobson yeah yeah a warrior yeah we don’t like that like that yeah uh Chris bom Garder WBC have cleared have

We heard that before well you know it’s just almost like a it’s a copy and pting it from our old mate crush the crushinator what’s happening with him he’s quiet is he well he’s he’s got a fight he’s training for in Vegas has he oh what in that in that

Ballroom yeah Circus Circus it Vegas Crush after for now when he after s he Ed he don’t need Crush now does he he’s been kicked to the curb and as as as he’s a promoting himself old Hills six and0 he he’s on skidy row as well in he being a Frank’s

Butler you know what you know what I find embarrassing them all clapping every time that turkey does some they all follow don’t they like sheep old turkey neck listen mate that’ll be killing Eddie after call him after call having to call him his excellence and all that it be

Ripping him to bits honestly trust me because we all know what Edd’s like don’t we he’s a narcissist in he yeah I mean I mean this this turkey block I mean I tell you I know I told you I’ve been speaking to today and I who who

Does this blow how has he got in boxing this man I mean come on I mean he’s still on that balcony saying we’re having this we’re having this oh this concept are it’s it’s a cartoon Street Fighter listen turkey a concept crap who gives who gives a monkeys about Joshua

And ganu who’s asked for that fight well nobody nobody’s wanted that fight we want Fury usek and we want Joshua Fury that’s what we want we wanted Joshua Wilder they couldn’t give us that could they NOS why not Joshua Zang then I mean it seems to me Russ Parker’s figh Joseph

Parker the stinking haor he he’s f figh in everybody Joshua should be fighted wow the first now he’s fighting bang big bang Zang yeah know he’s massive we get behind that won’t we Ros Joshua and bang yeah yeah we could get behind Joshua versus Z because they’ve got

History You’ have thought Eddie have been writing scripts and spotty Frank now wouldn’t you for that what Joshua bang World War I yeah because they fall into Olympics so a Ain there some intense beef there is it is it uh is it fried beef

It’s why why if it’s Zang is it I mean listen he’s a big he’s a big lump Zang but I can get behind it it can bang Zang fair play to him end day he put Joe Joyce in his ass after after all them bone density horror stories that were

Getting spun by his manager Sam Jones yeah do you think if Zang uh gets a good payday in his next fight against Parker he’ll get that current lasered off his face it might do I was going to say that you can go to cosmetic Beach and get an air transplant

Yeah they do all that cosmetic Beach they’ll take your money off you don’t worry about that they not be uh it’s been brought to my attention that hang on a minute let me just let me introduce him first ladies and Gentlemen The Smiths The Smiths have now started Global Fighters Union to boost

Standards for Fighters and it says Brothers Paul and Step Smith have today announced the launch of the at Global Fighters Union the gfu will unite Fighters worldwide to address Universal challenges in Combat Sports as members of the gfu fighters will gain access to a wide range of services including ad advice on

Contracts improved pay and benefits and expert help in addressing issues such as insurance pensions retirement planning Founders including Paul Maloney former leader of the Southern gmbb Union Paul mcy labor party activist sitting on the executive committee for labor in business Paul Smith a British champion and uh former World title Challenger and

Steven Smith former Commonwealth Champion uh are happy to see this addition to Combat Sports good idea but would it work in Combat Sports yes or no no one have got managers yeah they got they got all these they got all these Lads like Sam Jones who ain’t got a clue

What he’s on about running their careers for him well you know end of day that’s what they want to do then that’s what they want to do but waste of time really in it should be the board doing that not not the Smith Brothers yeah yeah you think Paul Smith

And Steven Smith are looking for roles because I thought Steven Smith’s a training now and he training Charlie Edwards I think so yeah I mean I we Paul Smith me to be Darren Till’s manager yeah yeah he’s what what’s Darren till doing these days is he boxing I don’t

Know he’s back backing backing MMA by it looks of it he’s got his uh his buddy over chamv who who’s inspiring partner from uh he’s a gazak danan lad and he’s got him over in the UK at the minute doing a bit of sparring and stuff MMA so

Yeah I don’t think he’s doing boxing I wonder what I wonder how Paul Smith will explain to his Fighters about making weight because I heard he were lent bath about four days before he pought Andre Ward half a stone overweight and didn’t even want to take any weight off what’s

All that about I mean uh it was in it was in the SAA Russ it was in the SAA with the tow round trying to sweat it all out the hard way it’s like uh telling Dave Allen he should manage Fighters is he well I look at it l how

Do you how you manage your own career how can you be trusted to manage other Fighters you see it’s like being a mechanic is it and working from home and your car being knackered all time and that and you’re putting a sign in Back Garden saying yeah I’m we’re doing

Mechanics here from my house F your car around here and you’re driving around in a bag of [ __ ] that keeps breaking down what’s it affects the car to you driving around in Isa L’s P what metallic light blue on a 57 plate with a red bonnet two barrels of cherry Reddit boot pop

Pop bang Russ all gonna say about pul me and all of them the four of them combined the best win what’s the best win Ross one arm bandit George Groves right there we go put it to bed then aren’t we one arm bandit George rose with with shoulder

Hanging out at socket yeah okay it yeah yeah it is mate right Road Man Killer Sunny Edwards is beefing on social media every time I turn YouTube on Sunny Edwards is beefing now has he got small man syndrome at 5 foot3 and eight stone because he’s not bothered about anybody

He’s putting it on Anthony FY and anybody who wants it can get it except bamb bam Rodriguez what about that for a rematch good fight that is it I list I like f me I think uh he pundit work over the last few months has

Been good and but p good yeah you know we can get behind that but end of day it’s done it if you’re going to talk a big game got to back it up got to go for rematch L and put it straight it’s what

You got to do I mean we’ve got an Eddie Hills fighter here losing a world title abroad and no rematch it’s a bit like Terry ARA when she got leveled against boom Gardner they had a rematch and they didn’t take it sunny a’t got a rematch

But he’s not screaming for a rematch am I confused here can you explain that a bit better to me Chris well Russ we know we know Hills six and0 Iceman we know he loves a rematch CLA don’t we yeah loves a rematch course yeah had Dylan white

Pencil in for a rematch course against pin when there was no belt on the line he got I by pin and had the REM up like four months later five months later after pin have been wiped with covid you’ve got Joshua every fight he fights

Even though it’s not even for a belt it has a rematch claing it so you’re telling me if Joshua fights um if Joshua fights Wallen there’s a rematch clause I mean the man absolutely loves a remat everybody’s got a rematch clause so end of the day sunny not Sunny uh yeah Sunny

Sorry if Sunny if Sunny I’ll have a rematch close so go on let’s get on with it sunny put it right you know what I mean I like him I want to put it right he’s can fight so can his brother but you know it’s uh he got outclass in he’s

Got to he’s got to go and just you know he’s got to go for it if he fight him again he’s got to got to put it on him why do you think match won’t re Charlie Edwards any dates do you think it’s cost he left under bad terms before yeah well

You know you know what Hills does don’t you when when you when you go to the other side thinking the grass is greener I mean look at what he’s done to Josh Warrington I know is it the lewood fights now we in how is it I mean sure I

Mean surely I mean if you were ever going to give a get a fight to have a rematch you give it to them too because I mean end of the day it were it were a good fight up until uh Warren getting dropped like that weren’t it yeah

Warrington were in control weren’t he yeah dominated it Absolut oneid you couldn’t give lewood a round couldn’t even give him a 30 second Block in any of them rounds and then he he spins Warrington on his head and then after that that’s it I mean why can we not get

A rematch that we get be that would we of course we would Warrington W’s got to happen rematch but why it can’t happen I don’t know it looks like maybe they don’t want to risk it or maybe they don’t think it’s an arena fight Maybe they think it’s an undercard fight on a

Big Show in Saudi or maybe they think it’s a I don’t know a 5,000 C to one I’m not sure because he didn’t do that many numbers did it last time did it no come on Turkey N Get It On undercard lad yeah I could get behind that fight and I

Think Josh waring’s had a road deal if he don’t get that fight because normally you’ve only got to pick your nose on the shouting rematch aren’t they I mean Josh Robinson’s at a raw deal anyway aren’t Russ if you think about I mean they put

Him in with that L that Mexican kid I mean I mean who I mean who match whoever match made that must have got stacked I mean that were Absolut that piss Paul matchmaking that terrible I know and he and and that lar spun him on his head

Didn’t he let’s have it right first time round second time round it was like Warrington were looking for a way out we know what happened with EDB don’t we yeah yeah uh getting back to uh beat a be 20 and0 20 Why by way of 98 rounds he

Averages 4.9 rounds a fight uh he’s run through everybody like a not knife through butter um is a road man is it that’s a proper Road man is it yeah I mean I mean AJ if you’re listening which you might I mean we know Hills listens don’t we but Eddie

That’s a proper Roman killer not one of your men Joshua he’s not a Roman killer B2 be I mean I tell you Ross I mean all you got to do is look at wait look at what text this anyway but look at body fat potential he’s about 5% body

Fat is absolute he’s a machine I know he’s a machine I mean no wonder he’s knocking everybody out I mean what body f are you what body perent minute probably about 20% oh yeah after Christmas after Christmas yeah after Christmas yeah I’ll be chicken breast down Chris at

Christmas yeah two chicken breast and some roaster oh you kid go is that what they call him in charlee rers well Ross potatoes I just call them roses then yeah tties t t tat dog ball go on the Tates no I mean back to B to be I mean

End of the day you know fundamentally as a boxer he’s he’s solid you know he’s he’s got technically he’s sound and he’s got the power to back it up I mean he never forces the Finish he just grab mind you down and well we’ve seen what

He did to Callum Smith didn’t we I mean I mean did we even give Smith a chance yeah did we did we give him a did we give him a chance Ross I think Callum Smith a chance no I didn’t all them people that were saying it they all had

To say it because they’re out there aren’t they and they’re they’re on everybody else’s steam in their hotel and on their barbill so they had to get the tongues out and lick lick lick gobble gobble gobble gobble slurp slurp slurp the slurping it’s like uh it’s like Dinda Dinda

Corwell on Twitter having an argument with Terry saying uh why Callum Smith’s going to win saying you know he’s gonna you know he’s gonna beat the old man and Smith’s in his prime and you know B bet is at the end now well Dinda got that

Wrong didn’t he yeah yeah he did but he had to say that didn’t he because he’s Eddie Hills man is he if he were going if he were charging about saying well I think call Smith gets iced it would it would look bad for him would it be

Because he’d have to bump into one of the Smiths and probably beefy and go up and put it on him and say listen here you going against our Callum what do you think you’re doing you you know what I mean so they have to say that because

Really deep deep deep down he knew and Eddie Hills knew that it’s an hard hard hard fight mind all that they’ll beat him easy listen they know the boxing right they know they know youve only got to look at Callum Smith C you like I did

I kept thinking God can he win and then I thought look at him logically like Julian always says to me and I looked at his career and he swerved everybody right and he waited and waited and waited it out right waited it out in that top position at WBC for years

Didn’t he and then when it come to it and he had to take an hard fight what did he do he jumped over didn’t he to WBA that’s bollocks Chris I mean like I mean realistically I mean I I wrote it in the comments on on

The on on the Mundo Roose I wrote it in the comments that I went free box wreck on Sunday morning and I broke it down and from the Cal from the Callum Smith versus John Ry the robbery he’s had three fights in between that and the Pia

Fight one against Canelo where he got smashed a bits and then against and then two two other fights against absolutely nobody’s all in the space of five years that’s not that’s not enough it was five years ago that John Ryder fight yeah I fight 2018 18 20

2020 21 the Canelo fight Gro fight Groves fight with 2018 was it 18 18 yeah yeah that’s a long time your best win is it yeah I mean but like the thing is though I mean can you even I mean I I saw somebody I saw somebody uh on on

Twitter saying um can you even count the Groves as a win because he was one he had one arm I mean really if you had to say what was his best win you’d say John Ryder in a robbery really you reckon I mean well you can’t

I mean you can’t class the George I mean listen we we we don’t mind groy boy do I know he had a bit of a bit of a Chomp with the Cobra L but you know George Gro on when he’s at his best he’s a good fighter good solid fighter yeah and he

Weren’t he weren’t a good solid fighter when Smith F fought him were he rang it P masking T weren’t it yeah so why didn’t why didn’t Coldwell and Eddie Hills come out and say look Callum Smith CB is a bit patchy and blah blah and

He’s up against it against a guy who was 19 and0 at the time running through everybody and bashing people’s brains in right for fun and and they’ve got it in the red that he’s going to go out there and do him on his own PCH where would what were they

Thinking it’s just the CL I mean like like he just said with with Smith then waited around at BC and then jumped at ba and like it’s just that typical Eddie Hearn uh you know model of getting fighters who really British SL European level to a world CH Championship you

Know it’s it’s from Rags to Riches it’s he’s moved him through choppy water and he’s got them there an he eventually and when they’ve actually come up against he gets them do he to the promised land and then he CES yeah and like really I mean when and

We’ve seen it we’ve seen it with dillian white we’ve seen seen it with Joshua who else do we see we’ve seen it with bellu never beat a champion we’ve seen it with all these Fighters whenever they get there to the promised land like I said and they’re against world class OPP

Opposition or elitist people who are Elite they get absolutely smash AB bits not even close listen I’m going to tell you a fight right and people are going to say he’s right you know after Carl FR lost against Ward right Eddie were running around this is a true story

Behind the scenes getting him two fight deal because he didn’t believe that KL FR could beat luchan I’ve heard back mate he didn’t believe it so he were like well I’ve got him two fights anyway I’ve got him two fights so if he gets beat in both he’s got two will title

Shots and two paydays that for Ed is enough two bites at Cherry cuz he didn’t think FR were going to do boute and then once he knacked him he jumped it ring too early didn’t he because he were that shocked probably because he backed

Boute yeah I mean I mean let’s have it I mean I know it’s before my time but look it looking back on it now I mean did anybody really give FR a chance everybody wrote him off he was Underdog weren he FR going into that I I give him

A chance because I were running around saying I’m team FR till I die but I were like God that’s an hard one but I’m behind him I knew it were an hard fight but I just thought he could do it at home it’s just he gets a lift fight in

At home Carl never been beat has he in UK you know what I mean why Andre W didn’t want to fight him there want to come over here did he wanted it all his own way his ring his gloves on his Turf you want to come over here right ills

And bellu the slander of theia no failed tests was it all done in bad taste and why did they Retreat I mean let’s let’s just let’s just strip it back I mean look at look at B I mean the man’s a disgrace I mean look you got Conor Ben failing a test

There I mean shouldn’t drug treats be stoned in the streets according to Eddie and not to Eddie Hills to Tony Bell shouldn’t that drug treats be stoned in the streets according to ton so if that’s the case why is Conor Ben not been uh put to the sword and put it streets and

Stoned I mean it’s same attitude for everybody is it really it should be anyway Tony yeah oh yeah I mean that’s just stripping it back and then you you know that’s just one of them you’ve got Billy Joe he’s failed one dillian white he’s failed two now who else has fa you know

Who else has failed it gallad he’s failed one didn’t say a word on that I mean it’s just typical Tony is it just picks and chooses boom Gardner he’s not set out on that yeah Tony picks and chooses his battles but you’re not you’re not allowed to get a win against the retunda

Without Tony having his say it’s the world according to Tony that’s why a lot of people when he pipes up they go Tony’s World sponsy Island in it is it on the same island as John Fury and Joe Eagan nobody is on the same island is John Fury and Joe Eagan nobody the

Two big J nobody is on the same I mean my my mate Dale Nichols who we doing cartwheels when he ISS that big Joey eagan’s calling out Big John because everybody knows Big John’s put him up to it to State mix Big John don’t even go

To press because he don’t want to be told by El turkey get gone you you’re a nuisance you’re a CR BR to a crank round him is he no you know what I mean I don’t know I don’t know I think a crank’s drawn that Bloody concept out what’s all that about

Street Fighter Concepts what’s all that about I don’t know mate but listen Eddie and Frank wouldn’t have gone for that but they’re not going to go against El sh El Sheik or whatever it’s called el turkey bloke they’re just going to let him do what he wants aren’t they when he

Tells them to Old ANS they old ANS when he says clap they clap like seals don’t they yeah oh yeah they I know we didn’t you shake in the head Chris have you ever seen anybody control brick top and Eddie Hills like turkey does no he’s mate he’s obviously got some serious

Money behind him honey course that’s why they’re hanging out at the back of his [ __ ] no I mean what about this five five V5 Russ I mean have we’ve been screaming for about this for years and all of a sudden gonna happen but not in Britain yeah 14 year we’ve been begging

For this they’ve done what 11 11 to 12 fights in 133 14 year and now all of a sudden we’ve got five on one night they all want to be Pals now but in Saudi what about the UK fans where do the UK fans stand now and what does EDD ills

Always say uh Russ for the fans what fans is it for the fans it’s all all this is what they keep saying off Frank keeps saying it oh well you know the Box boxing fans you know they’re in for a treating this and that why is it not why

Is it not over here why why is is it not over here at ticket prices not on stub ticket prices that you know the normal working man can afford to go to why is it out there you telling me I’ve got I’ve PID two and a half Grand fre Grand

Go out there watching out of boxing I know do me a favor I know it’s uh it’s not good is it mate bit of fantasy matchmaking though rosan if we’re gonna have the 5v5 what we saying uh Joshua Fury yeah one uh opay against yard stepping up to

Cruiserweight yeah two yeah that’s two uh has he got any women Frankie has he no he not got any women he don’t have any now he’s working with sa is there no not not a chance not on your ell that’s too I’d like to see who’s the other one

That he’s got that I like uh who’s that uh Dennis McAn I like him who could the match him with who Eddie’s got put depend probably in like a Warrington or something like that really ABS Dennis step up yeah yeah could do why not that’s a good that’s a good

Fight is it Josh warrington’s on verge of being a gatekeeper Let’s Get It On yeah yeah Dennis McAn Josh warron I’m sure they could make that work couldn’t they yeah to see uh Charlie Edwards and sunny Edwards if Charlie signs for Brick top yeah it could make well they’ve been been

They’ve spoke about it haven’t they yeah they’ve spoke about it why not get them at brothers fighting must have SP it passed I mean I was thinking about it today why not if if Nick Nick ball wins this uh this belt on this uh Fist of

Fury card or whatever it is this fight night card if Nick ball wins that belt let’s get Sunny got get Sunny Edwards versus Nick ball on why not Sunny wants the belt don’t he yeah sun is a road man and he’ll take anybody on he’s not fight

He’s not threaten to anybody he’s got skills so why not I mean we know Nick balls we all it balls a ROM Man Killer don’t we yeah he can bang can he yeah they can Chris do you think that the cruiserweight division’s Ting up because as rumors yard’s going to move up Callum

Johnson’s already moved up uh there’s riak Porte AI still don’t know what he’s doing there’s Chris bam Smith do you think that they could have a little bit of a tournament at that weight rough sizzling sizzling is it h I’ll be honest with you mate there’s only for me

There’s only one man in rules Callum Johnson the only only man put Veria on his back yeah there’s only one man for me he’s uh he’s dangerous and if he if he can come back and he’s you know under George Gallagher and he’s he’s back in

Fighting shape and he could he can bang Callum you know he’s he’s one he put he’ll put them all on the back yeah what did you think to fxa comments saying that B fr’s last proper world champion this country’s had well I think fle Flex

Is uh you know he’s uh just saying it how it is for once in it instead of you know spinning that narrative you think I know I was say really I mean if you think about it car is probably the last proper world champion we’ve had I

Mean who have we had since I mean k class Tyson is a proper world champion picks and chooses Joshua he’s another one paper Champion picks and chooses who else have we got uh God I mean what uh [ __ ] and a spliff Lawrence call he’s got a belt got a belt I know yeah

Chris bam Smith I mean Chris bam Smith is he you know what I mean like they’ve just not got the they’ve not got the uh the CV behind them have they yet you know I mean I’m not knocking Chris bam Smith but he’s not he’s not got the the

Names on there he’s got to go through him AR he if I were Chris bam Smith I’d and that belting K and tell him I want to be mandatory at WBO at heavyweight and I C some right knackers if I were his manager as I get that belt handed in

We’re going to park you up you’re now mandat at wo because that’s in the WBO rules it and they can’t stop it can they well look at what I mean us did it didn’t it so why Willam Smith well you know what I mean not manage but I mean all these managers and

This and that and promoters I mean what they’re doing for him absolutely nothing so what Sam Jones did for the Juggernaut didn’t we poor thingy Joe Joyce Paul Joe Joyce all that time mandatory and what happened got banged up by China China man Zang what’s he done for Flor and

Maru zil flori and Maru when last time Flor and Maru even fought I know it’s a joke Jack he’s got he’s got paor Jack catell now he’s gonna he’s gonna absolutely destroy coll’s care now as if as if it’s not been destroyed Enough by getting robbed yeah he’s got his sign Jack

Catalan his Sam Jones what’s he doing with him is he getting it tayor fight no nothing zil well come on Russ we got to we got to put it on Sam Jones we got to get him on we got to get him on the pig panning

You got to put it on him mate Sam Jones you’re a weapon and a slurp inator gobble gobble gobble gobble stop it Sam but rinse your mouth back with TCP before you talk to boxing people after you’ve been doing what you’ve been doing all right you’re a grown man grow a pair

All right absolutely profess it Sam Jones get a grip you know you know you know you know you know manager you absolutely shating F his own fight is over he had the power he had the power to get Joe Joyce in there against Tic and what happened

Flapped it trying to be everybody’s pal and where did it get Joe Joyce nowh but he’s on skid row now bashed up twice and where is he he’s on absolutely he’s on the ass end of skid R what do you think to uh Opa against brades too make it happen why not I

Mean op p is you know he’s he’s a good lad and you know he’s a he’s a he’s a killer in he you know he’s he’s another one get one of them he’s just he’s just a hard man in and end of day why can we

Not you know do we not deserve these fights as boxing fans I mean it’s not like he’s gonna fight anybody else is it I mean who else who else has got I mean if yard goes up then yeah whatever but I mean who else

Is there at minut it no one is there no I mean Callum I mean we know Callum Johnson’s had a fight the other week but he’s nowhere near ready for that yeah he’s no he’s no needs a few more fights crwe call Johnson don’t he yeah yeah he

Need he needs to I mean if I were Callum Johnson Joe gallager be thinking I just be working through levels get keep CL you know just keep clowing up them rankings because at end of the day he’ll just he’ll just smash room Callum Johnson I mean he’s I mean he was an AR

Like heavy and he’s now he’s got that even more weight behind him he’s not he’s not going to hit any less hard or is he goingon to hard of anything yeah yeah yeah so just climbing through rankings and get there you know end of the day make him fight you he fought but

And look what happened all then people saying yeah give him his hardest fight let’s have it right Johnson weren’t it with 5050 yeah yeah it was was put some respect on his name enjoy giger’s name never mind tundy in yard give it a rest oh no hey lions in the camp Russ

Lion bar lion bar lion bars in the camp don’t tell Dave Allen if there lion bars Hing about he Lo them up [ __ ] D speaking of skid R Dave is on Skid Row in it by it looks of it I feel sorry for Dave actually really

Because he’s had a r deal and for match let’s have it right he spilled guts for him didn’t he yeah I mean let’s I mean Dave Allen’s biggest mistake and you’ll agree Russ we think back you know I’ve been coming on years and I said it back

Then was when he didn’t sign that 200 Grand fight to fight Jo to fight Deb and then Joyce after W it that was his biggest mistake that was it a two fight deal with brick to was it like two 200 Grand R something like that it were more than

That was it were a package if he lost and all that and various other fights but Eddie said he match it and he didn’t did he and I don’t think he ever recovered from that mentally at himself to death after that yeah yeah and like like said that was a turning point after

That it was just you know he had the whole thing with Doran d over his head and that were it you know after that that was the turning point and then ever since he just not recovered from that he just not got back to it but he has had a

Raw deal you know we know what happened didn’t we with RZ and you know and white throwing him throwing him in with with them too you know he had a raw deal there to be fair but could have would have should have could have done more with himself you know didn’t apply

Himself did he when he needed to yeah well we out of time Chris so thanks for coming on no is R pleasure as always Paul listen you blown some steam off and some cobwebs tonight respect mate and Ross all right no worries PA I’ll see I’ll speak to you later Paul in a

Bit all that where Chris Burns from Charley women love him men want to be him so oky dokie Thanks for liking and subscribing and leaving a comment boyaka pop pop Bang


  1. Raven Chapman vs Eddies bit of fluff could be on the 5 v 5…

    Would the Saudi's even allow women to fight over there??

  2. I don’t get why anyone thought Callum Smith was gonna win against Beterbiev in the first place. I reckon Beterbiev will beat Bivol. Bivol has looked flat a couple of times, Beterbiev always comes with the deadly heat even after getting dropped by Callum Johnson.

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