Golf Players

1st Annual Coltsys Award Show

Recording of the First COLTSYS Award Show. The COLTSYS is an award show that celebrates Student-Athletes, Coaches, Volunteers, and Fans of Buena High School for the 2023-2024 school year. This show was completely organized by Buena’s own Student Athletic Leadership Committee (SLAC).

Buena High School is located in Sierra Vista, AZ and is part of Sierra Vista Unified School District #68

go go come let go hey stand strong with my troops wo nothing far from the truth we step Shake sh Shakey to bur on the on the fight for what we love on the battle Yeah we live and Di man light put work every day and night so we still alive every time we fight yeah you and die everyone like if you got my back then I got your life question we got it for the topot out head for the in stop we get per problem all the team we the FI the family on the battlefield real know feel no that my brother got Aion focus on never miss never ever ever Miss wo stand strong with my troops hey nothing far from the truth huh when we step sh the bur hey running yeah yeah fight for what we love fight fight for what we love on the battlefield fight for what we love Yeah fight for what we love on the battle fight fight fight fight for what we love on the battle fight fight fight fight what we on the battle [Music] [Applause] good evening and welcome to Buena High School’s first ever COLTSYS award show my name is Ariella Antemann and I’m a student athlete here at Buena I been fortunate enough to help put on tonight’s event. Our purpose is to allow Buena to celebrate and recognize some of the incredible athletes coaches volunteers and fans here at Buena this award show was completely coordinated by our student leadership athletic committee or slack for short within the past year the 13 slack members have helped put on every athletic event here at bua from setting up and taking down events to creating games for our video boards that our fans can interact with to filming and editing hype videos for every sport and so much more with that being said I’m pleased to Welcome to the stage your MC for the evening and our very own slack member Aubrey [Applause] Travis thank you Ariella before we begin with our recognitions and awards for the evening we have a very special guest speaker and a Buena graduate for you today during his time at Buena he served as the varsity starting quarterback team captain and the Team MVP all four years he received first team All Region recognition as a quarterback and secondary as well as earning the title of offensive player of the year after high school he played two years of football with the Maricopa Mustangs where he served as team captain and was ranked as the number one Junior College Long Snapper he then transferred to Southern Methodist University where he spent two seasons and made the 2022 2023 all academic team currently he has at MCN state University with that being said please have the pleasure of welcoming to the stage Jovani [Applause] Burbon quick man it’s good to be back always like tell my mom my family this is the best part about this whole journey is speaking and um meeting kids and just and just doing this this is what I love to do um well thank you again um my name is joavan bone and I want to start off by saying thank you to the student leadership athletic committee here at buen High School it it is truly a privilege to be seeking you all tonight to the student athletes in this room I want to commend each and every one of you for your Relentless hard work both on and off the field your commitment to your sport your team and your personal growth is truly a great skill to life and to the parents Guardians coaches teachers who have supported these athletes every step of the way your unwavering encouragement and guidance have played an instrumental role in their Journey about four months ago as I was sitting in my Now new apartment in Lake Charles Louisiana which is a town about 3 hours East of New Orleans I received a text expressing and explaining the Buena student athlet awards ceremony that is happening tonight without a doubt in my mind I knew I wanted to be here my instant thought was of course yes I get to stand up in front of all of you and talk about myself for 20 minutes man I’m in according to my sister Ava who was here tonight she would wholeheartedly agree I love to do that all jokes aside it was honestly a no-brainer for me regardless of I had any previous obligations this school this town and this community have helped me become the man I am today whether it was the teachers who encouraged my curiosity the neighbors who offered a helping hand or the friends I shared laughter and tears with each interaction has left a long lasting mark on my heart and as as I Venture forth into new athletic and acade academic Endeavors I carry with me the lessons learned and love bestowed upon me by this remarkable place I proudly call home with that being said before I started tonight I wanted to thank this Dear Community for being the foundation of my growth and the source of countless blessings and so similar to all of you my journey started at a very young age I loved Sports growing up and as I got older the passion only grew stronger as far back as I could remember throwing or catching a ball of some sort was when I was the happiest being a 5-year-old kid of course I didn’t know any better but my family would often say as if it looked as it came natural to me although growing up in Tombstone Arizona where I spent my entire childhood the only opportunity I had was to play sports in Sierra Vista and as we all know the traditional route of Youth Sports such as flag football Pop Warner and so on as you get older that’s what I did or should I say that’s what we did my mother would drive me day and night Monday through Friday or whatever days we had practice back and forth from Tombstone to SI Vista every week for about 8 years straight promise you I never missed a practice maybe we were late a few times but never missed and as athletes we all know when you’re young and your first joining competitive Sports you don’t really pick your position and honestly I think most youth coaches look around do the eye test and then decide the kids’s future so my future was somewhat decided and since Pop Warner I played quarterback the position I ultimately grew a niche for and a sense of purpose playing quarterback was more than just a position on the field for me it was a passion that ignited my soul with every snap the rush of adrenaline as I stepped onto the grass and the weight of responsibility on my shoulders the thrill of leading my team to Victory fueled my love for the game each play was a combination of strategy and skill an opportunity to showcase my abilities and Inspire my teammates to Greatness quarterback became me became my life lifestyle as a leader on and off the field and truthfully I would say it molded me I carried that same mentality everywhere I went if it was on weekends when I was working at Safeway or Friday nights in a big game it didn’t matter so as high school was approaching my family and I knew the best decision for me at the time was to go to Buena a school with more opportunities and a competitive Competitive Edge within the sports realm although some of you may not remember certainly I know coach Thomas and I do but bua football is not always the best believe me my freshman year I was named starting Varsity quarterback and a team captain an achievement that I cherish despite the fact that year we went 0 and 10 didn’t win a single game picture that being a 14-year-old kid a freshman starting quarterback for a t for a team that didn’t win a game you could imagine those conversation with students and faculty week after week after week was hard for me a feeling that I didn’t ever want to feel again for lack of better Words which now looking back I had spoken into existence sophomore year we went six and four four which was a great turnaround that offseason leading up I was very motivated I played baseball and wrestle to stay in shape junior year was another great year of winning and growth as a team I hit the next offseason even harder and was determined to make my senior year great I knew that year I was going to play free safety as well as quarterback sadly quarterbacks are meant to be a little bit taller than 510 at that time I was gaining some recruitment interest I received my first division 3 offer September on September 26th 2019 from Whittier College and man let me tell you how was happy as can be I just knew that next offer was going to be some huge D1 school senior year we went 8 and two with the playoff birth which I believe at the time was first was the first since 2013 I broke the school record for career touchdowns of 65 and as a free safety had seven interceptions a year for the books who could say but that huge D1 offer I was so confident about never came and truthfully no D1 offer ever came I was Tor in between if I should go play division 2 quarterback probably somewhere in the middle of who knows where or bet on myself and ultimately go junior college and that’s exactly what I did my first year of Joo Co hit year two came around and I adapted we did not have a long snap on our team at the time and I saw opportunity I was named the starter and the rest was history after countless hours of training and dedication sharpening this new craft I received my first division an offer from Southern Methodist University in Dallas Texas my first year at SMU I red shirted and again was hit with more adversity switching reps with the older guy that’s been there for years prior year two came around my playing time was still blurred but we had an amazing year won the conference Championship against Tain and played in the Fenway Bowl I couldn’t not be happy to be a part of something that special although it was bittersweet I knew I could play and I just needed to prove it after graduating this past December with my bachelor’s degree in sports management I decided to enter my name into the ch trans for portal back to square one it felt like after waiting several weeks and plenty of phone calls MCN State University which is division one FCS School in Lake Charles Louisiana offered me a full- ride scholarship as a grad transfer I packed up my truck and off I went and now I’m here embarking on my motivational speaking career so I was just thinking about this speech tonight three topics came to mind that reflects you all and your story you’re about to write first I’m sure you all have heard your parents or grandp parents use the medical foral term make sure you have something to fall back on I feel like I never understood that statement in reality you shouldn’t want to fall back on anything why not fall forward it’s about embracing challenges and turning them into Stepping Stones rather than allowing them to hold you back failure is inevitable trust me you will fail or lose at something some point in your life while it’s important to have a primary plan a you’re committed to and invested in it’s equally as important to have alternative strategies or options Plan B in case things don’t go as expected ultimately having a plan B does not mean you lack confidence in plan a rather it demonstrates foresight resilience and determination to navigate the unpredictable nature of life in business and truthfully having that plan to fall forward should not just be as meaningful or should be just as meaningful and have your similar goals whatever those may be believe me failure can failure can indeed in shape and influence a person’s character mindset and approach to life in several ways failure can also Foster resilience teaching individuals to bounce back from setbacks persevere through challenges and develop a strong stronger sense of determination and grit most importantly failure provides valuable learning opportunities which can highlight areas of weakness prompt individuals to reassess their strategies and encourage Innovation to find new Solutions I know it’s easier said than done but do not let failure failure consume you mentally and most importantly do not let failure change your direction in life whatever it may be and just imagine if that specific failure or obstacle was setting you up for something special and lastly my stepdad de Maya Miller who’s been serving in the US Army now for 36 years is the epitome to the meaning fall forward in which every day that’s how he treated me from the day we met relating to one of my favorite quotes by Ralph Emerson treat a Man how he is and he will remain as he is treat a Man how he should be and he will become how he will become what he should be second taking risk taking risk is commonly said but but is an inherent aspect of life and growth whether in your personal or professional domains risk can lead to Opportunities and advancements that might not have been achievable otherwise however it’s essential to approach risk taken with careful consideration and a sense of caution not all risks are worth taking and it’s crucial to assess the consequences and weigh them against potential benefits taking un necessary or Reckless risk can lead to un undesirable outcomes therefore it’s essential to strike a balance between daring expiration and thought out decision making I’m sure at some point you all have heard of Forbes or the Fortune 500 magazine which has all the list of billionaires and top Revenue producing companies in the world which I remember for the longest time sitting back and thinking like man how do these people even get to that certain point and of course luck and inheritance are apparent but now as I’m studying for my master’s degree in business this has given me a whole different Outlook towards this topic now forget about the money or debt involved in that unique situation think about what type of risk had to be made for that specific individual to get to that point in their life what did he or she have to give up to achieve great wealth and as I’m speaking to every one of you tonight I asked that simple question what are you going to give up or change to achieve your goals and that might just be as simple as studying harder in school training an extra hour a week towards your craft or even just journaling seem tedious but in retrospect help me in the long run sacrificing short-term Comfort or leisure activities and Fa favor for of personal development such as learning a new skill pursuing further education or investing time in hobbies and passions can lead to significant personal growth and fulfillment those small acts what is going to separate you from your competition in the real world and I understand some of you may go through different different diff different difficulties in life which may alter your time frame a little bit that’s okay some of you may not be the smartest in school that’s okay trust me neither was I but I promise you none of that matters with when it comes to your effort and faith in yourself every day the moment you wake up and remember to get something you’ve never had you must be willing to do something you’ve never done third I save the L best I save the best for last in my opinion which is a simple statement what are you going to do with what you have not how much you have as we all know sirra Vista is not a big city by any means and especially for a teenager boredom is real believe me I walked up and I walked up and down that mall we have here too and often wondered how it’s still here in high school hearing the constant chatter about how boring the town was or how my peers couldn’t wait to leave and at times of course I may have been guilty of some of those observations but still to this day you can never take away the time I had in sir Vista and the opportunities it gave me with sports and personality this town can do that for you all as well be opening be open to welcoming all new experiences life you never know when that moment can be the turning point and that comes with anything doesn’t always have to involve Sports join a new club on campus volunteer around town get a job or even just talk to new people venturing out of your comfort zone I mean I can remember those yard work jobs in high school and the connections I made with all the little old ladies in Winter Haven that still continue to call me till this day ask me to do their yard so as said you truly don’t know when a life-changing connection or decision is made that can Inspire your future in essence what are you going to do with what you have is a call to action inspiring individuals to embrace their potential capitalize on their strengths and take decisive steps towards achieving their goals and aspirations it encourages a mindset of creativity and empowerment reminding people like all of us that they have the power to shape their own Destinies through their actions and choices no matter what circumstances are given I understand some of you may be rich some of you may be poor some of you may grow up to be doctors lawyers sociologists or even professional athletes you name I say that because the moment you all reach your goals in life nothing that altered you in the past is going to matter growing up in a small town won’t matter attending a high school that is not as recruited sports-wise won’t matter being upper class middle class or whatever will not matter when it’s all said and done you simply did what was needed with the circumstances you were given physically and geographically to become successful to conclude tonight I will end with this I can remember as a young kid my grandparents were always my my rock supported me and had faith in me 100% but I’ll tell you this my grandpa Billy lamb who has trust me not no normal Grandpa would often say to me there’s someone out there’s someone out there bigger stronger faster and smarter than you there’s someone out there joavan which he still says till this day out which he still says till this day mind you I was maybe seven years old when this started and that I can recall he would never really explain the concept maybe briefly here and there but I mean I had no clue being being so young I just remember thinking man this old dude’s rude like I’m a kid why would you say that and ultimately of course as years went on I finally got it I felt it and I truly saw the vision he was preparing me for the exact moments I’m living in today as I Venture football in life never phased never intimidated never afraid all because my grandpa has been telling me I belong since I was 7 years old so with that being said to you all to you all here tonight find your passion have faith in yourself and never let anyone tell you you’re not capable because of where you came from or the way you were raised your Best Is Yet To Come and Go [Applause] Colts let’s give it up one more time time for joanni [Applause] bbone we would like to present you with the plaque to show our appreciation thank you so much for taking your time to be here tonight you are an inspiration to the athletes here at bua and we cannot wait to see what else you’ll do with your athletic [Applause] career first we like to start by recognizing our teams who made state playoffs this year football girls soccer and boys [Applause] tennis we also had several teams C qualify for a playing game boys basketball boys soccer boys volleyball baseball and [Applause] softball we also have many individual athletes who qualify for postseason events in their sport as we read your name please hold your applause till the end and stay seated thank you from cross country Nick Heiser Gabriel Cummings Benjamin pagee Damen vende Marco Hernandez Ryan wild Evan Strait Emma Donahue Abby roric Lissa Hernandez Joselyn uden Hoven mayy Flores and Margaret fsar from swim Russell Adams Spencer McDow Caleb Curtis Joshua stanel Riley Klein Michael scandin Braden Taylor and Katie Lawrence from wrestling Nate Engel Asia General Zephaniah Jeff Zachary Martin Hudson hymore Trent Williams and David Clawson from track Armani Ramirez Gabriel Cummings Nick Heiser D’Angelo Hawthorne Jaden Thomas VJ carrier Shan Bookman Ashlin Lewis cile Kerr ABY roric Lissa Hernandez Emma Donahue storm Ryan Kamaya Johnson Gabriella tro Spencer Carter Mason Carter and Damen vende and last but not least from Boys Tennis doubles players Jimmy Rice and Ryan wild congratulations to all of our athletes we will like to take a moment to recognize two individuals who made an impact on the athletic Community here at bua first off we would like to award an individual who has spent the last four years dedicating his time and talents to bua Athletics and students he has taken on the role as athletic trainer and shown great respect professionalism and care for our athletes well-being he will be leaving us next year and will be missed please help me welcome to the stage our athletic trainer Kai Carlick [Applause] [Applause] there’s one more special person we’d like to recognize this evening first please help me welcome to the stage former baseball player and Buena graduate David [Applause] Peterson good evening everyone in a world war mentors Inspire greatness F shine as brightly as this coach for over four decades he has been The Guiding Light for countless students not just in sports but in life’s journey with unwavering dedication he has coached many sports such as football softball and wrestling yet it’s on the baseball field where he found his true passion molding Raw Talent into young men beyond the game he has been a teacher a mentor and a friend to generations of athletes the impact of his leadership extends far beyond wins and losses he instilled values of discipline teamwork and perseverance in every player he touched his legacy lives on in the countless lives he influenced the lessons learned and the memories cherished as we reflect on his remarkable Journey let us celebrate his unwavering commitment boundless enthusiasm and enduring Spirit coach your legacy will forever Inspire us to reach for the stars and to make a difference both on and off the field thank you for 40 plus years of selfless service shaping champions in sports and life with that being said please help me welcome to the stage coach Mark [Applause] Schaefer thank you sir appreciate it we also have a special video for you coach all right my name is David Peterson and I graduated Bueno with the class 23 and I spent all four years playing baseball under coach schaer coach schaer to me was a ro model he truly impacted my life in many positive ways and I can really say that he believed in me and gave me the confidence that I needed to be able to get through those years of baseball and to have the best time playing baseball that I’ve ever had uh coach you truly change the game for all of us especially me and I don’t know where I would be right now if I didn’t have that guidance in my life from you so thank you coach I don’t think words can fully describe the kind of person coach schaer is not only is he extremely kind caring and selfless but he’s someone who truly loves seeing other people succeed he has been a coach to me a mentor and a friend coach you truly embody what it means to serve others and inspire me every day to not only be a better Coach but a better person I’m beyond blessed to have someone else in my life that I can call family thank you for being part of my life and my journey we’ll miss you coach thank you so much for everything that you’ve done for bua for me I love the time that I’ve gotten coach with you I’m going to miss having cookies so you better come by and drop some off um but we really appreciate you we love you and we hope you enjoy retirement um and I know I’m going to keep talking to you so I’ll see you in a couple days when you come around to be in my office love you coach thank you coach for the cookies and beef jery for the thank you coach for everything you done thank you coach aaer for always being there for us and helping us when we need it thank you coach aaer for always encouraging us thank you coach shaer for the journey it was fun thank you coach schaer for your commitment to the team thank you coach schaer for encouraging me to get a haircraft sh we did it well you did many years ago you you started off as a as a educator trying to be just a coach but I think over the years you’ve been able to to influence so many different um staff members adults kids parents throughout the year you’ve really turned in from um just a coach to be a true Mentor for everybody that’s that’s come into contact with you I truly appreciate everything that you’ve done here um truly are going to me this thank you thank you let’s give it up one more time for Coach [Applause] Schaefer coach you will be missed next up are standout athlete Awards these certificates will be awarded to one ath from each sport selected for their outstanding performance and character when your name is called please use the stairs to your right to enter and exit to your left we also like to recognize those who can’t be here tonight and when your name gets called please stay on the stage now presenting our fall certificates Autumn young good evening I’m honored to announce to you our stand out ath athletes for the 2023 2024 fall season first off for boy swim we have Russell [Applause] Adams Russell has swim on Varsity for two years has tremendous work ethic and his positive attitude that helped him earn the title as captain for the boys team now for girls swim we have Katie Lawrence [Applause] Katie has SW in Varsity for two years she is a strong leadership skills was a captain and even went to State for the 100 breast stroke now for boys golf we have Jackson Drake Jackson L the team with an average home score of 39 for each match this year now for girls golf we have Lissa Taylor Lissa served as the number one golfer throughout the whole season as the only senior on the team she her teammates by example now for boys cross country we have Gabriel Cummings gave us a highly focused dedicated athlete who is beyond his years in his approach to running now for girls cross country we have Emma donaho [Applause] Emma is a talented athlete that will Blossom even more as a college athlete now for girls volleball we have Audrey Cox Audrey has elevated the program every year with her Relentless work ethic Integrity supportive nature and positive influence now for cheer we have Ian Hill [Applause] Ian came to bua as a senior not knowing a single soul and swiftly stood out with his Charming personality never skipping a beat and last but not least we have football Nash Moore Nash showed his leadership as a team captain and quarterback to help the team advance to the first round of the state playoffs let’s give a round of applause to all of our fall athletes [Applause] thank you Autumn we would like to take a minute to recognize our grounds crew for all their hard work on keeping our school grounds and Fields looking great this year thank you for all your hard work [Applause] now for our winter sports presenting our certificates is Katie [Applause] Cerna good evening everyone I’m pleased to present to you the athletes that are being recognized for outstanding performance in the 2023 2024 winter season starting off with our winner Sports first up we have boys soccer the winner is Jackson Festa Jackson excels on and off the field with his positive attitude leadership skills and adapting to multiple positions now for girls soccer we have Aaliyah Santa [Applause] Maria as a senior alyah showed great leadership as a captain and helped lead her team to the first round of the state tournament now we have boys wrestling Nathaniel Engel [Applause] Nate has wrestled all four years and was a leader on to his team and had multiple State appearances now for girls wrestling we have Taylor Gorder Taylor was a team manager this year but not only was she the manager but a very dedicated organized and always willing to go to Every tournament to lend a hand now for boys basketball the winner is Jamon Booker Jamon LED his team in scoring and loved to sore through the air and show off his dunking skills and last but not least for girls basketball the winner is Grace [Applause] homman Grace has been a four-year Varsity athlete that has grown into a leader on the court she even broke the school record for steals per game this year congratulations to all of our winner Sports recipients [Applause] thank you Katie we like to take this moment to thank two exceptional people who assisted the athletic department this year Nils thank you for making sure the facilities were always ready before and after events Miss Cindy Lewis thank you for assisting in all the transactions to make all of our athletic events possible now last but not least least presenting our spring Sports we have Kylie [Applause] Holston good evening I’m honored to have been given the opportunity to present the standout athletes for the 2023 2024 season starting off our spring Sports we have baseball the winner is Austin [Applause] kushman Austin has thrived DED and led the team in almost every stat this baseball season getting first team All Region and offensive region player of the year now for softball Katie Cerna Katie’s hardworking pass and passionate and dedication and continues to have a positive attitude on and off the field now for boys track the winner is Sean Bookman [Applause] Sean’s a hardworking young man who’s always willing to help out his teammates and gives his all at everything he does now for girls track we have Kaylee Marquez Kaylee’s a senior who shows up every day with a positive attitude works hard and never gives up now for boys volleyball the winner is Cade spillsbury who’s not here tonight Kate is extremely thoughtful selfless and is always willing to go above what is expected to support his team and coaches now for boys tennis the winner is Jimmy [Applause] Rice Jimmy’s a great student athlete and qualified for state playoffs with his team as a doubles player and was voted region player of the year and last but not least for girls tennis the winner is Natalie rice Natalie excels in academic athletic and Fine Arts talents blend with her character and positive attitude that make her a buy Ault role model for students athletes and staff let’s give it up one more time for all of our [Applause] winners thank you and congratulations [Applause] thank you Kylie now we would like to recognize a standout team as well this team was recognized as region champs for the first time in school history and also qualified for the state playoffs as a team additionally two two of the players made it to the quarterfinals for their event with that being said congratulations to our boys tennis team [Applause] please come to the stage congratulations let’s give it up for boys tennis [Applause] let’s give it up one more time for all of our standout athlete [Applause] winners before we begin presenting our indidual individual and team Awards we would like to take a moment to recognize some important people in the audience tonight superintendent Dr Eric Holmes governing board president yoland bout governing board vice president Holly Sheriff board members kale k kabu Donald Lee and Kimberly Robinson assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction Terry Romo Chief human resource officer Bonnie Gomez Chief Financial Officer Kenneth McGovern director of exceptional student services Heather Rada and public information officer Valerie [Applause] Weller now we will would like to begin presenting our individual and team Awards just a quick reminder please enter the stage on your right after receiving your award please exit behind stage to your left for a quick photo for team Awards we ask that the whole team and coaches come up to the stage first off presenting our highest team GPA award ciley Kerr [Applause] among the many accomplishments being presented this evening one team has especially excelled in what it truly means to be a student athlete they have given their absolute best on the course while also excelling in the classroom each individual maintained above a 3.6 their teams accumulative GPA throughout their season was a 4.15 I’m honored to present the highest team GPA award to girls go [Applause] let’s give it up for girls [Applause] golf here at Buena High School we put an emphasis on the importance of academics before Athletics the class of 2024’s valoran and Salud atoran are both athletes for valoran we have soccer player Kevin Tran and for salutatorian we have cross country Runner and tennis player Ryan [Applause] Wild next up we would like to present our fan of the Year Award presented by VJ carrier good afternoon guys um the nominee these are Mr Flynn coach Kio and miss espis our fan of the Year award is a caring educator who always looks out for his students and cheers them on in their after school activities here’s there for them making sure they feel supported and encouraged to follow their interests throughout life the winner for your fan of the Year award is Mr Flynn congratulations Mr [Applause] FN thank you VJ now we would like to present our volunteer of the Year Award presented by Charlie Ray Price uh good evening guys um the oh hi all right uh the nominees are Coach P Sandy Williams and Ryan hymore um our volunteer of the year uh always volunteered years round serving as positive role model for both students and colleagues all while maintaining high standards in his professional career he uh his dedication was outstanding balancing his commitment towards mentoring young athletes and using his own career Pursuit uh inspiring others to strive for excellence both on and off the field uh personally this man was amazing to me um ever since I’ve been playing football for bua and he’s just a really good guy so the winner is coach bout [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] thank you Charlie next up we have our team sportsmanship award presenting this award Riley hymore good evening our team sportsmanship award goes to a team that defines the true Spirit of sportsmanship through highs and lows one team has consistently exemplified the highest standards a fair play respect and good sportsmanship this team excelled academically and had an AIA sportsmanship rating of 4.94 the winning team is Sor The Varsity softball [Applause] team e [Applause] congratulations to [Applause] softball if you didn’t know bua currently offers 19 Sports however in the fall we will be introducing girls flag football we will be one of the very few schools in Southern Arizona to offer this this sport next up presenting our male Rookie of the Year award we have Paige Goodman the nominees are David Clawson and Cole Isaacson the male rookie of the year is a star freshman that made this varsity team and was one of the five players that played in all 28 games of the Season he was consistent he was a consistent contributor providing a reliable bat in the lineup and an outstanding glove in the outfit field he thrived on and off the field helping lead his team to a state playin game this year the winner is Cole isacson [Applause] congratulations Cole thank you Paige up next we have our female Rookie of the Year Award presented by Armani Ramirez [Applause] spurley hello all and thank you for coming out tonight the nominees for the female rookie of the year is LTE colon Kristen Harris and Haley Larsson the female rookie of the year is a freshman athlete that has shown exceptional capabilities in their sport their first year on varsity they made second team All Region and tied for second place with goals per season and the winner is Kristen Harris [Applause] congratulations to Kristen Harris we would like to take a minute to rec I our sponsors who have all made this event possible Len in spillsbury for Edward Jones Sonic Drive-In rainy pain and performance Wicked limits Culver’s coachi College Fen Family Dental Apex Physical Therapy and ginger Auto additionally we would like to thank those who donated an order to make this event possible the W chukin Sunrise Rotary and the Education Foundation of sista Inc thank you [Applause] now we would like to announce our fall athlete of the Year being presented by Roman rendazo good evening the nominees are Nick Heiser Lindsey geel and Nash Moore our fall athlete of the year is an athlete that stood out for their exceptional hard work dedication and focus this individual isual is the most focused athlete that their coach has seen in 40 Years of coaching this athlete is not only excelled as a member of their team contributing to Fourth Place finish but also finishing as an individual and state runner up the winner for fall half of the year is Nick [Applause] Heiser congratulations thank you Roman up next we have our winter athlete of the Year being presented by Katie CNA the nominees are Paige Goodman Zephaniah Jeff and Asia General our winter athlete of the year is an athlete that excelled through throughout their four years here at Buena this athlete is a Powerhouse both on and off the mat thir with three out of four years placing in state placing third this year balancing their passion for wrestling with their academic Excellence they’re enrolled in dual credits demonstrating their commitment to both Sports and their education is that that is is that that that weren’t enough they’re involved in the sports med program here at bua as an intern showcasing their dedication and work work ethic the winner is Asia General [Applause] congratulations a Asia Next we would like to present our spring athlete of the Year presented by Charlie price presented by Autumn Young the nominees are ariela anaman Austin kushman and Jimmy Rice our spring athlete of the year is a driven standout sensation whose talent and Leadership shine brightly both on and off the field with a batting average of 478 this athlete dominates the game with skill and precision earning a well-deserved spot on the first team All Region beyond their impressive stats this athlete is the epitome of a team player selflessly putting their team success above all else named region Player of the Year their dedication and drive set them apart as a true force in the sport off the field this student athlete is equally impressive actively involved in several clubs while maintaining a Relentless work ethic their passion for excellence and uning commitment makes them an inspiration to all the winner is ariela anman congratulations thank you Autumn as we said at the beginning of the night this show has been entirely put on by our student leadership athletic committee slack is associated with the Arizona inter inter Scholastic Association however Buena is currently the only school to offer slack as a program in coachi County up next we have Kylie Holston presenting our multiport athlete of the Year hello again the nominees are cile Kerr Trenton Williams Paige Goodman Simon Peter Johnson and Gabe cumins our multiport athlete of the year is an athlete that has defined limits excelling not in just one but in multiple Sports such as volleyball soccer ER and track with unmatched Proficiency in their athleticism while they thrive in track and volleyball it’s on the soccer field where they truly Dazzle as a sophomore they’ve wasted no time making their Mark earning the prestigious title of First Team all region leading their team with 12 goals and six assists this season they exemplified both skills and selflessness consistently putting their team success above all else in addition they helped their team make it to the first round of state playoffs off the field the student athlete is known for their work as iic and positive attitude serving as a Shining Light and inspiration to their teammates with her unwavering dedication and exceptional Talent their destined for greatness in whatever athletic Endeavor they pursue the winner is Paige [Applause] Goodman now presenting our coach of the year Aubrey Travis thank you Kylie the nominees are coach Reed Miller coach Bristo and coach Williams in just two years at our school this coach has revolutionized their Sports programs leading with passion and expertise under their guidance our team soar to new heights clenching the title of region Champions their strategic coaching didn’t stop there this coach cultivated their the talent of the players to remarkable levels resulting in the region player and doubles Player of the Year from three victories last year to an impressive eight this year this coach orchestrated a remarkable turnaround propelling our team to the eighth R eighth ranked team in the state their impact goes beyond wins and losses they instilled a sense of Pride and determination in our athletes setting the stage for continued success in the future the winner is coach Reed Miller [Applause] congratulations to coach Reed Miller now next up we have Riley presenting our team of the Year [Applause] award for Team of the Year we are celebrating the Triumph of four remarkably young athletes who conquered a first first place finish at the 4×4 relay team at the division 2 state meet marking a historic victory for our school their dedication and hard work propel them to not only Victory but also to make a commendable fifth place finish at the AIA division championship state meet this past weekend together they formed an Unstoppable team pushing each other to break personal team records and even breaking the school’s record with a time of 3 minutes 18.19 seconds their journey is a testament to the power of teamwork perseverance and unwavering determination inspiring us all to reach for New Heights the award goes to our 4×4 track Relay Team of the Year D’Angelo hawthor armanii Ramirez sple Jaden Thomas and VJ [Applause] carrier congratulations to our 4×4 Relay Team D’Angelo Armani jayen and [Applause] BJ thank you Riley presenting our last award of the night we have ariela [Applause] anaman for our final award we would like to present the Colt of the Year award the nominees are shade Smith ciley Kerr and Nick Kaiser our goal of the year is a true embodiment of athleticism dedication and Excellence as a three sport athlete they’ve showcased their remarkable talents across volleyball soccer and track their achievements speak volumes earning First Team all region in volleyball second Team all region in soccer and not only qualifying but excelling indivisuals and the state championship in track and field it’s in track where this athlete has truly left their mark shattering personal records and school records in the javelin multiple times yet this athlete remains grounded maintaining High grades and displaying impeccable character both on and off the field their unw unwavering dedication to their craft coupled with their outstanding talents and exemplary character makes the student athlete a true role model and standout in every sense of the word this award goes to ciley [Applause] Kerr take a picture congratulations [Applause] kamile thank you to our principal Miss Young Vice principls Miss McDaniel Mr Cox and M Mr Deuce vice principal and athletic director Mr coven and our assistant athletic director Mrs Miller we would like to recognize our stock members who made this event possible Paige [Applause] Goodman BJ [Applause] carrier Armani Ramirez spurley Autumn young Kylie [Applause] Holston Riley [Applause] haymore Roman rendazo Katy Cerna [Applause] ciley [Applause] Kerr Charlie Ray [Applause] Price and Aubrey [Applause] Travis additionally Kate spillsbury who is not in attendance tonight due to attending the international science and engineering Fair a big thank you to ariela anman congratulations to all of the incredible athletes here at Buena we are so proud of you thank you for attending the first annual colies awards ceremony have a great night [Applause] he

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