Padres vs Nationals Postgame Show (6/25)

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[Applause] of is headed towards the PO it is headed onto the tracks it’s a three run home run High Drive R field we are still in the Dr zor [Applause] L and caugh by Mach [Applause] die head towards the PO is headed onto the tracks it’s a three run home run High Drive rightfield we are still in the Dr Zone [Applause] LGH [Applause] bych the [Applause] B yo chat what’s up baby we are going to be joined by the DSG as well baby as we get started on the San Diego Padres hogw watch post game [Applause] show what that the boys baby the boys are playing some pretty pretty good baseball I hope everyone’s doing well how is it going everybody they call me Bor AKA H I hope everyone is doing well again we’re going to have Maddie from the DSG joining us here in a second I’ll give him a sec to set up guys but man man big one tonight baby big one tonight let me let me let me get let me get this cat in here let me get this cat let’s go holy [ __ ] what a win bro man I was just getting started man I was just getting started welcome everyone to the post game man of course we’re joined by the legend bro thanks for holding it down last night by the way wait D of course I know you’re you’re involved on these two shows what what two two straight days of electricity baby I think the the rumor was that the DSG was going to be on the hog watch so the fellas came to play man I got I got yeah I got cut today by my guy my looks good bro yeah you like you like the little curls you like the curl B dude what a win bro that was crazy like honestly that was I I’ve watched a lot I mean we both have watched a lot of Padre’s baseball but if you were to find me two backtack games that have been that electric in June against the Nationals like these aren’t the Dodgers bro like these this is a pretty that was a pretty awesome pretty awesome two games man like gets the Heartbreak pumping dude it’s June 25th people were like oh it’s not even the All-Star break yet hey man every game counts especially against a team that you know before the SE series started was on our necks we don’t they’re good they’re good yeah they’re a good team like I I don’t they got some dogs they got I mean listen we we we’ll give credit CJ Abrams that’s dude you know he makes stupid plays in his head but that dude is special right he’s so good dude he’s so good but I’ll tell you this having Jackson Merill makes that loss a lot easier guys again welcome to the postgame show baby we’re joined by the DSG the dream stream man I’ll tell you this guys uh where do we start do we start in that first inning when it got chippy I think we got to start there huh I mean it was uh I mean profar’s the story of this show man my God so Bor I have to ask you let me just post this real quick and then we’re ready to rock awesome um dude so I’m watching this right and you know major I’m walking home from the gym not mean don’t mean to flex on everybody but I was walk from the gym and you know I’m C major go you know we get he picks off CJ we get out of it right uh first batter arise flies out or whatever I’m not really paying too much attention I know that there were rumors that there was going to be you know someone might get thrown like thrown at right after last night and as a baseball fan you usually know when that’s the case you don’t want to waste a guy like McKenzie Gore right that’s their best pitcher why would you have a guy like McKenzie Gore in his second batter of the game Throw at a guy ruin your Bullpen like there’s so many dumb things that come how did it not get tossed well that’s what I’m saying Bor so I’m like all right if I think anything’s gonna happen there’s gonna be some dude kind of like an like you know an onell cat in their Bullpen that throws fast right that would come in in the six and if it’s a you know 4run game either way they’ll go and they’ll throw out profar right right like that’s what I was expecting I wasn’t expecting cber Ruiz former Dodger top prospect who has a 550 Ops this season stinky stinky coming at Pro dude I was shocked I was shocked bro like I’m like what is going on so benches you know benches start clearing Manny has a has hey for everything we say about Manny Machado better lately Baseball fans he was the first one there bro he was the first one there and viously he was on Deck but still man like that was a huge huge thing to see he’s the leader of the team captain as they say crazy though like what do you think about you know shil getting thrown out over anyone I mean it was it was interesting and and I’m I’m showing the Machado bomb here but but we we’ll get into that you saw shil even get into it with Davy Martinez or whatever of the Nationals so if you’re going to throw him out you got to throw both managers out they were both jaw at each other but the whole situation was weird I still don’t get why McKenzie Gore was was in that baseball game he’s clearly throwing at profar I understand it was low I understand but aren’t we trying to get rid of this whole stupid [ __ ] a part of the game listen I don’t know I mean should profar have been tossed too then I mean should profar and Ruiz been tossed I I will say I will say the thing about Pro if you watch the review or the replay of uh the cert Ruiz thing Pro didn’t say [ __ ] Pro was just Pro was just coming up to bat So Pro was coming up cert gets in his face and um yeah man it was crazy I I’ve watched a lot of baseball and I’ve never seen a benches clearing brawls start like that man and the beef one of the the beef one of my favorites man I love this and this could have been the game of the year just because of all the storylines I mean it was absolute Cinema from the beginning of the the game I mean listen we just talked about the altercation the very next pitch after McKenzie Gore after McKenzie Gore throws at jerks and proar El Capitan Manny Machado the very next pitch he’s a fast is freaking history and and oh my come on you feel the energy Manny what is that Manny’s seventh home run of the season and it comes in some for his seven home runs he had that one against the Dodgers that grand slammer or whatever he hit against the Dodgers um in Korea and then he hit that one hey Manny if you’re gonna hit some homers at least make him big I respect it bro 100% Barona thanks for the five is it true showering a bathing suit I actually showering a full rash guard and a hoodie so uh I think I think that’s the vi from that perspective um that that Machado bomb dude and and and and Matt you heard and guys yeah I’m sure you guys know who the DSG is but if you don’t go check them out guys I’ll tell you this um you even you could hear mud say it on the call it’s like is that the Homer that like do these boys are gonna go on a real run now right not not a four game win streak but like can they rip off eight straight can they rip off 11 of 12 right and we’ve had these moments right they’ve won five of six right but they always listen to this month of June listen to this month of June two five game losing streaks and two five of Sixers I mean what is this team Bon I I I’ve said it once I’ll say it again I’ve figured out what the San 2024 San Diego Padres are until I’m proved wrong they are by far without a doubt the most electric 500 team you will ever watch by far the most electric and that’s and and that’s fine with me hey and trust me I would love to say they’re the most electric 550 team of all time too if they can rattle off you know some hey the thing is though Bor we keep saying it man dude we beat took three or four from the Brewers the Nationals are in the hunt too shove has got to shove tomorrow who are the [ __ ] who who are the teams we’re losing to We’re Not Gonna face the angels in the playoffs We’re Not Gonna face the Rockies in the playoffs we play up to our competition we play down to our competition massive thing today that we haven’t talked about we’re talk a lot tonight but I’m fired up we fac we faced McKenzie Gore bro McKenzie Gore although gives up some runs sometimes he averages 11 strikeouts per nine innings he is one of the best Lefty one of the best Lefty pitchers in the National League we suck against lefties we suck against Lefty Pat Patrick Corbin retired 20 straight batters yesterday like we are not a good team against left CED hitters today was massive Manny hitting that two-run shot also I think the inning obviously viously the Grand Slam was incredible we’re going to talk about that but I think what really changed the game was cronenworth two outs Oppo Oppo single he gets and Manny hustles Manny hustles from first to third completely different McKenzie Gore makes that play you get H Donovan Solano or uh yeah it was no CR yeah crano but because of the overthrow because of the overthrow of third cron gets to Second Donnie barrels Sano Beach which is borne’s nickname if anyone uses that trademark that [ __ ] because that is B nickname uh dude Solano Beach has been so awesome bro against lefties too and and I want to get into but I want to give a John huge donation brother appreciate it Nat sto the plane landed in Oakland just wandering into a street fight with hungry dogs love it a and we talked about this even last night listen this Padre team last year they won two games in Extra Innings they’ve already won three this year and listen that the team last year had definitely more talent but I’ll take this team over last year’s team as coach Cana says every day of the week and times on Sunday I was thinking about it man and and I’ll let you cook real quick the differences the differences between this year and last year just think about the last week of Padre’s baseball man how much more fun in one week how much more fun this last week of baseball has been compared to the entire 2023 season walk-offs Grand Slams energy base benches clearing that’s what being a fan is all about right if you’re watching a a bunch of guys who don’t give a a bleep and you know are just kind of going through the motions and you know oh we’re supposed to be you know wait till we start raking and oh we got Wan sto and all this stuff last year’s team they just didn’t have any VAR bro that team wasn’t playing swaggy let’s got some bars in the chat people and guess what we bring in Pro end of the last season we start winning some games people forget that we won a lot of games of pro at the end of the season obviously we were out of the hunt Pro dude I mean we we could touch on him but what a re Revelation dude this guy he’s gonna lead all Allstar or all outfielders in Allstar voting dude like 300,000 talking let’s start talking about the MVP right now it’s sh right now it’s sh Otani then you can put little JP there I mean bets is hurt but I mean that that’s not that’s not the story of the night but again John thank you so much for the donation and and yes you can actually feel some somewhat of an intimidation factor with this baseball club unlike last year so again I appreciate the donation guys one more time let’s get a roll call where’s everybody tuning in from I know up North I’m down south I’ll be heading east tomorrow guys and listen it’s it’s I want to I want to land on that I want to land in New York and see a Dylan C seven inning one-run gem because he’s due but we’ll get into that here in a little bit man but again quick roll call guys big win is a little rivalry Brewing against this ball Club you know a lot of former padr I don’t know if they’re on similar timelines but these teams clearly don’t like each other after after the recent days Jesse Winker hits the nuke and he’s trotting around bases man it’s uh it’s gross what what thought on the whole Winker thing that happened the other night I’m going to be clicking on locations while you I I I don’t know if you remember this but when Jesse Winker was on the Reds um he used to have some beef or was it the Reds I forget what team he was on I thought I think it might have been the Reds Reds are the Mariners yeah so he was so he went to the Mariners and he actually when he left the Mariners uh there’s like a bunch of uh rumors going around that he was like a terrible Clubhouse guy that was the big deal with the Mariners the Mariners clubhous hated him so when he was on the Reds he had beef with Padre’s fans then too Kirkwood who we both know was like giving him grief I remember being at a game when Jesse Winker was kind of getting it back he talks a lot of [ __ ] and I respect it I’m not gonna lie as a baseball fan I like when players get animated I think it’s fun at the end of the day it’s a it’s a you know entertainment sport so watching him and then like last night right when we walk it off and he gets into the argument with the uh with the old guy that was crazy did you see that it was great yeah yeah I you’re 26 I’m 30 that was such a such a good such a good cook the old guy’s like what are you he’s like how old are you 26 and then wier’s like I’m 30 how many D wipes you go through tonight man just a little toilet paper with a couple drops of water under double charman double ultrasoft that’s the hat right there war can you look at that uh Lorenzo Hatfield comment real quick it’s talking about great play yeah so that was the play before so went Bryce Johnson beat Matt before we get into that let let’s let’s go in chronological order all right I want to talk about I want to talk about Adam merer tonight really quick um guys give me give me one word in the chat everyone we got over 16700 people here across all platforms give me one word to describe freaking Adam merer tonight wardy what up brother big hey congrats on your Mets too brother they’re playing good baseball it could be interesting series between us and August but Adam merer you know what I was I was content with him tonight because listen he’s not ready to be in the big leagues so any start that you can get and can win with him is really important he had that really bad I think it was third ending or maybe second inning but besides that the dude pitched an efficient game he gave the team five runs he’s not getting any swing and Miss right now but Matt I mean they they they’re finding ways to get through his starts and Randy V starts more but they found a way tonight and hopefully you is ready for his next start man but what are your thoughts on on merer tonight yeah so um you know I was a little disappointed when we you know had that incredible like you know and then he give gave up that four runs I kind of know who he is as a pitcher at this point the one thing that I want to bring up though and it kind of reminds me a little bit of how I looked at Matt Waldren um you know when especially at the beginning of the season and last year where I’m kind of like is this guy ever G to be anything like and we just kind of you know we’re like oh we have to pitch him and then sooner than later you’re starting to be like oh he actually had a pretty decent outing like oh this is oh oh we have something here Adam major I think he’s not necessarily you know ready to be an F everyday starter for a team like the San Diego Padres that being said you see you see stuff here the thing that sucks about being a padre as a pitcher is you know in Triple A you don’t go back you you go back and you play on Mars bro you know like it’s not it’s not a place where you get your confidence up yeah even good pitchers go down there and have a four er so it’s kind of tough like um I was encouraged by Adam major he could have let that game get out of hand you know two easily in those next two innings he shut it down he got the outs he was pretty efficient is he someone that I’m really excited to watch Pitch no but you know hey he did his job today it works and when when you’re injured like we’re injured right now you need to have a guy like Adam major step up you need to have a guy like Randy Vasquez step up and just do okay enough to not just totally cook your Bullpen listen to what Mike schilz said tonight he says quote we’re not a group that’s going to instigate anything we’re not going to start it but we’ll finish it let’s get some chills baby chills in the chat hey here’s something and Matt brought it up this was maybe the biggest moment of the game oh yeah I was sitting with my buddy I was actually even texting his guy and I said I’m gonna be honest crony’s got no shot he sucks against lefties and that’s just been the truth this year he’s been mashing right-handed pitching guys goes up ahead 20 swings at a bad two 20 okay cronenworth just digs he fights he fouls off a few balls and he is able to come through right here okay 22 McKenzie Gore throws left field that’s gonna get down and croner worth comes through it was such a big moment in the game such a big moment in the game because then what happens is Machado advances to third konorth goes to second on the throw Gore actually saved a run but then play by the way but then it led into Solano who I was saying croner worth just walk just let Solano get a shot because this guy’s killing lefties and and and that was the beginning of it all man I mean I mean talk about that moment in the game Matt big Borna man it’s the difference between last year and this year bro we just missed that we missed that big hit last year and you know cron had a tough year last year you know what’s a crazy stat Bor and I think you’re gonna appreciate this and I think the chat’s gonna appreciate this when cron was up against Mackenzie Gore in that spot Mudcat brought up wow have you seen the fact that 2023 uh Jake konorth had 48 RBIs before that he had 49 RB into going into that at bat got obviously one more and you know dude that’s that’s a kind of big hitting Cron’s been awesome dude like he’s been awesome and it’s so good to see because you know last off season when we were doing Divine deck and you were doing you know hog watch during the offseason the dog days of the offseason right oh yeah oh yeah we’re talking about dude is Crone the worst contract on our team oh yeah we were we not we were down now it looks like cone is you know not only worth it but kind of valuable man like he’s playing he he plays so many different positions he’s gonna end hopefully if he ends the season at this pace end the season with a 780 Ops and he’s on Pace for 100 RBI that’s massive I’ll take that all day bro and then solano’s just been like dude how how incredible has Solano been how many RBI is he at Cron’s already at 50 ribs yeah see he was at 48 last year bro yeah and you brought up a good point about Solano there was a report today we all wanted Tommy fam and and listen I I give PR a lot of hell and I’m the first but but he’s but but his decision to go with Solana over Tommy fam great a third of the cost the same production if not a little bit better like there’s a good move by AJ PR right like there is a great move by your general manager who where would this team be without I can’t believe I’m saying it without Donovan Solano right now I mean especially with going down man and you know the thing I love about this team Borna is the fact that yeah we have a lot of guys hurt right we have a lot of money on the I Joe you tatis campy sander I feel like I’m naming an All-Star team right but it’s the dudes like uh Tyler Wade that comes in last night and lays down that sack bunt it’s a dudes like a Donovan Solano who wasn’t even sure if he was gonna make a major league roster three months ago and who’s now batting fifth for a team that has a playoff spot at the season ended today like that is what it’s all about even step KCK who got screwed on that arise play tonight but lowkey that seventh inning was massive like he’s been he’s been better since since that Kansas City game he’s been better you know and and I want to see Victor’s comment real quick Victor I think this is a great Point man and this is kind of what I like to say last off season but it’s like dude it’s the hungry dogs profar’s making $1 million this year like it’s the dudes that don’t have these insane you know guarantee contracts it’s the dudes that are like hey if I don’t play well I’m going to be playing in El Paso and it’s 110 degrees in El Paso tonight I do not want to be playing there like it’s those abs it’s those you know diving plays that that go a long way and it’s a mix too it’s the having Jackson Merill back behind Donovan Solano two completely different players but having that team chemistry like it it’s pretty awesome dude I I I honestly really enjoy this team I I think it’s is it on paper the best baseball team we’ve ever seen no but but watching them play dude they they they they battle and I think we got to give Mike schel credit for that man he we do we do he’s been he he when we have these losing streaks when we lost and got swept by the Angels dude our whole fan base myself included was like oh my God and the reason why we do that is because we’re pad fans we haven’t seen any a lot of success in our lives right we don’t have the luxury to be optimistic a lot of times especially when you get lose five straight to really bad teams Mike Mike SCH during the worst moments of the season was like I still believe in my guys and trust me guys there’s going to be other times in the season where we lose a Bad series or we we we get walked off that’s what happens in baseball but Mike schil which I respect even when I don’t believe in the team this dude’s like these are my guys I’m never gonna talk bad about them and I respect that man and and listen through through all the Topsy turby the season of today this team’s in the postseason and that’s kind of all you can ask for I mean the national league is so clogged right now and it’s it’s I would say it’s better for your health to not standings watch especially it’s still the first half of the season but it’s pretty crazy because there’s not really any of these teams separating themselves yet you know what teams I mean crashing versus other teams coming up like it’s wild to see the Cubs being 600 500 and you still feel like they could be due for win streak so the the Diamond Backs for the team that they’re starting to play really good baseball Ward’s Mets I know he’s in here they’re they’re they can’t lose good baseball ever since Grimace ever since Grimace since Grimace I think they’ve I think they’re like 10 and two and they just they took care of the Yankees tonight so um this this this national league is going to go down to down to the wire I mean all marmls maral’s Cardinals are playing really good baseball but I guess the moral of the story is let’s stick to what we can do and how we know how to play baseball and and the beautiful thing as Padre’s fans is this team is half whole right now I mean let’s let’s hope darish comes back you know July and it is healthy let’s hope you get mus back for for this second half and get some production from him let’s hope that Todd’s back at the end of July I know we’ve been trashing on Xander Bogarts but it’s going to be imperative to have him back in the lineup here in three four weeks and and if if they can just get these guys back Matt by August this team looks pretty damn good on paper um I this pen concerns me still man where do you I mean a lot I don’t know a lot of areas of the team concerns me real quick real quick this comment’s crazy bro sorry had no no no no it’s true and I want I want to hear your thoughts on the pen then I want to give a shout out to our sponsor we’re giving away tickets to the all-star game but but first Matt I mean biggest con I know this is a great win but biggest concern for the team moving forward is it is it needing a bat is it needing a starter I know we need everything but is it the bullpen if you could only pick one yeah it’s it’s a bullpen and my brother um Mike who isn’t on the show today but uh does a bunch he’s always he runs the Twitter too he runs everything he does everything he was talking about it too and I think we need two more Bullpen pieces that’s really what I and guys that I trust in because I trust Adrien morone to an extent right like I trust I trust Cella Jerry honestly I think he’s really good um and obviously Bobby’s been nothing short of amazing this season other than those three guys every single other pitcher in our Bullpen scares the [ __ ] out of me when they’re in the game and and they’ve all shown glimpses of being really good like wand peralto shown glimp glimpses uh Yuki at the beginning of the Season looked great like there’s a lot of guys um that have shown glimpses and I see discovering the truth I think preller knows that too like it’s easy to watch this game and you’re like hey man like win’s like the last night and tonight are electric that being said they’re not necessarily sustainable with using your best Bullpen pieces every single game right especially with how many games we play like sooner than later we’re going to have to have a couple guys step up we’re going to have to have guy you know like col It Go two innings instead of one in a third and then Jerry get get the ninth and and it’s like little stuff like that um guys get cooked but yeah man I I don’t know I would say Bullpen and then I I personally I tweeted this a little earlier today everybody’s talking about this Luis Robert and um package hand up guys honestly that’s not the answer for me I like I truly go check them out on if y’all don’t see go ahead it doesn’t it doesn’t believe and we tweet a ton so yeah but uh that’s not the answer for me man I don’t think it’s crochet and um I don’t think it’s crochet and Luis Robert bro I think we need to get a couple more like a Taylor Ward or Tommy fam type that could play The Outfield and then you know get beef up that Bullpen and get another Tyler Anderson type starter bro give me a guy all we need all I want is a guy that can give me a 2020 Zack Davies type oh that’s a great comp I mean yeah what what what they got what they got from Davies was good guys we we we we’ll give DSG one minute breather out go we got to give a shout out to our sponsor of today’s show guys and that’s our good friends over at sorer MLB so guys you already know we’ve been playing sorare all year long we’ve been running some insane promotions with them link is in the description pin on top of the chat we are giving away all right to three different winners uh two pod R tickets all right to any games your choice in the month of July all you got to do it’s super simple it takes two minutes and it’s free to do go sign up for a team what Sor basically is that it combines like MLB the Show Diamond Dynasty to like Fantasy Baseball wait Matt do you play Fantasy Baseball or no I’m curious yeah I do sorry I’m just looking at the comments I’m not high hey just just to let people know I’m not high I’ve looked per permanently stoned since I was like in third grade I love we we both have the snowzilla eyes I if you can see some pictures of me in elementary school I I look the same but guys go over to Sora and what you can do is go select the lineup so for example for June 28th to June 30th we will be selecting our lineup you’ll be composing your team and I’ll tell you guys this who has been killing it for me I’ve been winning a lot of cash prizes the person that’s been killing it for me my low value ad Matthew freaking knucks man the DSG nickname Matty knucks he has been so good for me on sorir all year long and he’s delivering it guys so guys go phur MLB link is in the description pin on top of the chat and if you sign up send me a screenshot DM me on Twitter and I will select three of y’all to go to any Padres game of your choice here in the month of July I think the Dodgers come to town I know the Braves come to town so there’s some pretty good series coming up so guys link is in the description hit that like And subscribe button take a listen and take a look Maddie at this stat all right the Padres okay the 2024 Padres have hit 62 home runs in 44 games at pedco this year that’s more than they hit in eight other Seasons here at Petco Park and of course 2020 so like they are they are start already already at this point so I don’t know where this slug came out of nowhere it seems like this team is just so ADHD they go on crazy sprees I will say and I think this guy doesn’t get enough credit with our fan base I think um Victor our hitting coach has been pretty awesome dude yeah like this guy you know there’s Jackson Merrill’s getting into his power like there’s a lot of dudes I don’t know what they’re doing hey like whatever they’re doing is working right like I’m Jackson Merill two weeks ago you would have talked to me I would have said um he’s kind of a singles Merchant right like I like the guy but you know 300 you’re not you are the high I appreciate that man that’s D it’s so funny but yeah no they’re getting into their power Borna and you look in the playoffs Borna I mean we’ve watched enough baseball what wins in the playoffs good pitching and home runs that’s it good pitching and home runs that’s why if we do acquire someone else at the trade deadline a bat I don’t want we have enough average guys bro we have enough Merill we have enough arises I need a bopper dude I need a dude that you know comes up with a runner on first K there’s not that many Kyle schwarber types but that would be the ideal type cat right a dude that you know seventh inning and there’s uh we’re down three and there’s a runner on first base two out he it’s a bomb like we need guys like that right like we don’t hit enough we hit some bombs at home which is great but like if we acquire someone what do you think like a like a Brandon Drury of like a few years back yeah like Drury had the pop but I’m thinking like he wasn’t necessarily that for us but what Josh Bell was supposed to be for us yeah sure well I’ll tell you this PR will go nuts at the deadline says Michael Sur will I think he’s going to so which is which is concerning but it is what it is Tony good question genuinely curious when bogey is back healthy and hopefully knock on which should be soon should we shift crony back to First and arise to DH thoughts just wondering for defensive purposes well Luis arise uh uh had a very catchable ball to end the game that henin made an amazing defensive play for they somehow awarded the Marlins with a hit I think the home scorers don’t want to give our guys errors uh which makes sense but I It’s Curious like when when bogie is back healthy I don’t really want arise playing defense anymore I don’t know if it affects his Bat I know he’s his Bat is slowed down a little bit maybe it’s the shoulder injury maybe it is what it is but you think it’s a shoulder but I I think think arise is we just need him dhing we I don’t want him standing on the field I just want him to give you four or five magnificent at bats of game you I I agree with Tony I agree I I I agree with you Bor I think especially um and Luis could play L it’s not like he has to be a permanent DH right he’s not you know 40-year old Albert Pool host like he could still come in and like if profar needs to get off his feet one game or Manny needs to get off his feet one game like he can do that but if you were to stay in a playoff series heal Bogarts I would definitely have a Rise dhing um batting first because you need those abs you need him to be on because we’ve seen when he’s on when he’s giving you you know five good abs and three hits and maybe a walk like hey like that is so massive for this team uh yeah today the Kyle’s comment today was a bad today was a bad Louisa rise Fielding day and we got lucky that we were up by a lot but it was it’s the thing that pisses me off a little bit is it’s the it’s the baseball IQ plays right like him missing the ball sucked right like on that Kim play that would have been sick the issue was wasn’t that it was when kic has you know runner on first base and whoever’s up and the ball gets hit to Luis and instead of just touching first base he was an inch away from first base instead of touching first base he throws it makes an error like I don’t know that was a little sketch um I don’t know though dude I’m I’m interested to hear what you have to say about I don’t know if there’s going to be like a power bat at the deadline dude like I know Brent Rooker is what some people are saying I was going to say I was going to say Pete Alonzo but now they’re winning a ton of games I think I think if I’m if I’m uh David stering I go I’d go all in BR because I’m like yeah if you’re even close if you’re even close to you know a playoff s team like I’d buy a little bit right like hey why not yeah I think Ryan McMahon is a name that could be moved at the deadline but but but I don’t see n Andale said he doesn’t see he came on he said he didn’t really see Rock is’s moving him unless they got a lot um obviously Roar but you know that’s a whole another conversation but yeah besides that I don’t really know crazy stat all right look at this stat guys three-run double grand slam three-run double three-run double two-run single Grand Slam that’s what Padres Jer and profar has done over his last six at bats with the bases loaded only one other MLB player in the last 50 years has had 19 plus RBI over a SP of six Bases Loaded that’s Albert Pool dude this is a this is a this is a historic Year from Jer and profar and I’ll tell you this Maddie people ask me they say Borah hog what kind of contract is he is he gonna get and I tell people and I say let’s assume he continued with this kind of year I I don’t think it’s as big as you may think no jerx and profar needs the Padres as much as we need jerx and profar and I think there at this point there’s a mutual understanding and there’s no way in hell this guy goes plays anywhere else for the rest of his career I think think what I think the contracts people yeah people when he when he hits homers and does stuff people will like text me like dude we need the extension like what’s he going to get I genuinely think the extension will probably be three years $30 million if even yeah if even that right because he’s getting older he’s still not young right and like you have to think like for pro you know you are more than beloved in San Diego his kid is like uh you know his kid’s like the uh you know uh Trayvon Diggs kid for the Cowboys right he’s like the love like Guy what’s his what’s proar kid name Kyrie like every loves the proar like dude three years 25 mil something like that stays a pod with Manny stays a pod with tatis like dude hopefully hey also we’re in a really good spot if you know we’re really debating if it’s going to be 25 or 40 mil that means that he continues to have an insane season which for us is great I hey profar finishes top three in MVP give him 40 mil for three years hey and we make the playoffs and go on a run sign him uh this is a kind of interesting U comment what do you think about this Justin Turner the padr killer from Dodger he such a Dodger well I think it it depends what also Toronto wants to do right yeah so we’ll see we’ll see uh guys McKenzie Gore honestly I he’s a really good pitcher don’t get me wrong but he still has the same issues when we traded him like the dude this the dude still has a lot of control issues I think it’s who he is his stuff is so Elite and that’s what made him like a top pick and I think you know he’s still going to get better um but you know he he’s not I don’t think he’s a front I don’t think he’s an ace I think he’s a really good number two that’s my prediction with Gore TJ Abrams is really really freaking good but Jackson Merill being really really freaking good makes that a lot easier for me for me it’s the one that we’re gonna see James Wood and really see how good that James Wood’s James Wood’s a tough one for me everybody else that we gave up in that trade people forget that Robert Hassel exists har they’re trying to make now um you know that that trade if would it doesn’t turn out to be Aaron judge as a lefty that trade won’t be as bad as it looks right now because I really Mackenzie Gore would be great for us and he’d be a fan favorite that being said Matt Waldron’s having a better year than that guy bro McKenzie Gore’s already been in the league now for three years too isn’t he ARB eligible next year he they’re gonna have to get paid soon like hey sooner than later that trade you gota in Nation are all future future future sometimes the future catches up to you and then if your team still sucks you’re going to have to do it all over again right like also the Nationals are a perfect example of fluking your way into a World Series right that team was 19 and 32 anything can happen in baseball the Arizona Diamondbacks made the World Series last year that team was not good B that team was not good yeah that means that that’s why I will never not have faith in this Padre’s team until the last second of the season honestly AJ AJ cell writes you probably didn’t have Padre’s Nationals as a budding mustat rivalry but uh you should now and it’s h it’s certainly an interesting storyline as we discuss few other points before I wrap it up you know was I I saw an article saying top biggest bats that could be moved at the deadline this was a week ago and the thing is a lot of these names are are part of teams that are starting to win right I see Pete Alonzo another big name people were talking about was Tyler O’Neal of the Red Sox he’s having a really good year but the Red Sox literally can’t lose the the Red Sox are what they are six over 500 so I don’t know what’s going to happen at the deadline some people are mentioning what about the Tampa Bay Rays guys Borna what if they kind of start [ __ ] the beted a little bit more they’re 500 Randy rosarina yandi Diaz right those are some Nam that’s who I was gonna say h Yi Diaz would be the guy for me that dude matter yeah Braves in 21 remade their entire Outfield 100% was that the comment you wanted to talk about or I’m just saying I’m like guys if PR my biggest fear and this is all I’m going to say about this because I’m not going to complain tonight or be negative because that’s not really who I am I’m just praying that we don’t either I’m I’m praying that we don’t do something dumb at the deadline and when I mean dumb I mean look at what Jackson Merill has been to this team right a guy comes up he’s under control he loves playing for the Padres he loves being on he loves being on the team he loves being a major league player from what I’ve heard Ethan Salis although he’s not crushing it in the minor right now uh at bat twise he’s an 18yearold defensive absolute monster defensive player and that bat’s gonna come right and then Leo Dallas Dees hit his first home run of the Season that was pretty guys keep those two make some moves with the other kind of people in your farm make some you know smart depth type moves because we’re looking with this Padre’s team right now if tatis is out for the season then you might need to make a little bit bigger of a move but I don’t I hope not I hope not I hope not either do you actually think so honestly like gun to your head gun to my head I think he comes back beginning of August i’ take that right now yo absolutely I’m I’m nervous that he’s out for the season to be completed yeah cuz people say like stress reaction which basically means like your Bone’s about a fracture and it’s hanging on by a thread yeah it’s like someone said Rich Hill yeah so it’s kind of a mix between we don’t need a 2020 deadline but we don’t need a 2023 deadline like give us some guys that can make a couple you know moves I don’t want a jake mornik deadline I want a know I want I want a Brandon jurry type you know that comes in and starts raking or you know trying to think have we ever traded for a good pitcher at the deadline bro I feel like we never have I guess ma ma Max jerser in 2021 Max judge yeah man said somebody said profar’s the owner of the Nationals on on Wikipedia now it’s great I was I was trying to confirm that I’m trying to think if there’s anything else to talk about guys the only other thing I think I want to talk about and Maddie you you chime me back in if there is well toddy will be back August and Xander July then we go on a big run he got hot absolutely shout out DSG CMR finest export Shane Crowley’s dad Shane Crowley’s dad Scott Crowley was my little league coach Shane’s the man his brother Brendon man shout out to Crowes shout out comound Ranch Little League San Diego is a small community man appreciate the Dono brother okay Maddie I want to talk about this then we can wrap it uh we got to sweep these cats tomorrow yeah this this this pitcher guys you have you have Dylan CE on the M with the chance to sweep the Nationals that sounded a lot sexier three weeks ago but this dude didn’t just lose it all right I know he has a 66414 ra they need all right this rotation already thin with darish and musk hurt they need this quote unquote Ace to get back back to his Ace weights badly they need more efficiency from him they need him to start limiting the long ball then you have the off day Thursday you have Randy V Michael King and Knuck I mean getting ready to go in Boston you should take two out of three you feel it but are you a little worried with CE I mean his first seven starts Immaculate last seven pathetic where where where do you stand on Dylan CE big start for him tomorrow dude I I honestly Bor I have a ton of faith in this guy man like have there been a couple starts where you’re like damn bro he he’s kind of getting pieced up absolutely I still love this dude bro like I think his stuff is nasty I think he needs to be a little bit more efficient and I think he cares because guys I know this is kind of the underridge $100 million 15 saquan commercials contract oh how many more of those are we going to see but hey when you get that big contract then you could chill a little bit then you can e CE CE has a you know a season this year where he has a 420 or 42 ER that’s not good for his extension so hey I think Dylan T is gonna lock in tomorrow he had a couple bumps in the road hey lock in tomorrow give me you know six six and a third one earned two earned pods bats come alive this kid DL Herz is like a rookie rookie Lefty guys win tomorrow a massive off tape War I’m more excited about they need I’m more excited about the off day than tomorrow bro and this sounds super lame us us true Padre’s fans that watch every game it’s a little tiring for us too yeah oh yeah oh yeah I’m I’mma Be I’mma Be th Thursday night in Manhattan no no no no Yahoo sports to refresh and and [ __ ] my pants with if I’m not in the house and I can enjoy a good Thursday night I’ll tell you that another thing uh as crazy as it’s been guys padr win tomorrow that’s six wins in their last seven games uh and and I’ll tell you this for the first time since I think April 2nd the San Diego Padres are now over 500 at home this year uh you know that’s great guys it’s an achievement it’s a it’s a step I’ll tell you this this season hasn’t been easy but it’s been damn fun and if there’s one team more than any other team that’s building resilience more than any other freaking team in baseball it’s the 2024 San Diego Padres this team has already had the sky falling down three different times this year for the team from a losing perspective not including all the injuries they’ve had to endure and I’ll tell you this I’ve lost faith multiple times and I’ll admit it I that’s why I get destroyed on the internet and that’s fine that’s who I am but I will say this they are proving me wrong every 10 days they somehow get their heads out of quick s and they do [ __ ] like this and and at some point I just have to tip my cap and be like you know what this team I don’t know if they’re going to be in the playoffs I hope they are but you damn well think they’re going to be right in the thick of it till the very very end Bor I just want to have a fun summer dude hey where’re hey we’re San Diego Padres fans obviously we get reminded every single day we’ve never won a World Series that being said man hey give me a fun summer of baseball competitive baseball games like we’ve had tonight games like we had last night and hey make the playoffs anything can happen I just want to be at Petco Park riding with all the homies you know pregaming at bubs oh yeah post gaming at moonshine and you having hey having the time because guess what guys we as fans we we all you could really do is just be there for your guys right hey me and Borna aren’t coming up with Runners on second and third in a big spot like Jake cronenworth did tonight right Jake’s either gonna get that hit or he’s not for us though hey gotta support the homies have a fun summer of baseball man get Petco popping Deo dogs of Summer like my guy Sigma blade said hey I’m juice bro honestly H Bor thanks for having me on man this was a blast of course brother guys make sure you go check them out on Twitter Instagram wherever they’re also posting more on YouTube here coming up I’ll never forget you guys did that amazing watch party actually let me let me let me pull up the YouTube right now so we can uh we can get you guys over to a thousand Subs here because I know y’all are y’ are y’all are guys they got giggity giggity 69 more followers to go on YouTube to get to a thou oh [ __ ] I’m not even subscribed done 68 follow subscribers to go to get to onek on I know I know Borna gets I know Borna gets his fair share of hate but I want to uh say thank you to him man we became you know we’ve known of each other for a while but we’ve became buddies this last year and it’s been awesome so I appreciate you having me on brother of course brother all right man all right guys you guys have a great night man sleep well be well Dream well that’s Maddie from the DSG it’s born AK hog everyone I’m signing out of here peace peace


  1. I give AJ preller a longer life on the padres than your already receding hairline 😂😂😂. Shave that shit bro 🎉

  2. Wait wasnt the nationals a rebuild team? We were supposed to squash teams like these instead we are praising them for being good? And at our level as a contending team? Crazy

  3. Matty > Hog – I love a fan, that win or lose, sticks with his team. Borna wrote off the season less than 2 weeks ago. Respect for a true Fan Matty. I subbed to you guys.

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