Golf Babe

MASTER Playthrough, Hole 1-9 – Southern Safari Tournament! *Golf Clash Guide*

Hey guys and gals,

H1: 01:04
H2: 03:13
H3: 05:54
H4: 07:31
H5: 10:10
H6: 11:25
H7: 14:00
H8: 15:29
H9: 16:44

This is Hole 1-9 for Master Division and various winds – Southern Safari Tournament!

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Hello everybody welcome to this playthrough for master the vision with various wind here in golf Clash the game before we have a closer look at all the content in this video make sure that you do hit the Thumbs Up Button also subscribe to the channel and turn on the notifications that helps the channel immensely for those of you that do want to take the next step in your game and improve it even more you can scan the QR code here on the screen or use the link that is in the description down below called clashy We There have checkpoint challenge tour play and tournament guides for everyone so make sure to check it out and sign up and improve your game today you can start as low as $3 per 30 days info box on the right hand side to get the club distance adjustment elevation adjustment also what ball and Club type I suggest you to play with have in mind that those are all suggestions and you don’t have to follow it if you don’t want to but there’s always a plan behind it so let’s go to hold number one on the drive on hold number one here we’re starting with the rock at plus 16 you can also start with a P3 ball to find MAX Line yellow ring by the rough line swap to a Pock and Thorn or Falcon B here you can make a decision either you keep the P3 uh win for four or wind five ball or you swap to a P4 wind four uh ball uh the reason I’m swapping to a P4 ball is to give myself a complete slow needle regardless if I’m having a little bit of a crosswind uh or if I’m having just the normal Tailwind approximately 1.9 ball right Max plus 10 P4 is adjustment four Top Spin two right Spin and the ball did consistently roll down to approximately 380 yards max Op with completely slow Needle on the second shot you have to decide if you’re going to play with a falcon or with a Thorn The Thorn will allow you with a win four ball to always pull once whereof the Falcon is going to most likely have to pull twice especially in the mid and the higher winds with win four whereof the win five ball will obviously always be once this is in just in between the two zones that we’re going to have yes we are going to have wind angle tweak when we’re playing this type of shot this to be consistent and here we’re doing one click of left curl as it is just on the cusp but it’s either going to be no tweak or it’s going to be two clicks of left curl um as per this zones adjust is going to be 90% slider with a 15% elevation P3 numbers and that’s for thorn the difference with Thorn and Falcon is the following Falcon plays with still one Back Spin but the ball guideline just into the hole and it plays plus 10% elevation instead of the plus 15 have that in mind get our guide on Tommy on the drive on hole number two start with a P4 ball and stretch out to Max to find the ring position listed now this is a replay glitch therefore it doesn’t show the red ring by the rough line I will add a picture in telegram but we will also have uh correct landing position picture in the guide then adjust Max plus 10 P4 uh here you can decide to either stay with a P4 ball or swap to a P5 or even a P3 ball if you would so like obviously the P3 for the Precision push up five yards and now we’re looking at the transparent line to be just by the corner of uh the top row of the ball Edge or you know just inside it depends on what you feel comfortable by using as a reference just before Circle brake overpower the driver has been consistent to 380 I’ve been hitting a single grade right on purpose with a PO 8 and it was fine but for a Pok five and a Pok six you should expect yourself being the rough if you do hit a great right because of the uh lesser accuracy on the second second shot we are going to play with our Sniper I’m going to use all the Top Spin that we can now we’re looking to have the third bounds to be inside the hole this is to find the plus yardage that we are looking at you see here third bounds into hole and we have plus three then we’re backing up having the second bounce just by the edge of the rough line ball guideline through the hole adjust is going to be 70% slider and it’s going to be with a 20% elevation P3 numbers and we’re then going to add and subtract 0.1 for every two yards and we’re going to do that with the base of plus two and + one now last piece of the puzzle in this angle or this Zone we’re going to go go with circle break on the power whereof in the other Zone we’re going to do uh different bounce on the farway and you can see we land centered into the rough rolls down down comes in with a perfect speed dead center for a lovely Albatross tough part five and the Tailwind can fool us a little bit I’ve been trying a couple of sendit and you can’t really reach to that pad and even if you reach to that pad you’re not going to be close to be on the green anyway so a bit of a deceiving Tailwind so the layup is the way to go get our guide on Tommy on hole number three this is really good chance the landing spot I’m going to do the following 0.4 Top Spin and three right spin for those of you that do have a like a 0.5 grid Mark for the spins it’s going to be uh it’s going to be one click below that as Top Spin now I’m moving my ball guide line to be just where it shows like that so the ball guideline should trickle down onto the green if it doesn’t show that then you’re too far right so you’re moving to be just on the left of H showing that it’s not trickling down towards the green this is the Zone where we’re going to go one click of on the power so we’re going to use the sign that you do have there um and the sign there is going to be if you are inside the sign or right it’s going to be one click of on power like I’m doing here and if having left of that sign we’re going to do nothing Center the ball hit perfect uh adjustment is Max plus 15 P1 uh I’ve been hitting greates and has still been fine I’ve also tested to adjust a lot of range with a Tailwind angle to see what type of ball we can use for this play and we can use all the way up to a P4 ball with a wind five and a p three ball with a wind four uh so have that in mind as well starting with a three Sid spin ball is going to be super helpful to find the spin and aim Point aim Point as quickly as possible get our guide on /all of clash Tommy so hole number four here we’re going to have ascended I know there are a lot of people been waiting for ascended here in this Tailwind tournament now we are going to um have white ring by the rough line at Max P5 line playing with a P5 win zero Sid spin three or better you cannot play with a wind one ball which is a bur cirker just have said adjust Max plus 10 P4 and then we’re going to push up 18 yards if you cannot push up 18 yards you push up to Max in this angle which is the more crosswind angle we’re playing with seven Top Spin and three left spin Max overpower with one and a half ball of left curl triy to hit perfect I would favor a great left over a great right um but great left and great right and perfect has both has all three been fine bounce and it lands and when we do have the crosswind angle we are dependent on this nice little roll out there is a risk that you get stuck in the rough by the green but then it’s a super simple rough iron from there playing with a Precision P5 ball will obviously help you if you do get into the rough uh because unfortunately on a bumpy fireway like that it’s hard to control all the outcomes whereof I do believe that it’s going to be very solid to get to the green what needs to be said as well is that we’re using spin tweaks for wind angle this as the having less cross wi is obviously going to push the ball better and then we’re going to have to reduce Top Spin and everything like that will be listed in the guide get our get our guide on Tommy take your game to the next level with our ultimate tournament TT guides for the southern Safari tournament a full nine of the AAA Reserve where we only have Tail wins which is going to be awesome if we can have some real nice sended shot to get into the action and have an edge over your opponent playing free to-play or with paid balls or ax you decide Tommy you use the link that is in the description down below or you scan the QR code here on the screen we do have other premium guides as well such as checkpoint Challenge and also tour play especially with the new rotation here in tour play Come the season 74 we do have tour play guid for tour 7 up to tour 13 so again scan the QR code on the screen or use the link that is in the description down below call Clash Tomy and sign up today for Hall number five this is an extremely difficult part three to be consistently dropping I’m going to go win Max Back Spin and three backs spin boost rocket at Max P1 line B guideline to go over the left half of the cup with or like the yeah yeah left half of the cup uh adjust here is going to be Max minus 15% P1 number so here for 7.7 miles per hour I’m playing 4.9 range and this is going this is a wind angle that is in between red and yellow and I’m playing this one two clicks of right curl should in the end have been just one so again even though this is going to be what can I say this is an easy one to get a birdie first and foremost getting an hole in one is going to be tricky uh with a perfect B you will always be around the hole but I must say that getting an hole in one here consistently consistently should be considered a bit of a bonus get the guide on Clash Tomy YOLO we are going to send it start at Max P3 line we are playing with a spirit type of ball blue ring to be by the rough line there by the bush uh and then we’re adjusting one to one with a base of 17 so what do you do if you have less than 17 then you’re pushing up so you’re pushing against the wind direction that means that you’re always going to be at Max uh so have that in mind we’re going to go with VAR various curl depending on what type of wind angle we have that’s going to be our wind angle tweak to get the ball to be approximately here you can have the long roll out which we’re getting here which is to around 575 or we can get the shorter roll out which is to around 550 and the difference with those two is that the wedge plays different there because if we do have the shorter one uh then we can play the max Top Spin boost play if we do have the longer one we can play the maxtop spin boost play and we need to play no spin due to the fact that the green is very glitchy and it’s a spirit type of ball or this new ball um that we have as well the new ball is called uh season 54 ball so season 54 rud ball or a spirit ball on the wedge if we do have the long roll out then we’re going to play no Spin and once again as I said in the Dy video the reason we’re playing the no spin when we’re this close is due to the fact that the Green’s very glitchy from here and then and that’s why I just want to stay away from that ball guideline to go into the hole and we’re playing this one with a 15% elevation P3 numbers and it’s going to be approximately around 50% club from here obviously measure it is a lot of wind and we do not want to make a mistake even with a great ball obviously when it comes to this um slope it drops on the left side of cup which obviously makes sense for a great left uh but a perfect is obviously to be prefer check out the other wedge if you do have a shorter drive and then that’s going to be very can I say it’s going to be very good to have in mind that you can play the Top Spin boost version on that um on that way on hold number seven start with quarterback and sniper and a P3 ball at Min distance in the ring to be just by the edge of the rough line and then we’re swapping to a P0 Sid spin five wind three so make sure to have pinned a ball like that before one and a half Back Spin five left Spin and we’re trying to play into this big funnel that is from coming in from right to left adjust one to one plus one so 9.3 range for 8.3 M hour trying to pull slowly to ensure that I’m pulling in a straight line and in this angle or in this Zone I would have to say because we’re only going to have a Zone there two zones where one zone is going to be one click on the power and the other one is going to be nothing Center the ball one click of on the power in this Zone perfect ball it is and now we’re going to bounce into the rough and it rolls down into the funnel and write that PIN for a lovely hole in one here in hole number seven have in mind that this is option number one we will have one that is less aggressive but we do deem this one to be a really good chance if executed properly hence we are listing this one as option number one in our guide get our guide on Tommy on hole number eight we’re going to start with a poke and a Berserker Berserker is the only ball that is needed here we’re going to have the inner ring to the right by the rough line there in the center we can also use the half of the white ring outside the rough depending on what you feel the most comfortable with now Top Spin based of wind strength two Top Spin one left spin here when it comes to a low wind and we’re going to make an adjustment as Max plus 10 P5 and once we have adjusted we’re going to push up to Max always so the Top Spin is going to vary as we’re pushing to Max always once we have pushed to Max we’re just going to Center the ball and hit perfect and this ball should be on the green or around the green if it happens that you do clip the rough which can happen if you do hit a bad grade right then you have a short iron then you play rings from Min with your Thorn uh to allow yourself uh a solid opportunity there as well if you mess up the drive on hole number nine now we are going to go before spin and stretch out to Max uh and you can see here now that I start the wrong way and I get to rush the drive a little bit here but we do U want to um do no spin stretch out to Max second bounce to be by the rough line and once that is done we are applying all the Top Spin we can and one right spin when it comes to the right spin is going to vary slightly if you do have an upo six or then seven or eight we do not recommend to play with a Pok five with this option because you won’t reach the distance enough here I mean we don’t do not recommend to use a P3 ball with um a Pok five because you won’t reach to enough distance we are going to make an adjustment on the drive that’s going to be uh Max no elevation P3 numbers and then Max Op with a slightly slower needle obviously playing with a P4 or P5 ball is going to allow you to have a much slower needle and it will all also Safeguard you from the second shot to be too short because here I’m pushing a little bit personally because I want to play with a Precision but if you would be playing with um a P4 or P5 will you do have a lot of room to even go short which is something that is important to have in mind on the second shot we’re going to use two right spin always and we’re going to use the ring reference listed for the different AOK and the reason we’re using a PO is to make sure that we can play with a P3 ball and above uh because we’re going to be somewhere between plus 2 plus three up to max line I would say so two right spin no side Spin and we’re going to use the Yellow Rain by the rough line with ball guy line do the hole when it comes to our AO 8 when it comes to the adjustment here now we are going to play uh from plus 11 and plus 12 uh landing position we are going to play 100% slider no elevation P4 numbers and then we’re adding or subtracting 0.1 for every two yards so here I’m deducting point1 uh and uh playing in this instance at 7.3 Rings bounces into the rough and we are getting to drop dead center for a lovely Albatross here on hle number nine get our guide on Goomy thank you so much everybody for watching this playthrough for master division with various wind make sure to scan the QR code here on the screen and go directly to call me that is uh via the link in the description down below this for our premium guides we offer premium guides for all the game modes in golf Clash thank you once again for watching I wish you the best of luck in your golf Clash game

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