Titleist Vokey wedges VS PXG Sugar Daddy II wedges, 2024 Review.

We compared the Titleist Vokey SM9 wedge against the PXG Sugar Daddy II wedge to see which one outperformed the other. We used 60° wedges for both comparisons. We focused on four categories; look, feel, performance, and turf interactions. Our 2024 winner may surprise you.

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All right welcome everyone tius pxg which one’s better today we’re going to be comparing so he’s already pointing today we’re going to be comparing the toist sm9 VY wedge against pxg sugar daddy 2 both of them are 60° now I’m going be honest so most of

My irons are toist um air in place of the pxg and all I hear about is how good the pxg are so we’re going to put them to the test right and I went got fitted for mine just disclaimer and Jimmy he has the uh VY

What grind is that this is the M Grind okay so that’s very similar to this grind which is 13 13 degree balance and this is the uh BP grind that’s right and to make things interesting we’re going to put a little wager on this today so

The winner let me rephrase that so the loser has to purchase new set of wedges for whoever wins the round okay so we shall see hopefully it’s not me let’s go we also want to mention that we’re not sponsored by pxg or tius this is strictly just us

Reviewing the wedges and trying to solve a long overdue debate yeah so we’re going to focus on four things today we’re going to look at looks feel we’re going to get some on the simulator and then Turf interaction around the greens so let’s get started first things first looks Aaron what do

You think pxg love this look uh it looks kind of like their tea irons um but uh the weight everything you know when you go get fitted the process at pxg is so nice I want I had VY wedges before and some tailor made and I never got fitted

For I’ve never been fitted for wedges before so getting fitted for the wedges was a really good experience because we changed weights we did all kinds of things and my strikes got really tight on the face of the wedges I didn’t think how important it was until it happened

So I’m interested to see what he thinks about them I know this isn’t his wedge and he didn’t get fitted for it but I’m interested to see what he thinks when he hits these we’ll see I will say one thing I I do like um that I’ve noticed

With that so with the Vu wedges I tend to miss on the toe all wedges period I tend to miss on the toe that’s my Miss with wedges I do like the full face grooves on the pxg uh that is pretty nice yeah they look very similar to the H to Tade wedge

And that may be something we could review with against a pxg my let us know okay so let’s get started first off uh overall looks I think we covered looks what about feel feel um you know sometimes it I guess it just depends on the ball the ball I’ve been

Sticking with lately feels really good it it’s a little bit harder feel but I don’t really mind it cuz again the performance he’ll see and so for me I like the ioki wedge because I like the weight I love I love the weight I can feel the weight in the head

That’s I’m I’m big about fil so that’s my preference we’ll see okay so let’s get started we’re going to hit uh we’re going to hit a couple on the simulator we’re going to start off at 30 yards we’re going to hit three shots each with a VY wedge first and we’ll get the

Overall performance or some overall data with that and then we’ll hit three each with the sugar daddy wedge and then we’re going to move up on yardage okay so here we go all right let’s see okay so 30 yards let’s see what we do H time out forgot to turn the simulator

On see what you got hope if that was enough yeah nice that was did that was that a bit thin uh a little bit okay that’s still good I mean you know that’s good solid performance nice that’s good contact it’s pretty solid okay I don’t know I really don’t feel like buying

Wedges I know that was a bad one let’s see what it does oh that’s got to run it’s not that bad though yeah as far as the end result sh okay okay 30 yard get a feel for it here okay I would probably take that yeah not my best but I’d take

It oh not enough consistent okay so let’s take a look at these numbers here so overall ball speed 32 mes hour that doesn’t really matter uh total carry 19 again I guess what we’re really looking for more than anything is backspin so the overall Back

Spin at 30 yards was uh 5,068 so say 5,6 good for a chip shot yeah basically okay I mean and um and it’s hard to judge distance and stuff like that on simulator but you know it’s just a rough rough test but still it’s pretty good so

5,000 69 and I mean I will say this after using pxg for a while the vogi feels soft if you like the soft feel it feels really good hey that’s one for me now we’re going to move on to the pxg okay 30 right yeah oh left that

Short I will say I did like that I did like the way that felt though yeah it did feel good yeah I did the same thing I forgot it was a 60 I need to swing it oh too hard I mean it was still pretty straight I just thin

That that’s not a bad miss that was a chunk shot let’s see so I’m buying you VY wedge all right well well I mean I’m just looking at the wedge here mhm and there’s I don’t know if you can see this but there is cover on the ball can you see I don’t

Know if you can see it or not but there’s some of the ball on the club and we’re not even swinging that hard so it it does it grips all right oh see the spin on that yeah I mean I’m looking at now I got more cover on the

Ball Ah that’s going to be short I keep forgetting it’s to 60 I need to s it all right one more good one that’s in the hole oh almost okay let’s take a look at that data well okay so even with me thinning that um so again we’re looking at

5259 well I mean the last one I hit I I kind of took a little more Turf I was a little more aggressive with my downswing and I took a little more Turf and knocked the spin off but the ones I hit before that were 7,000 well

Basically 7500 and 6,000,000 yeah I know that’s that’s good num and looks like I mean the the pxg beat the well it had more spin even with some of the bad shots we kept in there yeah so we beat it what about 200 yeah roughly and I

Mean you know in Fair Ness I haven’t used the v in a long time so I was kind of timid with it but with the pxg I know I can be more aggressive because it has so much spin on it so maybe that’s why I

Did a little better with the pxg but the real test will be on the full shot I think let’s move up to 60 yards all right we’ll start off with the vogi okay hope you hit it like crap it’s in the hole that was a good shot yeah a little

Spin on it yeah that was nice 8,300 spin 8,400 spin basically think that might have been yep that was right that’s the Miss with your Voki you were talking about right there that’s my Miss okay one more come on don’t let me down still oh my I left that really short yeah

Okay all right 60 it’s SP right there maybe I don’t know okay that went over the simulator I’m on the green oh boy yeah I need to swing a little bit harder M okay not my best effort here guys sorry one more oh look at that finally got one okay let’s get some

Numbers that was nice and the strike on that was very good okay so here we go we got uh overall 8,400 spin yeah okay not too bad not bad and I mean you know all fairness I left too short the last one I finally

Hit good and the spin got up to 10,000 I nipped that one pretty good I mean yeah solid numbers man mine are pretty average around 85 84 I’m looking at the there’s in all fairness there’s a cover on this ball on the on Club too so

These grps are they’re nice on this sm9 too all right we’re going to move on to pxg now sugar Dy 2 time this is for all the marbles okay I like that that’s why I like the fxg right there I like that did you do that with the

Voki I don’t think you burped it and stopped it like that I don’t think so I don’t think so that was 8,800 that one might have been chunky and that might have been why I took off no still good okay that might have been while the spin

Dropped a little oh no I did hit that fat oh there it is put the brakes on now see that was pretty good so yeah I mean overall performance I didn’t like the way it felt does take a little bit getting used to yeah what about the head

Weight uh I kind of feel it all the way throughout the shaft though not like the vogi wedge I mean I do like it though just take a little bit of getting used to yeah don’t worry you you’ll love it huh we’ll see all right 60 yard shot here we go okay all

Right like the way yeah I like the way that stop I I’m just used to these you know sometimes I kind of feel like it’s an unfair test to the vogi but I’m just used to these pxg and I’ve gotten so confident with them H not my

Best so there you have it with the pxg we have 8660 total backspin that’s a pretty good shots actually that last one 10,000 uh yeah RPMs Back Back Spin that’s that’s pretty good yeah and then I had one 9 uh 700 9674 and then we had you know we kept

Some of the bad ones in there so it does knock the spin down a little bit but you know just being transparent we’re not always going to make a perfect shot no that’s true like what Aaron was saying was that we’re not always going to make

A good shot I will say I did like I did mishit my vogi and I did hit one right did hit one with a pxg and I did like that even though I Mish hit it still still went left yeah it it it did you

Know and I don’t know if the grooves on the toe side help out on that because you know your M was toe okay so y’all look at this okay so look at the Vu wedge I don’t know if you can see that look at the face show them that I mean

Literally took the cover yeah how how nice is that yeah it if you’re playing your buddy in a match and the stress is on and all that stuff and you you need to be aggressive and throw it at the hole I’m picking this all day no doubt about it looks like I’m

Sweating a little bit here guys hey well there you have it guys let’s head to the course see you on the course yeah all right guys we’re on the green we’re going to hit a couple let’s see what we Do [Applause] Oh Oh A

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