Practice The Perfect Golf Grip – The Finger 10 Golf Grip Training Tool Install and Review

The #1 player in the world, Scottie Scheffler uses a golf trip training aid to reinforce solid grip fundamentals during each training session. If the best player in the world takes advantage of this simple training aid, shouldn’t average golfers be doing the same? In this video, I install and review the Finger Ten Golf Swing Grip Training Practice Tool / Training Aid.

This video is not sponsored or affiliated with Finger Ten – I simply bought it off of Amazon to check it out and see if it was a good grip training option.

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00:00 Introduction
01:40 Installing The Grip Trainer
07:35 Checking The Alignment of the Grip Trainer
08:21 Pros & Cons

Music: Funk In The Trunk by Shane Ivers –

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the number one player in the world uses a molded grip golf trainer to reinforce fundamentals to make sure that he has a proper grip when addressing the golf club if Scotty Sheffer is doing this on a daily basis don’t you think we should be doing the same thing unfortunately I was not able to order the exact same golf grip training aid that Scotty Sheffer uses however on Amazon I was able to find this finger 10 golf grip training aid it comes in both right-handed and left left-handed which is great for someone like me because not all training AIDS come in left-handed so the finger tan golf grip does look very similar to the one Scotty sheffler would use it has all the molds uh for where your fingers should go and then of course Very importantly it has these ridges that help you create the correct V’s with your thumb and fingers and then of course you can either interlock or overlap or 10 finger any of those Styles will work with this grip trainer as well so we’re going to throw it on eight iron today going to take you through a reader digest version of regripping a club and we’ll see how easy or difficult it is to get this particular grip on one of your old clips we’ll talk a little bit about alignment because I know online some people were confused as to how to align this if you look at it there’s no lines on the grip that tell you where to put it on the shaft but partially I think that might be because it really will depend on whether or not you want to reinforce a neutral or a strong or maybe even a weaker grip because by rotating this on the club when you put it on you really couldn’t reinforce any of those three grip Styles I’m going to try to keep this as neutral as possible in this video to reinforce a neutral grip but again if you wanted to go strong or weak it’s just would be as simple as rotating this onto your Club when you’re putting it on all right in case you’ve never regripped a club before you’re going to need obviously the grip trainer and then I would recommend a hook knife you can buy these kits by the way that has all of this stuff on Amazon for relatively cheap but this is going to be really helpful taking the old grip off then you’re going to want something to scrape it off uh you can use any kind of scraper tool I have a curved one then you’re going to need some solvent to put a new grip on plus some grip tape of some sort and then of course what will be really handy is this little holder for your Vice um just so you don’t damage the club so those are the things that you’re going to need and require in order to make this successful so let’s get started by putting the eight iron into the vice all right start with the hook knife you just simply peel the old grip off by making a slice down and then pretty simple once you have that just pops right off now you got to get rid of this tape so you just take your scraper scrape away honestly the scraping off with the old tape is the hardest slowest part all right for this next part you’re going to want a tray just so you don’t get anything wet uh with the solvent take your grip tape you’re just going to lay it on with a little bit of over hang on the end something like that just going to push it on wrap it around you take the end and you just twist it a little bit to close it off all right then you’re just going to take your solvent you’re going to wet this tape just a little bit then you’re going to put some inside the grip and shake it and then put this on now this part happens pretty quickly so you have to be ready to move and I’ve read that this is kind of hard to go on we’ll see it looks like a pretty uh narrow opening here but I don’t think it’s going to be too much of a problem is especially if you don’t go easy on the solvent the more solvent you put on typically helps the process so I would recommend making sure that you give it a decent amount of solvent on there cover up the hole on the end squirts cover it up and shake it this so your coating the whole inside of the grip and then you can just kind of let it out the hole here and again use that solvent in the grip to make sure that it’s extra wet and ready to go now this part’s key we want to make sure it’s lined up so I’m going to very quick I should have done this before make sure that my uh Club is square here lined up the way I want it looks pretty good and then I’m going to put this on and just try to slide this on as quickly as possible [Music] I will say this this is okay got it on little finicky to initially get that on [Music] okay it’s not I will say this it doesn’t go on as easy as a normal golf grip that’s for sure and it’s partially because it’s catching the ridges on the inside it’s not super smooth on the inside I think okay and now once it’s on here before it sets and dries of course we want to make sure that it’s lined up as much as we possibly can I’m just going to double check to make sure it’s on all the way and that there’s there we go now just drying off I had unfortunately some of the solvent get onto the rubber grip here making it feel quite slimy all right so when I’m checking to make sure I’ve got the grip lined up properly I’m gonna I’m going to take the grip in the in the grooves right and then I’m going to take it with my other hand too and I’m just going to hold it out flat I can let go with my trail hand and I’m looking at my forearm and Lead wrist keeping that flat and is it pretty much parallel with the Leading Edge and here it’s pretty close so that’s pretty good so I’m pretty confident now that I have that I don’t know if you can see that but again pretty parallel here uh that I’ve got that on correctly another little test I like to do is to take it to the top and just T kind of look up and see if that is parallel and I think it is so pretty confident it’s on there now correctly so now I just need to let it set and dry uh before taking some Swings with it all right now that the grip is fully installed on the golf club and I’ve tried it out I can kind of give my full review now number one this is a great tool to reinforce your grip so the finger 10 one I don’t see any problems with it in terms of the grip itself so it does what it’s supposed to do it’s a good mold your hands fit right into the grooves really easily so it’s just a great way to reinforce those fundamentals take a couple practice swings maybe even if you’re teaching someone or you want to reinforce someone who’s new to the game hand them this club with this grip on it and right away they’re going to get instant feedback to as to what a good solid grip feels like secondly it is cost effective the grip itself is pretty cheap now you do need a few extra things in order to install it properly so there could be an extra cost incurred there but as far as the grip itself uh this is very cost- effective bonus number three you can actually hit balls with this so I don’t think I’m going to be doing that very much I think I’m just going to have it nearby to reinforce the grip before I then switch to my normal clubs and practice hitting but you can hit balls with this okay now for a couple of the cons that I see with this particular product number one it doesn’t go on as easy as a regular golf grip so you saw when I was putting it on there was a bit of a struggle there and the main struggle came from two things number one the opening to the grip itself is pretty narrow so to get it on the end of the club takes a little bit of patience a little bit of you know twisting and turning secondly on the inside of the grip I’m convinced that it is not a flat kind of hollow inside but rather that the inside actually has the grooves as well similar matching the grooves on the outside so what that means is as the club goes into the grip it’s kind of can hit some of those ridges and get stuck so you kind of have to wiggle it a little bit more it doesn’t slide on as easy as other golf grips have in the past so if you’ve regripped a golf club expect just a this one to take a little bit more time and a little bit more patience one of the only other concerns I have is the durability of it if you’re just using it for practice swings and you’re going to you know reinforce your grip that way take a few practice swings and then go to another club I don’t think you’re going to have a problem if you hit lots of balls with this over time though I could see this rubber kind of breaking down because it just doesn’t feel very durable I don’t think it’s designed for long-term use like a regular golf grip is again if you’re just taking practice Swings with no impact I don’t think this is going to be a problem but if you are planning on hitting balls I don’t know I don’t know how it’s going to hold up in terms of alignment I would just take the verticy of the top V here and try to have that in line pointing with the Leading Edge of the club face if you have that I think it’s a pretty it’s lined up to reinforce a pretty neutral golf grip however like I mentioned before if you kind of turn the golf grip a little bit either way you can make it more of a strong grip or a weaker grip so that wraps up my review of the finger 10 golf grip training aid tell me what you think if you tried it out leave a comment in the comments below or if you’ve tried another grip that you really like that’s a training aid fire that in the comments below thanks so much for checking out the channel and watching this video You’re appreciate and we’ll see you next time on golf Quest [Music]

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