Something I discovered recently is that the leg you generate power with (kick is the easiest test if I told you to kick ball) determines what type of pivot player you are.

There is a front post, a center post, and a rear post. A front post golfer example is Bryson or Cam Champ. Center is Tiger or Michelle Wie. Rear example is Gary Woodland.

Once you determine which you are (I'm one of 3% of the people tested who are right hand and left foot dominant, which makes sense why anytime I'd load my trail foot at all I'd feel off balance and sway, my leg wasn't conditioned for power the way my left is)

For front posters it's more of a vertical force. You want to start 60/40 pressure in your lead side, push off the left side to start the backswing like you're doing a one legged jump, then essentially do the same again in the downswing. I've increased CHS fairly significantly doing this.

I haven't gone done the best practices for the other two posts, but Mike Adams talks about all 3 in this video. Lengthy but worth a watch. If you're taking random YouTube instruction you may be trying to jam a square peg into a round hole.

Figure out your post style and match your pivot to it. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how much easier the swing feels!

by djmc252525

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