With the recent Rocket Mortgage Classic in mind, the guys get heated over the hype surrounding Rickie Fowler and his win. What can we glean from Fowler’s victory at the Detroit Golf Club?

Read Carlos’ most recent work here (https://www.freep.com/staff/2683994001/carlos-monarrez/) .

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Hey folks welcome to Free Press sports with Carlos and Sean Carlos it’s uh it’s been a minute man it’s good to it’s good to be back here in this space with you how have you been it is I’ve been good Sean I’ve been I’ve been really busy

Working um I’m not sure where you’ve been but can’t on vacation yeah uh it must be nice Sean Sean Sean’s got I think you’ve got what what are you up to eight or nine weeks of vacation now this isn’t Europe man I wish that would be

Great that would be that would be uh suggestive of a totally different kind of H Society you know what I mean that uh absolutely value I wish we had European vacations that that values things in a different way no we we’ve been uh we’ve missed a couple of weeks

In the last few weeks and um you know you you had some time off I had some time off you uh you came back last week and went to the rocket mortgage and wrote a couple columns one of which I know you want to talk about which leads to me to

My look this column is a great way to introduce this other topic because I think they duv tail and that is I get asked from time to time if we actually like each other and of course I always say the same thing yes we we you know

Damn near love each other and have for a long time but I can understand why people some people might think that because you know the nature of what we do we’re trying to rib each other maybe sometimes the tone Gets Lost in Translation but uh in any case I I don’t

Know that you get asked that I’m curious if you do I I don’t get asked that um and I don’t know is this social media or is this in person where people you know in person people in person generally yeah in person okay yeah I don’t I don’t ever get asked that

Um so I’m I’m a little surprised but like I think I think when you when you have a debate style show right on first take or anything like that uh bis and and uh you know Stephen A and you know whatever you want um it always there’s

Going to be some contentious moments and all that and do you like you wonder do these people like each other do they hate each other well it’s really hard to work together especially for an extended period of time and not like each other so um I don’t know if it’s um but I’ll

Tell you this it’s not a shtick I mean we we we debate even more you know vigorously you know off camera and off the off audio don’t you think oh sometimes we do and then sometimes we have you know very uh heartfelt conversations right so you just it just

Yeah it just it just really depends on what’s Happening so this this first subject and we’re going to talk about the mortgage Golf and we we can we can mention free agency toward the end of this we got a fairly quick show today guys because and gal sorry we uh we need

To get cars to a baseball game and um it’s where it’s where he does some of his best work not that he doesn’t know about other sports I’m not saying that I’m not saying that but uh but the but the man loves baseball uh I think he likes baseball other than Dodgers that’s

Not clear but we’ll we’ll figure that out but anyway yeah I know so all right you wrote a you and I’m really interested in this and this is gonna this is a good test for me uh Carlos if I may say so because we’re about to talk about a

Column that I had very uh pretty clear ideas about and it speaks to sometimes I think why people wonder if we get along because we although we see the world very similarly and we uh you know we’ve developed a nice Bond over the last 20 years we see Sports journalism often

Very very differently and that’s a very specific thing and um in any case so I I’ll let you set this up and and how this came about but you wrote a comum about Ricky F Fowler trying to sort of uh what you basically said you don’t get

Why people like him so much why he draws such big Galleries and that sort of thing and I’m sure he got a lot of response what what was the Genesis of that the Genesis was that uh what I what I compared it to is he was getting Tiger

Woods like crowds and I think I think the one time you went to The Bu open you probably did follow Tiger Wood Sean so you know what I’m talking about is he was it was like Elvis you know out there and and just massive crowds you know 10

Deep you know halfway down the Fairway and that’s what that’s what we saw with Ricky you know know was uh and it’s been like that for a while like he’s been popular on the PJ tour he’s been on the tour for 10 years or so at this point um

But it was just this overwhelming and he’s been at the at the rocket mortgage all five years that has been played um he has only he’s never finished in the top 10 so um and he’s a good player but not a great player he just won a sixth

PJ tour title and he’s never won a major he obviously came close a couple weeks ago at uh US Open but I’ve just never quite understood it because you know and that was a lot of the stuff people were texting or email not texting but emailing me tweeting me like what don’t

You get you’re a jerk blah blah blah he’s a nice guy there’s a lot of nice guys on the PJ tour there’s a lot of guys who are colorful and actually he’s not colorful he’s boring he’s a boring talker he’s he does pretty much what most other golfers do they sign

Autographs they they smile they they wear cool clothes whatever is um he was when he first broke out he was different because he wore these really colorful outfits uh his he’s famous of wearing like these neon orange Sunday clothes in honor of Oklahoma State where he went he

Had long hair he looked like a surfer looked a lot more like Leonardo DiCaprio at the time but it’s just I just don’t understand the the in the overwhelming love that this guy gets um I I I don’t have anything against him you know I I I

Think he’s a good player I don’t think he’s a great player um I just don’t know I mean I just I can’t I can’t put my finger on it and nobody else could either by the way nobody else uh could me even as all the criticism I got

Nobody gave me an answer of well this is why or it’s just like he’s a nice guy and he signs autographs yeah so to a lot of people so I just don’t get it um uh it was not a criticism of him he was having a very fine tournament through

Three rounds looked like he he had a he had the one shot lead going into the final round so he was playing very well and he’s a rocket mortgage Ambassador and all that stuff and it’s good for the tournament it’s good for a tournament to have a popular Champion win so you know

No no hate on rookie but I just wondered what is it about it and I I never got an answer Sean well okay so now you’re gonna pack it you’re gonna tell me you’re gonna give me the rock solid answer reason why I I me like love no it’s just of course I

Have ideas about why pe’s popular but but let’s let’s take a a step or two or 10 away from that and and here’s the thing this is why I think sometimes I get asked about this show and us and so forth and and you and I do discuss a lot

About this this business we’re in off uh camera away from the microphone for sure and they’re they’re uh you know very respectful conversations I think if anything we probably um get a little bit more heated in this space than we do when we’re talking this regularly but uh you know maybe that’s

Just the show business I don’t know maybe we think we’re supposed to do that who knows in any case so to me I understand right about Ricky Fowler he’s the most popular player at the at the rocket mortgage obviously and that was your your thing I mean that was that

Good that there’s news value in that it makes sense you know golf’s not as popular as it used to be so just from a journalism standpoint absolutely not only that he was leading the tournament so that all makes sense to me and this is the difference sometimes in the two

Of us and how we look at this I want exactly the opposite of what you wrote about I want you to tell me why you think he’s popular I want you to figure it out and think about it and go through your mind and all your experience on the

Golf course and Sports in general and fandom and throw out some theories as to why this guy’s got the crowds that he does to me that was what was interesting right I wanted your expertise as a golf person as a sports person as a lifelong sports

Fan as a I mean a fan yourself before you had to you know do it for a living not had to but and so to so that’s the that’s the difference in us right and and I think and I’m not going to get upset I’m upset about I mean I don’t

Want people right we just we just look at it differently now having said that real quickly he he looked here’s the thing you you answered your own question a little bit yes the outfits had a lot to do with it a lot the hair abs and he’s good-looking don’t ever

Underestimate that right human beings are just drawn to what to to I mean they just are to people that stand out and so that’s part of it you add that to you say he’s a good player not a great player but here’s the thing this and to

Me this is the key with Ricky Fowler he looked like he might be a great player he did he he flirted with how many top 10 did he have in a major you know the first five six years of his career seven years of care whatever a fair amount he

Looked like and he and in the shot making we saw from him from time to time combined with how close he was getting then adding into the the the charm of the color you know the colors in his clothes and the hair and the way he kind

Of the way he kind of carried himself you you say he’s boring but that’s that’s talking in an interview afterwards that’s when he opens his mouth people don’t care about that so much they’re reacting to the presence and the Persona you know from TD green

But he didn’t get there right so he has his following because he’s colorful and he’s different and he’s clearly talented and he looks like wow this guy me one this guy might be one of the greats and then he doesn’t get there and for whatever reason and golf sometimes we

See this in in other sports too when somebody gets close and they look like they might have something special but then it’s not quite there I think a lot of people have a soft spot for that so when he’s you you know what I mean

You watch if he ever does win a major people will go crazy on the course right um yeah I mean the the story of Ricky Fowler is really the story of unfulfilled potential you know um and it’s been a really long time since he broke out and was a kid and he

Looked like you know possibly the next big thing you know and it just it it just hasn’t happened and I understand people liking him there there’s a lot of golfers people like you know for sure but to get you know the Adoration that he gets that’s what I don’t I just don’t

Understand that I just don’t I don’t get that level of love for Ricky um and it’s not like he it’s not like he isn’t you know finishing in the money it’s not like he’s missing every cut I mean he’s he makes cuts and he I mean I think he’s just on course

Earnings alone like 43 million you know in his career plus you’re talking and he’s a popular spokesperson too he’s always had decent endorsement deals so um it’s not like the guy is losing his card and fighting his way back through Q School to get on the tour and all this stuff I

Mean you know he’s a good golfer um you know but if he doesn’t win a major he will be an insignificant forgotten player in golf like he just five six wins now you know nothing I don’t believe he’s had one like Elite win um I can’t remember maybe the maybe the Ws

Fargo something like that but nothing nothing like the PLAYERS Championship or something like that um you know even the memorial I don’t you know he hasn’t won these like long-standing like quasi Majors that everybody plays so that’s that’s what I don’t get it’s just the level of love for this guy um

And that it’s endured you know and and credit to him and his marketing team or whatever it is uh you know he’s he’s kept his image clean he’s he’s not never said the wrong thing likable on the tours got a really good reputation um but I just I don’t know I mean there’s

Just athletes like that once in a while who pop up who people really love and it’s hard to to pinpoint like what is it um but I will say the thing I like about Ricky winning is you know because he’s so popular that’s really good for a tournament like the rocket mortgage

Because the rocket mortgage is just never going to get these Elite Fields that’s never get going to get the Rory and the Tigers and those kind of guys and it was a great tournament um it was it was it was close it was tight throughout anybody could have won that

Tournament at the end and it was a dramatic I mean I I don’t think I’ve seen I haven’t covered as dramatic of a win in a long time in a golf tournament um I mean like tiger and ‘ 08 I was at that US Open and

Tor but um and even that one had to go to a playoff the next day 18 holes um but this one this was so cool the way he won it with birdies on backto back holes you know one to get in the playoff and

One to win it and from the junk and it was it was cool and I was happy I was happy for Ricky to win it you know as a human Sean I know you know I’m human sometimes as a human you know the the the empathy I felt as a fellow golfer

Too it all came together for him he won it but also I was happy for the crowd because the crowd you know whether I understand it or not the crowd want was behind him and they wanted him wanted to see him win um you know and he had he

Had a really worthy opponent in that playoff and Colin marawa Adam hanin’s a pretty good player too but but marawa is a two-time major champ um I thought this was all going to be I mean marawa had a great round and thought oh he’s going to

Win here in the playoff for sure Rick is going to be a hard luck loser and all this stuff um but it was cool it was really cool to see that standing on the 18th green watching them and the explosion of the crowd so uh congrats to

Him um it and this will only this especially in Detroit it would only increase the love that the fans have him it be cool to see him back I just don’t think it’s that complicated on some level you you you you answered your own questions again getting back to this

Idea and I also think that readers and what we do in particular expect us to step out of our own like it’s funny the the Taylor Swift phenomenon the the place her cultural relevancy and where she is and how popular she is and she was just in Detroit and sold out

Fortfield a couple times and all the fans that come and dress like her that’s a much bigger scale than Ricky Fowler but it’s a similar idea I am not particularly a fan of TW Taylor Swiss music right her just the the music itself the the the musicality whatever

It doesn’t doesn’t relate to my ears however I understand why she’s popular and I and I have a lot of respect for how she does her her business I mean from what I know just from the public so I I that’s how I try to do it okay maybe

I don’t like that personally it’s not that I dislike her music it’s just it’s not my favorite music but but I I I think her place in our culture is is important and is cool in a lot of ways and I love this sort of it reminds me a

Little bit when I was young and Madonna came up you know you can say what you want about her voice and her music and but she was her own sort of unique entity and I think Taylor S similar in that way and I just think that’s cool

And and Ricky Fowler again is nowhere near that level right and culturally but but you know my I hate to bring my boys in it but they’ve loved him from the start because he was fun to your point he was fun and colorful and really

Talented and he wasn’t fun no he was he colorful he was he was different you’re think he looked like a kid to kids it’s not just that he had the longer hair so he was different and fun you’re thinking about what being how was he fun what’s fun about having orange clothes and

Having long hair or what just it wasn’t just orange it was yellow no it’s not yellow pink whatever it’s not just an image the idea what you decide you show up in a press boox and you wear uh a little bit more formal clothes than any

Other sports Rider in Detroit and you do that for a reason that is that is not uh a meaningless decision that you make in the morning on a game day for the Lions or whatever press marks you’re going to there’s a reason you do it and so so to

Dismiss there of course there is so to dis Smiths you make a conscious choice about what to put on and what that’s how that’s going to reflect to the world that’s not meaningless it’s it’s not and so do you of course I do of course I do

It’s called clo we we all but but we don’t all wear the same we’re not in one big giant Catholic School all wearing the same uniform we have indivi there we make choices those are real choices they those colors that doesn’t make us interesting doesn’t make readable or

Successful you’re you’re again this is why this is why readers get frustrated with you sometimes it’s not fun and interesting aren’t necessarily the same things it the colors are fun his talent was fun you’re to thinking about what he is he gonna say is he witty is he

Interesting does he speak on world affairs is he self-reflective whatever that has nothing to do with any of it nothing tell me one tell me tell me your favorite Rook you f or shot in his golf career tell me your I can’t tell you that about any other golf tell me your

Favorite tiger or Phil favorite shot no there are a couple flop shot flop shots from Phil for sure you can’t his game is his game is not memorable he doesn’t have a memorable game he’s he’s an excellent golfer he’s a very good PGA tour pro he’s not an elite pro he

Doesn’t have a you’re talking about that right now though his game isn’t interesting but it was it was interesting enough to get him in the top 10 of major after major after major and that also made him interesting for a lot of fans who really wanted him to win and

He couldn’t do it so not getting there was similar with Dustin Johnson although he didn’t have he had a different kind of Swag obviously that dude could hit a 400 yard for sure but that yeah know he hit it further but Fowler has a certain kind of control

He’s a great iron player all that sort of stuff and and and golf fans enjoy that they could see the talent it didn’t materialize and so that makes him interesting now in a different way when he wasn’t when he was younger but it’s not that it’s not that complicated it’s

Like pton Manning was super popular and and couldn’t win the big one right but people could see the talent and the way manag it just it’s just different I you know how do you explain jokovic who’s arguably the best ten player ever is nowhere near as popular

As Federer or an adult right not that I want to turn this into a tennis podcast but you know what I mean well I don’t know about that I mean because he’s you know you have your social Channel social media and all that and mikkelson that’s one of the reasons

Mikkelson’s always been popular is he’s very outspoken he’s colorful he’s very interesting on Twitter um you know Fowler is not I mean there’s like he is he is the the equivalent the human equivalent of vanilla um I just that’s what’s perplexing to me um I don’t have anything against them you don’t most

Golfers are boring actually so I’m not it’s nothing unique really in that sport yeah but but Michael I just don’t understand the love that goes along with it yeah it’s just because he he was a really really good is a good player he looked like he might be a great player

And he was different that’s really all it is it’s not that complicated guess it’s the close oh what hey Andre Agy to go back to tennis Andre Agy right images everything back in the day those commercials yeah no right he no for sure now he backed it but like Fowler ausy

Had a lot of talent but you you I would probably argue Agy had more Talent relative to tennis and Fowler does the golf but that’s oh but but that’s neither here or there they they both have talent and um and that and that’s the thing but it’s just yeah he’s fun he

Was different and that that always happens and you’ve seen you’ve seen that any anytime anybody looks a little bit plus it’s a very conservative sport of course he was going to be popular with those colors it wasn’t just the orange it was the yellow the yellow is what I

Remember or the lime green didn’t he pink it wasn’t but it wasn’t a royal covered it it wasn’t a royal blue it wasn’t a dark you know it was a it was a not a Cobalt I’m trying to think what kind of blue it was but it was they were

They were Pacific teal yeah I mean he he well don’t forget hey a long time ago you know I mean Jack Nicholas would wear yellow and then tiger would wear you know uh red on Sundays and so it’s not like nobody’s ever woring color before on the tour but I I understand what

You’re saying when he came out I remember the first thing when he came out he was like and I you noticed him you noticed him right you noticed him I noticed him I know he’d had a good career at Oklahoma State I don’t remember if he won the usam or an NC

Title or whatever but he he came out with a really good reputation as a great college player and he was very different that way he looked very different um but I remember very quickly like thinking like his quotes aren’t very interesting and he’s not demonstrative he doesn’t the

Tiger fist pumps he doesn’t have that on the court like I just couldn’t figure it out right away I’m like well maybe it’ll happen maybe and he was a very good player and had a lot of Promise um but there was nothing about his game that I was drawn to um so

I’ve always I guess been a little bit uh perplexed by this but uh you know hey I it’s I I don’t hold it against anybody you can root for who you want to root for if you love Ricky you love Ricky and uh more power to you but PE people don’t

Put as much and this is the thing this is what I would ask and this is our sometimes when we talk about what what are we doing as journalists thinking about it from others perspective right I mean I understand our role as a colist to give

An opinion but that opinion is not in a vacuum it it it it comes from living in you know on a planet with eight other billion people and we’re we’re all connected to some degree and uh in one way or the other and that’s that’s where

We’re writing from so the the truth is for a lot of people they don’t care what comes out of the mouth like like we might because we’re we more worried about a story or a narrative or you know in the days of social media you don’t think people care about what comes out

Of somebody’s mouth not not in terms of uh whether they’re popular or not yeah if they say the wrong thing but that’s not the point I’m talking about do they need to be interesting verbally right to be to be interesting or compelling and he I don’t know if he’s interesting or

Not but he’s compelling and that’s really all that matters there are plenty of athlet I mean what did Michael Jordan ever say until he got much much older right nothing no I’m not again comparing Fowler to to yeah that’s it’s different but but amazing but he he said nothing

Tiger said nothing exactly his Jordan’s most famous quote was Republicans by to shoes too he didn’t want to offend he didn’t want to offend anybody he he he made it a point to be vanilla but obviously he was like we’ never unlike anything we’ ever seen before I’m not

Saying fowers that but in a way and when he came along in golf and this is a post tiger kind of you know fall um he stood out and people were looking for anything uh golf fans I think and they they gravitated towards him and he has not

LED he’s not lived up to that promise he showed early I mean you know I don’t think do you Fowler yeah unfulfilled potential I think is what you said and he went four years without a win and obviously you know was was playing okay in spots and had some

Decent finishes and playing well actually coming into the he shot a 60 the week before Traveler so um that’s what’s always been perplexing about it is you always just see his name hovering near the top of the leaderboard and um not there yeah that makes it interesting though right unfulfilled potential is in

And of itself often compelling right and the people love the Redemption story too so well that too that too no question they’ll be rooting for him hard at the British Open uh you can bet at the US Open next year he’ll be a big storyline for sure close okay

So now now I think we’re good now you can go back and take another swing at it and Rite it again I think I think and I’d be interested to see now now because you kind of answered your own questions so you know I’m kidding all right man uh

Look we’re gonna have to we’re gonna have to pun on free agency um with the Pistons and the wings the wings are still yeah maybe that’s okay the wings and the Pistons punted a fre agency so well exactly and that’s what we’re going to talk about the we we’ll do that next

Week the wings still have some room to make a move we’ll see if they do iserman in his press conference a couple days ago said that it’s still a possibility they can go get a Frontline score I don’t know that they will who knows but

Uh but uh in any case we’ll we’ll get through a lot of that next week right because if we wait too much longer man we’re going to be talking about football for months right so we need to be able to get get this uh get this other stuff

In so next week barring something right who knows may maybe another Ricky F column we’ll get we’ll get into free agent let’s let’s take a quick break and come back and wrap this show up with our favorite Welcome back to Free Press sports all right Carlos we got a short show we promised a short show we’re going to stick to our word for for once and uh after all that s lady talk about Ricky Fowler Let’s uh let’s let’s hear what your favorite thing

Was my favorite thing and I I hope this isn’t does not come off as some kind of weird like humble BR or whatever it is but I just found out a couple of days ago on Facebook um that one of my cousins the really the

The son of one of my cousins who I grew up with um her one of her sons just committed to UCLA to play basketball and I knew that she she has two sons and they’re both really good athletes her older son has just finished I think he played division 1A or division 2

Football um and theyve always been very into Athletics and her younger son Eric freeny um was a very good basketball player and she you know post updates about him playing in travel ball and AA and all that stuff and uh you know but when she posted he’s just I think he was

The first uh person to commit to their class this year um oh he’s a shooting guard I was just thunder struck I was like this is our family has not had any kind of athletic we’re not the winers we are not this athletically we’re not we not family what’s his what’s his name

What’s his name Eric freeny is his name he a shooting guard like six4 shooting guard what side of the family my dad’s side of the family um but I but I I I will say I mean um his father was I think a college football

Player himself and uh I have not met his father um but so it’s not your dad’s brother my dad’s brother’s uh uh daughter okay so yeah it’s from my dad’s side of the family um but uh but regardless I was just really I was really taking back that I mean you as

You know I mean UCLA is college basketball royalty and especially in La um you know they’re a huge deal so I was really impressed really happy for Eric um to get that but it was just kind of weird like you know um that we have some

Kind of loose associ it’s the first time I’ve ever had any kind of loose Association to like Elite athleticism you know so that it was really cool that’s really cool man congratulations I I do have a quick question I don’t want to step into it this could be a whole podcast but so

Your dad’s brother’s daughter it’s it’s her son yes so and and what’s the Heritage there I have I have a reason for asking this what’s the Heritage there the Heritage yeah because your father’s Mexican American my dad’s Mexican he grew up in Mexico oh sorry sorry sorry and so did

His brother okay so the daughter obviously has that Heritage I just the reason I’m asking all this is because they just sent a player to the pros haime wz oh Jack I’m Miss I’m butchering his name I’m sorry and I just wondered if there’s any sense of uh

Community Pride that kind of thing that that maybe maybe that had nothing to do with anything but he he a great he’s a he’s been their best player for the last few years and I’m not sure what his Heritage is but I just that made me wonder I just thought that would be

Really cool if uh if he’s inspired in any way you know I don’t think so I don’t think there’s a connection to that um but he’s just uh he’s he’s just a I mean I’ve seen video of him I don’t if it’s huddle video whatever it is in the

Past like yeah he’s but you know I I can’t judge a high school player like they just all look good to me but it was like Wow and he got I mean obviously had offers like all over the place from really good schools um but it’ll be cool

I’d love to go out and see him play it poly Pavilion actually kind of is terrible for fans they don’t show up for some reason well you better go you better go see him play you should be able to come see him play in an Harbor to be honest whenever he’ll play

Whenever I can see him I will I or he’s Lancing I would imagine UCLA will over the next couple of years unless he’s a one andone you’ll probably get a chance to see him play here yeah it’d be awesome I’d love it you know you can get

On the family list how cool would that be you can come out and write a column about how uh every shot he missed was because of uh you know his uh his older cousin Carlos’s bad je blame it on me no no no that would be that would be super

Cool well that that’s awesome man congrats that’s really cool all right I’m GNA keep mine really quick my my favorite thing was was July fourth i i i for some reason work a lot of them and um I didn’t I was able to take it off to

The point where it felt like a weekend on a Tuesday and then the day we’re recording which is Wednesday felt like a Monday so that’s when you know you’re out of it enough that yeah you actually it was it was just a quick break it’s

Funny because I just had a week off and then you get this next day off and you’re think well Su but it it was uh yeah it actually felt like a true true day off and uh and a fourth and that was kind of cool and I haven’t experienced

That in a while so that was it that’s it well I I worked as you know Sean I actually worked last week and only four days but uh then I was off on Monday and Tuesday and and to me those felt like Saturday and Sunday I kept thinking on

The fourth I kept thinking it was Sunday I’m like oh it was quiet for sign I you know what I I expected to find the paper out on the porch on the Sunday paper on the fork yeah I know but it’s nice though when you’re off in in a situation like

That to the point where it disorients you about the day of the week that means that that that that’s a good sign right that you’re you’re doing it right that you’re actually kind of out of it a little bit in a good in a good way which

Which we need and like you said youd worked a huge long week four days long and uh and so you really you really plus you wrote every day which is you know that’s saying something yeah Tony Garcia by the way he came out for one of the days to help

Cover the tournament and he’s like what are you writing and I told him I was writing whatever the column was he’s like is that it you’re just writing one column he like yeah he like well he goes okay don’t don’t don’t tie yourself out too much yeah yeah Tony by the way Tony

Garcia if you did not see it please go back and read his story on um Canada Day from I think it was on Friday no Saturday Friday and sat he wrot he was there Friday he wrote for Saturday I believe it was um but he wrote he

Tracked down some Canadians and uh it was it was one of my favorite things he’s written so it was really fun really good time with that call with that feature well that sounds fun well I enjoyed your coverage from the Rocket City uh classic it’s the classic right

Rocket City oh Rocket City that’s hunel that’s why I worked for sorry rocket morgage rocket City’s huntville Alabama and and you’re explaining golf to me okay that’s where my boys were yeah just because I get the sponsorship wrong I actually pay attention to the people playing the game in any case I enjoyed

Your coverage three out of the four days it was great oh thank you that’s a good hey that’s 750 I’m add 750 I take that in fact uh you wrote a pre pre- colum I texted you about it was really fun you know I remember oh thank you yeah but uh

In any case I’m just kidding about the three or four days it was all good and uh we’ll be back next week right Carlos who do we need to thank because we got to get you out of here you got to get the baseball we got to we got to think I

Kind of sort of want to thank our producer Robin Chan but this is a really short show so he’s kind of stealing money from the company because it’s not going to be hard work for him although we did have some technical difficulties so so uh kudos to Robin thank you and executive

Editors uh executive producers I’m sorry kland Crawford and on Jan algado and the person who pays for the show and probably pays your salary but on mine um pre press editor Nicole Avery Nichols and but Sean who do we have to thank mostly you I mean not you Carlos

Although I thank you every day but uh yeah you’re the listener and we’re uh we’re glad you spent a little time with us you can obviously find us wherever you find your favorite podcast Spotify Apple rate subscribe let us know what you think we’d be grateful until then

Carlos uh when we are back next week with more Free Press sports with Carlos and Sean what do we say goodbye thank you we love you z a Zay oh I like that there you go there you go brought of procket city and the Germans and that so

Well oh look at you you you know a little bit of History oh I watched October Sky you you know a little bit of History see I always thought your calling was anywhere but Sports I mean the fact that you know the Germans are in hun Alabama tells me you’re in the

Wrong you’re in the wrong side of the paper and hockey big hockey area too uh yeah they like to fight I us yeah God they that level of hockey man it’s nothing but fist bites all right we got to wrap this up let’s uh let’s get out

Of here we’ll be back next week with more Free Press sports with Carl San Oh

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