HOME GOLF SIMULATOR – All you need to start on a BUDGET!

You’d be forgiven for thinking that Home Golf Simulators are expensive. Even DIY Golf Simulators have this label of being pricey….

However, in this video, I explain how easy and CHEAP it is to get started! My simulator room started with a budget of LESS that £2,000! And I was playing courses like The Belfry as soon as my launch monitor arrived.


Thanks to @FlightScopeGolf and their partnership with @e6connect5 golf simulator software, the Mevo+ can be a simulator straight out of the box!

You’ve clicked on this video because you’re ready to start thinking about your own home golf simulator well I’m going to show you just how quick and easy it is to get started and it’s a lot cheaper than you think it is let’s get into It In this video I’m going to show you how to get started on your own home golf simulator Journey you might have the budget and the ambition to build this state-of-the-art golf simulator room with flat screen TVs everywhere a cocktail machine and the best golf simulator software money can buy you might have a

More modest budget like I did about £3,000 to build the dream simulator that you’ve always wanted but it’s all you could afford but I promise you that every single golf simulator room that you’ve seen on YouTube or online all started with the same five items and they are all more affordable than you

Think item number one is a pretty simple one to be honest with you it’s the golf launch monitor launch monitors come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes and all sorts of different budgets I’ve got myself a flight scope Meo plus this cost me about £1,800 $2,000 there or

There about but there are even cheaper ones things like the Garmin r10 are about £500 new ones come out every year which are cheaper than this but you’ll also see more expensive ones like trackman or GC quad but they all do the same job they measure what’s happening

With your golf ball after you’ve hit it and predict what that would look like in the real world and all that data will get presented to you on an app or a software so you can see it on a TV or a projector item number two is another

Simple one you need something to hit golf balls off a hitting mat again these can vary on budget as well the one I’m using is a simple Driving Range golf mat I got it second hand and it was really cheap I started with a hitting strip

Like this one and you can just put your golf ball on it it can even hold a t they don’t even need to be too big I mean this one is what about 12 in wide 30 in long if that it’s nice and simple

Nice and thick like I said it holds a te holds your golf ball and it’s really forgiving on the wrists but you do need something cuz you’re not going to hit it off carpet or concrete or wherever you’re going to put your golf simulator I started with that

Hitting mat and it cost me 30 and then I moved up to the stance amount that you get from a driving range but these things don’t need to cost the Earth you it’s just a starting point and that’s the thing about golf simulator rooms you can start small and just

Upgrade as you go along item number three is you need something to hit your golf BS into not sure why I did that You’ be hitting golf BS up to 160 mph and you need something that’s going to stop that ball otherwise it’s going to clatter all

Over your golf simulator room I know very self-explanatory this is an impact screen why do I keep doing that this is an impact screen and it stops my ball obviously but it’s also white and it means that I can project my simulator software onto it which is the end goal

For most people who want a golf simulator room but this is a quick start guide and this is what I started with a simple golf net you see these at some courses where they’ve got a cage where you hit golf balls into to start your

Round so it’s a simple net net it cost £30 if that maybe even £25 after I got my impact screen I moved the net to the side and now it stops my Shanks doesn’t stop me shanking the ball it catches my Shanks but anyway you don’t need an

Impact screen you can start with this and the reason you can start with this is because pretty much all launch monitors come with apps that you can download onto your phone and then you can connect your phone to a TV and that’s exactly what item number four is

The humble beginnings of all golf simulators a TV most people have a TV lying around in the house that they don’t use maybe it’s in a spare spare bedroom or it’s in a kitchen but it’s never on if you’ve got a spare TV and you’ve got all the other items you’ve

Already got a golf simulator if you haven’t got a spare TV well you can pick them up fairly cheap anyway the final piece to this jigsaw item number five is a simple lead to connect your phone to the TV you can get get these leads Dirt

Cheap off Amazon it just goes into the phone and then into the TV via HDMI and then job done the launch monitor I chose the flight scope Meo plus comes with uh an E6 app with free courses out the box the flight sco plus was a golf simulator

And all I needed was those five items and I was away and that’s how simple it is that’s all you need how much did it cost me to start my golf simulator Journey well the flight scope moo plus was $1,800 quid $2,000 the hitting M that I showed you earlier was £30 the

Net that Green net that I was hitting golf balls into was about £25 I was lucky enough I had a spare TV flying around so I didn’t even have to pay for that and I can’t remember how much that lead cost me but I think it was probably

About £10 so for less than ,900 quid $2,000 you can start your golf simulator journey and that’s with the flight scope moo plus you can go even cheaper like I said earlier the Garmin r10 is going to cost £500 so for £600 you’re on your way you’ve got a golf simulator everything

After these five items is an upgrade don’t get me wrong you will probably want to upgrade you’ll want the projector you’ll want the impact screen you’ll want the golf simulator software with all the fan dabby dozy courses from all over the world and yes that is

That’s part of it and you will want to do it I promise you it’s addictive you will want to do it but you don’t have to to start like that and you can work your way up to it the biggest expense to start this journey is your launch

Monitor and like I said you can get cheap ones for about £500 or you can spend £15,000 on them if you want to everything else you need to create your simulation is cheap so if you’re scared about how much all of this is going to cost you or if you’re worried about how

Much a simulator room is going to cost a setup don’t worry if you want a launch monitor get one and just upgrade everything else as you go along so there you have it that’s the quick start guide to home golf simulator if you’ve liked the video please make sure you like it

And hit the Subscribe button over the next few weeks I’m going to be going into a lot more detail about my own simulation room where I got everything how much it all cost me how difficult it was to set it all up how easy it was to

Set it all up if you want to make sure you see all these videos please subscribe and I’ll see you in the next video thanks for watching


  1. great tips! I'm actually building mine now on my roof terrace. Well wish you a very happy newyear and I'll be following 🙂

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