10,000+ Lessons Later: My Honest Opinion on the Golf Swing

I have given thousands of golf lessons over 25 years as a golf instructor, and this is my honest opinion about the golf swing after working with thousands of amateur golfers.

Learn more about the Vertical Line Golf Swing here:

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In this golf lesson, I’m going to show you a proper golf pivot, improve your golf takeaway, and a great way to work on your golf tempo!

Get the Bad Lie golf book today:


  1. Been playing golf for about 10 years. I got my second Ace yesterday 8 weeks after my first one. I love this game. Thanks Todd.

  2. I agree to that the X-factor nearly killed golf for most amateurs. Howdy from SE Florida

  3. Hi Chris from Fremont, NE. My problem isn't in the back swing. It's getting my hips cleared in the forward swing.

  4. Tip # 1 to ‘finally’ improve your game:
    Spend 80% of your time pitching, chipping and putting.
    I know… it’s not glamorous, but your scores will plummet.

  5. The Bad Lie is one of the best golf reads I've ever done. Just for the help in short game is worth the buy. But more importantly the VLS has helped me with a consistent foundation for the full swing. Was struggling mightily before this read. After going through checklist on the range, I had my best golf practice session EVER! thank you for writing this – it will stay in the bag!

  6. This is a phenomenal piece of instruction! It connects the dots on getting your whole body working in a sequenced way to SWING the club. The ball will get in the way and know what to do if you trust the SWING. Thanks!

  7. I use the "footwhip" drill from Gary Occhino channel. I keep my arms and wrist tension free and swing from the ground up.

  8. Todd Kolb is one of the very few legitimate Golf Pro's on Youtube. He's the real deal, a proven coach with a passion to teach. Not like most of the useless Youtube goofballs that aren't interested in improving your game, only their bank accounts. I wish I lived closer to sign up for some REAL lessons from a REAL Coaching Professional. Every major city needs a Todd Kolb. P.s. his book is a terrific resource and a must read

  9. Todd, Hi from Spring Lake, MI. I’m 73 and was recently fitted clubs with senior flex shafts because of you swing speed. My question is fitting my swing with the very flexible shaft. Do I experiment with different swing speeds or is there a more scientific approach?

  10. still with you Todd your tips continue to inspire me. Most of the time my shots are spot on then I have a senior moment. But comming up 82 and on a 16 handicap I cant wait to get to the course. Cheers from the sunny Bay of Plenty, New Zealand.

  11. All so true. Aging body losing flexibility, well meant critiques without fixes. You nail it every time Todd. Without your videos and the Bad Lie book, I would have hung it up long ago. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Keep doing what you do, Please.

  12. Nice advice Todd. However I have improved my swing by using a slight restriction to my hip turn by pushing my knees a tad inwards and keeping my weight on the insides of my feet at address…not to be over done…..just gently. I then use my left shoulder as a pivot and swing back. I keep only one swing thought….hit the ball with your back to the target….this allows a smooth weight transfer and slots the club correctly on the down swing. As an 18 handicap I may mis hit a couple of times in a round of 18 holes. It’s only my short game that keeps me from lowering my score. Different strokes for different folks!

  13. Thanks so much for this video. I have a question for you and maybe you can do a video on it. Is the golf swing a body first, arms follow swing or an arms first, the body follows swing? There are certainly many examples of pro players on both sides. Jack Nicklaus was an arm swinger. Ben Hogan more of a body swinger. What do yo recommend?

  14. Awesome should be that simple..little tweaks afterwards…don't start with the tweaks

  15. I find to get my knees touching I need to narrow my stance from shoulder width. Also, from a narrow stance I can rotate better to a complete finish. In you book you do not address stance width. Do you have a preference for us senior golfers. Thx. Tom

  16. Writing from Port Orchard WA. Another great video. This is the second I can remember that gave suggestions on a pre-shot routine. I find if I have a routine down, I tend to think less as I address the golf ball.

    Tomorrow heading down to Arizona for 2 1/2 months and taking my signed copy (thank you Todd) of the Bad Lie. I recommend if you follow Todd's videos you get a copy of the book. It is more in depth with check points than there is probably time to cover in a video.

  17. Hi Todd,
    I’m 78 years old and I have watched your videos for the last month and they have changed my game so much that I’m blown away. I used to play off 6 hcp. back in the day but in the last few years I’ve just lost it but now my shots are straighter and longer and my friends can’t believe the change. I played 9 holes today in a 40 mph wind and shot 5 under my hcp , many thanks.
    Nick (uk)

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